A Duet Neural Document Ranking Model

This is a tutorial for implementing the Duet neural document ranking model using the Microsoft Cognitive Tookit as described in the following papers:

  1. Learning to Match Using Local and Distributed Representations of Text for Web Search. Bhaskar Mitra, Fernando Diaz, and Nick Craswell. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW – World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). April, 2017.

  2. Benchmark for Complex Answer Retrieval. Federico Nanni, Bhaskar Mitra, Matt Magnusson, and Laura Dietz. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR), ACM. October, 2017.

Duet is a document ranking model composed of two separate deep neural networks, one that matches the query and the document using a local representation, and another that matches the query and the document using learned distributed representations. The two networks are jointly trained as part of a single neural network.

Note: The Bing document ranking dataset used for training/evaluating the duet model in the original paper is a proprietary dataset that I can not share because of privacy considerations. However, the TREC CAR dataset used in the following paper is publicly available that you may want to consider if you are looking for a large labelled dataset for DNN benchmarking.

Change log

Jan 25, 2017: The original Duet model was implemented on CNTK using BrainScript and a custom CNTK reader. I have re-implemented the original model on CNTK v2 using the new python API.

Nov 07, 2017: Updated the script for CNTK v2.2.

Let's start

We assume you have already installed CNTK on your machine following the steps outlined here. So we start begin by importing all the relevant modules that we will need later.

In [ ]:
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import csv
import re
import time
import math
import numpy as np
import cntk as C

# uncomment the following if you want to run on cpu
#C.try_set_default_device(C.cpu(), acquire_device_lock=False)

Using the set_default_device method we can set the code to run on either CPU or GPU.

Data reader

Our Duet implementation accepts data in the format of a tab-separated text file, where the first few columns (optionally) contains some meta-information about each sample (e.g., query or document ID), followed by a column containing query text, and finally some fixed number of columns containing (body) text from the different candidate documents to be ranked for that query.

For example, a training data file may look like the following,

some queryrelevant document body textnon-relevant document body text
another queryanother relevant document body textanother non-relevant document body text
yet another queryyet another relevant document body textyet another non-relevant document body text

At test time, we will need to deal with a variable number of documents per query. So it may be easier to put a single query-document pair per line along with corresponding query / document IDs. For example,

first query IDID for document Arating for document Afirst querydocument A body text
first query IDID for document Brating for document Bfirst querydocument B body text
first query IDID for document Crating for document Cfirst querydocument C body text
second query IDID for document Drating for document Dsecond querydocument D body text
second query IDID for document Erating for document Esecond querydocument E body text

Note that the DataReader below returns input features for both the local and the distributed subnetworks of the Duet model.

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class Sample:
    def __init__(self):
        self.query = ""
        self.docs = []
class DataReader:
    max_query_words = 10
    max_doc_words = 1000
    def __init__(self, data_file, ngraphs_file, num_docs, num_meta_cols, multi_pass):
        self.data_file = open(data_file, mode='r')
        self.num_docs = num_docs
        self.num_meta_cols = num_meta_cols
        self.multi_pass = multi_pass
    def __load_ngraphs(self, filename):
        self.ngraphs = {}
        self.max_ngraph_len = 0
        with open(filename, mode='r') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
            for row in reader:
                self.ngraphs[row[0]] = int(row[1]) - 1
                self.max_ngraph_len = max(self.max_ngraph_len, len(row[0]))
        self.num_ngraphs = len(self.ngraphs)

    def __read_samples(self, num_samples):
        labels = np.zeros((num_samples, self.num_docs), dtype=np.float32)
        samples = []
        meta = []
        mb_size = 0
        for i in range(num_samples):
            row = self.data_file.readline()
            if row == "":
                if self.multi_pass:
                    row = self.data_file.readline()
            cols = row.split('\t')
            curr_sample = Sample()
            curr_sample.query = re.sub('[^0-9a-z\t]+', ' ', cols[self.num_meta_cols].lower()).strip()
            for j in range(self.num_meta_cols+1, min(self.num_meta_cols+self.num_docs+1, len(cols))):
                curr_sample.docs.append(re.sub('[^0-9a-z\t]+', ' ', cols[j].lower()).strip())
            labels[i][0] = np.float32(1)
            meta.append([cols[i] for i in range(0, self.num_meta_cols)])
            mb_size += 1
        return samples, labels, meta, mb_size
    def __get_interaction_features(self, samples):
        features = np.zeros((len(samples), self.num_docs, self.max_query_words, self.max_doc_words), dtype=np.float32)
        for sample_idx, sample in enumerate(samples):
            for doc_idx, doc in enumerate(sample.docs):
                for qw_idx, qword in enumerate(sample.query.split()):
                    if qw_idx == self.max_query_words:
                    for dw_idx, dword in enumerate(doc.split()):
                        if dw_idx == self.max_doc_words:
                        if qword == dword:
                            features[sample_idx, doc_idx, qw_idx, dw_idx] = np.float32(1)
        return features
    def __get_ngraph_features(self, samples):
        features_query = np.zeros((len(samples), self.num_ngraphs, self.max_query_words), dtype=np.float32)
        features_docs = np.zeros((len(samples), self.num_docs, self.num_ngraphs, self.max_doc_words), dtype=np.float32)
        for sample_idx, sample in enumerate(samples):
            # loop over query and docs -- doc_idx = 0 corresponds to query 
            for doc_idx in range(len(sample.docs)+1):
                doc = sample.query if doc_idx == 0 else sample.docs[doc_idx-1]
                max_words = self.max_query_words if doc_idx == 0 else self.max_doc_words
                for w_idx, word in enumerate(doc.split()):
                    if w_idx == max_words:
                    token = '#' + word + '#'
                    token_len = len(token)
                    for i in range(token_len):
                        for j in range(1, self.max_ngraph_len + 1):
                            if i+j < token_len:
                                ngraph_idx = self.ngraphs.get(token[i:i+j])
                                if ngraph_idx != None:
                                    if doc_idx == 0:
                                        features_query[sample_idx, ngraph_idx, w_idx] += 1
                                        features_docs[sample_idx, doc_idx-1, ngraph_idx, w_idx] += 1
        return features_query, features_docs

    def get_minibatch(self, num_samples):
        samples, labels, meta, mb_size = self.__read_samples(num_samples)
        features_local = self.__get_interaction_features(samples)
        features_distrib_query, features_distrib_docs = self.__get_ngraph_features(samples)
        return features_local, features_distrib_query, features_distrib_docs, labels, meta, mb_size

The model

The figure below provides a detailed schematic view of the duet architecture. The distributed model projects the query and the document text into an embedding space before matching, while the local model operates over an interaction matrix comparing every query term to every document term. The final score under the duet setup is the sum of scores from the local and the distributed networks,

$$f(Q, D) = f_l(Q, D) + f_d(Q, D)$$

Where both the query and the document are considered as ordered list of terms. Each query term q and document term d is a m X 1 vector where m is the input representation of the text (e.g. the number of terms in the vocabulary for the local model).

In [ ]:
def duet(features_local, features_distrib_query, features_distrib_docs, num_ngraphs, words_per_query, words_per_doc, num_docs):
    num_hidden_nodes = 300
    word_window_size = 3
    pooling_kernel_width_query = words_per_query - word_window_size + 1 # = 8
    pooling_kernel_width_doc = 100
    num_pooling_windows_doc = ((words_per_doc - word_window_size + 1) - pooling_kernel_width_doc) + 1 # = 899
    duet_local    = C.layers.Sequential ([
                        C.layers.Convolution((1, words_per_doc), num_hidden_nodes, activation=C.tanh, strides=(1, 1), pad=False),
                        C.layers.Dense(num_hidden_nodes, activation=C.tanh),
                        C.layers.Dense(num_hidden_nodes, activation=C.tanh),
                        C.layers.Dense(1, activation=C.tanh)])
    duet_embed_q  = C.layers.Sequential ([
                        C.layers.Convolution((word_window_size, 1), num_hidden_nodes, activation=C.tanh, strides=(1, 1), pad=False),
                        C.layers.MaxPooling((pooling_kernel_width_query, 1), strides=(1, 1), pad=False),
                        C.layers.Dense(num_hidden_nodes, activation=C.tanh)])
    duet_embed_d  = C.layers.Sequential ([
                        C.layers.Convolution((word_window_size, 1), num_hidden_nodes, activation=C.tanh, strides=(1, 1), pad=False),
                        C.layers.MaxPooling((pooling_kernel_width_doc, 1), strides=(1, 1), pad=False),
                        C.layers.Convolution((1, 1), num_hidden_nodes, activation=C.tanh, strides=(1, 1), pad=False)])
    duet_distrib  = C.layers.Sequential ([
                        C.layers.Dense(num_hidden_nodes, activation=C.tanh),
                        C.layers.Dense(num_hidden_nodes, activation=C.tanh),
                        C.layers.Dense(1, activation=C.tanh)])
    net_local       = [C.slice(features_local, 0, idx, idx+1) for idx in range(0, num_docs)]
    net_local       = [C.reshape(d, (1, words_per_query, words_per_doc)) for d in net_local]
    net_local       = [duet_local(d) for d in net_local]
    net_local       = [C.reshape(d, (1, 1)) for d in net_local]
    net_local       = C.splice(*net_local)
    net_distrib_q   = C.reshape(features_distrib_query, (num_ngraphs, words_per_query, 1))
    net_distrib_q   = duet_embed_q(net_distrib_q)
    net_distrib_q   = [net_distrib_q for idx in range(0, num_pooling_windows_doc)]
    net_distrib_q   = C.splice(*net_distrib_q)
    net_distrib_q   = C.reshape(net_distrib_q, (num_hidden_nodes * num_pooling_windows_doc, 1))
    net_distrib_d   = [C.slice(features_distrib_docs, 0, idx, idx+1) for idx in range(0, num_docs)]
    net_distrib_d   = [C.reshape(d, (num_ngraphs, words_per_doc, 1)) for d in net_distrib_d]
    net_distrib_d   = [duet_embed_d(d) for d in net_distrib_d]
    net_distrib_d   = [C.reshape(d, (num_hidden_nodes * num_pooling_windows_doc, 1)) for d in net_distrib_d]

    net_distrib     = [C.element_times(net_distrib_q, d) for d in net_distrib_d]
    net_distrib     = [duet_distrib(d) for d in net_distrib]
    net_distrib     = [C.reshape(d, (1, 1)) for d in net_distrib]
    net_distrib     = C.splice(*net_distrib)
    net             = C.plus(net_local, net_distrib)
    return net

Train and evaluate

Next, we define the train and eval methods. This includes specifying the loss function for training and other hyper-parameters such as minibatch size and learning rate. Remember to try a few different scales for the learning rate to make sure it's not too large or too small (I typically run with 0.5, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, and so on).

In [ ]:
def train(train_file, ngraphs_file, num_docs, num_meta_cols):
    # initialize train data readers
    reader_train = DataReader(train_file, ngraphs_file, num_docs, num_meta_cols, True)
    # input variables denoting the features and label data
    features_local         = C.input_variable((reader_train.num_docs, reader_train.max_query_words, reader_train.max_doc_words), np.float32)
    features_distrib_query = C.input_variable((reader_train.num_ngraphs, reader_train.max_query_words), np.float32)
    features_distrib_docs  = C.input_variable((reader_train.num_docs, reader_train.num_ngraphs, reader_train.max_doc_words), np.float32)
    labels                 = C.input_variable((reader_train.num_docs), np.float32)

    # Instantiate the Duet neural document ranking model and specify loss function
    z = duet(features_local, features_distrib_query, features_distrib_docs, reader_train.num_ngraphs, reader_train.max_query_words, reader_train.max_doc_words, reader_train.num_docs)
    ce = C.cross_entropy_with_softmax(z, labels)
    pe = C.classification_error(z, labels)

    # Instantiate the trainer object to drive the model training
    lr_per_minibatch = C.learning_rate_schedule(0.001, C.UnitType.minibatch)
    progress_printers = [C.logging.ProgressPrinter(freq=100, tag='Training', gen_heartbeat=False)]
    trainer = C.Trainer(z, (ce, pe), [C.sgd(z.parameters, lr=lr_per_minibatch)], progress_printers)

    # Get minibatches of training data and perform model training
    minibatch_size = 64
    minibatches_per_epoch = 32
    epochs = 4
    for i in range(epochs):
        for j in range(minibatches_per_epoch):
            train_features_local, train_features_distrib_query, train_features_distrib_docs, train_labels, train_meta, actual_mb_size = reader_train.get_minibatch(minibatch_size)
            trainer.train_minibatch({features_local : train_features_local, features_distrib_query : train_features_distrib_query, features_distrib_docs : train_features_distrib_docs, labels : train_labels})

    return z

def eval(model, test_file, ngraphs_file, num_docs, num_meta_cols, score_file):
    minibatch_size = 64
    actual_mb_size = minibatch_size
    # initialize test data readers
    reader_test  = DataReader(test_file, ngraphs_file, num_docs, num_meta_cols, False)

    with open(score_file, mode='w') as f:
        while(actual_mb_size == minibatch_size):
            test_features_local, test_features_distrib_query, test_features_distrib_docs, test_labels, test_meta, actual_mb_size = reader_test.get_minibatch(minibatch_size)
            if actual_mb_size > 0:
                result = model.eval({model.arguments[0] : test_features_local, model.arguments[1] : test_features_distrib_query, model.arguments[2] : test_features_distrib_docs})
                result = result.reshape((actual_mb_size, num_docs))
                result = [row[0] for row in result]
                for idx in range(actual_mb_size):
                    f.write("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(test_meta[idx][0], test_meta[idx][1], test_meta[idx][2], result[idx]))

Compute metric

After we run the eval step to score all the query-document pairs in the test data we need to compute our metric-of-choice over the eval output. We use NDCG for this tutorial.

In [ ]:
def ComputeDCG(sorted_ranks):
    dcg = 0
    for pos, rating in enumerate(sorted_ranks):
        dcg += ((2^rating - 1)/math.log2(pos + 2))
    return dcg

def ComputeNDCGPerQuery(ideal_ratings, scored_ratings):
    ideal_ranks = sorted(ideal_ratings, reverse=True)
    model_ranks = [pair[1] for pair in sorted(scored_ratings, key=lambda tup: tup[0], reverse=True)]
    ideal_dcg = ComputeDCG(ideal_ranks)
    model_dcg = ComputeDCG(model_ranks)
    return model_dcg / ideal_dcg if ideal_dcg > 0 else 0

def ComputeNDCG(score_file, ndcg_pos):
    ndcg = 0
    curr_qid = -1
    ideal_ratings = []
    scored_ratings = []
    q_count = 0
    with open(score_file, mode='r') as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
        for row in reader:
            q_id   = row[0]
            doc_id = row[1]
            rating = int(row[1])
            score  = float(row[1])
            if q_id != curr_qid:
                ndcg += ComputeNDCGPerQuery(ideal_ratings, scored_ratings)
                q_count += 1
                ideal_ratings = []
                scored_ratings = []
            curr_qid = q_id
            scored_ratings.append((score, rating))
    ndcg += ComputeNDCGPerQuery(ideal_ratings, scored_ratings)
    q_count += 1
    return ndcg / q_count


Finally, we are ready to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and train and evaluate our Duet model. Woohoo!

In [ ]:
ngraphs_file = "data\\ngraphs.txt"
train_file = "data\\train.txt"
test_file = "data\\test.txt"
score_file = "data\\score.txt"

model = train(train_file, ngraphs_file, 2, 0)
eval(model, test_file, ngraphs_file, 2, 3, score_file)
ndcg = ComputeNDCG(score_file, 10)
print("test ndcg = {}".format(ndcg))