Marvin Maps

Marvin Maps is how you deal with the DAP MAPS FITS files easily. You can retrieve maps in several ways. Let's take a took.

From a Marvin Maps

Marvin Maps takes the same inputs as cube: filename, plateifu, or mangaid. It also accepts keywords bintype and template_kin. These uniquely define a DAP MAPS file. By default, Marvin will load a MAPS file of bintype=SPX and template_kin=GAU-MILESHC for MPL-5. For MPL-4, the defaults are bintype=NONE, and template_kin=MIUSCAT-THIN.

In [18]:
# import the maps
from import Maps

# Load a MPL-5 map
mapfile = '/Users/Brian/Work/Manga/analysis/v2_0_1/2.0.2/SPX-GAU-MILESHC/8485/1901/manga-8485-1901-MAPS-SPX-GAU-MILESHC.fits.gz'
# Let's get a default map of

maps = Maps(filename=mapfile)

<Marvin Maps (plateifu='8485-1901', mode='local', data_origin='file')>

Once you have a maps object, you can access the raw maps file and header and extensions via maps.header and Alternatively, you can access individual maps using the getMap method. getMap works by specifying a parameter and a channel. The parameter and channels names are equivalent to those found in the MAPS FITS extensions and headers, albeit lowercased.

In [48]:
# Let's grab the H-alpha flux emission line map
haflux = maps.getMap('emline_gflux', channel='ha_6564')

<Marvin Map (plateifu='8485-1901', property='emline_gflux', channel='ha_6564')>

We can easily plot the map using the internal plot function. Currently maps are plotted using some default Matplotlib color schemes and scaling.

In [49]:
# turn on interactive plotting
%matplotlib notebook

# let's plot it

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11750d450>

Try Yourself Now try grabbing and plotting the map for stellar velocity in the cell below.

In [ ]:

You can access the individual values, ivar, and mask for your map via the .value, .ivar, and .mask attributes. These are 2d-array numpy arrays.

In [50]:
haflux.value, haflux.mask

(array([[ nan,  nan,  nan, ...,  nan,  nan,  nan],
        [ nan,  nan,  nan, ...,  nan,  nan,  nan],
        [ nan,  nan,  nan, ...,  nan,  nan,  nan],
        [ nan,  nan,  nan, ...,  nan,  nan,  nan],
        [ nan,  nan,  nan, ...,  nan,  nan,  nan],
        [ nan,  nan,  nan, ...,  nan,  nan,  nan]]),
 array([[1073741843, 1073741843, 1073741843, ..., 1073741843, 1073741843,
        [1073741843, 1073741843, 1073741843, ..., 1073741843, 1073741843,
        [1073741843, 1073741843, 1073741843, ..., 1073741843, 1073741843,
        [1073741843, 1073741843, 1073741843, ..., 1073741843, 1073741843,
        [1073741843, 1073741843, 1073741843, ..., 1073741843, 1073741843,
        [1073741843, 1073741843, 1073741843, ..., 1073741843, 1073741843,
         1073741843]], dtype=int32))

Let's replot the Halpha flux map but exclude all regions that have a non-zero mask. We need the numpy Python package for this.

In [51]:
import numpy as np
# select the locations where the mask is non-zero
badvals = np.where(haflux.mask > 0)
# set those values to a numpy nan. 
haflux.value[badvals] = np.nan
# check the min and max
print('min', np.nanmin(haflux.value), 'max', np.nanmax(haflux.value))

('min', 0.037898785996023081, 'max', 31.475419531155001)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1138a84d0>

From the maps object, we can also easily plot the ratio between two maps, e.g. emission-line ratios, using the getMapRatio method. Map ratios are Map objects the same as any other, so you can access their array values or plot them

In [53]:
# Let's look at the NII-to-Halpha emission-line ratio map
niiha = maps.getMapRatio('emline_gflux', 'nii_6585', 'ha_6564')

<Marvin Map (plateifu='8485-1901', property='emline_gflux', channel='nii_6585/ha_6564')>
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1138a8310>

Try Yourself Modify the above to display the map for the emission-line ratio OIII/Hbeta

From a Marvin Cube

In [12]:
# import the Cube tool
from import Cube

# point to your file
filename ='/Users/Brian/Work/Manga/redux/v2_0_1/8485/stack/manga-8485-1901-LOGCUBE.fits.gz'

# get a cube
cube = Cube(filename=filename)

<Marvin Cube (plateifu='8485-1901', mode='local', data_origin='file')>

Once we have a cube, we can get its maps using the getMaps method. getMaps is just a wrapper to the Marvin Maps Tool. Once we have the maps, we can do all the same things as before.

In [13]:
maps = cube.getMaps()

<Marvin Maps (plateifu='8485-1901', mode='local', data_origin='db')>

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