Recent observations histogram processer

This is an online tool that enables you to see a frequency histogram for observations made in the past (by default) six hours, set to process observations from the Úpice observatory.

In [1]:
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
from urllib import urlopen
import pandas as pd
import urllib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import HProcessor
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib


Viewing histogram for x hours:

In [2]:
HProcessor.process_histogram("", 6)

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-9cd64140528e> in <module>()
----> 1 HProcessor.process_histogram("", 6)

/home/kaklik/git/MeteorDataAnalyser/iPython/ in process_histogram(url_meteors, x)
    141 def process_histogram(url_meteors, x):
--> 142     plt.hist(get_values(url_meteors, x), bins=100)
    143     plt.title("Histogram for observations in the past six hours") #change title if necessary
    144     plt.xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")

/home/kaklik/git/MeteorDataAnalyser/iPython/ in get_values(url_meteors, x)
    136     for f in range(len(data)):
--> 137         x=[int(round(i)) for i in data[f]["c"]]
    138         freq_data=freq_data+x
    139     return freq_data

TypeError: a float is required