In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
import xgboost as xgb
from scipy import sparse
from sklearn.feature_extraction import FeatureHasher
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix,csr_matrix,csc_matrix, hstack
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn import linear_model
import gc

In [2]:
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)

In [3]:


In [4]:

1.5_create_lag.ipynb              pivot_test.pickle
1_predata.ipynb                   pivot_train_with_nan.pickle
1_predata_whole.ipynb             preprocessed_products.csv
3_xgb_43fea.ipynb                 RF_model/
3_xgb.ipynb                       ruta_for_cliente_producto.csv
3_xgb_prediction.ipynb            stack_sub/
3_xgb_test.ipynb                  submission_10_new.csv
4_keras_nn.ipynb                  submission_11_new.csv
5_random_forest.ipynb             submission_44fea.csv
6_stack_model.ipynb               submission_all_train_10.csv
7_SGD_regressor.ipynb             submission_all_train_11.csv
8_svm_linearSVR.ipynb             submission_all_train_12.csv
9_private_board.ipynb             submission_all_train_13.csv
agencia_for_cliente_producto.csv  submission_all_train_14.csv
bst_1000_eta001_2.model           submission_all_train_2.csv
bst_1000_eta001.model             submission_all_train_3.csv
bst_1000_eta002.model             submission_all_train_4.csv
bst_1000.model                    submission_all_train_5.csv
bst_1200_eta0015.model            submission_all_train_6.csv
bst_1200_eta005.model             submission_all_train_7.csv
bst_1400_eta0015.model            submission_all_train_8.csv
bst_1400_eta002.model             submission_all_train_9.csv
bst_1800_eta0015.model            submission_all_train.csv
bst_200_eta005.model              submission_nn.csv
bst_400_eta002.model              submission_nn_xgb
bst_400_eta005.model              train_pivot_45678_to_9_whole_zero.csv
bst_551_eta02.model               train_pivot_56789_to_10_44fea.pickle
bst_600_eta001.model              train_pivot_56789_to_10_44fea_zero.pickle
bst_600_eta002.model              train_pivot_56789_to_10_new.pickle
bst_600_eta005.model              train_pivot_6789_to_11_new.pickle
bst_800_eta002.model              train_pivot_xgb_time1_44fea.csv
bst_use_all_train.model           train_pivot_xgb_time1_44fea_zero.csv
canal_for_cliente_producto.csv    train_pivot_xgb_time1.pickle
old_submission/                   train_pivot_xgb_time2_38fea.csv

In [3]:
dtypes = {'Semana' : 'int32',
          'Agencia_ID' :'int32',
          'Canal_ID' : 'int32',
          'Ruta_SAK' : 'int32',
          'Cliente-ID' : 'int32',
          'Venta_uni_hoy': 'int32',

In [4]:
train_dataset = pd.read_csv('origin/train.csv',
                            usecols =['Semana','Agencia_ID','Canal_ID','Ruta_SAK','Cliente_ID','Producto_ID','Demanda_uni_equil'],
                            dtype  = dtypes)
train_dataset['log_demand'] = train_dataset['Demanda_uni_equil'].apply(np.log1p)
train_dataset.drop(['Demanda_uni_equil'],axis = 1,inplace = True)

Semana Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK Cliente_ID Producto_ID log_demand
0 3 1110 7 3301 15766 1212 1.386294
1 3 1110 7 3301 15766 1216 1.609438
2 3 1110 7 3301 15766 1238 1.609438
3 3 1110 7 3301 15766 1240 1.609438
4 3 1110 7 3301 15766 1242 1.386294

In [8]:
pivot_train = pd.read_pickle('pivot_train_with_nan.pickle')
pivot_train = pivot_train.rename(columns={3: 'Sem3', 4: 'Sem4',5: 'Sem5', 6: 'Sem6',7: 'Sem7', 8: 'Sem8',9: 'Sem9'})

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK
0 26 1182 3.688879 NaN NaN NaN 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 2061 2 7212
1 26 4767 3.761200 NaN NaN NaN 3.761200 3.761200 NaN 2061 2 7212
2 26 30235 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.574711 2655 2 4189
3 26 30314 NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.891820 NaN NaN 2655 2 4189
4 26 31393 3.044522 2.833213 2.772589 2.772589 2.944439 3.135494 2.639057 2061 2 7212

In [9]:
pivot_train_zero = pivot_train.fillna(0)

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK
0 26 1182 3.688879 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2061 2 7212
1 26 4767 3.761200 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3.761200 3.761200 0.000000 2061 2 7212
2 26 30235 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4.574711 2655 2 4189
3 26 30314 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3.891820 0.000000 0.000000 2655 2 4189
4 26 31393 3.044522 2.833213 2.772589 2.772589 2.944439 3.135494 2.639057 2061 2 7212

In [5]:
pivot_test = pd.read_pickle('pivot_test.pickle')
pivot_test.rename(columns = {'Semana':'sem10_sem11'},inplace = True)

(6999251, 14)

In [6]:
pivot_test['Cliente_ID'] = pivot_test['Cliente_ID'].astype(np.int32)
pivot_test['Producto_ID'] = pivot_test['Producto_ID'].astype(np.int32)

In [7]:

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 id sem10_sem11 Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK
0 26 31518 NaN 2.397895 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1569352 10 2655 2 4189
1 26 34206 4.795791 4.406719 3.76120 4.248495 4.574711 4.499810 4.682131 1547831 11 2061 2 7212
2 26 34210 2.890372 3.761200 3.78419 3.496508 3.433987 3.688879 3.688879 6667200 10 2061 2 7212
3 26 34785 3.091042 NaN NaN 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 1592616 10 2061 2 7212
4 26 34785 3.091042 NaN NaN 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 6825659 11 2061 2 7212

In [27]:

array(['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID', 'Sem3', 'Sem4', 'Sem5', 'Sem6', 'Sem7',
       'Sem8', 'Sem9', 'id', 'sem10_sem11', 'Agencia_ID', 'Canal_ID',
       'Ruta_SAK'], dtype=object)

make the train_pivot, duplicate exist when index = ['Cliente','Producto']

for each cliente & producto, first find its most common Agencia_ID, Canal_ID, Ruta_SAK

In [29]:
agencia_for_cliente_producto = train_dataset[['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID'
                                                                        'Producto_ID']).agg(lambda x:x.value_counts().index[0]).reset_index()
canal_for_cliente_producto = train_dataset[['Cliente_ID',
                                                                        'Producto_ID']).agg(lambda x:x.value_counts().index[0]).reset_index()
ruta_for_cliente_producto = train_dataset[['Cliente_ID',
                                                                        'Producto_ID']).agg(lambda x:x.value_counts().index[0]).reset_index()

In [22]:


In [37]:

In [8]:
agencia_for_cliente_producto = pd.read_pickle('agencia_for_cliente_producto.csv')
canal_for_cliente_producto = pd.read_pickle('canal_for_cliente_producto.csv')
ruta_for_cliente_producto = pd.read_pickle('ruta_for_cliente_producto.csv')

In [6]:
# train_dataset['log_demand'] = train_dataset['Demanda_uni_equil'].apply(np.log1p)
pivot_train = pd.pivot_table(data= train_dataset[['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID','log_demand','Semana']],
                                        values='log_demand', index=['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID'],
                                        columns=['Semana'], aggfunc=np.mean,fill_value = 0).reset_index()

In [5]:

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK
0 26 1182 3.688879 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2061 2 7212
1 26 4767 3.761200 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3.761200 3.761200 0.000000 2061 2 7212
2 26 30235 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4.574711 2655 2 4189
3 26 30314 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3.891820 0.000000 0.000000 2655 2 4189
4 26 31393 3.044522 2.833213 2.772589 2.772589 2.944439 3.135494 2.639057 2061 2 7212

In [9]:
pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train, right = agencia_for_cliente_producto, how = 'inner', on = ['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID'])
pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train, right = canal_for_cliente_producto, how = 'inner', on = ['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID'])
pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train, right = ruta_for_cliente_producto, how = 'inner', on = ['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID'])

In [11]:

In [4]:
pivot_train = pd.read_pickle('pivot_train_with_zero.pickle')

In [15]:

In [3]:
pivot_train = pd.read_pickle('pivot_train_with_nan.pickle')

In [15]:
pivot_train = pivot_train.rename(columns={3: 'Sem3', 4: 'Sem4',5: 'Sem5', 6: 'Sem6',7: 'Sem7', 8: 'Sem8',9: 'Sem9'})

In [16]:

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK
0 26 1182 3.688879 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2061 2 7212
1 26 4767 3.761200 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3.761200 3.761200 0.000000 2061 2 7212
2 26 30235 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4.574711 2655 2 4189
3 26 30314 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3.891820 0.000000 0.000000 2655 2 4189
4 26 31393 3.044522 2.833213 2.772589 2.772589 2.944439 3.135494 2.639057 2061 2 7212

In [8]:

array(['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID', 'Sem3', 'Sem4', 'Sem5', 'Sem6', 'Sem7',
       'Sem8', 'Sem9', 'Agencia_ID', 'Canal_ID', 'Ruta_SAK'], dtype=object)

make pivot table of test

In [7]:
test_dataset = pd.read_csv('origin/test.csv')

id Semana Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK Cliente_ID Producto_ID
0 0 11 4037 1 2209 4639078 35305
1 1 11 2237 1 1226 4705135 1238
2 2 10 2045 1 2831 4549769 32940
3 3 11 1227 1 4448 4717855 43066
4 4 11 1219 1 1130 966351 1277

In [7]:
test_dataset[test_dataset['Semana'] == 10].shape

(3538385, 7)

In [8]:
test_dataset[test_dataset['Semana'] == 11].shape

(3460866, 7)

In [74]:
pivot_test = pd.merge(left=pivot_train, right = test_dataset[['id','Cliente_ID','Producto_ID','Semana']],
                      on =['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID'],how = 'inner' )

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK id Semana
0 26 31518 NaN 2.397895 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2655 2 4189 1569352 10
1 26 34206 4.795791 4.406719 3.76120 4.248495 4.574711 4.499810 4.682131 2061 2 7212 1547831 11
2 26 34210 2.890372 3.761200 3.78419 3.496508 3.433987 3.688879 3.688879 2061 2 7212 6667200 10
3 26 34785 3.091042 NaN NaN 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 2061 2 7212 1592616 10
4 26 34785 3.091042 NaN NaN 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 2061 2 7212 6825659 11

In [8]:
pivot_test_new = pd.merge(pivot_train[['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID', 'Sem3', 'Sem4', 'Sem5', 'Sem6', 'Sem7',
       'Sem8', 'Sem9']],right = test_dataset, on = ['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID'],how = 'right')

In [9]:

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 id Semana Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK
0 26.0 31518.0 NaN 2.397895 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1569352 10 2655 2 4189
1 26.0 34206.0 4.795791 4.406719 3.76120 4.248495 4.574711 4.499810 4.682131 1547831 11 2061 2 7212
2 26.0 34210.0 2.890372 3.761200 3.78419 3.496508 3.433987 3.688879 3.688879 6667200 10 2061 2 7212
3 26.0 34785.0 3.091042 NaN NaN 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 1592616 10 2061 2 7212
4 26.0 34785.0 3.091042 NaN NaN 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 6825659 11 2061 2 7212

In [10]:

In [75]:

In [4]:
pivot_test = pd.read_pickle('pivot_test.pickle')

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK id Semana
0 26 31518 NaN 2.397895 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2655 2 4189 1569352 10
1 26 34206 4.795791 4.406719 3.76120 4.248495 4.574711 4.499810 4.682131 2061 2 7212 1547831 11
2 26 34210 2.890372 3.761200 3.78419 3.496508 3.433987 3.688879 3.688879 2061 2 7212 6667200 10
3 26 34785 3.091042 NaN NaN 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 2061 2 7212 1592616 10
4 26 34785 3.091042 NaN NaN 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 2061 2 7212 6825659 11

groupby use Agencia_ID, Ruta_SAK, Cliente_ID, Producto_ID

In [52]:

Semana Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK Cliente_ID Producto_ID Demanda_uni_equil log_demand
0 3 1110 7 3301 15766 1212 3 1.386294
1 3 1110 7 3301 15766 1216 4 1.609438
2 3 1110 7 3301 15766 1238 4 1.609438
3 3 1110 7 3301 15766 1240 4 1.609438
4 3 1110 7 3301 15766 1242 3 1.386294

In [70]:
import itertools
col_list = ['Agencia_ID', 'Ruta_SAK', 'Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID']
all_combine = itertools.combinations(col_list,2)

In [71]:
list_2element_combine = [list(tuple) for tuple in all_combine]

In [75]:
col_1elm_2elm = col_list + list_2element_combine

 ['Agencia_ID', 'Ruta_SAK'],
 ['Agencia_ID', 'Cliente_ID'],
 ['Agencia_ID', 'Producto_ID'],
 ['Ruta_SAK', 'Cliente_ID'],
 ['Ruta_SAK', 'Producto_ID'],
 ['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID']]

In [79]:
train_dataset_test = train_dataset[train_dataset['Semana'] < 8].copy()

if predict week 8, use data from 3,4,5,6,7

if predict week 9, use data from 3,4,5,6,7

In [11]:
def categorical_useful(train_dataset,pivot_train):
#     if is_train:
#         train_dataset_test = train_dataset[train_dataset['Semana'] < 8].copy()
#     elif is_train == False:
    train_dataset_test = train_dataset.copy()
    log_demand_by_agen = train_dataset_test[['Agencia_ID','log_demand']].groupby('Agencia_ID').mean().reset_index()
    log_demand_by_ruta = train_dataset_test[['Ruta_SAK','log_demand']].groupby('Ruta_SAK').mean().reset_index()
    log_demand_by_cliente = train_dataset_test[['Cliente_ID','log_demand']].groupby('Cliente_ID').mean().reset_index()
    log_demand_by_producto = train_dataset_test[['Producto_ID','log_demand']].groupby('Producto_ID').mean().reset_index()
    log_demand_by_agen_ruta = train_dataset_test[['Agencia_ID', 'Ruta_SAK',
                                                  'log_demand']].groupby(['Agencia_ID', 'Ruta_SAK']).mean().reset_index()
    log_demand_by_agen_cliente = train_dataset_test[['Agencia_ID', 'Cliente_ID',
                                                     'log_demand']].groupby(['Agencia_ID', 'Cliente_ID']).mean().reset_index()
    log_demand_by_agen_producto = train_dataset_test[['Agencia_ID', 'Producto_ID',
                                                      'log_demand']].groupby(['Agencia_ID', 'Producto_ID']).mean().reset_index()
    log_demand_by_ruta_cliente = train_dataset_test[['Ruta_SAK', 'Cliente_ID',
                                                     'log_demand']].groupby(['Ruta_SAK', 'Cliente_ID']).mean().reset_index()
    log_demand_by_ruta_producto = train_dataset_test[['Ruta_SAK', 'Producto_ID',
                                                      'log_demand']].groupby(['Ruta_SAK', 'Producto_ID']).mean().reset_index()
    log_demand_by_cliente_producto = train_dataset_test[['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID',
                                                     'log_demand']].groupby(['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID']).mean().reset_index()
    log_demand_by_cliente_producto_agen = train_dataset_test[[
    log_sum_by_cliente = train_dataset_test[['Cliente_ID','log_demand']].groupby('Cliente_ID').sum().reset_index()
    ruta_freq_semana = train_dataset[['Semana','Ruta_SAK']].groupby(['Ruta_SAK']).count().reset_index()
    clien_freq_semana = train_dataset[['Semana','Cliente_ID']].groupby(['Cliente_ID']).count().reset_index()
    agen_freq_semana = train_dataset[['Semana','Agencia_ID']].groupby(['Agencia_ID']).count().reset_index()
    prod_freq_semana = train_dataset[['Semana','Producto_ID']].groupby(['Producto_ID']).count().reset_index()
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,right = ruta_freq_semana,
                           how = 'left', on = ['Ruta_SAK']).rename(columns={'Semana': 'ruta_freq'})
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,right = clien_freq_semana,
                           how = 'left', on = ['Cliente_ID']).rename(columns={'Semana': 'clien_freq'})
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,right = agen_freq_semana,
                           how = 'left', on = ['Agencia_ID']).rename(columns={'Semana': 'agen_freq'})
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,right = prod_freq_semana,
                           how = 'left', on = ['Producto_ID']).rename(columns={'Semana': 'prod_freq'})
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,
                           right = log_demand_by_agen,
                           how = 'left', on = ['Agencia_ID']).rename(columns={'log_demand': 'agen_for_log_de'})
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,
                           right = log_demand_by_ruta,
                           how = 'left', on = ['Ruta_SAK']).rename(columns={'log_demand': 'ruta_for_log_de'})
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,
                           right = log_demand_by_cliente,
                           how = 'left', on = ['Cliente_ID']).rename(columns={'log_demand': 'cliente_for_log_de'})
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,
                           right = log_demand_by_producto,
                           how = 'left', on = ['Producto_ID']).rename(columns={'log_demand': 'producto_for_log_de'})
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,
                           right = log_demand_by_agen_ruta,
                           how = 'left', on = ['Agencia_ID', 'Ruta_SAK']).rename(columns={'log_demand': 'agen_ruta_for_log_de'})
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,
                           right = log_demand_by_agen_cliente,
                           how = 'left', on = ['Agencia_ID', 'Cliente_ID']).rename(columns={'log_demand': 'agen_cliente_for_log_de'})
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,
                           right = log_demand_by_agen_producto,
                           how = 'left', on = ['Agencia_ID', 'Producto_ID']).rename(columns={'log_demand': 'agen_producto_for_log_de'})
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,
                           right = log_demand_by_ruta_cliente,
                           how = 'left', on = ['Ruta_SAK', 'Cliente_ID']).rename(columns={'log_demand': 'ruta_cliente_for_log_de'})
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,
                           right = log_demand_by_ruta_producto,
                           how = 'left', on = ['Ruta_SAK', 'Producto_ID']).rename(columns={'log_demand': 'ruta_producto_for_log_de'})
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,
                           right = log_demand_by_cliente_producto,
                           how = 'left', on = ['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID']).rename(columns={'log_demand': 'cliente_producto_for_log_de'})
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,
                           right = log_sum_by_cliente,
                           how = 'left', on = ['Cliente_ID']).rename(columns={'log_demand': 'cliente_for_log_sum'})
    pivot_train = pd.merge(left = pivot_train,
                       right = log_demand_by_cliente_producto_agen,
                       how = 'left', on = ['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID',
                                           'Agencia_ID']).rename(columns={'log_demand': 'cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum'})
    pivot_train['corr'] = pivot_train['producto_for_log_de'] * pivot_train['cliente_for_log_de'] / train_dataset_test['log_demand'].median()

    return pivot_train

In [12]:
def define_time_features(df, to_predict = 't_plus_1' , t_0 = 8):
    if(to_predict == 't_plus_1' ):
        df['t_min_1'] = df['Sem'+str(t_0-1)]
    if(to_predict == 't_plus_2' ):
        df['t_min_6'] = df['Sem'+str(t_0-6)]
    df['t_min_2'] = df['Sem'+str(t_0-2)]
    df['t_min_3'] = df['Sem'+str(t_0-3)]
    df['t_min_4'] = df['Sem'+str(t_0-4)]
    df['t_min_5'] = df['Sem'+str(t_0-5)]
    if(to_predict == 't_plus_1' ):
        df['t1_min_t2'] =  df['t_min_1'] - df['t_min_2']
        df['t1_min_t3'] =  df['t_min_1'] - df['t_min_3']
        df['t1_min_t4'] =  df['t_min_1'] - df['t_min_4']
        df['t1_min_t5'] =  df['t_min_1'] - df['t_min_5']
    if(to_predict == 't_plus_2' ):
        df['t2_min_t6'] =  df['t_min_2'] - df['t_min_6']
        df['t3_min_t6'] =  df['t_min_3'] - df['t_min_6']
        df['t4_min_t6'] =  df['t_min_4'] - df['t_min_6']
        df['t5_min_t6'] =  df['t_min_5'] - df['t_min_6']

    df['t2_min_t3'] =  df['t_min_2'] - df['t_min_3']
    df['t2_min_t4'] =  df['t_min_2'] - df['t_min_4']
    df['t2_min_t5'] =  df['t_min_2'] - df['t_min_5']

    df['t3_min_t4'] =  df['t_min_3'] - df['t_min_4']
    df['t3_min_t5'] =  df['t_min_3'] - df['t_min_5']

    df['t4_min_t5'] =  df['t_min_4'] - df['t_min_5']
    return df

In [13]:
def lin_regr(row, to_predict, t_0, semanas_numbers):
    row = row.copy()
    row.index = semanas_numbers
    row = row.dropna()
        X = np.ones(shape=(len(row), 2))
        X[:,1] = row.index
        y = row.values
        regr = linear_model.LinearRegression(), y)
        if(to_predict == 't_plus_1'):
            return regr.predict([[1,t_0+1]])[0]
        elif(to_predict == 't_plus_2'):
            return regr.predict([[1,t_0+2]])[0]
        return None

In [14]:
def lin_regr_features(pivot_df,to_predict, semanas_numbers,t_0):
    pivot_df = pivot_df.copy()
    semanas_names = ['Sem%i' %i for i in semanas_numbers]
    columns = ['Sem%i' %i for i in semanas_numbers]
    pivot_grouped = pivot_df[columns].groupby('Producto_ID').aggregate('mean')
    pivot_grouped['LR_prod'] = np.zeros(len(pivot_grouped))
    pivot_grouped['LR_prod'] = pivot_grouped[semanas_names].apply(lin_regr, axis = 1,
                                                                  to_predict = to_predict,
                                                                  t_0 = t_0, semanas_numbers = semanas_numbers )
    pivot_df = pd.merge(pivot_df, pivot_grouped[['LR_prod']], how='left', left_on = 'Producto_ID', right_index=True)
    pivot_df['LR_prod_corr'] = pivot_df['LR_prod'] * pivot_df['cliente_for_log_sum'] / 100
    return pivot_df

In [15]:
cliente_tabla = pd.read_csv('origin/cliente_tabla.csv')
town_state = pd.read_csv('origin/town_state.csv')

In [16]:
town_state['town_id'] = town_state['Town'].str.split()
town_state['town_id'] = town_state['Town'].str.split(expand = True)

In [17]:
def add_pro_info(dataset):
    train_basic_feature = dataset[['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID','Agencia_ID']].copy()
    train_basic_feature.drop_duplicates(inplace = True)

    cliente_per_town = pd.merge(train_basic_feature,cliente_tabla,on = 'Cliente_ID',how= 'inner' )
#     print cliente_per_town.shape
    cliente_per_town = pd.merge(cliente_per_town,town_state[['Agencia_ID','town_id']],on = 'Agencia_ID',how= 'inner' )

#     print cliente_per_town.shape

    cliente_per_town_count = cliente_per_town[['NombreCliente','town_id']].groupby('town_id').count().reset_index()
#     print cliente_per_town_count.head()

    cliente_per_town_count_final = pd.merge(cliente_per_town[['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID','town_id','Agencia_ID']],
                                            cliente_per_town_count,on = 'town_id',how = 'inner')

#     print cliente_per_town_count_final.head()
    cliente_per_town_count_final.drop_duplicates(inplace = True)
    dataset_final = pd.merge(dataset,cliente_per_town_count_final[['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID','NombreCliente','Agencia_ID']],
                             on = ['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID','Agencia_ID'],how = 'left')
    return dataset_final

In [18]:
pre_product = pd.read_csv('preprocessed_products.csv',index_col = 0)

pre_product['weight_per_piece'] = pd.to_numeric(pre_product['weight_per_piece'], errors='coerce')
pre_product['weight'] = pd.to_numeric(pre_product['weight'], errors='coerce')
pre_product['pieces'] = pd.to_numeric(pre_product['pieces'], errors='coerce')

In [19]:
def add_product(dataset):

    dataset = pd.merge(dataset,pre_product[['ID','weight','weight_per_piece','pieces']],
                                                             left_on = 'Producto_ID',right_on = 'ID',how = 'left')
    return dataset

data for predict week [34567----9], time plus 2 week

In [19]:
train_34567 = train_dataset.loc[train_dataset['Semana'].isin([3,4,5,6,7]), :].copy()
train_pivot_34567_to_9 = pivot_train_zero.loc[(pivot_train['Sem9'].notnull()),:].copy()

train_pivot_34567_to_9 = categorical_useful(train_34567,train_pivot_34567_to_9)

del train_34567

train_pivot_34567_to_9 = define_time_features(train_pivot_34567_to_9, to_predict = 't_plus_2' , t_0 = 9)
train_pivot_34567_to_9 = lin_regr_features(train_pivot_34567_to_9,to_predict ='t_plus_2',
                                           semanas_numbers = [3,4,5,6,7],t_0 = 9)

train_pivot_34567_to_9['target'] = train_pivot_34567_to_9['Sem9']
train_pivot_34567_to_9.drop(['Sem8','Sem9'],axis =1,inplace = True)

#add cum_sum
train_pivot_cum_sum = train_pivot_34567_to_9[['Sem3','Sem4','Sem5','Sem6','Sem7']].cumsum(axis = 1)

train_pivot_34567_to_9.drop(['Sem3','Sem4','Sem5','Sem6','Sem7'],axis =1,inplace = True)

train_pivot_34567_to_9 = pd.concat([train_pivot_34567_to_9,train_pivot_cum_sum],axis =1)

train_pivot_34567_to_9 = train_pivot_34567_to_9.rename(columns={'Sem3': 't_m_6_cum',
                                          'Sem4': 't_m_5_cum','Sem5': 't_m_4_cum',
                                                                'Sem6': 't_m_3_cum','Sem7': 't_m_2_cum'})
# add geo_info
train_pivot_34567_to_9 = add_pro_info(train_pivot_34567_to_9)

#add product info
train_pivot_34567_to_9 = add_product(train_pivot_34567_to_9)
train_pivot_34567_to_9.drop(['ID'],axis = 1,inplace = True)



Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK ruta_freq clien_freq agen_freq prod_freq agen_for_log_de ruta_for_log_de cliente_for_log_de producto_for_log_de agen_ruta_for_log_de agen_cliente_for_log_de agen_producto_for_log_de ruta_cliente_for_log_de ruta_producto_for_log_de cliente_producto_for_log_de cliente_for_log_sum cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum corr t_min_6 t_min_2 t_min_3 t_min_4 t_min_5 t2_min_t6 t3_min_t6 t4_min_t6 t5_min_t6 t2_min_t3 t2_min_t4 t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5 LR_prod LR_prod_corr target t_m_6_cum t_m_5_cum t_m_4_cum t_m_3_cum t_m_2_cum NombreCliente weight weight_per_piece pieces
0 26 30235 2655 2 4189 11.0 160.0 4017 2159.0 3.936934 3.095841 2.897803 3.106304 3.095841 3.015667 3.569138 3.095841 NaN NaN 463.648478 NaN 6.493178 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.730772 3.388213 4.574711 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 233 600.0 75.00 8.0
1 26 31393 2061 2 7212 548.0 160.0 12574 15736.0 3.489749 3.208232 2.897803 1.563950 2.877003 2.877003 3.333444 2.877003 3.013416 2.873470 463.648478 2.873470 3.269161 3.044522 2.944439 2.772589 2.772589 2.833213 -0.100083 -0.271934 -0.271934 -0.211309 0.171850 0.171850 0.111226 0.000000 -0.060625 -0.060625 1.208998 5.605499 2.639057 3.044522 5.877736 8.650325 11.422913 14.367352 18989 640.0 NaN NaN
2 26 32962 2061 2 7212 548.0 160.0 12574 7432.0 3.489749 3.208232 2.897803 2.637196 2.877003 2.877003 2.350336 2.877003 1.893925 1.386294 463.648478 1.386294 5.512592 1.386294 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -1.386294 -1.386294 -1.386294 -1.386294 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.917894 8.892288 2.397895 1.386294 1.386294 1.386294 1.386294 1.386294 18989 180.0 30.00 6.0
3 26 34204 2061 2 7212 548.0 160.0 12574 17261.0 3.489749 3.208232 2.897803 2.674463 2.877003 2.877003 3.848593 2.877003 3.819687 3.638221 463.648478 3.638221 5.590491 3.784190 3.610918 3.555348 3.806662 3.433987 -0.173272 -0.228842 0.022473 -0.350202 0.055570 -0.195745 0.176931 -0.251314 0.121361 0.372675 2.474379 11.472421 3.784190 3.784190 7.218177 11.024839 14.580187 18.191105 18989 450.0 56.25 8.0
4 26 34206 2061 2 7212 548.0 160.0 12574 87803.0 3.489749 3.208232 2.897803 1.730373 2.877003 2.877003 4.836591 2.877003 4.628871 4.357383 463.648478 4.357383 3.617039 4.795791 4.574711 4.248495 3.761200 4.406719 -0.221080 -0.547295 -1.034590 -0.389071 0.326216 0.813511 0.167992 0.487295 -0.158224 -0.645519 0.383450 1.777862 4.682131 4.795791 9.202510 12.963710 17.212205 21.786916 18989 340.0 42.50 8.0

In [40]:

array(['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID', 'Agencia_ID', 'Canal_ID', 'Ruta_SAK',
       'ruta_freq', 'clien_freq', 'agen_freq', 'prod_freq',
       'agen_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_de',
       'producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       'cliente_producto_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum',
       'cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum', 'corr', 't_min_6', 't_min_2',
       't_min_3', 't_min_4', 't_min_5', 't2_min_t6', 't3_min_t6',
       't4_min_t6', 't5_min_t6', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4', 't2_min_t5',
       't3_min_t4', 't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 'LR_prod', 'LR_prod_corr',
       'target', 't_m_6_cum', 't_m_5_cum', 't_m_4_cum', 't_m_3_cum',
       't_m_2_cum', 'NombreCliente', 'weight', 'weight_per_piece', 'pieces'], dtype=object)

In [23]:


In [21]:

In [22]:
train_pivot_34567_to_9 = pd.read_csv('train_pivot_34567_to_9.csv',index_col = 0)

test_for private data, week 11

In [28]:

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 id sem10_sem11 Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK
0 26 31518 NaN 2.397895 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1569352 10 2655 2 4189
1 26 34206 4.795791 4.406719 3.76120 4.248495 4.574711 4.499810 4.682131 1547831 11 2061 2 7212
2 26 34210 2.890372 3.761200 3.78419 3.496508 3.433987 3.688879 3.688879 6667200 10 2061 2 7212
3 26 34785 3.091042 NaN NaN 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 1592616 10 2061 2 7212
4 26 34785 3.091042 NaN NaN 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 6825659 11 2061 2 7212

In [29]:
pivot_test_week11 = pivot_test.loc[pivot_test['sem10_sem11'] == 11]
pivot_test_week11.reset_index(drop=True,inplace = True)
pivot_test_week11 = pivot_test_week11.fillna(0)

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 id sem10_sem11 Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK
0 26 34206 4.795791 4.406719 3.761200 4.248495 4.574711 4.499810 4.682131 1547831 11 2061 2 7212
1 26 34785 3.091042 0.000000 0.000000 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 6825659 11 2061 2 7212
2 26 35148 2.772589 2.772589 1.791759 2.772589 2.397895 3.044522 2.995732 5853787 11 2061 2 7212
3 26 43335 1.945910 1.386294 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.386294 2316053 11 2061 2 7212
4 26 43342 1.386294 2.197225 1.098612 0.000000 0.000000 1.791759 3.044522 900676 11 2061 2 7212

In [30]:

(3460866, 14)

In [31]:
train_56789 = train_dataset.loc[train_dataset['Semana'].isin([5,6,7,8,9]), :].copy()
train_pivot_56789_to_11 = pivot_test_week11.copy()

train_pivot_56789_to_11 = categorical_useful(train_56789,train_pivot_56789_to_11)

del train_56789

train_pivot_56789_to_11 = define_time_features(train_pivot_56789_to_11, to_predict = 't_plus_2' , t_0 = 11)

train_pivot_56789_to_11 = lin_regr_features(train_pivot_56789_to_11,to_predict ='t_plus_2' , 
                                            semanas_numbers = [5,6,7,8,9],t_0 = 9)

train_pivot_56789_to_11.drop(['Sem3','Sem4'],axis =1,inplace = True)

#add cum_sum
train_pivot_cum_sum = train_pivot_56789_to_11[['Sem5','Sem6','Sem7','Sem8','Sem9']].cumsum(axis = 1)

train_pivot_56789_to_11.drop(['Sem5','Sem6','Sem7','Sem8','Sem9'],axis =1,inplace = True)

train_pivot_56789_to_11 = pd.concat([train_pivot_56789_to_11,train_pivot_cum_sum],axis =1)

train_pivot_56789_to_11 = train_pivot_56789_to_11.rename(columns={'Sem5': 't_m_6_cum',
                                          'Sem6': 't_m_5_cum','Sem7': 't_m_4_cum',
                                                                  'Sem8': 't_m_3_cum','Sem9': 't_m_2_cum'})
# add product_info
train_pivot_56789_to_11 = add_pro_info(train_pivot_56789_to_11)

train_pivot_56789_to_11 = add_product(train_pivot_56789_to_11)

train_pivot_56789_to_11.drop(['ID'],axis =1,inplace = True)

for col in train_pivot_56789_to_11.columns.values:
    train_pivot_56789_to_11[col] = train_pivot_56789_to_11[col].astype(np.float32)


Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID id sem10_sem11 Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK ruta_freq clien_freq agen_freq prod_freq agen_for_log_de ruta_for_log_de cliente_for_log_de producto_for_log_de agen_ruta_for_log_de agen_cliente_for_log_de agen_producto_for_log_de ruta_cliente_for_log_de ruta_producto_for_log_de cliente_producto_for_log_de cliente_for_log_sum cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum corr t_min_6 t_min_2 t_min_3 t_min_4 t_min_5 t2_min_t6 t3_min_t6 t4_min_t6 t5_min_t6 t2_min_t3 t2_min_t4 t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5 LR_prod LR_prod_corr t_m_6_cum t_m_5_cum t_m_4_cum t_m_3_cum t_m_2_cum NombreCliente weight weight_per_piece pieces
0 26.0 34206.0 1547831.0 11.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 91578.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 1.724493 2.835826 2.835826 4.809507 2.835826 4.642291 4.353270 479.898621 4.353270 3.596229 3.761200 4.682131 4.499810 4.574711 4.248495 0.920931 0.738610 0.813511 0.487295 0.182322 0.107420 0.433636 -0.074901 0.251314 0.326216 1.536319 7.372772 3.761200 8.009695 12.584406 17.084215 21.766348 5954.0 340.0 42.500 8.0
1 26.0 34785.0 6825659.0 11.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 10780.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 3.987424 2.835826 2.835826 3.836502 2.835826 3.786542 2.987311 479.898621 2.987311 8.315309 0.000000 3.218876 2.564949 3.332205 2.833213 3.218876 2.564949 3.332205 2.833213 0.653926 -0.113329 0.385662 -0.767255 -0.268264 0.498991 3.918295 18.803841 0.000000 2.833213 6.165418 8.730368 11.949243 5954.0 480.0 NaN NaN
2 26.0 35148.0 5853787.0 11.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 11047.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 2.694399 2.835826 2.835826 3.035542 2.835826 2.942251 2.600500 479.898621 2.600500 5.618855 1.791759 2.995732 3.044523 2.397895 2.772589 1.203973 1.252763 0.606136 0.980829 -0.048790 0.597837 0.223144 0.646627 0.271934 -0.374693 2.439828 11.708699 1.791759 4.564348 6.962244 10.006766 13.002499 5954.0 567.0 NaN NaN
3 26.0 43335.0 2316053.0 11.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 4912.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 2.392465 2.835826 2.835826 2.128167 2.835826 1.912965 0.693147 479.898621 0.693147 4.989207 0.000000 1.386294 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.386294 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.386294 1.386294 1.386294 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.195412 10.535754 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.386294 5954.0 435.0 54.375 8.0
4 26.0 43342.0 900676.0 11.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 10614.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 2.745177 2.835826 2.835826 2.862706 2.835826 2.438047 1.978298 479.898621 1.978298 5.724748 1.098612 3.044523 1.791759 0.000000 0.000000 1.945910 0.693147 -1.098612 -1.098612 1.252763 3.044523 3.044523 1.791759 1.791759 0.000000 2.509016 12.040730 1.098612 1.098612 1.098612 2.890372 5.934894 5954.0 248.0 62.000 4.0

In [32]:

array(['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID', 'id', 'sem10_sem11', 'Agencia_ID',
       'Canal_ID', 'Ruta_SAK', 'ruta_freq', 'clien_freq', 'agen_freq',
       'prod_freq', 'agen_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de',
       'cliente_for_log_de', 'producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       'cliente_producto_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum',
       'cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum', 'corr', 't_min_6', 't_min_2',
       't_min_3', 't_min_4', 't_min_5', 't2_min_t6', 't3_min_t6',
       't4_min_t6', 't5_min_t6', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4', 't2_min_t5',
       't3_min_t4', 't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 'LR_prod', 'LR_prod_corr',
       't_m_6_cum', 't_m_5_cum', 't_m_4_cum', 't_m_3_cum', 't_m_2_cum',
       'NombreCliente', 'weight', 'weight_per_piece', 'pieces'], dtype=object)

In [33]:

(3460866, 50)

In [25]:
new_feature = ['id', 'ruta_freq', 'clien_freq', 'agen_freq',
       'prod_freq', 'agen_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de',
       'cliente_for_log_de', 'producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       'cliente_producto_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum',
       'cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum', 'corr', 't_min_6', 't_min_2',
       't_min_3', 't_min_4', 't_min_5', 't2_min_t6', 't3_min_t6',
       't4_min_t6', 't5_min_t6', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4', 't2_min_t5',
       't3_min_t4', 't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 'LR_prod', 'LR_prod_corr',
       't_m_6_cum', 't_m_5_cum', 't_m_4_cum', 't_m_3_cum', 't_m_2_cum',
       'NombreCliente', 'weight', 'weight_per_piece', 'pieces']

In [35]:


In [36]:
train_pivot_56789_to_11 = train_pivot_56789_to_11[new_feature]

Semana id ruta_freq clien_freq agen_freq prod_freq agen_for_log_de ruta_for_log_de cliente_for_log_de producto_for_log_de agen_ruta_for_log_de agen_cliente_for_log_de agen_producto_for_log_de ruta_cliente_for_log_de ruta_producto_for_log_de cliente_producto_for_log_de cliente_for_log_sum cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum corr t_min_6 t_min_2 t_min_3 t_min_4 t_min_5 t2_min_t6 t3_min_t6 t4_min_t6 t5_min_t6 t2_min_t3 t2_min_t4 t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5 LR_prod LR_prod_corr t_m_6_cum t_m_5_cum t_m_4_cum t_m_3_cum t_m_2_cum NombreCliente weight weight_per_piece pieces
0 1547831.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 91578.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 1.724493 2.835826 2.835826 4.809507 2.835826 4.642291 4.353270 479.898621 4.353270 3.596229 3.761200 4.682131 4.499810 4.574711 4.248495 0.920931 0.738610 0.813511 0.487295 0.182322 0.107420 0.433636 -0.074901 0.251314 0.326216 1.536319 7.372772 3.761200 8.009695 12.584406 17.084215 21.766348 5954.0 340.0 42.500 8.0
1 6825659.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 10780.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 3.987424 2.835826 2.835826 3.836502 2.835826 3.786542 2.987311 479.898621 2.987311 8.315309 0.000000 3.218876 2.564949 3.332205 2.833213 3.218876 2.564949 3.332205 2.833213 0.653926 -0.113329 0.385662 -0.767255 -0.268264 0.498991 3.918295 18.803841 0.000000 2.833213 6.165418 8.730368 11.949243 5954.0 480.0 NaN NaN
2 5853787.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 11047.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 2.694399 2.835826 2.835826 3.035542 2.835826 2.942251 2.600500 479.898621 2.600500 5.618855 1.791759 2.995732 3.044523 2.397895 2.772589 1.203973 1.252763 0.606136 0.980829 -0.048790 0.597837 0.223144 0.646627 0.271934 -0.374693 2.439828 11.708699 1.791759 4.564348 6.962244 10.006766 13.002499 5954.0 567.0 NaN NaN
3 2316053.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 4912.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 2.392465 2.835826 2.835826 2.128167 2.835826 1.912965 0.693147 479.898621 0.693147 4.989207 0.000000 1.386294 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.386294 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.386294 1.386294 1.386294 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.195412 10.535754 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.386294 5954.0 435.0 54.375 8.0
4 900676.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 10614.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 2.745177 2.835826 2.835826 2.862706 2.835826 2.438047 1.978298 479.898621 1.978298 5.724748 1.098612 3.044523 1.791759 0.000000 0.000000 1.945910 0.693147 -1.098612 -1.098612 1.252763 3.044523 3.044523 1.791759 1.791759 0.000000 2.509016 12.040730 1.098612 1.098612 1.098612 2.890372 5.934894 5954.0 248.0 62.000 4.0

In [37]:
train_pivot_56789_to_11['id'] = train_pivot_56789_to_11['id'].astype(int)

In [38]:

Semana id ruta_freq clien_freq agen_freq prod_freq agen_for_log_de ruta_for_log_de cliente_for_log_de producto_for_log_de agen_ruta_for_log_de agen_cliente_for_log_de agen_producto_for_log_de ruta_cliente_for_log_de ruta_producto_for_log_de cliente_producto_for_log_de cliente_for_log_sum cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum corr t_min_6 t_min_2 t_min_3 t_min_4 t_min_5 t2_min_t6 t3_min_t6 t4_min_t6 t5_min_t6 t2_min_t3 t2_min_t4 t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5 LR_prod LR_prod_corr t_m_6_cum t_m_5_cum t_m_4_cum t_m_3_cum t_m_2_cum NombreCliente weight weight_per_piece pieces
0 1547831 713.0 166.0 12208.0 91578.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 1.724493 2.835826 2.835826 4.809507 2.835826 4.642291 4.353270 479.898621 4.353270 3.596229 3.761200 4.682131 4.499810 4.574711 4.248495 0.920931 0.738610 0.813511 0.487295 0.182322 0.107420 0.433636 -0.074901 0.251314 0.326216 1.536319 7.372772 3.761200 8.009695 12.584406 17.084215 21.766348 5954.0 340.0 42.500 8.0
1 6825659 713.0 166.0 12208.0 10780.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 3.987424 2.835826 2.835826 3.836502 2.835826 3.786542 2.987311 479.898621 2.987311 8.315309 0.000000 3.218876 2.564949 3.332205 2.833213 3.218876 2.564949 3.332205 2.833213 0.653926 -0.113329 0.385662 -0.767255 -0.268264 0.498991 3.918295 18.803841 0.000000 2.833213 6.165418 8.730368 11.949243 5954.0 480.0 NaN NaN
2 5853787 713.0 166.0 12208.0 11047.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 2.694399 2.835826 2.835826 3.035542 2.835826 2.942251 2.600500 479.898621 2.600500 5.618855 1.791759 2.995732 3.044523 2.397895 2.772589 1.203973 1.252763 0.606136 0.980829 -0.048790 0.597837 0.223144 0.646627 0.271934 -0.374693 2.439828 11.708699 1.791759 4.564348 6.962244 10.006766 13.002499 5954.0 567.0 NaN NaN
3 2316053 713.0 166.0 12208.0 4912.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 2.392465 2.835826 2.835826 2.128167 2.835826 1.912965 0.693147 479.898621 0.693147 4.989207 0.000000 1.386294 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.386294 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.386294 1.386294 1.386294 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.195412 10.535754 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.386294 5954.0 435.0 54.375 8.0
4 900676 713.0 166.0 12208.0 10614.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 2.745177 2.835826 2.835826 2.862706 2.835826 2.438047 1.978298 479.898621 1.978298 5.724748 1.098612 3.044523 1.791759 0.000000 0.000000 1.945910 0.693147 -1.098612 -1.098612 1.252763 3.044523 3.044523 1.791759 1.791759 0.000000 2.509016 12.040730 1.098612 1.098612 1.098612 2.890372 5.934894 5954.0 248.0 62.000 4.0

In [39]:
train_pivot_56789_to_11.to_csv('train_pivot_56789_to_11_private.csv',index = False)

for two week ahead 45678 to 10

In [8]:
pivot_test_week10 = pivot_test.loc[pivot_test['sem10_sem11'] == 10]
pivot_test_week10.reset_index(drop=True,inplace = True)
pivot_test_week10 = pivot_test_week10.fillna(0)

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 id sem10_sem11 Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK
0 26 31518 0.000000 2.397895 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1569352 10 2655 2 4189
1 26 34210 2.890372 3.761200 3.784190 3.496508 3.433987 3.688879 3.688879 6667200 10 2061 2 7212
2 26 34785 3.091042 0.000000 0.000000 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 1592616 10 2061 2 7212
3 26 34786 4.356709 4.158883 4.430817 3.713572 4.317488 4.094345 4.330733 3909690 10 2061 2 7212
4 26 35142 3.258097 1.945910 3.583519 3.555348 3.688879 3.828641 3.663562 3659672 10 2061 2 7212

In [23]:
train_45678 = train_dataset.loc[train_dataset['Semana'].isin([4,5,6,7,8]), :].copy()
train_pivot_45678_to_10 = pivot_test_week10.copy()

train_pivot_45678_to_10 = categorical_useful(train_45678,train_pivot_45678_to_10)

del train_45678

train_pivot_45678_to_10 = define_time_features(train_pivot_45678_to_10, to_predict = 't_plus_2' , t_0 = 10)

train_pivot_45678_to_10 = lin_regr_features(train_pivot_45678_to_10,to_predict ='t_plus_2' , 
                                            semanas_numbers = [4,5,6,7,8],t_0 = 8)

train_pivot_45678_to_10.drop(['Sem3','Sem9'],axis =1,inplace = True)

#add cum_sum
train_pivot_cum_sum = train_pivot_45678_to_10[['Sem4','Sem5','Sem6','Sem7','Sem8']].cumsum(axis = 1)

train_pivot_45678_to_10.drop(['Sem4','Sem5','Sem6','Sem7','Sem8'],axis =1,inplace = True)

train_pivot_45678_to_10 = pd.concat([train_pivot_45678_to_10,train_pivot_cum_sum],axis =1)

train_pivot_45678_to_10 = train_pivot_45678_to_10.rename(columns={'Sem4': 't_m_6_cum',
                                          'Sem5': 't_m_5_cum','Sem6': 't_m_4_cum',
                                                                  'Sem7': 't_m_3_cum','Sem8': 't_m_2_cum'})
# add product_info
train_pivot_45678_to_10 = add_pro_info(train_pivot_45678_to_10)

train_pivot_45678_to_10 = add_product(train_pivot_45678_to_10)

train_pivot_45678_to_10.drop(['ID'],axis =1,inplace = True)

for col in train_pivot_45678_to_10.columns.values:
    train_pivot_45678_to_10[col] = train_pivot_45678_to_10[col].astype(np.float32)


Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID id sem10_sem11 Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK ruta_freq clien_freq agen_freq prod_freq agen_for_log_de ruta_for_log_de cliente_for_log_de producto_for_log_de agen_ruta_for_log_de agen_cliente_for_log_de agen_producto_for_log_de ruta_cliente_for_log_de ruta_producto_for_log_de cliente_producto_for_log_de cliente_for_log_sum cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum corr t_min_6 t_min_2 t_min_3 t_min_4 t_min_5 t2_min_t6 t3_min_t6 t4_min_t6 t5_min_t6 t2_min_t3 t2_min_t4 t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5 LR_prod LR_prod_corr t_m_6_cum t_m_5_cum t_m_4_cum t_m_3_cum t_m_2_cum NombreCliente weight weight_per_piece pieces
0 26.0 31518.0 1569352.0 10.0 2655.0 2.0 4189.0 10.0 158.0 3861.0 169.0 3.951774 3.165635 2.83547 2.493198 3.165635 3.033128 2.475491 3.165635 2.397895 2.397895 448.004242 2.397895 5.099486 2.397895 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -2.397895 -2.397895 -2.397895 -2.397895 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.301235 -1.349546 2.397895 2.397895 2.397895 2.397895 2.397895 131.0 691.0 NaN NaN
1 26.0 34210.0 6667200.0 10.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 658.0 158.0 12429.0 10746.0 3.509364 3.211487 2.83547 4.374220 2.805172 2.805172 4.490424 2.805172 3.720000 3.632953 448.004242 3.632953 8.946852 3.761200 3.688879 3.433987 3.496508 3.784190 -0.072321 -0.327213 -0.264693 0.022990 0.254892 0.192372 -0.095310 -0.062520 -0.350202 -0.287682 4.428435 19.839575 3.761200 7.545390 11.041898 14.475884 18.164764 6027.0 740.0 NaN NaN
2 26.0 34785.0 1592616.0 10.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 658.0 158.0 12429.0 10736.0 3.509364 3.211487 2.83547 3.987994 2.805172 2.805172 3.839655 2.805172 3.789903 2.910122 448.004242 2.910122 8.156881 0.000000 2.564949 3.332205 2.833213 0.000000 2.564949 3.332205 2.833213 0.000000 -0.767255 -0.268264 2.564949 0.498991 3.332205 2.833213 3.992911 17.888412 0.000000 0.000000 2.833213 6.165418 8.730368 6027.0 480.0 NaN NaN
3 26.0 34786.0 3909690.0 10.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 658.0 158.0 12429.0 13169.0 3.509364 3.211487 2.83547 4.535940 2.805172 2.805172 4.738372 2.805172 4.336529 4.143021 448.004242 4.143021 9.277627 4.158883 4.094345 4.317488 3.713572 4.430817 -0.064539 0.158605 -0.445311 0.271934 -0.223144 0.380773 -0.336472 0.603916 -0.113329 -0.717245 4.513783 20.221937 4.158883 8.589700 12.303272 16.620760 20.715105 6027.0 680.0 NaN NaN
4 26.0 35142.0 3659672.0 10.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 658.0 158.0 12429.0 10624.0 3.509364 3.211487 2.83547 3.268587 2.805172 2.805172 4.077493 2.805172 3.415331 3.320460 448.004242 3.320460 6.685434 1.945910 3.828641 3.688879 3.555348 3.583519 1.882731 1.742969 1.609438 1.637609 0.139762 0.273293 0.245122 0.133531 0.105361 -0.028171 2.966826 13.291507 1.945910 5.529429 9.084777 12.773657 16.602299 6027.0 567.0 NaN NaN

In [24]:

array(['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID', 'id', 'sem10_sem11', 'Agencia_ID',
       'Canal_ID', 'Ruta_SAK', 'ruta_freq', 'clien_freq', 'agen_freq',
       'prod_freq', 'agen_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de',
       'cliente_for_log_de', 'producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       'cliente_producto_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum',
       'cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum', 'corr', 't_min_6', 't_min_2',
       't_min_3', 't_min_4', 't_min_5', 't2_min_t6', 't3_min_t6',
       't4_min_t6', 't5_min_t6', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4', 't2_min_t5',
       't3_min_t4', 't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 'LR_prod', 'LR_prod_corr',
       't_m_6_cum', 't_m_5_cum', 't_m_4_cum', 't_m_3_cum', 't_m_2_cum',
       'NombreCliente', 'weight', 'weight_per_piece', 'pieces'], dtype=object)

In [26]:
train_pivot_45678_to_10 = train_pivot_45678_to_10[new_feature]
train_pivot_45678_to_10['id'] = train_pivot_45678_to_10['id'].astype(int)

Semana id ruta_freq clien_freq agen_freq prod_freq agen_for_log_de ruta_for_log_de cliente_for_log_de producto_for_log_de agen_ruta_for_log_de agen_cliente_for_log_de agen_producto_for_log_de ruta_cliente_for_log_de ruta_producto_for_log_de cliente_producto_for_log_de cliente_for_log_sum cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum corr t_min_6 t_min_2 t_min_3 t_min_4 t_min_5 t2_min_t6 t3_min_t6 t4_min_t6 t5_min_t6 t2_min_t3 t2_min_t4 t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5 LR_prod LR_prod_corr t_m_6_cum t_m_5_cum t_m_4_cum t_m_3_cum t_m_2_cum NombreCliente weight weight_per_piece pieces
0 1569352 10.0 158.0 3861.0 169.0 3.951774 3.165635 2.83547 2.493198 3.165635 3.033128 2.475491 3.165635 2.397895 2.397895 448.004242 2.397895 5.099486 2.397895 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -2.397895 -2.397895 -2.397895 -2.397895 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.301235 -1.349546 2.397895 2.397895 2.397895 2.397895 2.397895 131.0 691.0 NaN NaN
1 6667200 658.0 158.0 12429.0 10746.0 3.509364 3.211487 2.83547 4.374220 2.805172 2.805172 4.490424 2.805172 3.720000 3.632953 448.004242 3.632953 8.946852 3.761200 3.688879 3.433987 3.496508 3.784190 -0.072321 -0.327213 -0.264693 0.022990 0.254892 0.192372 -0.095310 -0.062520 -0.350202 -0.287682 4.428435 19.839575 3.761200 7.545390 11.041898 14.475884 18.164764 6027.0 740.0 NaN NaN
2 1592616 658.0 158.0 12429.0 10736.0 3.509364 3.211487 2.83547 3.987994 2.805172 2.805172 3.839655 2.805172 3.789903 2.910122 448.004242 2.910122 8.156881 0.000000 2.564949 3.332205 2.833213 0.000000 2.564949 3.332205 2.833213 0.000000 -0.767255 -0.268264 2.564949 0.498991 3.332205 2.833213 3.992911 17.888412 0.000000 0.000000 2.833213 6.165418 8.730368 6027.0 480.0 NaN NaN
3 3909690 658.0 158.0 12429.0 13169.0 3.509364 3.211487 2.83547 4.535940 2.805172 2.805172 4.738372 2.805172 4.336529 4.143021 448.004242 4.143021 9.277627 4.158883 4.094345 4.317488 3.713572 4.430817 -0.064539 0.158605 -0.445311 0.271934 -0.223144 0.380773 -0.336472 0.603916 -0.113329 -0.717245 4.513783 20.221937 4.158883 8.589700 12.303272 16.620760 20.715105 6027.0 680.0 NaN NaN
4 3659672 658.0 158.0 12429.0 10624.0 3.509364 3.211487 2.83547 3.268587 2.805172 2.805172 4.077493 2.805172 3.415331 3.320460 448.004242 3.320460 6.685434 1.945910 3.828641 3.688879 3.555348 3.583519 1.882731 1.742969 1.609438 1.637609 0.139762 0.273293 0.245122 0.133531 0.105361 -0.028171 2.966826 13.291507 1.945910 5.529429 9.084777 12.773657 16.602299 6027.0 567.0 NaN NaN

In [27]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

data for predict week 8&9, time plus 1 week

train_45678 for 8+1 =9

In [17]:
train_45678 = train_dataset.loc[train_dataset['Semana'].isin([4,5,6,7,8]), :].copy()
train_pivot_45678_to_9 = pivot_train_zero.loc[(pivot_train['Sem9'].notnull()),:].copy()

train_pivot_45678_to_9 = categorical_useful(train_45678,train_pivot_45678_to_9)
train_pivot_45678_to_9 = define_time_features(train_pivot_45678_to_9, to_predict = 't_plus_1' , t_0 = 9)

del train_45678

train_pivot_45678_to_9 = lin_regr_features(train_pivot_45678_to_9,to_predict ='t_plus_1',
                                           semanas_numbers = [4,5,6,7,8],t_0 = 8)

train_pivot_45678_to_9['target'] = train_pivot_45678_to_9['Sem9']
train_pivot_45678_to_9.drop(['Sem3','Sem9'],axis =1,inplace = True)

#add cum_sum
train_pivot_cum_sum = train_pivot_45678_to_9[['Sem4','Sem5','Sem6','Sem7','Sem8']].cumsum(axis = 1)

train_pivot_45678_to_9.drop(['Sem4','Sem5','Sem6','Sem7','Sem8'],axis =1,inplace = True)

train_pivot_45678_to_9 = pd.concat([train_pivot_45678_to_9,train_pivot_cum_sum],axis =1,copy = False)

train_pivot_45678_to_9 = train_pivot_45678_to_9.rename(columns={'Sem4': 't_m_5_cum',
                                          'Sem5': 't_m_4_cum','Sem6': 't_m_3_cum', 'Sem7': 't_m_2_cum','Sem8': 't_m_1_cum'})
# add geo_info
train_pivot_45678_to_9 = add_pro_info(train_pivot_45678_to_9)

#add product info
train_pivot_45678_to_9 = add_product(train_pivot_45678_to_9)
train_pivot_45678_to_9.drop(['ID'],axis = 1,inplace = True)

for col in train_pivot_45678_to_9.columns.values:
    train_pivot_45678_to_9[col] = train_pivot_45678_to_9[col].astype(np.float32)



Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK ruta_freq clien_freq agen_freq prod_freq agen_for_log_de ruta_for_log_de cliente_for_log_de producto_for_log_de agen_ruta_for_log_de agen_cliente_for_log_de agen_producto_for_log_de ruta_cliente_for_log_de ruta_producto_for_log_de cliente_producto_for_log_de cliente_for_log_sum cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum corr t_min_1 t_min_2 t_min_3 t_min_4 t_min_5 t1_min_t2 t1_min_t3 t1_min_t4 t1_min_t5 t2_min_t3 t2_min_t4 t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5 LR_prod LR_prod_corr target t_m_5_cum t_m_4_cum t_m_3_cum t_m_2_cum t_m_1_cum NombreCliente weight weight_per_piece pieces
0 26.0 30235.0 2655.0 2.0 4189.0 10.0 158.0 3861.0 2062.0 3.951774 3.165635 2.83547 3.122565 3.165635 3.033128 3.516439 3.165635 NaN NaN 448.004242 NaN 6.386767 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.314400 5.888566 4.574711 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 233.0 600.0 75.00 8.0
1 26.0 31393.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 658.0 158.0 12429.0 16321.0 3.509364 3.211487 2.83547 1.557049 2.805172 2.805172 3.350600 2.805172 3.125611 2.891665 448.004242 2.891665 3.184724 3.135494 2.944439 2.772589 2.772589 2.833213 0.191055 0.362906 0.362906 0.302281 0.171850 0.171850 0.111226 0.000000 -0.060625 -0.060625 1.269118 5.685703 2.639057 2.833213 5.605802 8.378390 11.322830 14.458324 18989.0 640.0 NaN NaN
2 26.0 32962.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 658.0 158.0 12429.0 7375.0 3.509364 3.211487 2.83547 2.643195 2.805172 2.805172 2.410218 2.805172 2.225570 NaN 448.004242 NaN 5.406284 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.042073 9.148576 2.397895 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 18989.0 180.0 30.00 6.0
3 26.0 34204.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 658.0 158.0 12429.0 17155.0 3.509364 3.211487 2.83547 2.691697 2.805172 2.805172 3.825037 2.805172 3.796168 3.647111 448.004242 3.647111 5.505487 3.828641 3.610918 3.555348 3.806663 3.433987 0.217723 0.273293 0.021979 0.394654 0.055570 -0.195745 0.176931 -0.251314 0.121361 0.372675 2.526538 11.318999 3.784190 3.433987 7.240650 10.795998 14.406916 18.235558 18989.0 450.0 56.25 8.0
4 26.0 34206.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 658.0 158.0 12429.0 80184.0 3.509364 3.211487 2.83547 1.734170 2.805172 2.805172 4.830257 2.805172 4.632751 4.298187 448.004242 4.298187 3.547001 4.499810 4.574711 4.248495 3.761200 4.406719 -0.074901 0.251314 0.738610 0.093090 0.326216 0.813511 0.167992 0.487295 -0.158224 -0.645519 0.990179 4.436046 4.682131 4.406719 8.167919 12.416414 16.991125 21.490934 18989.0 340.0 42.50 8.0

In [19]:

array(['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID', 'Agencia_ID', 'Canal_ID', 'Ruta_SAK',
       'ruta_freq', 'clien_freq', 'agen_freq', 'prod_freq',
       'agen_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_de',
       'producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       'cliente_producto_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum',
       'cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum', 'corr', 't_min_1', 't_min_2',
       't_min_3', 't_min_4', 't_min_5', 't1_min_t2', 't1_min_t3',
       't1_min_t4', 't1_min_t5', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4', 't2_min_t5',
       't3_min_t4', 't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 'LR_prod', 'LR_prod_corr',
       'target', 't_m_5_cum', 't_m_4_cum', 't_m_3_cum', 't_m_2_cum',
       't_m_1_cum', 'NombreCliente', 'weight', 'weight_per_piece', 'pieces'], dtype=object)

In [20]:
train_pivot_45678_to_9 = train_pivot_45678_to_9[['ruta_freq', 'clien_freq', 'agen_freq', 'prod_freq',
       'agen_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_de',
       'producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       'cliente_producto_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum',
       'cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum', 'corr', 't_min_1', 't_min_2',
       't_min_3', 't_min_4', 't_min_5', 't1_min_t2', 't1_min_t3',
       't1_min_t4', 't1_min_t5', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4', 't2_min_t5',
       't3_min_t4', 't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 'LR_prod', 'LR_prod_corr',
       'target', 't_m_5_cum', 't_m_4_cum', 't_m_3_cum', 't_m_2_cum',
       't_m_1_cum', 'NombreCliente', 'weight', 'weight_per_piece', 'pieces']]

In [21]:

(10385350, 44)

In [22]:

In [23]:
# train_pivot_45678_to_9_old = pd.read_csv('train_pivot_45678_to_9.csv',index_col = 0)

In [30]:


train_34567 7+1 = 8

In [28]:
train_34567 = train_dataset.loc[train_dataset['Semana'].isin([3,4,5,6,7]), :].copy()
train_pivot_34567_to_8 = pivot_train_zero.loc[(pivot_train['Sem8'].notnull()),:].copy()

train_pivot_34567_to_8 = categorical_useful(train_34567,train_pivot_34567_to_8)
train_pivot_34567_to_8 = define_time_features(train_pivot_34567_to_8, to_predict = 't_plus_1' , t_0 = 8)

del train_34567

train_pivot_34567_to_8 = lin_regr_features(train_pivot_34567_to_8,to_predict = 't_plus_1',
                                           semanas_numbers = [3,4,5,6,7],t_0 = 7)

train_pivot_34567_to_8['target'] = train_pivot_34567_to_8['Sem8']
train_pivot_34567_to_8.drop(['Sem8','Sem9'],axis =1,inplace = True)

#add cum_sum
train_pivot_cum_sum = train_pivot_34567_to_8[['Sem3','Sem4','Sem5','Sem6','Sem7']].cumsum(axis = 1)

train_pivot_34567_to_8.drop(['Sem3','Sem4','Sem5','Sem6','Sem7'],axis =1,inplace = True)

train_pivot_34567_to_8 = pd.concat([train_pivot_34567_to_8,train_pivot_cum_sum],axis =1)

train_pivot_34567_to_8 = train_pivot_34567_to_8.rename(columns={'Sem3': 't_m_5_cum','Sem4': 't_m_4_cum',
                                          'Sem5': 't_m_3_cum','Sem6': 't_m_2_cum',
                                                                'Sem7': 't_m_1_cum'})
# add product_info
train_pivot_34567_to_8 = add_pro_info(train_pivot_34567_to_8)

#add product

train_pivot_34567_to_8 = add_product(train_pivot_34567_to_8)

train_pivot_34567_to_8.drop(['ID'],axis = 1,inplace = True)

for col in train_pivot_34567_to_8.columns.values:
    train_pivot_34567_to_8[col] = train_pivot_34567_to_8[col].astype(np.float32)



Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK ruta_freq clien_freq agen_freq prod_freq agen_for_log_de ruta_for_log_de cliente_for_log_de producto_for_log_de agen_ruta_for_log_de agen_cliente_for_log_de agen_producto_for_log_de ruta_cliente_for_log_de ruta_producto_for_log_de cliente_producto_for_log_de cliente_for_log_sum cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum corr t_min_1 t_min_2 t_min_3 t_min_4 t_min_5 t1_min_t2 t1_min_t3 t1_min_t4 t1_min_t5 t2_min_t3 t2_min_t4 t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5 LR_prod LR_prod_corr target t_m_5_cum t_m_4_cum t_m_3_cum t_m_2_cum t_m_1_cum NombreCliente weight weight_per_piece pieces
0 26.0 1182.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 548.0 160.0 12574.0 411493.0 3.489749 3.208231 2.897803 1.766994 2.877003 2.877003 4.370318 2.877003 3.694196 1.844440 463.648468 1.844440 3.693589 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3.688879 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -3.688879 0.000000 0.000000 -3.688879 0.000000 -3.688879 -3.688879 1.127138 5.225957 0.000000 3.688879 3.688879 3.688879 3.688879 3.688879 18434.0 210.0 210.00 1.0
1 26.0 4767.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 548.0 160.0 12574.0 112080.0 3.489749 3.208231 2.897803 1.482496 2.877003 2.877003 4.253512 2.877003 4.164880 3.761200 463.648468 3.761200 3.098896 3.761200 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3.761200 3.761200 3.761200 3.761200 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -3.761200 0.000000 -3.761200 -3.761200 0.768180 3.561656 3.761200 3.761200 3.761200 3.761200 3.761200 7.522400 18434.0 250.0 NaN NaN
2 26.0 31393.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 548.0 160.0 12574.0 15736.0 3.489749 3.208231 2.897803 1.563950 2.877003 2.877003 3.333444 2.877003 3.013416 2.873471 463.648468 2.873471 3.269161 2.944439 2.772589 2.772589 2.833213 3.044523 0.171850 0.171850 0.111226 -0.100083 0.000000 -0.060625 -0.271934 -0.060625 -0.271934 -0.211309 1.298646 6.021154 3.135494 3.044523 5.877736 8.650325 11.422914 14.367352 18434.0 640.0 NaN NaN
3 26.0 34204.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 548.0 160.0 12574.0 17261.0 3.489749 3.208231 2.897803 2.674463 2.877003 2.877003 3.848593 2.877003 3.819687 3.638221 463.648468 3.638221 5.590491 3.610918 3.555348 3.806663 3.433987 3.784190 0.055570 -0.195745 0.176931 -0.173272 -0.251314 0.121361 -0.228842 0.372675 0.022473 -0.350202 2.560121 11.869964 3.828641 3.784190 7.218177 11.024839 14.580188 18.191105 18434.0 450.0 56.25 8.0
4 26.0 34206.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 548.0 160.0 12574.0 87803.0 3.489749 3.208231 2.897803 1.730373 2.877003 2.877003 4.836590 2.877003 4.628871 4.357383 463.648468 4.357383 3.617039 4.574711 4.248495 3.761200 4.406719 4.795791 0.326216 0.813511 0.167992 -0.221080 0.487295 -0.158224 -0.547295 -0.645519 -1.034590 -0.389071 1.379329 6.395236 4.499810 4.795791 9.202510 12.963710 17.212206 21.786917 18434.0 340.0 42.50 8.0

In [29]:

(10383302, 49)

In [30]:

array(['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID', 'Agencia_ID', 'Canal_ID', 'Ruta_SAK',
       'ruta_freq', 'clien_freq', 'agen_freq', 'prod_freq',
       'agen_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_de',
       'producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       'cliente_producto_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum',
       'cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum', 'corr', 't_min_1', 't_min_2',
       't_min_3', 't_min_4', 't_min_5', 't1_min_t2', 't1_min_t3',
       't1_min_t4', 't1_min_t5', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4', 't2_min_t5',
       't3_min_t4', 't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 'LR_prod', 'LR_prod_corr',
       'target', 't_m_5_cum', 't_m_4_cum', 't_m_3_cum', 't_m_2_cum',
       't_m_1_cum', 'NombreCliente', 'weight', 'weight_per_piece', 'pieces'], dtype=object)

In [50]:

In [5]:
train_pivot_34567_to_8 = pd.read_csv('train_pivot_34567_to_8.csv',index_col = 0)

In [20]:


concat train_pivot_45678_to_9 & train_pivot_34567_to_8 to perform t_plus_1, train_data is over

In [31]:
train_pivot_xgb_time1 = pd.concat([train_pivot_45678_to_9, train_pivot_34567_to_8],axis = 0,copy = False)

In [32]:
train_pivot_xgb_time1 = train_pivot_xgb_time1[['ruta_freq', 'clien_freq', 'agen_freq', 'prod_freq',
       'agen_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_de',
       'producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       'cliente_producto_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum',
       'cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum', 'corr', 't_min_1', 't_min_2',
       't_min_3', 't_min_4', 't_min_5', 't1_min_t2', 't1_min_t3',
       't1_min_t4', 't1_min_t5', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4', 't2_min_t5',
       't3_min_t4', 't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 'LR_prod', 'LR_prod_corr',
       'target', 't_m_5_cum', 't_m_4_cum', 't_m_3_cum', 't_m_2_cum',
       't_m_1_cum', 'NombreCliente', 'weight', 'weight_per_piece', 'pieces']]

In [33]:

array(['ruta_freq', 'clien_freq', 'agen_freq', 'prod_freq',
       'agen_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_de',
       'producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       'cliente_producto_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum',
       'cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum', 'corr', 't_min_1', 't_min_2',
       't_min_3', 't_min_4', 't_min_5', 't1_min_t2', 't1_min_t3',
       't1_min_t4', 't1_min_t5', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4', 't2_min_t5',
       't3_min_t4', 't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 'LR_prod', 'LR_prod_corr',
       'target', 't_m_5_cum', 't_m_4_cum', 't_m_3_cum', 't_m_2_cum',
       't_m_1_cum', 'NombreCliente', 'weight', 'weight_per_piece', 'pieces'], dtype=object)

In [34]:

(20768652, 44)

In [54]:


In [35]:
train_pivot_xgb_time1.to_csv('train_pivot_xgb_time1_44fea_zero.csv',index = False)

In [54]:

In [26]:
del train_pivot_xgb_time1
del train_pivot_45678_to_9
del train_pivot_34567_to_8


prepare for test data, for week 10, we use 5,6,7,8,9

In [7]:

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK id Semana
0 26 31518 NaN 2.397895 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2655 2 4189 1569352 10
1 26 34206 4.795791 4.406719 3.76120 4.248495 4.574711 4.499810 4.682131 2061 2 7212 1547831 11
2 26 34210 2.890372 3.761200 3.78419 3.496508 3.433987 3.688879 3.688879 2061 2 7212 6667200 10
3 26 34785 3.091042 NaN NaN 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 2061 2 7212 1592616 10
4 26 34785 3.091042 NaN NaN 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 2061 2 7212 6825659 11

In [40]:
pivot_test_week10 = pivot_test.loc[pivot_test['sem10_sem11'] == 10]
pivot_test_week10.reset_index(drop=True,inplace = True)
pivot_test_week10 = pivot_test_week10.fillna(0)

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 id sem10_sem11 Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK
0 26 31518 0.000000 2.397895 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1569352 10 2655 2 4189
1 26 34210 2.890372 3.761200 3.784190 3.496508 3.433987 3.688879 3.688879 6667200 10 2061 2 7212
2 26 34785 3.091042 0.000000 0.000000 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 1592616 10 2061 2 7212
3 26 34786 4.356709 4.158883 4.430817 3.713572 4.317488 4.094345 4.330733 3909690 10 2061 2 7212
4 26 35142 3.258097 1.945910 3.583519 3.555348 3.688879 3.828641 3.663562 3659672 10 2061 2 7212

In [41]:

(3538385, 14)

In [42]:
train_56789 = train_dataset.loc[train_dataset['Semana'].isin([5,6,7,8,9]), :].copy()
train_pivot_56789_to_10 = pivot_test_week10.copy()

train_pivot_56789_to_10 = categorical_useful(train_56789,train_pivot_56789_to_10)

del train_56789

train_pivot_56789_to_10 = define_time_features(train_pivot_56789_to_10, to_predict = 't_plus_1' , t_0 = 10)

train_pivot_56789_to_10 = lin_regr_features(train_pivot_56789_to_10,to_predict ='t_plus_1' , 
                                            semanas_numbers = [5,6,7,8,9],t_0 = 9)

train_pivot_56789_to_10.drop(['Sem3','Sem4'],axis =1,inplace = True)

#add cum_sum
train_pivot_cum_sum = train_pivot_56789_to_10[['Sem5','Sem6','Sem7','Sem8','Sem9']].cumsum(axis = 1)

train_pivot_56789_to_10.drop(['Sem5','Sem6','Sem7','Sem8','Sem9'],axis =1,inplace = True)

train_pivot_56789_to_10 = pd.concat([train_pivot_56789_to_10,train_pivot_cum_sum],axis =1)

train_pivot_56789_to_10 = train_pivot_56789_to_10.rename(columns={'Sem5': 't_m_5_cum',
                                          'Sem6': 't_m_4_cum','Sem7': 't_m_3_cum',
                                                                  'Sem8': 't_m_2_cum','Sem9': 't_m_1_cum'})
# add product_info
train_pivot_56789_to_10 = add_pro_info(train_pivot_56789_to_10)

train_pivot_56789_to_10 = add_product(train_pivot_56789_to_10)

train_pivot_56789_to_10.drop(['ID'],axis =1,inplace = True)

for col in train_pivot_56789_to_10.columns.values:
    train_pivot_56789_to_10[col] = train_pivot_56789_to_10[col].astype(np.float32)


Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID id sem10_sem11 Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK ruta_freq clien_freq agen_freq prod_freq agen_for_log_de ruta_for_log_de cliente_for_log_de producto_for_log_de agen_ruta_for_log_de agen_cliente_for_log_de agen_producto_for_log_de ruta_cliente_for_log_de ruta_producto_for_log_de cliente_producto_for_log_de cliente_for_log_sum cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum corr t_min_1 t_min_2 t_min_3 t_min_4 t_min_5 t1_min_t2 t1_min_t3 t1_min_t4 t1_min_t5 t2_min_t3 t2_min_t4 t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5 LR_prod LR_prod_corr t_m_5_cum t_m_4_cum t_m_3_cum t_m_2_cum t_m_1_cum NombreCliente weight weight_per_piece pieces
0 26.0 31518.0 1569352.0 10.0 2655.0 2.0 4189.0 10.0 166.0 3604.0 143.0 4.001407 3.411275 2.890955 2.498162 3.411275 3.217137 2.499994 3.411275 NaN NaN 479.898621 NaN 5.209625 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.022223 0.106650 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 131.0 691.0 NaN NaN
1 26.0 34210.0 6667200.0 10.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 10842.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 4.361940 2.835826 2.835826 4.469590 2.835826 3.826318 3.618489 479.898621 3.618489 9.096318 3.688879 3.688879 3.433987 3.496508 3.784190 0.000000 0.254892 0.192372 -0.095310 0.254892 0.192372 -0.095310 -0.062520 -0.350202 -0.287682 4.399127 21.111349 3.784190 7.280697 10.714684 14.403563 18.092443 6027.0 740.0 NaN NaN
2 26.0 34785.0 1592616.0 10.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 10780.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 3.987424 2.835826 2.835826 3.836502 2.835826 3.786542 2.987311 479.898621 2.987311 8.315309 3.218876 2.564949 3.332205 2.833213 0.000000 0.653926 -0.113329 0.385662 3.218876 -0.767255 -0.268264 2.564949 0.498991 3.332205 2.833213 3.982773 19.113272 0.000000 2.833213 6.165418 8.730368 11.949243 6027.0 480.0 NaN NaN
3 26.0 34786.0 3909690.0 10.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 13222.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 4.529289 2.835826 2.835826 4.721229 2.835826 4.455762 4.177391 479.898621 4.177391 9.445304 4.330733 4.094345 4.317488 3.713572 4.430817 0.236389 0.013245 0.617161 -0.100083 -0.223144 0.380773 -0.336472 0.603916 -0.113329 -0.717245 4.488874 21.542048 4.430817 8.144389 12.461877 16.556221 20.886955 6027.0 680.0 NaN NaN
4 26.0 35142.0 3659672.0 10.0 2061.0 2.0 7212.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 10881.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 3.238592 2.835826 2.835826 4.112633 2.835826 3.512973 3.663990 479.898621 3.663990 6.753706 3.663562 3.828641 3.688879 3.555348 3.583519 -0.165080 -0.025318 0.108214 0.080043 0.139762 0.273293 0.245122 0.133531 0.105361 -0.028171 3.015531 14.471490 3.583519 7.138867 10.827746 14.656388 18.319950 6027.0 567.0 NaN NaN

In [44]:
train_pivot_56789_to_10  = train_pivot_56789_to_10[['id','ruta_freq', 'clien_freq', 'agen_freq',
       'prod_freq', 'agen_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de',
       'cliente_for_log_de', 'producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       'cliente_producto_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum',
       'cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum', 'corr', 't_min_1', 't_min_2',
       't_min_3', 't_min_4', 't_min_5', 't1_min_t2', 't1_min_t3',
       't1_min_t4', 't1_min_t5', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4', 't2_min_t5',
       't3_min_t4', 't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 'LR_prod', 'LR_prod_corr',
       't_m_5_cum', 't_m_4_cum', 't_m_3_cum', 't_m_2_cum', 't_m_1_cum',
       'NombreCliente', 'weight', 'weight_per_piece', 'pieces']]

In [48]:

Semana id ruta_freq clien_freq agen_freq prod_freq agen_for_log_de ruta_for_log_de cliente_for_log_de producto_for_log_de agen_ruta_for_log_de agen_cliente_for_log_de agen_producto_for_log_de ruta_cliente_for_log_de ruta_producto_for_log_de cliente_producto_for_log_de cliente_for_log_sum cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum corr t_min_1 t_min_2 t_min_3 t_min_4 t_min_5 t1_min_t2 t1_min_t3 t1_min_t4 t1_min_t5 t2_min_t3 t2_min_t4 t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5 LR_prod LR_prod_corr t_m_5_cum t_m_4_cum t_m_3_cum t_m_2_cum t_m_1_cum NombreCliente weight weight_per_piece pieces
0 1569352.0 10.0 166.0 3604.0 143.0 4.001407 3.411275 2.890955 2.498162 3.411275 3.217137 2.499994 3.411275 NaN NaN 479.898621 NaN 5.209625 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.022223 0.106650 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 131.0 691.0 NaN NaN
1 6667200.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 10842.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 4.361940 2.835826 2.835826 4.469590 2.835826 3.826318 3.618489 479.898621 3.618489 9.096318 3.688879 3.688879 3.433987 3.496508 3.784190 0.000000 0.254892 0.192372 -0.095310 0.254892 0.192372 -0.095310 -0.062520 -0.350202 -0.287682 4.399127 21.111349 3.784190 7.280697 10.714684 14.403563 18.092443 6027.0 740.0 NaN NaN
2 1592616.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 10780.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 3.987424 2.835826 2.835826 3.836502 2.835826 3.786542 2.987311 479.898621 2.987311 8.315309 3.218876 2.564949 3.332205 2.833213 0.000000 0.653926 -0.113329 0.385662 3.218876 -0.767255 -0.268264 2.564949 0.498991 3.332205 2.833213 3.982773 19.113272 0.000000 2.833213 6.165418 8.730368 11.949243 6027.0 480.0 NaN NaN
3 3909690.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 13222.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 4.529289 2.835826 2.835826 4.721229 2.835826 4.455762 4.177391 479.898621 4.177391 9.445304 4.330733 4.094345 4.317488 3.713572 4.430817 0.236389 0.013245 0.617161 -0.100083 -0.223144 0.380773 -0.336472 0.603916 -0.113329 -0.717245 4.488874 21.542048 4.430817 8.144389 12.461877 16.556221 20.886955 6027.0 680.0 NaN NaN
4 3659672.0 713.0 166.0 12208.0 10881.0 3.523074 3.222417 2.890955 3.238592 2.835826 2.835826 4.112633 2.835826 3.512973 3.663990 479.898621 3.663990 6.753706 3.663562 3.828641 3.688879 3.555348 3.583519 -0.165080 -0.025318 0.108214 0.080043 0.139762 0.273293 0.245122 0.133531 0.105361 -0.028171 3.015531 14.471490 3.583519 7.138867 10.827746 14.656388 18.319950 6027.0 567.0 NaN NaN

In [49]:

(3538385, 44)

In [46]:


In [50]:

begin predict for week 11

train_3456 for 6+2 = 8

In [27]:
train_3456 = train_dataset.loc[train_dataset['Semana'].isin([3,4,5,6]), :].copy()
train_pivot_3456_to_8 = pivot_train.loc[(pivot_train['Sem8'].notnull()),:].copy()

train_pivot_3456_to_8 = categorical_useful(train_3456,train_pivot_3456_to_8)

del train_3456

train_pivot_3456_to_8 = define_time_features(train_pivot_3456_to_8, to_predict = 't_plus_2' , t_0 = 8)

#notice that the t_0 means different
train_pivot_3456_to_8 = lin_regr_features(train_pivot_3456_to_8,to_predict = 't_plus_2', semanas_numbers = [3,4,5,6],t_0 = 6)

train_pivot_3456_to_8['target'] = train_pivot_3456_to_8['Sem8']
train_pivot_3456_to_8.drop(['Sem7','Sem8','Sem9'],axis =1,inplace = True)

#add cum_sum
train_pivot_cum_sum = train_pivot_3456_to_8[['Sem3','Sem4','Sem5','Sem6']].cumsum(axis = 1)

train_pivot_3456_to_8.drop(['Sem3','Sem4','Sem5','Sem6'],axis =1,inplace = True)

train_pivot_3456_to_8 = pd.concat([train_pivot_3456_to_8,train_pivot_cum_sum],axis =1)

train_pivot_3456_to_8 = train_pivot_3456_to_8.rename(columns={'Sem4': 't_m_4_cum',
                                          'Sem5': 't_m_3_cum','Sem6': 't_m_2_cum', 'Sem3': 't_m_5_cum'})
# add product_info
train_pivot_3456_to_8 = add_pro_info(train_pivot_3456_to_8)

train_pivot_3456_to_8 = add_product(train_pivot_3456_to_8)

train_pivot_3456_to_8.drop(['ID'],axis =1,inplace = True)


Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK ruta_freq clien_freq agen_freq prod_freq agen_for_log_de ... target t_m_5_cum t_m_4_cum t_m_3_cum t_m_2_cum NombreCliente ID weight weight_per_piece pieces
0 26 1182 2061 2 7212 410.0 127.0 10085 320507.0 3.491654 ... 0.000000 3.688879 NaN NaN NaN 18434 1182 210.0 210.00 1.0
1 26 4767 2061 2 7212 410.0 127.0 10085 88159.0 3.491654 ... 3.761200 3.761200 NaN NaN NaN 18434 4767 250.0 NaN NaN
2 26 31393 2061 2 7212 410.0 127.0 10085 12237.0 3.491654 ... 3.135494 3.044522 5.877736 8.650325 11.422913 18434 31393 640.0 NaN NaN
3 26 34204 2061 2 7212 410.0 127.0 10085 13814.0 3.491654 ... 3.828641 3.784190 7.218177 11.024839 14.580187 18434 34204 450.0 56.25 8.0
4 26 34206 2061 2 7212 410.0 127.0 10085 71868.0 3.491654 ... 4.499810 4.795791 9.202510 12.963710 17.212205 18434 34206 340.0 42.50 8.0

5 rows × 44 columns

In [30]:

array(['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID', 'Agencia_ID', 'Canal_ID', 'Ruta_SAK',
       'ruta_freq', 'clien_freq', 'agen_freq', 'prod_freq',
       'agen_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_de',
       'producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       'cliente_producto_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum',
       'cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum', 'corr', 't_min_2', 't_min_3',
       't_min_4', 't_min_5', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4', 't2_min_t5',
       't3_min_t4', 't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 'LR_prod', 'LR_prod_corr',
       'target', 't_m_5_cum', 't_m_4_cum', 't_m_3_cum', 't_m_2_cum',
       'NombreCliente', 'weight', 'weight_per_piece', 'pieces'], dtype=object)

In [58]:

train_4567 for 7 + 2 = 9

In [28]:
train_4567 = train_dataset.loc[train_dataset['Semana'].isin([4,5,6,7]), :].copy()
train_pivot_4567_to_9 = pivot_train.loc[(pivot_train['Sem9'].notnull()),:].copy()

train_pivot_4567_to_9 = categorical_useful(train_4567,train_pivot_4567_to_9)

del train_4567

train_pivot_4567_to_9 = define_time_features(train_pivot_4567_to_9, to_predict = 't_plus_2' , t_0 = 9)

#notice that the t_0 means different
train_pivot_4567_to_9 = lin_regr_features(train_pivot_4567_to_9,to_predict = 't_plus_2', 
                                          semanas_numbers = [4,5,6,7],t_0 = 7)

train_pivot_4567_to_9['target'] = train_pivot_4567_to_9['Sem9']
train_pivot_4567_to_9.drop(['Sem3','Sem8','Sem9'],axis =1,inplace = True)

#add cum_sum
train_pivot_cum_sum = train_pivot_4567_to_9[['Sem7','Sem4','Sem5','Sem6']].cumsum(axis = 1)

train_pivot_4567_to_9.drop(['Sem7','Sem4','Sem5','Sem6'],axis =1,inplace = True)

train_pivot_4567_to_9 = pd.concat([train_pivot_4567_to_9,train_pivot_cum_sum],axis =1)

train_pivot_4567_to_9 = train_pivot_4567_to_9.rename(columns={'Sem4': 't_m_5_cum',
                                          'Sem5': 't_m_4_cum','Sem6': 't_m_3_cum', 'Sem7': 't_m_2_cum'})
# add product_info
train_pivot_4567_to_9 = add_pro_info(train_pivot_4567_to_9)

train_pivot_4567_to_9 = add_product(train_pivot_4567_to_9)

train_pivot_4567_to_9.drop(['ID'],axis =1,inplace = True)


Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK ruta_freq clien_freq agen_freq prod_freq agen_for_log_de ... LR_prod_corr target t_m_2_cum t_m_5_cum t_m_4_cum t_m_3_cum NombreCliente weight weight_per_piece pieces
0 26 30235 2655 2 4189 10.0 126.0 3322 1670.0 3.939269 ... 12.376057 4.574711 NaN NaN NaN NaN 233 600.0 75.00 8.0
1 26 31393 2061 2 7212 518.0 126.0 9992 12729.0 3.502839 ... 6.542010 2.639057 2.944439 5.777652 8.550241 11.322830 18989 640.0 NaN NaN
2 26 32962 2061 2 7212 518.0 126.0 9992 5940.0 3.502839 ... 10.276987 2.397895 NaN NaN NaN NaN 18989 180.0 30.00 6.0
3 26 34204 2061 2 7212 518.0 126.0 9992 13625.0 3.502839 ... 11.267610 3.784190 3.610918 7.044905 10.851568 14.406916 18989 450.0 56.25 8.0
4 26 34206 2061 2 7212 518.0 126.0 9992 62752.0 3.502839 ... 7.308716 4.682131 4.574711 8.981430 12.742630 16.991126 18989 340.0 42.50 8.0

5 rows × 43 columns

In [31]:

array(['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID', 'Agencia_ID', 'Canal_ID', 'Ruta_SAK',
       'ruta_freq', 'clien_freq', 'agen_freq', 'prod_freq',
       'agen_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_de',
       'producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       'cliente_producto_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum',
       'cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum', 'corr', 't_min_2', 't_min_3',
       't_min_4', 't_min_5', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4', 't2_min_t5',
       't3_min_t4', 't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 'LR_prod', 'LR_prod_corr',
       'target', 't_m_2_cum', 't_m_5_cum', 't_m_4_cum', 't_m_3_cum',
       'NombreCliente', 'weight', 'weight_per_piece', 'pieces'], dtype=object)

In [16]:


In [32]:
train_pivot_xgb_time2 = pd.concat([train_pivot_3456_to_8, train_pivot_4567_to_9],axis = 0,copy = False)

In [33]:

array(['Agencia_ID', 'Canal_ID', 'Cliente_ID', 'LR_prod', 'LR_prod_corr',
       'NombreCliente', 'Producto_ID', 'Ruta_SAK',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_for_log_de', 'agen_freq',
       'agen_producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de', 'clien_freq',
       'cliente_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum',
       'cliente_producto_agen_for_log_sum', 'cliente_producto_for_log_de',
       'corr', 'pieces', 'prod_freq', 'producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de', 'ruta_freq',
       'ruta_producto_for_log_de', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4', 't2_min_t5',
       't3_min_t4', 't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 't_m_2_cum', 't_m_3_cum',
       't_m_4_cum', 't_m_5_cum', 't_min_2', 't_min_3', 't_min_4',
       't_min_5', 'target', 'weight', 'weight_per_piece'], dtype=object)

In [34]:

(20768652, 43)

In [35]:

In [66]:
train_pivot_xgb_time2 = pd.read_csv('train_pivot_xgb_time2.csv',index_col = 0)

Agencia_ID Canal_ID Cliente_ID LR_prod LR_prod_corr NombreCliente Producto_ID Ruta_SAK agen_cliente_for_log_de agen_for_log_de ... t_m_3_cum t_m_4_cum t_m_5_cum t_min_2 t_min_3 t_min_4 t_min_5 target weight weight_per_piece
0 2061 2 26 2.001190 7.293554 18434 1182 7212 2.852285 3.491654 ... NaN NaN 3.688879 NaN NaN NaN 3.688879 0.000000 210.0 210.00
1 2061 2 26 1.839411 6.703932 18434 4767 7212 2.852285 3.491654 ... NaN NaN 3.761200 NaN NaN NaN 3.761200 3.761200 250.0 NaN
2 2061 2 26 1.911283 6.965878 18434 31393 7212 2.852285 3.491654 ... 8.650325 5.877736 3.044522 2.772589 2.772589 2.833213 3.044522 3.135494 640.0 NaN
3 2061 2 26 3.113374 11.347029 18434 34204 7212 2.852285 3.491654 ... 11.024839 7.218177 3.784190 3.555348 3.806662 3.433987 3.784190 3.828641 450.0 56.25
4 2061 2 26 2.031231 7.403043 18434 34206 7212 2.852285 3.491654 ... 12.963710 9.202510 4.795791 4.248495 3.761200 4.406719 4.795791 4.499810 340.0 42.50

5 rows × 38 columns

In [72]:
del train_pivot_3456_to_8
del train_pivot_4567_to_9
del train_pivot_xgb_time2
del train_pivot_34567_to_8
del train_pivot_45678_to_9
del train_pivot_xgb_time1


for test data week 11, we use 6,7,8,9

In [29]:
pivot_test_week11 = pivot_test_new.loc[pivot_test_new['Semana'] == 11]
pivot_test_week11.reset_index(drop=True,inplace = True)

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 id Semana Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK
0 26.0 34206.0 4.795791 4.406719 3.761200 4.248495 4.574711 4.499810 4.682131 1547831 11 2061 2 7212
1 26.0 34785.0 3.091042 NaN NaN 2.833213 3.332205 2.564949 3.218876 6825659 11 2061 2 7212
2 26.0 35148.0 2.772589 2.772589 1.791759 2.772589 2.397895 3.044522 2.995732 5853787 11 2061 2 7212
3 26.0 43335.0 1.945910 1.386294 NaN NaN NaN 0.000000 1.386294 2316053 11 2061 2 7212
4 26.0 43342.0 1.386294 2.197225 1.098612 NaN NaN 1.791759 3.044522 900676 11 2061 2 7212

In [83]:

(2684949, 14)

In [30]:
train_6789 = train_dataset.loc[train_dataset['Semana'].isin([6,7,8,9]), :].copy()
train_pivot_6789_to_11 = pivot_test_week11.copy()

train_pivot_6789_to_11 = categorical_useful(train_6789,train_pivot_6789_to_11)

del train_6789

train_pivot_6789_to_11 = define_time_features(train_pivot_6789_to_11, to_predict = 't_plus_2' , t_0 = 11)
train_pivot_6789_to_11 = lin_regr_features(train_pivot_6789_to_11,to_predict ='t_plus_2' ,
                                           semanas_numbers = [6,7,8,9],t_0 = 9)

train_pivot_6789_to_11.drop(['Sem3','Sem4','Sem5'],axis =1,inplace = True)

#add cum_sum
train_pivot_cum_sum = train_pivot_6789_to_11[['Sem6','Sem7','Sem8','Sem9']].cumsum(axis = 1)

train_pivot_6789_to_11.drop(['Sem6','Sem7','Sem8','Sem9'],axis =1,inplace = True)

train_pivot_6789_to_11 = pd.concat([train_pivot_6789_to_11,train_pivot_cum_sum],axis =1)

train_pivot_6789_to_11 = train_pivot_6789_to_11.rename(columns={'Sem6': 't_m_5_cum',
                                          'Sem7': 't_m_4_cum', 'Sem8': 't_m_3_cum','Sem9': 't_m_2_cum'})
# add product_info
train_pivot_6789_to_11 = add_pro_info(train_pivot_6789_to_11)

train_pivot_6789_to_11 = add_product(train_pivot_6789_to_11)

train_pivot_6789_to_11.drop(['ID'],axis = 1,inplace = True)


Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID id Semana Agencia_ID Canal_ID Ruta_SAK agen_for_log_de ruta_for_log_de cliente_for_log_de ... LR_prod LR_prod_corr t_m_5_cum t_m_4_cum t_m_3_cum t_m_2_cum NombreCliente weight weight_per_piece pieces
0 26.0 34206.0 1547831 11 2061 2 7212 3.535522 3.224378 2.939548 ... 1.891621 7.506688 4.248495 8.823206 13.323016 18.005147 5954 340.0 42.500 8.0
1 26.0 34785.0 6825659 11 2061 2 7212 3.535522 3.224378 2.939548 ... 4.016822 15.940314 2.833213 6.165418 8.730367 11.949243 5954 480.0 NaN NaN
2 26.0 35148.0 5853787 11 2061 2 7212 3.535522 3.224378 2.939548 ... 2.707100 10.742829 2.772589 5.170484 8.215006 11.210739 5954 567.0 NaN NaN
3 26.0 43335.0 2316053 11 2061 2 7212 3.535522 3.224378 2.939548 ... 2.513660 9.975183 NaN NaN 0.000000 1.386294 5954 435.0 54.375 8.0
4 26.0 43342.0 900676 11 2061 2 7212 3.535522 3.224378 2.939548 ... 2.846363 11.295476 NaN NaN 1.791759 4.836282 5954 248.0 62.000 4.0

5 rows × 39 columns

In [85]:

(2684949, 39)

In [31]:


In [27]:
% time pivot_train_categorical_useful = categorical_useful(train_dataset,pivot_train,is_train = True)

In [ ]:
% time pivot_train_categorical_useful = categorical_useful(train_dataset,pivot_train,is_train = True)

In [34]:

In [2]:
pivot_train_categorical_useful_train = pd.read_csv('pivot_train_categorical_useful_with_nan.csv',index_col = 0)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Canal_ID agen_for_log_de ruta_for_log_de cliente_for_log_de producto_for_log_de agen_ruta_for_log_de agen_cliente_for_log_de agen_producto_for_log_de ruta_cliente_for_log_de ruta_producto_for_log_de cliente_producto_for_log_de cliente_for_log_sum
0 3.688879 NaN NaN NaN 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 2 3.489749 3.208232 2.897803 1.766994 2.877003 2.877003 4.370318 2.877003 3.694196 1.84444 463.648478
1 3.761200 NaN NaN NaN 3.761200 3.761200 NaN 2 3.489749 3.208232 2.897803 1.482496 2.877003 2.877003 4.253513 2.877003 4.164880 3.76120 463.648478
2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.574711 2 3.936934 3.095841 2.897803 3.106304 3.095841 3.015667 3.569138 3.095841 NaN NaN 463.648478
3 NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.891820 NaN NaN 2 3.936934 3.095841 2.897803 3.878160 3.095841 3.015667 3.943380 3.095841 3.891820 3.89182 463.648478
4 3.044522 2.833213 2.772589 2.772589 2.944439 3.135494 2.639057 2 3.489749 3.208232 2.897803 1.563950 2.877003 2.877003 3.333444 2.877003 3.013416 2.87347 463.648478

create time feature

In [13]:

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Agencia_ID ... cliente_for_log_de producto_for_log_de agen_ruta_for_log_de agen_cliente_for_log_de agen_producto_for_log_de ruta_cliente_for_log_de ruta_producto_for_log_de cliente_producto_for_log_de cliente_for_log_sum corr
0 26 1182 3.688879 NaN NaN NaN 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 2061 ... 2.897803 1.766994 2.877003 2.877003 4.370318 2.877003 3.694196 1.84444 463.648478 3.693589
1 26 4767 3.761200 NaN NaN NaN 3.761200 3.761200 NaN 2061 ... 2.897803 1.482496 2.877003 2.877003 4.253513 2.877003 4.164880 3.76120 463.648478 3.098896
2 26 30235 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.574711 2655 ... 2.897803 3.106304 3.095841 3.015667 3.569138 3.095841 NaN NaN 463.648478 6.493178
3 26 30314 NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.891820 NaN NaN 2655 ... 2.897803 3.878160 3.095841 3.015667 3.943380 3.095841 3.891820 3.89182 463.648478 8.106606
4 26 31393 3.044522 2.833213 2.772589 2.772589 2.944439 3.135494 2.639057 2061 ... 2.897803 1.563950 2.877003 2.877003 3.333444 2.877003 3.013416 2.87347 463.648478 3.269161

5 rows × 24 columns

In [19]:
pivot_train_categorical_useful_time = define_time_features(pivot_train_categorical_useful,
                                                                 to_predict = 't_plus_1' , t_0 = 8)

In [20]:

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 Agencia_ID ... t1_min_t2 t1_min_t3 t1_min_t4 t1_min_t5 t2_min_t3 t2_min_t4 t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5
0 26 1182 3.688879 NaN NaN NaN 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 2061 ... NaN NaN NaN -3.688879 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 26 4767 3.761200 NaN NaN NaN 3.761200 3.761200 NaN 2061 ... NaN NaN NaN 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 26 30235 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.574711 2655 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 26 30314 NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.891820 NaN NaN 2655 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 26 31393 3.044522 2.833213 2.772589 2.772589 2.944439 3.135494 2.639057 2061 ... 0.17185 0.17185 0.111226 -0.100083 0.0 -0.060625 -0.271934 -0.060625 -0.271934 -0.211309

5 rows × 39 columns

In [22]:

Index([u'Cliente_ID', u'Producto_ID', u'Sem3', u'Sem4', u'Sem5', u'Sem6',
       u'Sem7', u'Sem8', u'Sem9', u'Agencia_ID', u'Canal_ID', u'Ruta_SAK',
       u'agen_for_log_de', u'ruta_for_log_de', u'cliente_for_log_de',
       u'producto_for_log_de', u'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       u'agen_cliente_for_log_de', u'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       u'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', u'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       u'cliente_producto_for_log_de', u'cliente_for_log_sum', u'corr',
       u't_min_1', u't_min_2', u't_min_3', u't_min_4', u't_min_5',
       u't1_min_t2', u't1_min_t3', u't1_min_t4', u't1_min_t5', u't2_min_t3',
       u't2_min_t4', u't2_min_t5', u't3_min_t4', u't3_min_t5', u't4_min_t5'],
      dtype='object', name=u'Semana')

fit mean feature on target

In [33]:
# Linear regression features 
pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR = lin_regr_features(pivot_train_categorical_useful_time, semanas_numbers = [3,4,5,6,7])

Semana Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 Agencia_ID ... t1_min_t4 t1_min_t5 t2_min_t3 t2_min_t4 t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5 LR_prod LR_prod_corr
0 26 1182 3.688879 NaN NaN NaN 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 2061 ... NaN -3.688879 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.775590 8.232495
1 26 4767 3.761200 NaN NaN NaN 3.761200 3.761200 NaN 2061 ... NaN 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.478578 6.855404
2 26 30235 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.574711 2655 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.099887 14.372579
3 26 30314 NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.891820 NaN NaN 2655 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.966329 18.389824
4 26 31393 3.044522 2.833213 2.772589 2.772589 2.944439 3.135494 2.639057 2061 ... 0.111226 -0.100083 0.0 -0.060625 -0.271934 -0.060625 -0.271934 -0.211309 1.504393 6.975095

5 rows × 41 columns

In [34]:

Index([u'Cliente_ID', u'Producto_ID', u'Sem3', u'Sem4', u'Sem5', u'Sem6',
       u'Sem7', u'Sem8', u'Sem9', u'Agencia_ID', u'Canal_ID', u'Ruta_SAK',
       u'agen_for_log_de', u'ruta_for_log_de', u'cliente_for_log_de',
       u'producto_for_log_de', u'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       u'agen_cliente_for_log_de', u'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       u'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', u'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       u'cliente_producto_for_log_de', u'cliente_for_log_sum', u'corr',
       u't_min_1', u't_min_2', u't_min_3', u't_min_4', u't_min_5',
       u't1_min_t2', u't1_min_t3', u't1_min_t4', u't1_min_t5', u't2_min_t3',
       u't2_min_t4', u't2_min_t5', u't3_min_t4', u't3_min_t5', u't4_min_t5',
       u'LR_prod', u'LR_prod_corr'],
      dtype='object', name=u'Semana')

In [42]:

In [16]:
pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR = pd.read_csv('pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR.csv',index_col = 0)

In [17]:

Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 Agencia_ID ... t1_min_t4 t1_min_t5 t2_min_t3 t2_min_t4 t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5 LR_prod LR_prod_corr
0 26 1182 3.688879 NaN NaN NaN 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 2061 ... NaN -3.688879 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.775590 8.232495
1 26 4767 3.761200 NaN NaN NaN 3.761200 3.761200 NaN 2061 ... NaN 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.478578 6.855404
2 26 30235 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.574711 2655 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.099887 14.372579
3 26 30314 NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.891820 NaN NaN 2655 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.966329 18.389824
4 26 31393 3.044522 2.833213 2.772589 2.772589 2.944439 3.135494 2.639057 2061 ... 0.111226 -0.100083 0.0 -0.060625 -0.271934 -0.060625 -0.271934 -0.211309 1.504393 6.975095

5 rows × 41 columns

add dummy feature

In [4]:
# pivot_train_canal = pd.get_dummies(pivot_train_categorical_useful_train['Canal_ID'])

In [5]:
# pivot_train_categorical_useful_train = pivot_train_categorical_useful_train.join(pivot_train_canal)
# pivot_train_categorical_useful_train.head()

Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 Canal_ID agen_for_log_de ruta_for_log_de ... LR_prod_corr 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11
0 3.688879 NaN NaN NaN 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 2 3.489749 3.208232 ... 8.232495 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 3.761200 NaN NaN NaN 3.761200 3.761200 NaN 2 3.489749 3.208232 ... 6.855404 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.574711 2 3.936934 3.095841 ... 14.372579 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.891820 NaN NaN 2 3.936934 3.095841 ... 18.389824 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 3.044522 2.833213 2.772589 2.772589 2.944439 3.135494 2.639057 2 3.489749 3.208232 ... 6.975095 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

5 rows × 46 columns

add product feature

In [2]:

0_prepocess_data.ipynb*  *
1_xgboost.ipynb*                   origin/
agencia_for_cliente_producto.csv*  pivot_test.pickle*
baseline.ipynb*                    pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR.csv*
bimbo_perceptron/                  pivot_train_with_nan.pickle**                          preprocessed_products.csv*
bimbo.pyc*               *
canal_for_cliente_producto.csv*    ruta_for_cliente_producto.csv**          *

In [4]:
pre_product = pd.read_csv('preprocessed_products.csv',index_col = 0)

pre_product['weight_per_piece'] = pd.to_numeric(pre_product['weight_per_piece'], errors='coerce')
pre_product['weight'] = pd.to_numeric(pre_product['weight'], errors='coerce')
pre_product['pieces'] = pd.to_numeric(pre_product['pieces'], errors='coerce')

pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR_weight = pd.merge(pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR,
                                                         left_on = 'Producto_ID',right_on = 'ID',how = 'left')

ID product_name brand weight pieces weight_per_piece has_choco has_vanilla has_multigrain
1 0 NO IDENTIFICADO 0 IDENTIFICADO 0.0 0.0 0 False False False
2 9 Capuccino Moka 750g NES 9 NES 750.0 1.0 1 False False False
3 41 Bimbollos Ext sAjonjoli 6p 480g BIM 41 BIM 480.0 6.0 80 False False False
4 53 Burritos Sincro 170g CU LON 53 LON 170.0 1.0 17- False False False
5 72 Div Tira Mini Doradita 4p 45g TR 72 TR 45.0 4.0 11.25 False False False

In [15]:

In [18]:
pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR_weight = pd.merge(pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR,
                                                         left_on = 'Producto_ID',right_on = 'ID',how = 'left')

Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 Agencia_ID ... t2_min_t4 t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5 LR_prod LR_prod_corr ID weight weight_per_piece
0 26 1182 3.688879 NaN NaN NaN 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 2061 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.775590 8.232495 1182 210.0 210.0
1 26 4767 3.761200 NaN NaN NaN 3.761200 3.761200 NaN 2061 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.478578 6.855404 4767 250.0 NaN
2 26 30235 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.574711 2655 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.099887 14.372579 30235 600.0 75.0
3 26 30314 NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.891820 NaN NaN 2655 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.966329 18.389824 30314 360.0 NaN
4 26 31393 3.044522 2.833213 2.772589 2.772589 2.944439 3.135494 2.639057 2061 ... -0.060625 -0.271934 -0.060625 -0.271934 -0.211309 1.504393 6.975095 31393 640.0 NaN

5 rows × 44 columns

In [50]:

In [2]:
pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR_weight = pd.read_csv('pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR_weight.csv',index_col = 0)

Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 Agencia_ID ... t2_min_t4 t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5 LR_prod LR_prod_corr ID weight weight_per_piece
0 26 1182 3.688879 NaN NaN NaN 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 2061 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.775590 8.232495 1182 210.0 210.0
1 26 4767 3.761200 NaN NaN NaN 3.761200 3.761200 NaN 2061 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.478578 6.855404 4767 250.0 NaN
2 26 30235 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.574711 2655 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.099887 14.372579 30235 600.0 75.0
3 26 30314 NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.891820 NaN NaN 2655 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.966329 18.389824 30314 360.0 NaN
4 26 31393 3.044522 2.833213 2.772589 2.772589 2.944439 3.135494 2.639057 2061 ... -0.060625 -0.271934 -0.060625 -0.271934 -0.211309 1.504393 6.975095 31393 640.0 NaN

5 rows × 44 columns

add town feature

In [22]:
%cd '/media/siyuan/0009E198000CD19B/bimbo/origin'

cliente_tabla.csv*  producto_tabla.csv*  test.csv*  town_state.csv*  train.csv*

In [23]:
cliente_tabla = pd.read_csv('cliente_tabla.csv')
town_state = pd.read_csv('town_state.csv')

town_state['town_id'] = town_state['Town'].str.split()
town_state['town_id'] = town_state['Town'].str.split(expand = True)

train_basic_feature = pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR_weight[['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID','Agencia_ID']]

cliente_per_town = pd.merge(train_basic_feature,cliente_tabla,on = 'Cliente_ID',how= 'inner' )
cliente_per_town = pd.merge(cliente_per_town,town_state[['Agencia_ID','town_id']],on = 'Agencia_ID',how= 'inner' )

cliente_per_town_count = cliente_per_town[['NombreCliente','town_id']].groupby('town_id').count().reset_index()
cliente_per_town_count['NombreCliente'] = cliente_per_town_count['NombreCliente']/float(100000)

cliente_per_town_count_final = pd.merge(cliente_per_town[['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID','Agencia_ID','town_id']],
                                        cliente_per_town_count,on = 'town_id',how = 'left')

pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR_weight_town = pd.merge(pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR_weight,
                                                              on = ['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID'],how = 'left')

In [24]:

Cliente_ID NombreCliente

In [25]:

Agencia_ID Town State
0 1110 2008 AG. LAGO FILT MÉXICO, D.F.
3 1113 2008 AG. LAGO FILT MÉXICO, D.F.
4 1114 2029 AG.IZTAPALAPA 2 MÉXICO, D.F.

In [26]:
town_state['town_id'] = town_state['Town'].str.split()
town_state['town_id'] = town_state['Town'].str.split(expand = True)

In [27]:

Agencia_ID Town State town_id
0 1110 2008 AG. LAGO FILT MÉXICO, D.F. 2008
1 1111 2002 AG. AZCAPOTZALCO MÉXICO, D.F. 2002
3 1113 2008 AG. LAGO FILT MÉXICO, D.F. 2008
4 1114 2029 AG.IZTAPALAPA 2 MÉXICO, D.F. 2029

In [13]:

array(['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID', 'Sem3', 'Sem4', 'Sem5', 'Sem6', 'Sem7',
       'Sem8', 'Sem9', 'Agencia_ID', 'Canal_ID', 'Ruta_SAK',
       'agen_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_de',
       'producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       'cliente_producto_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum', 'corr',
       't_min_1', 't_min_2', 't_min_3', 't_min_4', 't_min_5', 't1_min_t2',
       't1_min_t3', 't1_min_t4', 't1_min_t5', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4',
       't2_min_t5', 't3_min_t4', 't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 'LR_prod',
       'LR_prod_corr', 'ID', 'weight', 'weight_per_piece'], dtype=object)

In [34]:
train_basic_feature = pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR_weight[['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID','Agencia_ID']]

In [35]:
cliente_per_town = pd.merge(train_basic_feature,cliente_tabla,on = 'Cliente_ID',how= 'inner' )
cliente_per_town = pd.merge(cliente_per_town,town_state[['Agencia_ID','town_id']],on = 'Agencia_ID',how= 'inner' )

In [36]:

Cliente_ID Producto_ID Agencia_ID NombreCliente town_id

In [37]:
cliente_per_town_count = cliente_per_town[['NombreCliente','town_id']].groupby('town_id').count().reset_index()
cliente_per_town_count['NombreCliente'] = cliente_per_town_count['NombreCliente']/float(100000)

In [38]:

town_id NombreCliente
0 2001 2.74188
1 2002 1.42954
2 2003 1.74497
3 2004 1.22725
4 2007 1.97018

In [39]:
cliente_per_town_count_final = pd.merge(cliente_per_town[['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID','Agencia_ID','town_id']],
                                        cliente_per_town_count,on = 'town_id',how = 'left')

Cliente_ID Producto_ID Agencia_ID town_id NombreCliente
0 26 1182 2061 2175 0.34498
1 26 4767 2061 2175 0.34498
2 26 31393 2061 2175 0.34498
3 26 31690 2061 2175 0.34498
4 26 32953 2061 2175 0.34498

In [42]:
pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR_weight_town = pd.merge(pivot_train_categorical_useful_time_LR_weight,
                                                              on = ['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID'],how = 'left')

Cliente_ID Producto_ID Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8 Sem9 Agencia_ID ... t2_min_t5 t3_min_t4 t3_min_t5 t4_min_t5 LR_prod LR_prod_corr ID weight weight_per_piece NombreCliente
0 26 1182 3.688879 NaN NaN NaN 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 2061 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.775590 8.232495 1182 210.0 210.0 0.34498
1 26 4767 3.761200 NaN NaN NaN 3.761200 3.761200 NaN 2061 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.478578 6.855404 4767 250.0 NaN 0.34498
2 26 30235 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.574711 2655 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.099887 14.372579 30235 600.0 75.0 0.00734
3 26 30314 NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.891820 NaN NaN 2655 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.966329 18.389824 30314 360.0 NaN 0.00734
4 26 31393 3.044522 2.833213 2.772589 2.772589 2.944439 3.135494 2.639057 2061 ... -0.271934 -0.060625 -0.271934 -0.211309 1.504393 6.975095 31393 640.0 NaN 0.34498

5 rows × 45 columns

In [43]:

array(['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID', 'Sem3', 'Sem4', 'Sem5', 'Sem6', 'Sem7',
       'Sem8', 'Sem9', 'Agencia_ID', 'Canal_ID', 'Ruta_SAK',
       'agen_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_de',
       'producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_producto_for_log_de',
       'cliente_producto_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum', 'corr',
       't_min_1', 't_min_2', 't_min_3', 't_min_4', 't_min_5', 't1_min_t2',
       't1_min_t3', 't1_min_t4', 't1_min_t5', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4',
       't2_min_t5', 't3_min_t4', 't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 'LR_prod',
       'LR_prod_corr', 'ID', 'weight', 'weight_per_piece', 'NombreCliente'], dtype=object)

begin xgboost training

In [7]:

array(['Agencia_ID', 'Canal_ID', 'Cliente_ID', 'LR_prod', 'LR_prod_corr',
       'NombreCliente', 'Producto_ID', 'Ruta_SAK', 'Sem3_cum', 'Sem4_cum',
       'Sem5_cum', 'Sem6_cum', 'Sem7_cum', 'Sem8_cum',
       'agen_cliente_for_log_de', 'agen_for_log_de',
       'agen_producto_for_log_de', 'agen_ruta_for_log_de',
       'cliente_for_log_de', 'cliente_for_log_sum',
       'cliente_producto_for_log_de', 'corr', 'producto_for_log_de',
       'ruta_cliente_for_log_de', 'ruta_for_log_de',
       'ruta_producto_for_log_de', 't1_min_t2', 't1_min_t3', 't1_min_t4',
       't1_min_t5', 't2_min_t3', 't2_min_t4', 't2_min_t5', 't3_min_t4',
       't3_min_t5', 't4_min_t5', 't_min_1', 't_min_2', 't_min_3',
       't_min_4', 't_min_5', 'target'], dtype=object)

In [8]:
train_pivot_xgb_time1 = train_pivot_xgb_time1.drop(['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID','Agencia_ID',
                                                                            'Ruta_SAK','Canal_ID'],axis = 1)

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-bf85e99ba623> in <module>()
      1 train_pivot_xgb_time1 = train_pivot_xgb_time1.drop(['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID','Agencia_ID',
----> 2                                                                             'Ruta_SAK','ID','Canal_ID'],axis = 1)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pandas/core/generic.pyc in drop(self, labels, axis, level, inplace, errors)
   1875                 new_axis = axis.drop(labels, level=level, errors=errors)
   1876             else:
-> 1877                 new_axis = axis.drop(labels, errors=errors)
   1878             dropped = self.reindex(**{axis_name: new_axis})
   1879             try:

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pandas/indexes/base.pyc in drop(self, labels, errors)
   3049             if errors != 'ignore':
   3050                 raise ValueError('labels %s not contained in axis' %
-> 3051                                  labels[mask])
   3052             indexer = indexer[~mask]
   3053         return self.delete(indexer)

ValueError: labels ['ID'] not contained in axis

In [45]:
pivot_train_categorical_useful_train_time_no_nan = pivot_train_categorical_useful_train[pivot_train_categorical_useful_train['Sem8'].notnull()]
# pivot_train_categorical_useful_train_time_no_nan = pivot_train_categorical_useful_train[pivot_train_categorical_useful_train['Sem9'].notnull()]

In [46]:
pivot_train_categorical_useful_train_time_no_nan_sample = pivot_train_categorical_useful_train_time_no_nan.sample(1000000)

In [47]:
train_feature = pivot_train_categorical_useful_train_time_no_nan_sample.drop(['Sem8','Sem9'],axis = 1)
train_label = pivot_train_categorical_useful_train_time_no_nan_sample[['Sem8','Sem9']]

In [9]:
#seperate train and test data
# datasource: sparse_week_Agencia_Canal_Ruta_normalized_csr label:train_label
%time train_set, valid_set, train_labels, valid_labels = train_test_split(train_feature,\
                                                                                  train_label, test_size=0.10)

CPU times: user 736 ms, sys: 36 ms, total: 772 ms
Wall time: 891 ms

In [48]:
# dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(train_feature,label = train_label['Sem8'],missing=NaN)
dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(train_feature,label = train_label['Sem8'],missing=NaN)

In [49]:
param = {'booster':'gbtree',
         'nthread': 7,
# param = {'eta':0.1, 'eval_metric':'rmse','nthread': 8}

# evallist  = [(dvalid,'eval'), (dtrain,'train')]

In [ ]:
num_round = 1000
# plst = param.items()

# bst = xgb.train( plst, dtrain, num_round, evallist )
cvresult =, dtrain, num_round, nfold=5,show_progress=True,show_stdv=False,
                        seed = 0, early_stopping_rounds=10)

for 1 week later

  • cv rmse 0.451181 with dummy canal, time regr,
  • cv rmse 0.450972 without dummy canal, time regr,
  • cv rmse 0.4485676 without dummy canal, time regr, producto info
  • cv rmse 0.4487434 without dummy canal, time regr, producto info, cliente_per_town

for 2 week later

  • cv rmse 0.4513236 without dummy canal, time regr, producto info

In [51]:
# xgb.plot_importance(cvresult)

In [ ]: