In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
# Import dev version of friedrich:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../')
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from friedrich.analysis import Transit, Spot, Measurement, MCMCResults
from friedrich.lightcurve import hat11_params_morris_is_90
from glob import glob
archive_paths = sorted(glob('/local/tmp/friedrich/hat11_is_90/chains???.hdf5'))
#archive_paths = sorted(glob('/local/tmp/friedrich/hat11_init/chains???.hdf5'))
print('load results')
transits = []
all_times = []
for archive_path in archive_paths:
m = MCMCResults(archive_path, hat11_params_morris_is_90())
spots = m.get_spots()
In [2]:
from friedrich.orientation import times_to_occulted_lat_lon
from friedrich.lightcurve import hat11_params_morris_is_90
transit_params = hat11_params_morris_is_90()
all_lats = []
all_lons = []
all_amps = []
all_lats_errors = []
all_spot_times = []
all_BICs = []
for transit in transits:
for spot in transit.spots:
latitude, longitude = times_to_occulted_lat_lon(np.array([spot.t0.value]),
all_lats_errors.append(np.mean([spot.amplitude.upper, spot.amplitude.lower]))
all_lats = np.array(all_lats)
all_lats_errors = np.array(all_lats_errors)
all_lons = np.array(all_lons)
all_amps = np.array(all_amps)
all_spot_times = np.array(all_spot_times)
all_BICs = np.array(all_BICs)
In [27]:
# plt.plot_date(Time(all_spot_times[all_BICs > 10], format='jd').plot_date,
# np.degrees(all_lats[all_BICs > 10]), '.')
from astropy.time import Time
import seaborn as sns
import os
dropbox_path = '/astro/users/bmmorris/Dropbox/Apps/ShareLaTeX/STSP_HAT-P-11/figures'
savefig_kwargs = dict(bbox_inches='tight', dpi=500)
n_panels = 4
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 4)
ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0, :])
ax1 = [plt.subplot(gs[1, i]) for i in range(n_panels)]
#fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, n_panels, figsize=(14, 3))
first_spot = all_spot_times[all_BICs > 10].min()
last_spot = all_spot_times[all_BICs > 10].max()
first_to_last = last_spot - first_spot
fraction_gt_median = np.zeros(n_panels)
ax0.plot_date(Time(all_spot_times[all_BICs > 10], format='jd').plot_date,
np.degrees(all_lats[all_BICs > 10]), '.')
for i in range(n_panels):
extent = [-60, 80]
within_time_bin = ((all_spot_times[all_BICs > 10] - first_spot >
i/n_panels*first_to_last) &
(all_spot_times[all_BICs > 10] - first_spot <
lats_in_time_bin = np.degrees(all_lats[all_BICs > 10][within_time_bin])
ax1[i].hist(lats_in_time_bin, 30, range=extent, histtype='stepfilled')
ax1[i].hist(np.degrees(all_lats[all_BICs > 10]), 30, histtype='stepfilled',
range=extent, alpha=0.2, color='k', zorder=10)
ax1[i].set(title='Segment {0}'.format(i))
if i == 0:
segment_zero_mean = np.median(lats_in_time_bin)
fraction_gt_median[i] = np.count_nonzero(lats_in_time_bin > segment_zero_mean)/len(lats_in_time_bin)
ax0.set_ylabel('Latitude [deg]')
fig.text(0.5, 0.05, 'Latitude [deg]', ha='center', fontsize=14)
fig.savefig(os.path.join(dropbox_path, "latitude_distribution.png"), **savefig_kwargs)
In [4]:
ignore_high_latitudes = ((all_lats > np.radians(-40)) & (all_lats < np.radians(50)))
significance_cutoff = np.atleast_2d(all_BICs > 10).T
significant_latitudes = np.degrees(all_lats[significance_cutoff & ignore_high_latitudes])
#significant_latitudes_errors = np.degrees(np.atleast_2d(all_lats_errors).T[significance_cutoff & ignore_high_latitudes])
significant_latitudes_errors = np.ones_like(significant_latitudes) * 2
Note that it is not well physically motivated to model the distribution as three gaussians, because while it may be a good approximation to model the active latitudes with Gaussians, the perhaps uniform background of spots distributed isotropically on the surface of the star would be modeled with a cosine function.
In [5]:
from sklearn.mixture import GMM
X = np.atleast_2d(significant_latitudes).T
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
M_best = GMM(3).fit(X)#models[np.argmin(AIC)]
x = np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(-60, 60, 1000)).T
# logprob, responsibilities = M_best.eval(x)
logprob = M_best.score(x)
responsibilities = M_best.predict_proba(x)
pdf = np.exp(logprob)
pdf_individual = responsibilities * pdf[:, np.newaxis]
ax.hist(X, 30, normed=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.4)
ax.plot(x, pdf, '-k')
ax.plot(x, pdf_individual, '--k')
ax.text(0.04, 0.96, "Best-fit Mixture",
ha='left', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes)
In [6]:
from scipy.integrate import quad
quad(lambda x: np.cos(2*x), -np.pi/4, np.pi/4)
In [7]:
import emcee
from scipy.misc import logsumexp
def gaussian(x, mean, lnvar, amp):
var = np.exp(lnvar)
return amp/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*var) * np.exp(-0.5 * (x - mean)**2 / var)
def cosine(x, x0, amp):
y = amp * np.cos(2*np.radians(x - x0))
visible_hemisphere = (-45 < x - x0) & (x - x0 < 45)
y[~visible_hemisphere] = 0
return y
def lnlikelihood_gaussian(x, yerr, mean, lnvar, amp):
var = np.exp(lnvar) + yerr**2
# return -0.5 * (x - mean)**2 / var - 0.5 * np.log(2*np.pi*var) + np.log(amp)
return -0.5 * ((x - mean)**2 / var + np.log(var)) + np.log(amp)
def lnlikelihood_cosine(x, yerr, x0, amp):
#return np.log(cosine(x, x0, amp))
return -0.5 * (((cosine(x, x0, amp) - x) / yerr)**2 + 2*np.log(yerr))
def lnlikelihood_sum_gaussians(parameters, x, yerr):
a1, m1, s1, a2, m2, s2 = parameters
a3 = 1 #- a1 - a2
x0 = (m1+m2)/2
# ln_likes = (lnlikelihood_gaussian(x, yerr, m1, s1, a1),
# lnlikelihood_gaussian(x, yerr, m2, s2, a2),
# lnlikelihood_cosine(x, yerr, x0, a3))
ln_likes = (np.logaddexp(lnlikelihood_cosine(x, yerr, x0, a3), lnlikelihood_gaussian(x, yerr, m1, s1, a1)),
np.logaddexp(lnlikelihood_cosine(x, yerr, x0, a3), lnlikelihood_gaussian(x, yerr, m2, s2, a2)))
return np.sum(np.logaddexp.reduce(ln_likes)), ln_likes
def minimize_this(parameters, x, yerr):
return -1*lnlikelihood_sum_gaussians(parameters, x, yerr)
def model(parameters, x):
a1, m1, s1, a2, m2, s2 = parameters
a3 = 1 # - a1 - a2
x0 = (m1+m2)/2
return (cosine(x, x0, a3) * gaussian(x, m1, s1, a1) +
cosine(x, x0, a3) * gaussian(x, m2, s2, a2))
# return (gaussian(x, m1, s1, a1) +
# gaussian(x, m2, s2, a2) +
# cosine(x, x0, a3))
def lnprior(parameters):
a1, m1, s1, a2, m2, s2 = parameters
variances = np.exp([s1, s2])
means = np.array([m1, m2])
if (a1 <= 1 - a2 and a2 <= 1 - a1 and 0 <= a1 <= 1 and 0 <= a2 <= 1 and
np.all(variances < 50**2) and np.all(variances > 0) and
np.all(-50 < means) and np.all(means < 50) and m1 < m2):
return 0.0
return -np.inf
def lnprob(parameters, x, yerr):
lp = lnprior(parameters)
if not np.isfinite(lp):
return -np.inf, None
lnlike, blobs = lnlikelihood_sum_gaussians(parameters, x, yerr)
return lp + lnlike, blobs
initp = [0.4, -10, np.log(9**2), 0.5, 28, np.log(9**2)]
ndim, nwalkers = len(initp), 4*len(initp)
p0 = [np.array(initp) + 1e-2*np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers)]
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob,
args=(significant_latitudes, significant_latitudes_errors),
pos = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 500)[0]
samples = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, 15000)
In [8]:
burnin = 10000
samples = sampler.chain[:, burnin:, :].reshape((-1, ndim))
bestp = np.median(samples, axis=0)
plt.hist(significant_latitudes, 30, normed=True)
test_lats = np.linspace(-60, 60)
plt.plot(test_lats, model(initp, test_lats))
plt.plot(test_lats, model(bestp, test_lats), lw=2)
In [9]:
import corner
labels = "a1, m1, s1, a2, m2, s2".split(', ')
fig = corner.corner(samples, labels=labels)
In [17]:
components = np.array([gaussian(test_lats, bestp[1], bestp[2], bestp[0]),
gaussian(test_lats, bestp[4], bestp[5], bestp[3])]).T
components = np.array([gaussian(test_lats, bestp[1], bestp[2], bestp[0]) * cosine(test_lats, (bestp[1] + bestp[4])/2, 1),
gaussian(test_lats, bestp[4], bestp[5], bestp[3]) * cosine(test_lats, (bestp[1] + bestp[4])/2, 1)]).T
#cosine(test_lats, (bestp[1] + bestp[4])/2, 1-bestp[0]-bestp[3])]).T
# cosine(test_lats, (initp[1] + initp[4])/2, 1-initp[0]-initp[3])]).T
print(bestp[0], bestp[3], 1-bestp[0]-bestp[3])
plt.hist(significant_latitudes, 30, normed=True, alpha=0.5, histtype='stepfilled', color='k')
plt.plot(test_lats, components)
plt.plot(test_lats, model(bestp, test_lats))
In [ ]: