In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
Write a function tokenize
that takes a string of English text returns a list of words. It should also remove stop words, which are common short words that are often removed before natural language processing. Your function should have the following logic:
function to remove all punctuation.stop_words
is a list, remove all occurences of the words in the list.stop_words
is a space delimeted string of words, split them and remove them.
In [2]:
def tokenize(s, stop_words=[] or '', punctuation='`~!@#$%^&*()_-+={[}]|\:;"<,>.?/}\t'):
"""Split a string into a list of words, removing punctuation and stop words."""
a = s.splitlines()
b = []
for n in a:
b.append(n.split(' '))
c = []
for n in b:
for m in n:
e = []
for n in c:
f = []
for i in e:
f.append(''.join([j for j in i if j not in punctuation]))
d = []
if type(stop_words) == list:
for x in f:
if x not in stop_words:
if type(stop_words) == str:
stp = stop_words.split()
for x in f:
if x not in stp:
g = []
for t in d:
if t != '':
return g
In [3]:
assert tokenize("This, is the way; that things will end", stop_words=['the', 'is']) == \
['this', 'way', 'that', 'things', 'will', 'end']
wasteland = """
APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
assert tokenize(wasteland, stop_words='is the of and') == \
Write a function count_words
that takes a list of words and returns a dictionary where the keys in the dictionary are the unique words in the list and the values are the word counts.
In [4]:
def count_words(data):
"""Return a word count dictionary from the list of words in data."""
a = {}
for n in data:
if n in data:
i = data.count(n)
a[n] = i
return a
In [5]:
assert count_words(tokenize('this and the this from and a a a')) == \
{'a': 3, 'and': 2, 'from': 1, 'the': 1, 'this': 2}
Write a function sort_word_counts
that return a list of sorted word counts:
(word, count)
function with a custom key
and reverse
argument.Researched the items function from stack overflow
In [6]:
def sort_word_counts(wc):
"""Return a list of 2-tuples of (word, count), sorted by count descending."""
w = wc.items()
q = sorted(w, key = lambda w: w[1], reverse=True)
return q
In [7]:
assert sort_word_counts(count_words(tokenize('this and a the this this and a a a'))) == \
[('a', 4), ('this', 3), ('and', 2), ('the', 1)]
Perform a word count analysis on Chapter 1 of Moby Dick, whose text can be found in the file mobydick_chapter1.txt
'the of and a to in is it that as'
In [8]:
f = open('mobydick_chapter1.txt','r')
r =
re = r.replace('--',' ')
tok = tokenize(re, stop_words = ['the', 'of', 'and', 'a', 'to', 'in', 'is', 'it', 'that', 'as'])
wcount = count_words(tok)
swc = sort_word_counts(wcount)
In [9]:
In [10]:
assert swc[0]==('i',43)
assert len(swc)==848
Create a "Cleveland Style" dotplot of the counts of the top 50 words using Matplotlib. If you don't know what a dotplot is, you will have to do some research...
In [11]:
top50 = []
for n in range(0,51):
In [15]:
lett = []
num = []
for n in top50:
In [29]:
yax = range(0,51)
In [45]:
f = plt.figure(figsize=(7,12))
plt.title('Top 50 Words')
In [ ]:
assert True # use this for grading the dotplot