In [178]:
import sys
sys.path.append("..") # Adds higher directory to python modules path.
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
This problem originated from a blog post I wrote for DataCamp on graph optimization here. The algorithm I sketched out there for solving the Chinese Problem on the Sleeping Giant state park trail network has since been formalized into the postman_problems python library. I've also added the Rural Postman solver that is implemented here.
So the three main enhancements in this post from the original DataCamp article and my second iteration published here updating to networkx 2.0 are:
This code, notebook and data for this post can be found in the postman_problems_examples repo.
The motivation and background around this problem is written up more thoroughly in the previous posts and postman_problems.
In [83]:
import mplleaflet
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import Counter
# can be found in
from osm2nx import read_osm, haversine
from graph import contract_edges, create_rpp_edgelist
from postman_problems.tests.utils import create_mock_csv_from_dataframe
from postman_problems.solver import rpp, cpp
from postman_problems.stats import calculate_postman_solution_stats
In [84]:
# load OSM to a directed NX
g_d = read_osm('sleepinggiant.osm')
# create an undirected graph
g = g_d.to_undirected()
In [85]:
g.add_edge('2318082790', '2318082832', id='white_horseshoe_fix_1')
In [86]:
for e in g.edges(data=True):
e[2]['distance'] = haversine(g.node[e[0]]['lon'],
In [87]:
g_t = g.copy()
for e in g.edges(data=True):
# remove non trails
name = e[2]['name'] if 'name' in e[2] else ''
if ('Trail' not in name.split()) or (name is None):
g_t.remove_edge(e[0], e[1])
# remove non Sleeping Giant trails
elif name in [
'Farmington Canal Linear Trail',
'Farmington Canal Heritage Trail',
'Montowese Trail',
'(white blazes)']:
g_t.remove_edge(e[0], e[1])
# cleaning up nodes left without edges
for n in nx.isolates(g_t.copy()):
In [88]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(1,8))
pos = {k: (g_t.node[k]['lon'], g_t.node[k]['lat']) for k in g_t.nodes()}
nx.draw_networkx_edges(g_t, pos, width=2.5, edge_color='black', alpha=0.7)
mplleaflet.save_html(fig, 'maps/sleepinggiant_trails_only.html')
In order to run the RPP algorithm from postman_problems, the required edges of the graph must form a single connected component. We're almost there with the Sleeping Giant trail map as-is, so we'll just connect a few components manually.
Here's an example of a few floating components (southwest corner of park):
OpenStreetMap makes finding these edge (way) IDs simple. Once grabbing the ?
cursor, you can click on any edge to retrieve IDs and attributes.
In [89]:
edge_ids_to_add = [
edge_ids_to_remove = [
In [90]:
for e in g.edges(data=True):
way_id = e[2].get('id').split('-')[0]
if way_id in edge_ids_to_add:
g_t.add_edge(e[0], e[1], **e[2])
g_t.add_node(e[0], lat=g.node[e[0]]['lat'], lon=g.node[e[0]]['lon'])
g_t.add_node(e[1], lat=g.node[e[1]]['lat'], lon=g.node[e[1]]['lon'])
if way_id in edge_ids_to_remove:
if g_t.has_edge(e[0], e[1]):
g_t.remove_edge(e[0], e[1])
for n in nx.isolates(g_t.copy()):
Ensuring that we're left with one single connected component:
In [91]:
In [96]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(1,12))
# edges
pos = {k: (g_t.node[k].get('lon'), g_t.node[k].get('lat')) for k in g_t.nodes()}
nx.draw_networkx_edges(g_t, pos, width=3.0, edge_color='black', alpha=0.6)
# nodes (intersections and dead-ends)
pos_x = {k: (g_t.node[k]['lon'], g_t.node[k]['lat']) for k in g_t.nodes() if ( | (>2)}
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g_t, pos_x, nodelist=pos_x.keys(), node_size=35.0, node_color='red', alpha=0.9)
mplleaflet.save_html(fig, 'maps/trails_only_intersections.html')
In [98]:
name2color = {
'Green Trail': 'green',
'Quinnipiac Trail': 'blue',
'Tower Trail': 'black',
'Yellow Trail': 'yellow',
'Red Square Trail': 'red',
'White/Blue Trail Link': 'lightblue',
'Orange Trail': 'orange',
'Mount Carmel Avenue': 'black',
'Violet Trail': 'violet',
'blue Trail': 'blue',
'Red Triangle Trail': 'red',
'Blue Trail': 'blue',
'Blue/Violet Trail Link': 'purple',
'Red Circle Trail': 'red',
'White Trail': 'gray',
'Red Diamond Trail': 'red',
'Yellow/Green Trail Link': 'yellowgreen',
'Nature Trail': 'forestgreen',
'Red Hexagon Trail': 'red',
None: 'black'
In [103]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(1,10))
pos = {k: (g_t.node[k]['lon'], g_t.node[k]['lat']) for k in g_t.nodes()}
e_color = [name2color[e[2].get('name')] for e in g_t.edges(data=True)]
nx.draw_networkx_edges(g_t, pos, width=3.0, edge_color=e_color, alpha=0.5)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g_t, pos_x, nodelist=pos_x.keys(), node_size=30.0, node_color='black', alpha=0.9)
mplleaflet.save_html(fig, 'maps/trails_only_color.html', tiles='cartodb_positron')
This is strikingly close (within 0.25 miles) to what I calculated manually with some guess work from the SG trail map on the first pass at this problem here, before leveraging OSM.
In [ ]:
In [119]:
print('{:0.2f} miles of required trail.'.format(sum([e[2]['distance']/1609.34 for e in g_t.edges(data=True)])))
We could run the RPP algorithm on the graph as-is with >5000 edges. However, we can simplify computation by contracting edges into logical trail segments first. More details on the intuition and methodology in the 50 states post.
In [127]:
print('Number of edges in trail graph: {}'.format(len(g_t.edges())))
In [129]:
# intialize contracted graph
g_tc = nx.MultiGraph()
# add contracted edges to graph
for ce in contract_edges(g_t, 'distance'):
start_node, end_node, distance, path = ce
contracted_edge = {
'start_node': start_node,
'end_node': end_node,
'distance': distance,
'name': g[path[0]][path[1]].get('name'),
'required': 1,
'path': path
g_tc.add_edge(start_node, end_node, **contracted_edge)
g_tc.node[start_node]['lat'] = g.node[start_node]['lat']
g_tc.node[start_node]['lon'] = g.node[start_node]['lon']
g_tc.node[end_node]['lat'] = g.node[end_node]['lat']
g_tc.node[end_node]['lon'] = g.node[end_node]['lon']
Edge contraction reduces the number of edges fed to the RPP algorithm by a factor of ~40.
In [130]:
print('Number of edges in contracted trail graoh: {}'.format(len(g_tc.edges())))
In [142]:
# create list with edge attributes and "from" & "to" nodes
tmp = []
for e in g_tc.edges(data=True):
tmpi = e[2].copy() # so we don't mess w original graph
tmpi['start_node'] = e[0]
tmpi['end_node'] = e[1]
# create dataframe w node1 and node2 in order
eldf = pd.DataFrame(tmp)
eldf = eldf[['start_node', 'end_node'] + list(set(eldf.columns)-{'start_node', 'end_node'})]
# create edgelist mock CSV
elfn = create_mock_csv_from_dataframe(eldf)
In [143]:
circuit_cpp, gcpp = cpp(elfn, start_node='735393342')
In [176]:
cpp_stats = calculate_postman_solution_stats(circuit_cpp)
In [163]:
print('Miles in CPP solution: {:0.2f}'.format(cpp_stats['distance_walked']/1609.34))
In [152]:
dfrpp = create_rpp_edgelist(g_tc,
In [154]:
Counter( dfrpp['required'])
In [153]:
# create mockfilename
elfn = create_mock_csv_from_dataframe(dfrpp)
In [155]:
# solve
circuit_rpp, grpp = rpp(elfn, start_node='735393342')
In [160]:
rpp_stats = calculate_postman_solution_stats(circuit_rpp)
Leveraging the optional roads and trails, we're able to shave a about 3 miles off the CPP route. Total mileage checks in at 30.71, just under a 50K (30.1 miles).
In [179]:
print('Miles in RPP solution: {:0.2f}'.format(rpp_stats['distance_walked']/1609.34))
In [164]:
# hack to convert 'path' from str back to list. Caused by `create_mock_csv_from_dataframe`
for e in circuit_rpp:
if type(e[3]['path']) == str:
exec('e[3]["path"]=' + e[3]["path"])
In [165]:
g_tcg = g_tc.copy()
# calc shortest path between optional nodes and add to graph
for e in circuit_rpp:
granular_type = 'trail' if e[3]['required'] else 'optional'
# add granular optional edges to g_tcg
path = e[3]['path']
for pair in list(zip(path[:-1], path[1:])):
if (g_tcg.has_edge(pair[0], pair[1])) and (g_tcg[pair[0]][pair[1]][0].get('granular_type') == 'optional'):
g_tcg[pair[0]][pair[1]][0]['granular_type'] = 'trail'
g_tcg.add_edge(pair[0], pair[1], granular='True', granular_type=granular_type)
# add granular nodes from optional edge paths to g_tcg
for n in path:
g_tcg.add_node(n, lat=g.node[n]['lat'], lon=g.node[n]['lon'])
In [169]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(1,8))
pos = {k: (g_tcg.node[k].get('lon'), g_tcg.node[k].get('lat')) for k in g_tcg.nodes()}
el_opt = [e for e in g_tcg.edges(data=True) if e[2].get('granular_type') == 'optional']
nx.draw_networkx_edges(g_tcg, pos, edgelist=el_opt, width=6.0, edge_color='blue', alpha=1.0)
el_tr = [e for e in g_tcg.edges(data=True) if e[2].get('granular_type') == 'trail']
nx.draw_networkx_edges(g_tcg, pos, edgelist=el_tr, width=3.0, edge_color='black', alpha=0.8)
mplleaflet.save_html(fig, 'maps/rpp_solution_opt_edges.html', tiles='cartodb_positron')
In [171]:
## Create graph directly from rpp_circuit and original graph w lat/lon (g)
color_seq = [None, 'black', 'magenta', 'orange', 'yellow']
grppviz = nx.MultiGraph()
for e in circuit_rpp:
for n1, n2 in zip(e[3]['path'][:-1], e[3]['path'][1:]):
if grppviz.has_edge(n1, n2):
grppviz[n1][n2][0]['linewidth'] += 2
grppviz[n1][n2][0]['cnt'] += 1
grppviz.add_edge(n1, n2, linewidth=2.5)
grppviz[n1][n2][0]['color_st'] = 'black' if g_t.has_edge(n1, n2) else 'red'
grppviz[n1][n2][0]['cnt'] = 1
grppviz.add_node(n1, lat=g.node[n1]['lat'], lon=g.node[n1]['lon'])
grppviz.add_node(n2, lat=g.node[n2]['lat'], lon=g.node[n2]['lon'])
for e in grppviz.edges(data=True):
e[2]['color_cnt'] = color_seq[1] if 'cnt' not in e[2] else color_seq[e[2]['cnt'] ]
Edge walks per color:
black: 1
magenta: 2
In [172]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(1,10))
pos = {k: (grppviz.node[k]['lon'], grppviz.node[k]['lat']) for k in grppviz.nodes()}
e_width = [e[2]['linewidth'] for e in grppviz.edges(data=True)]
e_color = [e[2]['color_cnt'] for e in grppviz.edges(data=True)]
nx.draw_networkx_edges(grppviz, pos, width=e_width, edge_color=e_color, alpha=0.7)
mplleaflet.save_html(fig, 'maps/rpp_solution_edge_cnts.html', tiles='cartodb_positron')
In [314]:
geojson = {'features':[], 'type': 'FeatureCollection'}
time = 0
path = list(reversed(circuit_rpp[0][3]['path']))
for e in circuit_rpp:
if e[3]['path'][0] != path[-1]:
path = list(reversed(e[3]['path']))
path = e[3]['path']
for n in path:
time += 1
doc = {'type': 'Feature',
'properties': {
'latitude': g.node[n]['lat'],
'longitude': g.node[n]['lon'],
'time': time,
'id': e[3].get('id')
'type': 'Point',
'coordinates': [g.node[n]['lon'], g.node[n]['lat']]
In [289]:
with open('circuit_rpp.geojson','w') as f:
json.dump(geojson, f)