This notebook is an example of the create_wfsgeojson_layer() function, for the use cases where only a GeoJSON layer is needed out of a WFS service and a certain control over the map is to be conserved (Taking away much of the automation of build_layer(), but gaining more flexibility).

The resulting layer can then be used as any other ipyleaflet GeoJSON layer.

In [1]:
from birdy import IpyleafletWFS
from ipyleaflet import Map

# Create connection
url = ''
version = '2.0.0'

wfs = IpyleafletWFS(url, version)

In [2]:
# Create the map instance
m = Map(center=(47.90, -69.90), zoom=11)

In [3]:
# List the available layers


In [4]:
# Create wfs layer
# Move and zoom to the desired extent before running this cell
# Do NOT zoom too far out, as large GeoJSON layers can be long to load and even cause crashed
basin_style = { 'color': '#d000ff', 'opacity': 1, 'dashArray': '10', 'fillOpacity': 0.0, 'weight': 3 }
lake_style = { 'color': '#00aeff', 'dashArray': '0', 'fillOpacity': 0.5, 'weight': 0.5 }

lakes = wfs.create_wfsgeojson_layer('public:HydroLAKES_poly', m, layer_style=lake_style)
basins = wfs.create_wfsgeojson_layer('public:wshed_bound_n2', m, layer_style=basin_style)

In [5]:
# Add the layer to the map

In [6]:

In [ ]: