The recent Citi Bike data has garnered a lot of attention. Attached you will find a data set of Citibike riders. The challenge is threefold:
1. Calculate the average trip time
2. Visualize the male - female
and subscriber - tourist
ridership of the citi bikes over the period of a month.
3. Visualize the citibike usage by gender
for a month averaged over a period of 24 hours.
Header of CSV file:
Trip Duration (seconds)
Start Time and Date
Stop Time and Date
Start Station id
Start Station Name
Start Station Latitude
Start Station Longitude
End Station id
End Station Name
End Station Latitude
End Station Longitude
Bike ID
User Type (Customer = 24-hour pass or 7-day pass user; Subscriber = Annual Member)
Year of Birth
Gender (0=unknown; 1=male; 2=female)
You can use this cheat sheet as a reference guide to complete your python challenge. You are allowed to use google. Use comments to explain what your code is doing.
A screenshot with the output is attached for your reference.
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