The WPS flyingpigeon provides several processes to perform spatial subsets of netCDF files:
Note that subsetting operations do not average or reduce results over the selected area, they only return the grid sells intersecting with the area. A mask is applied to cells that are outside the selected area, but inside the rectangular grid required for netCDF files.
In [1]:
# Import the WPS client and connect to the server
from birdy import WPSClient
import birdy
from os import environ
# To display Images from an url
from IPython.core.display import HTML
from IPython.display import Image
# wait until WPS process is finished
import time
In [2]:
# This cell is for server admnistration test purpose
# Ignore this cell and modify the following cell according to your needs
fp_server = environ.get('WPS_URL')
print(fp_server) # link to the flyingpigoen server
In [3]:
# URL to a flyingpigeon server
# fp_server = ''
Connect to the server with birdy client
In [4]:
# Simple connection (not recommended for larger processing)
fp = WPSClient(fp_server)
# Asyncronous connection with progess status requests
fp_i = WPSClient(url=fp_server, progress=True)
Explore the available processes:
In [5]:
# Enter `fp?` for general exploration on processes provided by flyingpigeon
# fp?
# Or get help for a process in particular
help(fp.subset_continents) # or type: fp.subset_countries?
In [11]:
# some test data
# ''
# ''
# Specify input files
base_url = ''
urls = [base_url + f'slp.{year}.nc' for year in range(2000, 2002)]
In [7]:
# bbox subset of one file without interaction to the server
resp = fp.subset_bbox(
resource=urls[0], # can be also a list of files but it is recommended to run large processes with fp_i
start=None, # optional to select a time periode
variable=None, # can be set if the variable is known, otherwise the process detects the variable name
# Check the output files:
bbox = resp.get()
In [8]:
# bbox of multiple files
resp = fp_i.subset_bbox(
start=None, # optional to select a time periode
variable=None, # can be set if the variable is known, otherwise the process detects the variable name
# using fp_i you need to wait until the processing is complete!
timeout = time.time() + 60*5 # 5 minutes from now
while resp.getStatus() != 'ProcessSucceeded':
if time.time() > timeout: # to avoid endless waiting if the process failed
# Get the output files:
bbox = resp.get()
In [9]:
# Plot the test file with the flyingpigeon plot function
out_plot = fp.plot_map_timemean(resource=bbox.output)
# and display the output
Image(url= out_plot.get()[0], width=400)
In [12]:
# If you want to download the result files:
# Download files stored in a metalink
# requires
from metalink import download
import tempfile
path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
files = download.get(bbox.metalink, path=path, segmented=False, force=True)
As for bounding box subsetting, all netCDF input files are subsetted individually. Here, it is possible to specifiy one or multiple continents. If mosaic
is True
, all continents are merged into one shape before subsetting. If False
, each input file is subsetted over each polygon, such that the number of output files is the number of input files times the number of continents.
The subset_countries
process works the same with polygons for countries instead of continents.
There are two outputs:
In [13]:
# Run the process
resp = fp_i.subset_continents(resource=urls, region=['Europe', 'Africa'], mosaic=True)
# using fp_i you need to wait until the processing is complete!
timeout = time.time() + 60*5 # 5 minutes from now
while resp.getStatus() != 'ProcessSucceeded':
if time.time() > timeout: # to avoid endless waiting if the process failed
# Check the output files:
cont = resp.get()
In [14]:
# plot the test file (url of output) with the flyingpigon plot function
resp = fp.plot_map_timemean(resource=cont.output)
In [15]:
# The plot process returnes one graphic file.
# It can be plotted directly by asking birdy to get python objects, instead of links to files.
In [16]:
inputs = dict(nc=""
# resp = fp_i.subset_wfs_polygon(resource=inputs['nc'],
# typename=inputs['typename'],
# featureids=inputs['fid1'],
# geoserver=inputs['geoserver'],
# mosaic=False,
# start=None,
# end=None,
# variable=None,
# )
In [17]:
# # using fp_i you need to wait until the processing is complete!
# timeout = time.time() + 60*5 # 5 minutes from now
# while resp.getStatus() != 'ProcessSucceeded':
# time.sleep(1)
# if time.time() > timeout: # to avoid endless waiting if the process failed
# break
# outputs = resp.get()
In [ ]: