In [ ]:
import warnings
from pyneqsys.symbolic import SymbolicSys
import scipy
version = scipy.__version__.split('.')
scipy_at_least_point_seventeen = int(version[0]) > 0 or int(version[1]) >= 17
if not scipy_at_least_point_seventeen:
warnings.warn("scipy version less than 0.17, the SciPyLsq example will be skipped")
We will use a 2 dimensional problem for illustration:
In [ ]:
def f(x):
return [(x[0] - x[1])**3/2 + x[0] - 1,
(x[1] - x[0])**3/2 + x[1]]
neqsys = SymbolicSys.from_callback(f, 2)
In [ ]:
neqsys.solve([1, 0])
SciPy's could find the root, let's see how KINSOL from SUNDIALS fares:
In [ ]:
neqsys.solve([1, 0], solver='kinsol')
No problem. In SciPy v0.17 a new pure-python least squares optimizer was introduced, let's wrap it for use within pyneqsys
In [ ]:
if scipy_at_least_point_seventeen:
# New solver in SciPy v0.17
class SciPyLsq:
def __init__(self, neqsys):
self.neqsys = neqsys
def __call__(self, x0, **kwargs):
new_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
if is not None:
raise ValueError("Not supported (see SciPy docs)")
new_kwargs['args'] = (self.neqsys.internal_params,)
return scipy.optimize.least_squares(self.neqsys.f_cb, x0, jac=self.neqsys.j_cb, **new_kwargs)
result = neqsys.solve([1, 0], attached_solver=SciPyLsq)
We can see that the wrapping is quite straightforward. (the solver can then be used with e.g. the symbolic facilities of pyneqsys
In pyneqsys.solvers
there are some demo solvers provided (they are not "producation grade" but rather serves as API examples.
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# import pyneqsys.solvers; pyneqsys.solvers?? # uncomment to look at the source code
We will plot the convergence behaviour of the solvers:
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def plot_convergence(attached_solver, plot_attr):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
x_history = np.array(attached_solver.history_x)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 3))
plt.subplot(1, 4, 1)
plt.plot(x_history[:, 0], x_history[:, 1]); plt.xlabel('x0'), plt.ylabel('x1')
plt.subplot(1, 4, 2)
plt.plot(neqsys.rms(x_history)); plt.xlabel('iteration'), plt.ylabel('RMS(residuals)')
plt.subplot(1, 4, 3)
plt.semilogy(range(15, len(x_history)), neqsys.rms(x_history[15:])); plt.xlabel('iteration'), plt.ylabel('RMS(residuals)')
plt.subplot(1, 4, 4)
plt.plot(np.asarray(getattr(attached_solver, plot_attr)))
Let's start with a line-searching gradient descent solver:
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from pyneqsys.solvers import LineSearchingGradientDescentSolver as LSGD
lsgd = LSGD()
print(neqsys.solve([.8, .1], attached_solver=lsgd))
plot_convergence(lsgd, 'history_rms_f')
We can compare this with a conjugate gradient solver:
In [ ]:
from pyneqsys.solvers import PolakRibiereConjugateGradientSolver as CG
cg = CG(4)
print(neqsys.solve([.8, .1], attached_solver=cg))
plot_convergence(cg, 'history_sn')
One can also build generalizations of the solvers quite easily, here is a damped gradient descent solver with damping chosen from the iteration history:
In [ ]:
from pyneqsys.solvers import AutoDampedGradientDescentSolver as ADGD
adgd = ADGD(.15)
print(neqsys.solve([.8, .1], attached_solver=adgd))
plot_convergence(adgd, 'history_damping')
this notebook hopefully shows that the API of pyneqsys
is quite approachable.