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This minimal example sets out to solve the following model objectives:
We can specify the basic model we need to model salt like:
\begin{align}\label{eq:BasicSaltModelZBVector} \tilde r(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{\kappa})=& \mathbf{\kappa}_{\text{Na}} \mathbf{r}_{\text{Na}}+\mathbf{\kappa}_{h} \mathbf{r}_{h} \end{align}To meet Objective 3 above--to show the rat will drink the strong salty solution if it is sufficiently salt-depleted, though still prefer the moderate solution--we can assume a different weighting of hydration to deprivation. For instance, we can do that by increasing the deprivation/interoceptive state value $\kappa_{\text{Na}}$ from 1 to 1.5.
To meet Objective 4 above--to show the rat will drink the strong salty solution consistently if it is the only one available, we need to introduce an extra vector describing environmental cues that elicit responses, $\mathbf{c}$. Following the S-R-O expectancy valence account given in \textcite{zhang2009neural}, the extra parameter describes environmental features eliciting a response.
Using the new model with our vector representing environmental cues $\mathbf{c}$, we can predict behavior where there is no cue for a moderate salt solution (Note the use of elementwise multiplication between the matrices using the symbol $\circ$):
$$ \begin{align}\label{eq:WithCues} \tilde r(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{\kappa})= & \mathbf{\kappa}_{\textrm{Na}} \mathbf{r}_\textrm{Na}\mathbf{c}+\mathbf{\kappa}_{h} \mathbf{r}_{h}\mathbf{c} % \\ % = & 1.5 \times \begin{bmatrix}0.5 \\ 1.0\end{bmatrix}\circ \begin{bmatrix}0.0 \\ 1.0\end{bmatrix} + 1 \times \begin{bmatrix}0.0 \\ -1.0\end{bmatrix}\circ \begin{bmatrix}0.0 \\ 1.0\end{bmatrix} \nonumber \\ % = & \begin{bmatrix}0.0 \\ 0.5\end{bmatrix} \nonumber \end{align} $$Here, I've modeled $\mathbf{c}$ as a single vector without a subscript to indicate that we do not expect the cue value to systematically differ for each interoceptive value. This differs from the other documents produced--there, I'd included a subscript, more because I didn't think it through than any other reason.
The model in Equation~\ref{eq:BasicSaltModelZBVector} can be extended slightly to account for the evidence discussed in the sugar example in Tindell et al. (2009):
\begin{equation}\label{eq:SaltSugarModelTindell} \tilde r(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{\kappa})=\kappa_{\text{Na}} r_{\text{Na}}+\kappa_{h} r_{h} + \kappa_{\text{Glc}} r_{\text{Glc}} \end{equation}
In [ ]:
Combining the models presented above, we obtain the model
\begin{align} \begin{split}\label{eq:SaltSugarModelWithCue} \tilde r(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{\kappa})= & \kappa_{\text{Na}} r_{\text{Na}}\mathbf{c}+\kappa_{h} r_{h}\mathbf{c} + \kappa_{\text{Glc}} r_{\text{Glc}}\mathbf{c} \end{split} \end{align}We can generalize this further by describing an arbitrary number of cue-stimulus-interoception multiplicative terms:
\begin{align} \tilde r(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{\kappa},\mathbf{c})= & \kappa_{1} \mathbf{r}_{1}\mathbf{c}+\dots+\kappa_{\text{N}} \mathbf{r}_{\text{N}}\mathbf{c} \end{align}We can then write a python function to model this equation, and then demonstrate how it handles each situation described above.
The function multiplicative_term
forms a python dictionary representing a term with kappa value, r array, and cue array. The function SaltSugarModelWithCue
is simply a python implementation of the $r(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{\kappa},\mathbf{c})$ function above. It calls SaltSugarModelWithCue_SingleTerm
, which is written separately so that it can be used directly to show the working in the equation below.
In [1]:
from minimal_example_interface import *
def multiplicative_term(kappa_val,r_array,cue_array):
assert(type(kappa_val)==float or type(kappa_val)==int)
return({"kappa": kappa_val, "r": r_array,"cue": cue_array})
def SaltSugarModelWithCue_SingleTerm(term):
return term['kappa']*term['r']*term['cue']
def SaltSugarModelWithCue(term_list):
return sum([SaltSugarModelWithCue_SingleTerm(term) for term in term_list])
We can then create variables to represent each term and then calculate their value:
In [2]:
We can write this out mathematically:
In [3]:
You can play with the values yourself here or use the presets to see how values change.
In [4]:
box_bordered=widgets.Layout(border='solid 1pt black')
# def widget_header(value):
# return widgets.Label(value='### ' + value)
reward_box=widgets.VBox([widgets.Label(value='Expected reward ($ \\tilde r$)'),
cue_box=widgets.VBox([widgets.Label('Cue Accessibility ($\mathbf{c}$)')]+ftCueVals, layout=box_bordered)
widgets.VBox([widgets.Label('Interoception ($\kappa$)'),
(Hint: Press the 'Recalculate' button to recalculate custom values you entered)