In [106]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
from nltk.corpus import gutenberg
import re
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer
import math
from textblob import TextBlob as tb
Drill: tf-idf scores
In [107]:
#Define tf_idf
def tf(word, blob):
return blob.words.count(word) / len(blob.words)
def n_containing(word, bloblist):
return sum(1 for blob in bloblist if word in blob.words)
def idf(word, bloblist):
return math.log(len(bloblist) / (1 + n_containing(word, bloblist)))
def tfidf(word, blob, bloblist):
return tf(word, blob) * idf(word, bloblist)
In [108]:
phrase1 = tb("The best Monty Python sketch is the one about the dead parrot, I laughed so hard.")
phrase2 = tb("I laugh when I think about Python's Ministry of Silly Walks sketch, it is funny, funny, funny, the best!")
phrase3 = tb("Chocolate is the best ice cream dessert topping, with a great taste.")
phrase4 = tb("The Lumberjack Song is the funniest Monty Python bit: I can't think of it without laughing.")
phrase5 = tb("I would rather put strawberries on my ice cream for dessert, they have the best taste.")
phrase6 = tb("The taste of caramel is a fantastic accompaniment to tasty mint ice cream.")
In [109]:
#Build list and vocabulary
bloblist = [phrase1, phrase2, phrase3, phrase4, phrase5, phrase6]
voc = ['Monty', 'Python', 'sketch', 'laugh', 'funny', 'best', 'ice cream', 'dessert', 'taste']
for i, blob in enumerate(bloblist):
print("Top words in phrase {}".format(i + 1))
scores = {word: tfidf(word, blob, bloblist) for word in voc}
sorted_words = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for word, score in sorted_words[:9]:
print("\tWord: {}, TF-IDF: {}".format(word, round(score, 5)))
In [110]:
corpus = ["The best Monty Python sketch is the one about the dead parrot, I laughed so hard.",
"I laugh when I think about Python's Ministry of Silly Walks sketch, it is funny, funny, funny, the best!",
"Chocolate is the best ice cream dessert topping, with a great taste.",
"The Lumberjack Song is the funniest Monty Python bit: I can't think of it without laughing.",
"I would rather put strawberries on my ice cream for dessert, they have the best taste.",
"The taste of caramel is a fantastic accompaniment to tasty mint ice cream."]
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1)
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus)
idf = vectorizer.idf_
features = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
tfidf = dict(zip(vectorizer.get_feature_names(), idf))
In [111]:
#reading in the data, this time in the form of paragraphs
for paragraph in emma:
#removing the double-dash from all words
para=[re.sub(r'--','',word) for word in para]
para=[re.sub(r'VOLUME \w+', '', word) for word in para]
para=[re.sub(r'CHAPTER \w+', '', word) for word in para]
#Forming each paragraph into a string and adding it to the list of strings.
emma_paras.append(' '.join(para))
In [112]:
#Split data and vectorize
X_train, X_test = train_test_split(emma_paras, test_size=0.4, random_state=0)
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.9, # drop words that occur in more than half the paragraphs
min_df=10, # only use words that appear at X times (being X the number used)
lowercase=True, #convert everything to lower case (since Alice in Wonderland has the HABIT of CAPITALIZING WORDS for EMPHASIS)
use_idf=False,#we definitely want to use inverse document frequencies in our weighting
norm=u'l2', #Applies a correction factor so that longer paragraphs and shorter paragraphs get treated equally
smooth_idf=True, #Adds 1 to all document frequencies, as if an extra document existed that used every word once. Prevents divide-by-zero errors
#Applying the vectorizer
print("Number of features: %d" % emma_paras_tfidf.get_shape()[1])
#splitting into training and test sets
X_train_tfidf, X_test_tfidf= train_test_split(emma_paras_tfidf, test_size=0.4, random_state=0)
#Reshapes the vectorizer output into something people can read
X_train_tfidf_csr = X_train_tfidf.tocsr()
#number of paragraphs
n = X_train_tfidf_csr.shape[0]
#A list of dictionaries, one per paragraph
tfidf_bypara = [{} for _ in range(0,n)]
#List of features
terms = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
#for each paragraph, lists the feature words and their tf-idf scores
for i, j in zip(*X_train_tfidf_csr.nonzero()):
tfidf_bypara[i][terms[j]] = X_train_tfidf_csr[i, j]
#Keep in mind that the log base 2 of 1 is 0, so a tf-idf score of 0 indicates that the word was present once in that sentence.
print('Original sentence:', X_train[5])
print('Tf_idf vector:', tfidf_bypara[5])
In [113]:
#Our SVD data reducer. We are going to reduce the feature space from 1379 to 130.
svd= TruncatedSVD(130)
lsa = make_pipeline(svd, Normalizer(copy=False))
# Run SVD on the training data, then project the training data.
X_train_lsa = lsa.fit_transform(X_train_tfidf)
total_variance = variance_explained.sum()
print("Percent variance captured by all components:",total_variance*100)
#Looking at what sorts of paragraphs our solution considers similar, for the first five identified topics
for i in range(5):
print('Component {}:'.format(i))
In [114]:
# Compute document similarity using LSA components
similarity = np.asarray(np.asmatrix(X_train_lsa) * np.asmatrix(X_train_lsa).T)
#Only taking the first 10 sentences
#Making a plot
ax = sns.heatmap(sim_matrix,yticklabels=range(10))
#Generating a key for the plot.
for i in range(10):
Drill 0: Test set
In [115]:
#Reshapes the vectorizer output into something people can read
X_test_tfidf_csr = X_test_tfidf.tocsr()
#number of paragraphs
n = X_test_tfidf_csr.shape[0]
#A list of dictionaries, one per paragraph
tfidf_bypara = [{} for _ in range(0,n)]
#List of features
terms = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
#for each paragraph, lists the feature words and their tf-idf scores
for i, j in zip(*X_test_tfidf_csr.nonzero()):
tfidf_bypara[i][terms[j]] = X_test_tfidf_csr[i, j]
#Keep in mind that the log base 2 of 1 is 0, so a tf-idf score of 0 indicates that the word was present once in that sentence.
print('Original sentence:', X_test[5])
print('Tf_idf vector:', tfidf_bypara[5])
In [116]:
#Our SVD data reducer. We are going to reduce the feature space from 1379 to 130.
svd= TruncatedSVD(130)
lsa = make_pipeline(svd, Normalizer(copy=False))
# Run SVD on the training data, then project the training data.
X_test_lsa = lsa.fit_transform(X_test_tfidf)
total_variance = variance_explained.sum()
print("Percent variance captured by all components:",total_variance*100)
#Looking at what sorts of paragraphs our solution considers similar, for the first five identified topics
for i in range(5):
print('Component {}:'.format(i))
In [117]:
# Compute document similarity using LSA components
similarity = np.asarray(np.asmatrix(X_test_lsa) * np.asmatrix(X_test_lsa).T)
#Only taking the first 10 sentences
#Making a plot
ax = sns.heatmap(sim_matrix,yticklabels=range(10))
#Generating a key for the plot.
for i in range(10):
The heatmap shows that sentences 1,2 present similarity between them and with sentence 9 as oh! appears in all of them.
Drill 1: Tweaking tf-idf
When the threshold regarding the number of times that a word appears (min_df) increases (from 2 to 10), the noise is reduced reducing the number of features significantly (form >2000 to <1000) and the percentage of variance explained increases to 68%.
Dropping the words that appear in certain number of paragraphs (max_df) from (0.5 to 0.2) has a lower impact than the number of times a word appears in the text. It could be due to the fact that after cleaning the text from punctuation and stopwords there are not too many words that appear in more than one of the paragraphs. Increasing this threshold makes the number of features higher as it will be harder to find words that are repeated in a higher number of paragraphs.
The use of n-grams in a range 1-3 penalises the number of features used to have the same percentage of variance explained. More features are required to achieve the same level of variance.
Not using inverse frequency in the vectorizer increases the variance explained up to 75% with the same number of features than when it is used. In this case, max_df has a significant impact in the level of variance explained (73% for 0.1 to 76% with 0.9) with the same number of features (roughly 382-5)