A simple demo of reparameterizing the gamma distribution

First, check out our blog post for the complete scoop. Once you've read that, the functions below will make sense.

In [1]:
import autograd.numpy as np
import autograd.numpy.random as npr
from autograd.scipy.special import gammaln, psi
from autograd import grad
from autograd.optimizers import adam, sgd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline


In [2]:
# theta are the unconstrained parameters
def unwrap(theta):
    alpha = np.exp(theta[0]) + 1
    beta = np.exp(theta[1])
    return alpha, beta

def wrap(alpha, beta):
    return np.array([np.log(alpha-1), np.log(beta)])

# Log density of Ga(alpha, beta)
def log_q(z, theta):
    alpha, beta = unwrap(theta)
    return -gammaln(alpha) + alpha * np.log(beta) \
           + (alpha - 1) * np.log(z) - beta * z

# Log density of N(0, 1)
def log_s(epsilon):
    return -0.5 * np.log(2*np.pi) -0.5 * epsilon**2

# Transformation and its derivative
def h(epsilon, theta):
    alpha, beta = unwrap(theta)
    return (alpha - 1./3.) * (1 + epsilon/np.sqrt(9*alpha-3))**3 / beta

def dh(epsilon, theta): 
    alpha, beta = unwrap(theta)
    return (alpha - 1./3) * 3./np.sqrt(9*alpha - 3.) * \
           (1+epsilon/np.sqrt(9*alpha-3))**2 / beta

# Log density of proposal r(z) = s(epsilon) * |dh/depsilon|^{-1}
def log_r(epsilon, theta): 
    return -np.log(dh(epsilon, theta)) + log_s(epsilon)

# Density of the accepted value of epsilon 
# (this is just a change of variables too)
def log_pi(epsilon, theta):
    return log_s(epsilon) + \
           log_q(h(epsilon, theta), theta) - \
           log_r(epsilon, theta)

In [3]:
# To compute expectations with respect to pi, 
# we need to be able to sample from it.  
# This is simple -- sample a gamma and pass it 
# through h^{-1} 
def h_inverse(z, theta):
    alpha, beta = unwrap(theta)
    return np.sqrt(9.0 * alpha - 3) * ((beta * z / (alpha - 1./3))**(1./3) - 1)

def sample_pi(theta, size=(1,)):
    alpha, beta = unwrap(theta)
    return h_inverse(npr.gamma(alpha, 1./beta, size=size), theta)

# Test
z = 2.0
th = npr.randn(2)
assert np.allclose(h_inverse(h(z, th), th), z)

In [4]:
# Plot the acceptance probability in epsilon space
eps = np.linspace(-3,3,100)
th = npr.randn(2)
alpha, beta = unwrap(th)
eps_samples = sample_pi(th, 10000)

plt.plot(eps, np.exp(log_pi(eps, th)), 'r', label="$\pi(\epsilon, \\theta)$")
plt.hist(eps_samples, 40, normed=True, label="sampled")

plt.xlim(-3, 3)
plt.ylabel("$\pi(\epsilon, \\theta)$")
plt.legend(loc="upper right")

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1175f5940>

Define a simple observation model

In this case, we'll use a Poisson observation model with a true rate of $z = 3.0$

In [5]:
z_true = 3.0
a0, b0 = 1.0, 1.0
N = 10
x = npr.poisson(z_true, size=N)

# Define the Poisson log likelihood
def log_p(x, z):
    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    z = np.atleast_1d(z)
    lp = -gammaln(a0) + a0 * np.log(b0) \
         + (a0 - 1) * np.log(z) - b0 * z
    ll = np.sum(-gammaln(x[:,None]+1) - z[None,:] 
                + x[:,None] * np.log(z[None, :]),
    return lp + ll
# We can compute the true posterior in closed form
alpha_true = a0 + x.sum()
beta_true = b0 + N

We need the gamma entropy too...

In [6]:
def gamma_entropy(theta):
    alpha, beta = unwrap(theta)
    return alpha - np.log(beta) + gammaln(alpha) + (1-alpha) * psi(alpha)

Now use autograd to compute necessary gradients

In [7]:
def reparam_objective(epsilon, theta):
    return np.mean(log_p(x, h(epsilon, theta)), axis=0)

def score_objective(epsilon, theta):
    # unbox the score so that we don't take gradients through it
    score = log_p(x, h(epsilon, theta)).value
    return np.mean(score * log_pi(epsilon, theta), axis=0)
g_reparam = grad(reparam_objective, argnum=1)
g_score = grad(score_objective, argnum=1)
g_entropy = grad(gamma_entropy)

def elbo(theta, N_samples=10):
    epsilon = sample_pi(theta, size=(N_samples,))
    return np.mean(log_p(x, h(epsilon, theta))) + gamma_entropy(theta)

def g_elbo(theta, N_samples=10):
    epsilon = sample_pi(theta, size=(N_samples,))
    return g_reparam(epsilon, theta) \
           + g_score(epsilon, theta) \
           + g_entropy(theta)

Optimize ELBO with SGD

In [8]:
elbo_values = []
def callback(theta, t, g):
theta_0 = wrap(2.0, 2.0)
theta_star = sgd(lambda th, t: -1 * g_elbo(th), 
                 theta_0, num_iters=300, callback=callback)

alpha_star, beta_star = unwrap(theta_star)
print("true a = ", alpha_true)
print("infd a = ", alpha_star)
print("true b = ", beta_true)
print("infd b = ", beta_star)
print("E_q(z; theta)[z] = ", alpha_star/beta_star)


true a =  34.0
infd a =  29.7580526784
true b =  11.0
infd b =  9.94980782236
E_q(z; theta)[z] =  2.9908168288
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11801d978>

In [9]:
import scipy.stats
zs = np.linspace(0,6,100)
plt.plot(zs, scipy.stats.gamma(alpha_true, scale=1./beta_true).pdf(zs), label="true post.")
plt.plot(zs, scipy.stats.gamma(alpha_star, scale=1./beta_star).pdf(zs), label="var. post.")
plt.legend(loc="upper right")
plt.ylabel("$p(z \\mid x)$")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1184e8630>