Hierarchical Bayesian Inference of Normal Means

This notebook is based on Chapter 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 of 'Bayesian Data Analysis' (Gelman et. al, 3rd Edition).

Suppose we have $J$ observations $\bar{y}_{\cdot j} \mid \theta_j \sim \text{N}(\theta_j, \sigma_j^2)$, conditionally independent of each other given its parameters. The variance parameter $\sigma_j^2$ is assumed to be known, and the mean parameter $\theta_j$'s are independently sampled from prior $\text{N}(\mu, \tau^2)$. Finally, we assign uniform hyperprior distribution for $\mu$ given $\tau$: $$ p(\mu,\tau) = p(\mu \mid \tau) p(\tau) \propto p(\tau). $$

In [1]:
# prepare inline pylab
% pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Parallel Experiments in Eight Schools (BDA 5.5)

Please refer to the corresponding chapter of the book for description of the data. I typed the data myself:

In [2]:
# load hand-typed data
from pandas import *
import numpy as np
school_data = DataFrame(data={'means':[28,8,-3,7,-1,1,18,12],'serrs':[15,10,16,11,9,11,10,18]},

In [3]:
# the data looks like this

means serrs
A 28 15
B 8 10
C -3 16
D 7 11
E -1 9
F 1 11
G 18 10
H 12 18

Since mean parameters are conjugate to each other, only tricky part is the standard deviation parameter $\tau$ for group means. We marginalize out all other variables to make inference on $\tau$.

In [4]:
# define marginal log posterior function of tau
def log_posterior_tau_helper(tau, means, serrs, log_prior=lambda tau: 0):
    computes log marginal hyperparameter density of tau
    ret = log_prior(tau)
    marginal_variances = serrs ** 2 + tau ** 2
    total_variance = 1.0/np.sum(1.0/marginal_variances)
    # precision weighted average
    mu_hat = np.sum((1.0/marginal_variances) * means) / \
    ret += 0.5 * log(total_variance)
    ret -= 0.5 * np.sum(np.log(marginal_variances))
    ret -= 0.5 * np.sum(((means - mu_hat) ** 2)/marginal_variances)
    return ret
# vectorize the function for convenience
log_posterior_tau = \
    np.vectorize(log_posterior_tau_helper, otypes=[np.float], excluded=[1,2,3])

Now let us reproduce Figure 5.5, which draws marginal posterior density $p(\tau \mid y)$.

In [5]:
import pylab as pl
# grid points to evaluate evaluate density function
tau_min = 0; tau_max = 30; tau_grid_num = 1000
tau_knots = np.linspace(tau_min, tau_max, tau_grid_num)
lop_posterior_tau_densities = \
    log_posterior_tau(tau_knots, school_data.means, 
                      school_data.serrs, log_prior=lambda tau: 0)
# when calculating densities, it is numerically more stable to 
# first compute in log space, subtract the maximum, and then exponentiate
posterior_tau_densities = \
        np.exp(lop_posterior_tau_densities - np.max(lop_posterior_tau_densities))
#np.exp(log_posterior_tau_densities - log_posterior_tau_densities.max())
pl.plot(tau_knots, posterior_tau_densities, color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=1)
# the y-axis of unnormalized posterior means nothing, so rather hide the scale

This plot indicates that values of $\tau$ near zero are most plausible, but large values such as 10 or 15 are still quite likely.

Now, we study the change of $\mathbb{E}[\theta_j \mid \tau]$'s and $\text{sd}[\theta_j \mid \tau]$'s as a function of $\tau$. This can be done by marginalizing out $\mu$ from the conditional distribution $\theta_j \mid \mu,\tau,y$.

In [6]:
def mean_posterior_given_tau(tau, means, serrs):
    assert(len(means) == len(serrs))
    marginal_variances = serrs ** 2 + tau ** 2
    total_variance = 1.0/np.sum(1.0/marginal_variances)
    # precision weighted average
    mu_hat = np.sum((1.0/marginal_variances) * means) / \
    if tau == 0:
        return np.repeat(mu_hat, len(means))
    return ((1.0/(serrs ** 2)) * means + 1.0/(tau ** 2) * mu_hat) / (1.0/(serrs ** 2) + 1.0/(tau ** 2))

def sd_posterior_given_tau(tau, serrs):
    marginal_variances = serrs ** 2 + tau ** 2
    total_variance = 1.0/np.sum(1.0/marginal_variances)
    individual_variances = (((serrs ** 2)/(serrs ** 2 + tau ** 2)) ** 2) * total_variance
    if tau == 0:
        return np.sqrt(individual_variances)
    return np.sqrt(individual_variances + 1.0 / (1.0/(serrs ** 2) + 1.0/(tau ** 2)))

mean_posterior_given_taus = \
    np.vectorize(mean_posterior_given_tau, otypes=[np.ndarray], excluded=[1,2])
tau_conditional_means = \
        pandas.DataFrame.from_records(mean_posterior_given_taus(tau_knots, school_data.means, school_data.serrs),
                                      index = tau_knots, columns=school_data.index)
sd_posterior_given_taus = \
    np.vectorize(sd_posterior_given_tau, otypes=[np.ndarray], excluded=[1])
tau_conditional_sds = \
        pandas.DataFrame.from_records(sd_posterior_given_taus(tau_knots, school_data.serrs),
                                      index = tau_knots, columns=school_data.index)

In [7]:
# I was not able to put inline labels in Python. 
# this page contains an example code for it: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16992038/inline-labels-in-matplotlib
pl.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)

When $\tau = 0$, all group means are treated to be the same, while as $\tau \rightarrow \infty$ they converge to individual MLEs.

In [8]:
pl.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)

Naturally, larger $\tau$ means higher uncertainty in estimates.

Now, let us sample parameters from the joint posterior distribution.

In [9]:
# seed the RNG
sample_num = 200
# first sample tau's
tau_probs = posterior_tau_densities / posterior_tau_densities.sum()
samples_tau = np.random.choice(tau_knots, sample_num, p=tau_probs)
# now sample mu conditioned on tau
def sample_means_from_tau(tau, means, serrs, include_mu=False):
    if isinf(tau):
        if include_mu:
            raise ValueError("mu is not well defined when tau is infinity")
            return np.random.normal(loc=means, scale=serrs)

    marginal_variances = serrs ** 2 + tau ** 2
    total_variance = 1.0/np.sum(1.0/marginal_variances)
    # precision weighted average
    mu_hat = np.sum((1.0/marginal_variances) * means) / \
    sample_mu = np.random.normal(loc=mu_hat, scale=np.sqrt(total_variance))
    if tau == 0:
        if include_mu:
            return np.repeat(sample_mu, len(means) + 1)
            return np.repeat(sample_mu, len(means))
    conditional_means = \
        ((1.0/(serrs ** 2)) * means + 1.0/(tau ** 2) * sample_mu) /\
        (1.0/(serrs ** 2) + 1.0/(tau ** 2))
    conditional_scales = np.sqrt(1.0 / (1.0/(serrs ** 2) + 1.0/(tau ** 2)))
    if include_mu == True:
        return np.concatenate(([sample_mu],
        return np.random.normal(loc=conditional_means,
sample_means_from_taus = \
        np.vectorize(sample_means_from_tau, otypes=[np.ndarray], excluded=[1,2,3])

samples_df = DataFrame.from_records(sample_means_from_taus(samples_tau, school_data.means, school_data.serrs),

Now that we have posterior samples, we can reproduce Table 5.3. which shows quantiles of posterior samples:

In [10]:

0.025 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.975
A -4 6 10 15 27
B -4 3 7 12 20
C -12 2 7 11 19
D -6 5 8 12 19
E -10 2 6 9 17
F -11 3 7 10 19
G -0 7 10 14 29
H -9 4 8 13 26

Lower and upper quantiles deviate a bit from the book, but this is probably due to small sample size (200).

Figure 5.8 (a) reproduced below shows posterior samples for the effect in school A.

In [11]:
pl.axes().set_xlabel(r'Effect in School A')

(-20, 60)

Figure 5.8 (b) reproduced below shows posterior samples of the largest effect.

In [12]:
pl.hist(samples_df.max(axis=1), bins=20)
pl.axes().set_xlabel(r'Largest Effect')

(-20, 60)

$\text{Pr}(\max\{ \theta_j \} > 28.4 \mid y)$ can be calculated as:

In [13]:
np.mean(samples_df.max(axis=1) > 28.4)


Since the probability is small, the accuracy with only 200 samples is quite poor.

We can also compute $\text{Pr}(\theta_1 > \theta_3 \mid y)$:

In [14]:
np.mean(samples_df['A'] > samples_df['C'])


Model Checking (BDA 6.5)

To check the model fit, we sample predictive data from posterior distribution and then measure its test statistics.

In [15]:

0 7.716427 9.991674 0.866800 14.593627 -3.965988 20.090856 12.917670 1.829894
1 0.502421 0.895309 6.927228 7.559977 6.383656 5.732490 1.512876 11.911749
2 8.107001 8.818356 9.584960 11.167918 9.818180 9.268566 13.150036 11.544678
3 9.534934 0.192279 4.933994 0.482355 -5.051685 10.671843 22.620177 2.510405
4 18.022723 6.934803 8.512424 10.223763 -0.429200 -6.964528 9.610435 6.192576
5 6.633026 8.278496 4.938248 9.555146 3.424603 5.327314 6.755715 6.239499
6 17.482265 13.638312 9.628664 17.087535 -3.717156 8.630172 19.108511 -1.979328
7 24.679603 3.786353 -13.655367 1.635514 -16.328680 -11.222549 17.283001 -7.251771
8 5.607194 7.493853 6.257384 7.402898 4.467476 6.417064 6.110007 7.335749
9 1.510968 4.395459 0.566861 9.807944 20.997995 -1.304262 5.611880 13.863666
10 12.992872 12.435256 13.049840 12.809142 12.259121 13.060207 13.397225 12.888974
11 3.284644 14.320452 5.336783 6.618106 -0.524970 -3.601224 7.833326 -3.732031
12 7.377929 6.828941 7.854961 9.082657 7.013176 7.083400 10.005125 8.248841
13 7.581249 7.036055 7.733224 7.954896 7.830516 7.242541 8.061920 7.625156
14 13.330399 15.175647 17.757907 16.201320 19.855363 19.631324 20.120813 19.342776
15 0.630096 7.182227 3.427380 -0.388352 8.674099 3.847556 8.419566 19.522541
16 19.841116 9.744172 16.355059 10.245631 8.982854 10.994532 18.775112 16.951828
17 5.840998 4.386583 7.317891 6.027662 4.462467 2.977552 4.499661 5.723083
18 6.137699 7.815479 6.554743 7.187624 8.016367 7.061611 5.763623 5.859263
19 8.870123 10.109709 12.002920 8.231484 6.697967 11.152029 7.715419 8.036580

In [16]:
posterior_data_list = []
for row_index, row in samples_df.iterrows():
    posterior_data_list.append( np.random.normal(loc=row, scale=school_data.serrs) )
posterior_data_df = DataFrame.from_records(posterior_data_list,

In [17]:
pl.hist(posterior_data_df.max(axis=1), bins=20)
pl.axes().set_xlabel(r'T(y) = max(y)')
pl.axvline(school_data.means.max(), color='r', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2)
print "p-value: %.2f" % (np.sum(posterior_data_df.max(axis=1) > school_data.means.max())/float(len(posterior_data_df)))

p-value: 0.56

In [18]:
pl.hist(posterior_data_df.min(axis=1), bins=20)
pl.axes().set_xlabel(r'T(y) = min(y)')
pl.axvline(school_data.means.min(), color='r', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2)
print "p-value: %.2f" % (np.sum(posterior_data_df.min(axis=1) > school_data.means.min())/float(len(posterior_data_df)))

p-value: 0.23

In [19]:
pl.hist(posterior_data_df.mean(axis=1), bins=20)
pl.axes().set_xlabel(r'T(y) = mean(y)')
pl.axvline(school_data.means.mean(), color='r', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2)
print "p-value: %.2f" % (np.sum(posterior_data_df.mean(axis=1) > school_data.means.mean())/float(len(posterior_data_df)))

p-value: 0.51

In [20]:
pl.hist(posterior_data_df.std(axis=1), bins=20)
pl.axes().set_xlabel(r'T(y) = sd(y)')
pl.axvline(school_data.means.std(), color='r', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2)
print "p-value: %.2f" % (np.sum(posterior_data_df.std(axis=1) > school_data.means.std())/float(len(posterior_data_df)))

p-value: 0.80

Surprisingly, these p-values are too close to what we have in the book, considering the small data size!

Model Comparison based on predictive performance (BDA 7.3)

(Sorry for extreme low quality code with a lot of redundancies here; I quickly began tosmell something bad, but was too lazy to go back.)

In [21]:
from scipy.stats import *
# computing AIC
# first, compute MLE estimate
marginal_variances = school_data.serrs ** 2
total_variance = 1.0/np.sum(1.0/marginal_variances)
# precision weighted average
mle_complete_pooling = np.sum((1.0/marginal_variances) * school_data.means) / np.sum(1.0/marginal_variances)
mle_lpd_complete_pooling = norm.logpdf(school_data.means, loc=mle_complete_pooling, scale=school_data.serrs).sum()
mle_lpd_no_pooling = norm.logpdf(school_data.means, loc=school_data.means, scale=school_data.serrs).sum()
print "AIC for complete pooling: %.1f" % (-2 * mle_lpd_complete_pooling + 1 * 2)
print "AIC for no pooling: %.1f" % (-2 * mle_lpd_no_pooling + 8 * 2)

AIC for complete pooling: 61.3
AIC for no pooling: 70.6

In [22]:
# computing DIC
# here we increase sample number to improve the precision
sample_num = 2000
# sample 
complete_pooling_samples_df = DataFrame.from_records(sample_means_from_taus(np.repeat(0,sample_num), school_data.means, school_data.serrs),
no_pooling_samples_df = DataFrame.from_records(sample_means_from_taus(np.repeat(float('inf'),sample_num), school_data.means, school_data.serrs),

samples_tau = np.random.choice(tau_knots, sample_num, p=tau_probs)
hierarchical_samples_df = DataFrame.from_records(sample_means_from_taus(samples_tau, school_data.means, school_data.serrs),
# first, compute expected mean from posterior distribution
pmean_no_pooling = no_pooling_samples_df.mean()
pmean_complete_pooling = complete_pooling_samples_df.mean()
pmean_hierarchical = hierarchical_samples_df.mean()

pmean_lpd_no_pooling = norm.logpdf(school_data.means, loc=pmean_no_pooling, scale=school_data.serrs).sum()
pmean_lpd_complete_pooling = norm.logpdf(school_data.means, loc=pmean_complete_pooling, scale=school_data.serrs).sum()
pmean_lpd_hierarchical = norm.logpdf(school_data.means, loc=pmean_hierarchical, scale=school_data.serrs).sum()

print "-2lpd with no pooling: %.1f" % (-2 * pmean_lpd_no_pooling)
print "-2lpd with complete pooling: %.1f" % (-2 * pmean_lpd_complete_pooling)
print "-2lpd with hierarchical pooling: %.1f" % (-2 * pmean_lpd_hierarchical)

pdic_no_pooling = 2 * (pmean_lpd_no_pooling - \
    no_pooling_samples_df.apply(lambda x: norm.logpdf(school_data.means, loc=x, 
pdic_complete_pooling = 2 * (pmean_lpd_complete_pooling - \
    complete_pooling_samples_df.apply(lambda x: norm.logpdf(school_data.means, loc=x, 
pdic_hierarchical = 2 * (pmean_lpd_hierarchical - \
    hierarchical_samples_df.apply(lambda x: norm.logpdf(school_data.means, loc=x, 
                                                        scale=school_data.serrs), axis=1).sum(axis=1).mean())
print "p_DIC for no pooling: %.1f" % (pdic_no_pooling)
print "p_DIC for complete pooling: %.1f" % (pdic_complete_pooling)
print "p_DIC for hierarchical pooling: %.1f" % (pdic_hierarchical)

print "DIC for no pooling: %.1f" % (-2 * pmean_lpd_no_pooling + 2 * pdic_no_pooling)
print "DIC for complete pooling: %.1f" % (-2 * pmean_lpd_complete_pooling + 2 * pdic_complete_pooling)
print "DIC for hierarchical pooling: %.1f" % (-2 * pmean_lpd_hierarchical + 2 * pdic_hierarchical)

-2lpd with no pooling: 54.6
-2lpd with complete pooling: 59.3
-2lpd with hierarchical pooling: 57.5
p_DIC for no pooling: 8.0
p_DIC for complete pooling: 1.0
p_DIC for hierarchical pooling: 2.8
DIC for no pooling: 70.7
DIC for complete pooling: 61.3
DIC for hierarchical pooling: 63.0

In [23]:
# WAIC computation
# here I am not being careful in numerical precision; in principle I should've done these calculation in log space.
lppd_no_pooling = np.log(no_pooling_samples_df.apply(lambda x: norm.pdf(school_data.means, loc=x, 
                                                     scale=school_data.serrs), axis=1).mean(axis=0)).sum()
lppd_complete_pooling = np.log(complete_pooling_samples_df.apply(lambda x: norm.pdf(school_data.means, loc=x, 
                                                                 scale=school_data.serrs), axis=1).mean(axis=0)).sum()
lppd_hierarchical = np.log(hierarchical_samples_df.apply(lambda x: norm.pdf(school_data.means, loc=x, 
                                                                            scale=school_data.serrs), axis=1).mean(axis=0)).sum()
print "-2lppd with no pooling: %.1f" % (-2 * lppd_no_pooling)
print "-2lppd with complete pooling: %.1f" % (-2 * lppd_complete_pooling)
print "-2lppd with hierarchical pooling: %.1f" % (-2 * lppd_hierarchical)

pwaic_1_no_pooling = 2 * (lppd_no_pooling - 
                          no_pooling_samples_df.apply(lambda x: norm.logpdf(school_data.means, loc=x, 
                                                      scale=school_data.serrs), axis=1).mean(axis=0).sum())
pwaic_1_complete_pooling = 2 * (lppd_complete_pooling - 
                                complete_pooling_samples_df.apply(lambda x: norm.logpdf(school_data.means, loc=x, 
                                                                  scale=school_data.serrs), axis=1).mean(axis=0).sum())
pwaic_1_hierarchical = 2 * (lppd_hierarchical - 
                            hierarchical_samples_df.apply(lambda x: norm.logpdf(school_data.means, loc=x, 
                                                          scale=school_data.serrs), axis=1).mean(axis=0).sum())

print "p_WAIC1 with no pooling: %.1f" % (pwaic_1_no_pooling)
print "p_WAIC1 with complete pooling: %.1f" % (pwaic_1_complete_pooling)
print "p_WAIC1 with hierarchical pooling: %.1f" % (pwaic_1_hierarchical)

pwaic_2_no_pooling = no_pooling_samples_df.apply(lambda x: norm.logpdf(school_data.means, loc=x, 
                                                 scale=school_data.serrs), axis=1).var(axis=0).sum()
pwaic_2_complete_pooling = complete_pooling_samples_df.apply(lambda x: norm.logpdf(school_data.means, loc=x, 
                                                 scale=school_data.serrs), axis=1).var(axis=0).sum()
pwaic_2_hierarchical = hierarchical_samples_df.apply(lambda x: norm.logpdf(school_data.means, loc=x, 
                                                 scale=school_data.serrs), axis=1).var(axis=0).sum()

print "p_WAIC2 with no pooling: %.1f" % (pwaic_2_no_pooling)
print "p_WAIC2 with complete pooling: %.1f" % (pwaic_2_complete_pooling)
print "p_WAIC2 with hierarchical pooling: %.1f" % (pwaic_2_hierarchical)

print "WAIC with no pooling: %.1f" % (-2 * (lppd_no_pooling - pwaic_2_no_pooling))
print "WAIC with complete pooling: %.1f" % (-2 * (lppd_complete_pooling - pwaic_2_complete_pooling))
print "WAIC with hierarchical pooling: %.1f" % (-2 * (lppd_hierarchical - pwaic_2_hierarchical))

-2lppd with no pooling: 60.2
-2lppd with complete pooling: 59.8
-2lppd with hierarchical pooling: 59.2
p_WAIC1 with no pooling: 2.5
p_WAIC1 with complete pooling: 0.6
p_WAIC1 with hierarchical pooling: 1.0
p_WAIC2 with no pooling: 4.0
p_WAIC2 with complete pooling: 0.6
p_WAIC2 with hierarchical pooling: 1.3
WAIC with no pooling: 68.2
WAIC with complete pooling: 61.0
WAIC with hierarchical pooling: 61.9

LOOC is omitted since I am too lazy.

Clinical Trials of Beta-blockers (BDA 5.6)

Here, we perform a meta-analysis which estimates the effect of beta-blockers from 22 clinical trials. Since a lot of plots are omitted in this chapter of the book, this notebook might be interesting for someone who wanted to take a deeper look on this analysis.

The data can be retrieved from the BDA book website:

In [24]:
blocker_data = read_csv("http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/book/data/meta.asc",
                        index_col='study', skiprows=3, delim_whitespace=True)

In [25]:

control.deaths control.total treated.deaths treated.total
1 3 39 3 38
2 14 116 7 114
3 11 93 5 69
4 127 1520 102 1533
5 27 365 28 355
6 6 52 4 59
7 152 939 98 945
8 48 471 60 632
9 37 282 25 278
10 188 1921 138 1916
11 52 583 64 873
12 47 266 45 263
13 16 293 9 291
14 45 883 57 858
15 31 147 25 154
16 38 213 33 207
17 12 122 28 251
18 6 154 8 151
19 3 134 6 174
20 40 218 32 209
21 43 364 27 391
22 39 674 22 680

Our estimand in this analysis is log odds ratio; this is estimated by empirical logit which sampling variance is estimated by eq (5.24). We regard these values as means and variances of hierarchical normal means model. First, let us calculate these values:

In [26]:
blocker_data['means'] = np.log(blocker_data['treated.deaths']\
                               /(blocker_data['treated.total']-blocker_data['treated.deaths'])) \
                        - np.log(blocker_data['control.deaths']\
blocker_data['serrs'] = np.sqrt(1.0/blocker_data['treated.deaths'] + 
                                1.0/(blocker_data['treated.total'] - 1.0/blocker_data['treated.deaths']) + 
                                1.0/blocker_data['control.deaths'] + 
                                1.0/(blocker_data['control.total'] - 1.0/blocker_data['control.deaths']))

In [27]:
import pylab as pl
# grid points to evaluate evaluate density function
tau_min = 0; tau_max = 0.6; tau_grid_num = 1000
tau_knots = np.linspace(tau_min, tau_max, tau_grid_num)
lop_posterior_tau_densities = \
    log_posterior_tau(tau_knots, blocker_data.means, 
                      blocker_data.serrs, log_prior=lambda tau: 0)
# when calculating densities, it is numerically more stable to 
# first compute in log space, subtract the maximum, and then exponentiate
posterior_tau_densities = \
        np.exp(lop_posterior_tau_densities - np.max(lop_posterior_tau_densities))
#np.exp(log_posterior_tau_densities - log_posterior_tau_densities.max())
pl.plot(tau_knots, posterior_tau_densities, color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=1)
# the y-axis of unnormalized posterior means nothing, so rather hide the scale

As mentioned in the book, the marginal posterior density function of $\tau$ peaks at nonzero value, but still values around zero are quite plausible.

The plot below shows mean effects conditioned on $\tau$; combined with the information from plot above, this indicates that moderate amount of shrinkage in estimates are necessary.

In [28]:
def mean_posterior_given_tau(tau, means, serrs):
    assert(len(means) == len(serrs))
    marginal_variances = serrs ** 2 + tau ** 2
    total_variance = 1.0/np.sum(1.0/marginal_variances)
    # precision weighted average
    mu_hat = np.sum((1.0/marginal_variances) * means) / \
    if tau == 0:
        return np.repeat(mu_hat, len(means))
    return ((1.0/(serrs ** 2)) * means + 1.0/(tau ** 2) * mu_hat) / (1.0/(serrs ** 2) + 1.0/(tau ** 2))

def sd_posterior_given_tau(tau, serrs):
    marginal_variances = serrs ** 2 + tau ** 2
    total_variance = 1.0/np.sum(1.0/marginal_variances)
    individual_variances = (((serrs ** 2)/(serrs ** 2 + tau ** 2)) ** 2) * total_variance
    if tau == 0:
        return np.sqrt(individual_variances)
    return np.sqrt(individual_variances + 1.0 / (1.0/(serrs ** 2) + 1.0/(tau ** 2)))

mean_posterior_given_taus = \
    np.vectorize(mean_posterior_given_tau, otypes=[np.ndarray], excluded=[1,2])
tau_conditional_means = \
        pandas.DataFrame.from_records(mean_posterior_given_taus(tau_knots, blocker_data.means, blocker_data.serrs),
                                      index=tau_knots, columns=blocker_data.index)
sd_posterior_given_taus = \
    np.vectorize(sd_posterior_given_tau, otypes=[np.ndarray], excluded=[1])
tau_conditional_sds = \
        pandas.DataFrame.from_records(sd_posterior_given_taus(tau_knots, blocker_data.serrs),
                                      index = tau_knots, columns=blocker_data.index)
# I was not able to put inline labels in Python. 
# this page contains an example code for it: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16992038/inline-labels-in-matplotlib
pl.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)

Now let us sample from the joint posterior distribution.

In [29]:
# seed the RNG
sample_num = 5000
# first sample tau's
tau_probs = posterior_tau_densities / posterior_tau_densities.sum()
samples_tau = np.random.choice(tau_knots, sample_num, p=tau_probs)
# now sample mu conditioned on tau
samples_df = DataFrame.from_records(sample_means_from_taus(samples_tau, blocker_data.means, 
                                                           blocker_data.serrs, include_mu=True),

In [30]:
samples_columns_df = samples_df.drop('mu', 1)

Posterior quantiles in Table 5.4 can now be reproduced.

In [31]:
samples_columns_df.quantile([0.025,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.975]).transpose().apply(lambda x:np.round(x,decimals=2))

0.025 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.975
1 -0.58 -0.32 -0.25 -0.15 0.12
2 -0.64 -0.37 -0.28 -0.20 -0.01
3 -0.60 -0.35 -0.27 -0.19 0.03
4 -0.44 -0.31 -0.25 -0.19 -0.06
5 -0.43 -0.28 -0.21 -0.10 0.14
6 -0.61 -0.34 -0.26 -0.18 0.05
7 -0.61 -0.43 -0.35 -0.28 -0.17
8 -0.41 -0.28 -0.21 -0.13 0.10
9 -0.59 -0.36 -0.28 -0.21 -0.03
10 -0.48 -0.35 -0.29 -0.24 -0.13
11 -0.47 -0.31 -0.25 -0.17 0.01
12 -0.43 -0.29 -0.21 -0.12 0.10
13 -0.63 -0.36 -0.28 -0.20 0.01
14 -0.34 -0.22 -0.13 0.01 0.29
15 -0.55 -0.34 -0.26 -0.19 0.03
16 -0.47 -0.31 -0.23 -0.15 0.07
17 -0.47 -0.29 -0.21 -0.11 0.16
18 -0.49 -0.31 -0.23 -0.13 0.17
19 -0.52 -0.31 -0.23 -0.14 0.17
20 -0.50 -0.32 -0.25 -0.17 0.04
21 -0.65 -0.40 -0.31 -0.24 -0.09
22 -0.65 -0.40 -0.30 -0.23 -0.07

Now let us sample predicted effects.

In [32]:
samples_predicted_effect = np.zeros(len(samples_tau))
samples_predicted_effect[samples_tau > 0] = np.random.normal(loc=samples_df['mu'][samples_tau > 0],scale=samples_tau[samples_tau > 0])
samples_predicted_effect[samples_tau == 0] = samples_df['mu'][samples_tau == 0]

Now Table 5.5 can be reproduced.

In [33]:
           'standard deviation':samples_tau, 
           'predicted_effect':samples_predicted_effect}).quantile([0.025,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.975]).transpose().apply(lambda x:np.round(x,decimals=2))

0.025 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.975
mean -0.37 -0.29 -0.25 -0.21 -0.11
predicted_effect -0.60 -0.33 -0.25 -0.16 0.14
standard deviation 0.01 0.07 0.13 0.18 0.31

Histograms of estimates, not shown in the book, are presented below.

In [34]:
samples_columns_df.hist(figsize=(12,12),sharex=True, bins=20)

array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x10faf2bd0>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x10ffec850>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x110f20390>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x110042d50>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x10ff78710>],
       [<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x10fed8c90>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x110064bd0>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x10ffc5950>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x110f84e50>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x110fc1fd0>],
       [<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x111a5e390>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x1118e3690>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x111966810>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x111add710>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x111b5e890>],
       [<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x111bade10>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x10b740f90>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x10b7c3c10>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x111e26750>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x111eab7d0>],
       [<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x111f10050>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x111f931d0>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x111f4a4d0>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x11207b910>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x1120fea50>]], dtype=object)

In [35]:
def mean_posterior_of_mean_given_tau(tau, means, serrs):
    assert(len(means) == len(serrs))
    marginal_variances = serrs ** 2 + tau ** 2
    total_variance = 1.0/np.sum(1.0/marginal_variances)
    # precision weighted average
    mu_hat = np.sum((1.0/marginal_variances) * means) / \
    return mu_hat

def sd_posterior_of_mean_given_tau(tau, means, serrs):
    assert(len(means) == len(serrs))
    marginal_variances = serrs ** 2 + tau ** 2
    total_variance = 1.0/np.sum(1.0/marginal_variances)
    return np.sqrt(total_variance)

mean_posterior_of_mean_given_taus = \
    np.vectorize(mean_posterior_of_mean_given_tau, otypes=[np.ndarray], excluded=[1,2])
sd_posterior_of_mean_given_taus = \
    np.vectorize(sd_posterior_of_mean_given_tau, otypes=[np.ndarray], excluded=[1,2])

Recall this was the posterior density of $\tau$:

In [36]:
pl.plot(tau_knots, posterior_tau_densities, color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=1)
# the y-axis of unnormalized posterior means nothing, so rather hide the scale

Compared to the posterior quantile values of data, the conditional $\mu \mid \tau$ changes very little within most plausible region of $\tau$.

In [37]:
pl.plot(tau_knots, mean_posterior_of_mean_given_taus(tau_knots, blocker_data.means, blocker_data.serrs))
pl.axes().set_xlabel(r'$E[\mu \mid \tau,y]$')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x112456dd0>

However, the standard deviation changes greatly.

In [38]:
pl.plot(tau_knots, sd_posterior_of_mean_given_taus(tau_knots, blocker_data.means, blocker_data.serrs))
pl.axes().set_xlabel(r'sd$[\mu \mid \tau,y]$')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x112512f50>

The book comments the value of $\text{sd}(\mu \mid \tau,y)$ at $\tau=0.13$:

In [39]:
sd_posterior_of_mean_given_tau(0.13, blocker_data.means, blocker_data.serrs)


On the other hand, $\text{sd}(\mu \mid y)$, marginalized over $\tau$, can be computed from posterior samples as follows:

In [40]:


Well this is a bit different from the value in the book, 0.071. I wonder why...?

In [40]: