Theory and Practice of Visualization Exercise 1


In [2]:
from IPython.display import Image

Graphical excellence and integrity

Find a data-focused visualization on one of the following websites that is a positive example of the principles that Tufte describes in The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.

Upload the image for the visualization to this directory and display the image inline in this notebook.

In [3]:
# The pictures weren't put in the original submission for some reason. Here is the first one


Describe in detail the ways in which the visualization exhibits graphical integrity and excellence:

On the subject of graphical excellence, this graph is a decent representation of it. The data seems to be fairly large and is presented straight forward with no need to do outside research. The subtle numbering on the axes entice me to read what the meat of the graph is portraying. Also, it has two data sets, allowing the reader to compare. On the graphical integrity, the graph doesn't infringe on many of the principles Tufte lists. The data is clearly labeled and easy to read.