In [2288]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
import sklearn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.naive_bayes import BernoulliNB
In [2289]:
# Amazon Raw Data
data_path = (""
sms_raw = pd.read_csv(data_path, delimiter= '\t', header=None)
sms_raw.columns = ['Sentence', 'Sentiment']
sms_raw.loc[sms_raw['Sentiment'] == 1].head()
In [2290]:
# How many rows the dataset
In [2291]:
keywords = ['wanted','important','sturdiness','encourage','happier','comfort','excited',
,'comfortably','charm','incredible', 'extra','quality','incredibly'
,'super','well','nice', 'clear','finished','well','more',
'ideal','recommend','good','happy','like', 'excellent', 'awesome','cool',
for key in keywords:
# Note that we add spaces around the key so that we're getting the word,
# not just pattern matching.
sms_raw[str(key)] = sms_raw.Sentence.str.contains(
' '+str(key)+' ',
To select the features, I have tried the "positive" words that appear through the positive reviews. When adding a word I was checking the success rate of the model so that It was increasing while checking that there correlation was low in the heatmap. Those words that were not increasing success have been discarded and those words which had a high correlation were also discarded, i.e. "Good" and "good".
In [2292]:
sms_raw['allcaps'] = sms_raw.Sentence.str.isupper()
In [2293]:
sms_raw['Sentiment'] = (sms_raw['Sentiment'] == 1)
# Note that if you run this cell a second time everything will become false.
# So... Don't.
In [2294]:
In [2295]:
data = sms_raw[keywords+ ['allcaps']]
target = sms_raw['Sentiment']
In [2296]:
# Initantiate our model and store it in a new variable.
bnb = BernoulliNB()
# Fit our model to the data., target)
# Classify, storing the result in a new variable.
y_pred = bnb.predict(data)
# Display our results.
print("Number of mislabeled points out of a total {} points : {}".format(
(target != y_pred).sum()
print("Success rate of our model out of {} : {}".format(
1-((target != y_pred).sum()/((target != y_pred).sum()+(target == y_pred).sum()))
In [2297]:
# Yelp data.
data_path = (""
sms_raw2 = pd.read_csv(data_path, delimiter= '\t', header=None)
sms_raw2.columns = ['Sentence', 'Sentiment']
sms_raw2.loc[sms_raw2['Sentiment'] == 1].head()
In [2298]:
# How many rows the dataset
In [2299]:
keywords = ['wanted','important','sturdiness','encourage','happier','comfort','excited',
,'comfortably','charm','incredible', 'extra','quality','incredibly'
,'super','well','nice', 'clear',
'ideal','recommend','good','happy','like', 'excellent', 'awesome','cool',
for key in keywords:
# Note that we add spaces around the key so that we're getting the word,
# not just pattern matching.
sms_raw2[str(key)] = sms_raw2.Sentence.str.contains(
' '+str(key)+' ',
In [2300]:
sms_raw2['allcaps'] = sms_raw2.Sentence.str.isupper()
In [2301]:
sms_raw2['Sentiment'] = (sms_raw2['Sentiment'] == 1)
# Note that if you run this cell a second time everything will become false.
# So... Don't.
In [2302]:
In [2303]:
data2 = sms_raw2[keywords+ ['allcaps']]
target2 = sms_raw2['Sentiment']
In [2304]:
# Initantiate our model and store it in a new variable.
bnb2 = BernoulliNB()
# Fit our model to the data., target2)
# Classify, storing the result in a new variable.
y_pred = bnb2.predict(data2)
# Display our results.
print("Number of mislabeled points out of a total {} points : {}".format(
(target2 != y_pred).sum()
print("Success rate of our model out of {} : {}".format(
1-((target2 != y_pred).sum()/((target2 != y_pred).sum()+(target2 == y_pred).sum()))
In [2305]:
# IMBD data.
data_path = (""
sms_raw3 = pd.read_csv(data_path, delimiter= '\t', header=None)
sms_raw3.columns = ['Sentence', 'Sentiment']
sms_raw3.loc[sms_raw3['Sentiment'] == 1].head()
In [2306]:
# How many rows the dataset
In [2307]:
keywords = ['wanted','important','sturdiness','encourage','happier','comfort','excited',
,'comfortably','charm','incredible', 'extra','quality','incredibly'
,'super','well','nice', 'clear',
'ideal','recommend','good','happy','like', 'excellent', 'awesome','cool',
for key in keywords:
# Note that we add spaces around the key so that we're getting the word,
# not just pattern matching.
sms_raw3[str(key)] = sms_raw3.Sentence.str.contains(
' '+str(key)+' ',
In [2308]:
sms_raw3['allcaps'] = sms_raw3.Sentence.str.isupper()
In [2309]:
sms_raw3['Sentiment'] = (sms_raw3['Sentiment'] == 1)
# Note that if you run this cell a second time everything will become false.
# So... Don't.
In [2310]:
In [2311]:
data3 = sms_raw3[keywords+ ['allcaps']]
target3 = sms_raw3['Sentiment']
In [2312]:
# Initantiate our model and store it in a new variable.
bnb3 = BernoulliNB()
# Fit our model to the data., target3)
# Classify, storing the result in a new variable.
y_pred = bnb3.predict(data3)
# Display our results.
print("Number of mislabeled points out of a total {} points : {}".format(
(target3 != y_pred).sum()
print("Success rate of our model out of {} : {}".format(
1-((target3 != y_pred).sum()/((target3 != y_pred).sum()+(target3 == y_pred).sum()))
What can be seen after adjusting the classifier using Amazon reviews is that once we change the context, the result dramatically change. In this case, when the classifier is used with reviews from Yelp, it decreases its success rate from 70% to 65% and to 61% when using IMBD. There are words that appear in the Amazon reviews but that don´t appear in the reviews from Yelp or IMBD making the classifier less accurate. On the filpside, we are leaving keywords out that would improve the success rate of the classifier for the last two cases.