interp-acf demo

Generate time series fluxes with two oscillation periods, and missing data:

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Make flux time-series with random noise, and 
# two periodic oscillations, one 70% the amplitude
# of the other:
n_points = 1000
primary_period = 2.5*np.pi
secondary_period = 1.3*np.pi
all_times = np.linspace(0, 6*np.pi, n_points)
all_fluxes = 10 + (0.1*np.random.randn(len(all_times)) + 
                   np.sin(2*np.pi/primary_period * all_times) + 
                   0.7*np.cos(2*np.pi/secondary_period * (all_times - 2.5)))

# Remove some fluxes, times from those data: 
n_points_missing = 200  # This number is approximate
missing_indices = np.unique(np.random.randint(0, n_points, 
mask = list(set(np.arange(len(all_times))).difference(set(missing_indices)))
times_incomplete = all_times[mask]
fluxes_incomplete = all_fluxes[mask]

# Plot these fluxes before and after data are removed:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 5))
ax[0].plot(all_times, all_fluxes, '.')
ax[0].set(title='All fluxes (N={0})'.format(len(all_fluxes)))
ax[1].plot(times_incomplete, fluxes_incomplete, '.')
ax[1].set(title='With fluxes missing (N={0})'.format(len(fluxes_incomplete)))

Now we'll use two interpacf methods on these simulated fluxes:

  • interpacf.interpolated_acf will interpolate over the missing fluxes and compute the autocorrelation function. Don't forget to subtract the flux its mean!

  • interpacf.dominant_period returns the lag with the highest peak in the smoothed autocorrelation function. The default smoothing kernel matches that of McQuillan, Aigrain & Mazeh (2013)

In [2]:
from interpacf import interpolated_acf, dominant_period

# Need zero-mean fluxes: 
fluxes_incomplete -= np.mean(fluxes_incomplete)

# Compute autocorrelation function
lag, acf = interpolated_acf(times_incomplete, fluxes_incomplete)

# Find dominant period in autocorrelation function
detected_period = dominant_period(lag, acf, plot=True)

print("Actual dominant period: {0:.3f}\nDetected dominant period: "
      "{1:.3f}\nDifference: {2:.3f}%"
      .format(primary_period, detected_period, 
              (primary_period - detected_period)/primary_period))

Actual dominant period: 7.854
Detected dominant period: 7.962
Difference: -0.014%

Comparing with McQuillan, Aigrain & Mazeh (2013)

...for my favorite star, HAT-P-11. McQuillan et al. find a rotation period of 29.472 d. What do we find?

This example makes use of the kplr package to download Kepler data. You'll need to install it to run this example, which you can do with:

pip install kplr

First download and normalize each quarter of the HAT-P-11 Kepler light curve:

In [3]:
import numpy as np
import kplr
client = kplr.API()

# Find the target KOI.
koi = client.koi(3.01)

# Get a list of light curve datasets.
lcs = koi.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False)

# Loop over the datasets and read in the data.
time, flux, ferr, quality = [], [], [], []
for lc in lcs[1:]:
    with as f:
        # The lightcurve data are in the first FITS HDU.
        hdu_data = f[1].data

time = np.array(time)
# Median normalize each quarter of observations
flux = np.array([f/np.nanmedian(f) - 1 for f in flux])

Now measure the peak in the autocorrelation function for each quarter's light curve:

In [13]:
%matplotlib inline
periods = []
for i, t, f in zip(range(len(time)), time, flux):
    lag, acf = interpolated_acf(t[~np.isnan(f)], f[~np.isnan(f)])
    period = dominant_period(lag, acf)
    print("HAT-P-11 period in Q{0}: {1} d".format(i, period))

HAT-P-11 period in Q0: 27.87245554981928 d
HAT-P-11 period in Q1: 30.242006851767655 d
HAT-P-11 period in Q2: 29.97501441694476 d
HAT-P-11 period in Q3: 29.91453296065447 d
HAT-P-11 period in Q4: 28.424119883165986 d
HAT-P-11 period in Q5: 58.62456519744592 d
HAT-P-11 period in Q6: 29.260692983400077 d
HAT-P-11 period in Q7: 30.590147634444293 d
HAT-P-11 period in Q8: 29.220380285405554 d
HAT-P-11 period in Q9: 30.507091305764334 d
HAT-P-11 period in Q10: 51.67836866840298 d
HAT-P-11 period in Q11: 28.546062678855378 d
HAT-P-11 period in Q12: 29.281246874539647 d
HAT-P-11 period in Q13: 27.606573058765207 d

Compare with McQuillan+ 2013:

In [14]:
print("Median period (interpacf): {0};\n"
      "Period McQuillan+ 2013: 29.472"

Median period (interpacf): 29.59788991759706;
Period McQuillan+ 2013: 29.472

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