False positive and false negatives

This notebook explores the two sources of systematic error that we identify and trim in our datasets.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

False positives

False positives are defined as algorithms that, for a given gene, infer an outsized number of losses for that orthogroup.

My programs output mean number of taxa that the algorithms inferred to have had lost the orthogroup, and variance of this number for each gene.

It also identifies algorithms that have an outsize number of taxa (2 standard deviations above the mean). These are listed in the outlier column, if they were found.

In [2]:
stats2 = pd.read_csv("lossStats_HUMAN.csv",index_col=0)

In [3]:

mean variance outliers
Q8TEA1 28.538462 92.269231 0
A6NIH7 21.461538 25.769231 0
Q96HJ5 3.230769 18.192308 PANTHER8_all
O94913 7.076923 25.243590 Hieranoid_2
P37837 18.230769 47.858974 0

Let's look at distribution of the mean and variance

In [8]:
ax = stats2["variance"].hist(bins=50,color='grey')
ax.set_title("Variance histogram, all genes")
ax.set_ylabel("Number of genes")


<matplotlib.text.Text at 0xa61640c>

In [9]:
stats_outliers = stats2[stats2["outliers"] != 0]
ax = stats_outliers["variance"].hist(bins=50,color='grey')
ax.set_title("Variance, genes with outliers")
ax.set_ylabel("Number of genes")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0xa578c0c>

In [11]:
ax = stats2["mean"].hist(bins=50,color='grey')
ax.set_title("Histogram of mean values, all genes")
ax.set_ylabel("Number of genes")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0xa9b9fec>

In [12]:
ax = stats_outliers["mean"].hist(bins=50,color='grey')
ax.set_title("Mean, genes with outliers")
ax.set_ylabel("Number of genes")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0xa7e7e4c>

Count number of outliers for each gene

In [13]:
stats2['numOutliers'] = stats2['outliers'].map(lambda x: len(x.split(" ")) if x != 0 else 0)

mean variance outliers numOutliers
Q8TEA1 28.538462 92.269231 0 0
A6NIH7 21.461538 25.769231 0 0
Q96HJ5 3.230769 18.192308 PANTHER8_all 1
O94913 7.076923 25.243590 Hieranoid_2 1
P37837 18.230769 47.858974 0 0

In [14]:

0    11774
1     7910
2      768
dtype: int64

Get number of false positives (outliers) for each algorithm

In [15]:
FalsePos = pd.Series([db for row in stats2["outliers"] for db in str(row).split()]).value_counts()
FalsePos = FalsePos[FalsePos.index != '0'] # don't care about these

PANTHER8_all         2006
PhylomeDB            1805
Hieranoid_2          1309
EnsemblCompara_v2     971
Metaphors             810
RSD                   630
OMA_Pairs             529
OMA_Groups            439
EggNOG                224
PANTHER8_LDO          224
InParanoidCore        216
InParanoid            195
Orthoinspector         88
dtype: int64

False Negatives

False negatives are defined as oversplitting co-ortholog groups. See the paper for an in-depth description.

My programs output a file that, for each gene, says whether or not each algorithm was found to oversplit.

In [16]:
ldos = pd.read_csv("HUMAN_LDO_results.csv",index_col=0)

OMA_Groups PANTHER8_LDO InParanoidCore Orthoinspector RSD Hieranoid_2 OMA_Pairs EnsemblCompara_v2 Metaphors InParanoid EggNOG PANTHER8_all
A0A0A0MS98 False False False False True False False False False False NaN NaN
A0A0A0MSL8 True NaN True True NaN True True NaN True True True NaN
A0A0B4J1T7 False NaN False False False False False False False False NaN NaN
A0A0B4J1V8 False NaN False NaN NaN NaN True NaN NaN False NaN NaN
A0A0B4J207 True NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Get number of false negatives for each algorithm

In [18]:
FalseNeg = ldos.apply(pd.value_counts).ix[True]
FalseNeg.sort(ascending=False, inplace=True)

PANTHER8_LDO         5692
RSD                  5628
OMA_Pairs            5032
OMA_Groups           4676
InParanoidCore       4496
Orthoinspector       4292
InParanoid           3462
EggNOG               3460
Hieranoid_2          2993
EnsemblCompara_v2    2766
Metaphors            1693
PANTHER8_all         1104
Name: True, dtype: int64

Combine counts of false-negatives and false-positives for each algorithm

In [19]:
dbs = ["InParanoid","InParanoidCore","OMA_Groups","OMA_Pairs","PANTHER8_LDO","RSD","EggNOG","Orthoinspector",
errors = pd.DataFrame({"FalsePositive":FalsePos,"FalseNegative":FalseNeg})
errors = errors.reindex(dbs)

FalseNegative FalsePositive
InParanoid 3462 195
InParanoidCore 4496 216
OMA_Groups 4676 439
OMA_Pairs 5032 529
PANTHER8_LDO 5692 224

In [20]:
# errors.to_csv("errors_byDatabase.csv")

Plot counts of errors for each algorithm

In [21]:
width = .35
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
errors["FalseNegative"].plot(kind='bar', ax=ax1, color='grey', width=width, position=1)
ax1.set_ylabel("Number Genes False Negative")

ax2 = ax1.twinx()
errors["FalsePositive"].plot(kind='bar', ax=ax2, color='black', width=width, position=0)
ax2.set_ylabel("Number Genes False Positive")



Proportional error by database

Normalized error counts by database.

In [23]:
normErrors = errors/errors.sum()
normErrors["sumErrors"] = normErrors["FalseNegative"] + normErrors["FalsePositive"]
normErrors["normSum"] = normErrors["sumErrors"]/normErrors["sumErrors"].sum()

FalseNegative    1.000000
FalsePositive    1.000000
sumErrors        1.808914
normSum          1.000000
dtype: float64

In [24]:


<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0xa2d6b8c>

In [ ]: