SQL exercise questions from Coursera - Introduction to Databases course
SQL Movie-Rating Query Exercises (core set)
In this part we'll use a database called 'rating'. I downloaded it from the Introduction to databases course in coursera. The database has three tables ( 'Movie', 'Rating', 'Reviewer' ). The schema is shown below.
Movie table
mID title year director - - - - Rating table
rID mID stars ratingDate - - - - Reviewer table
rID name - -
In [1]:
import pandas
import mysql.connector
# set up connections to the DB
conn = mysql.connector.Connect(host='localhost',user='root',\
In [1]:
import pandas
import mysql.connector
# set up connections to the DB
conn = mysql.connector.Connect(host='localhost',user='root',\
#LOAD the SQL tables into DF
qryMv = """
SELECT * From Movie
qryRt = """
SELECT * From Rating
qryRe = """
SELECT * From Reviewer
movieDF = pandas.read_sql( qryMv, conn )
ratDF = pandas.read_sql( qryRt, conn )
rvwrDF = pandas.read_sql( qryRe, conn )
In [2]:
#SQL query
qry = """
SELECT title FROM Movie
WHERE director = 'Steven Spielberg'
# get the data
qDF = pandas.read_sql( qry, conn )
# print the data
print qDF
In [3]:
# simple selection
print movieDF[ movieDF['director'] == 'Steven Spielberg' ]['title']
In [3]:
#SQL query
qry = """
INNER JOIN Rating ra
ON ra.mID = mv.mID
WHERE ra.stars >= 4
ORDER BY mv.year ASC
# get the data
qDF = pandas.read_sql( qry, conn )
# print the data
print qDF
In [4]:
# store the ratings in new DF for ease of operation
# we also reset the index.
ratDFNew = ratDF[ ratDF['stars'] >= 4 ].reset_index()
# Now merge (similar to join in SQL) the new ratingDF
# into the movieDF.
resDF = pandas.merge( ratDFNew, movieDF, \
on='mID', how='inner' )
# Now sort according to the year
# note here that we can sort
# the DF in place (using
# the keyword 'inplace') without
# creating a new DF instance.
resDF.sort( ['year'], ascending=True, inplace=True )
# get the year column only and
resDF = resDF['year']
# Print the unique values using unique() statement
print resDF.unique()
In [4]:
#SQL query
qry = """
SELECT mv.title FROM Movie mv
LEFT JOIN Rating ra
ON ra.mID = mv.mID
# get the data
qDF = pandas.read_sql( qry, conn )
# print the data
print qDF
In [6]:
# We'll merge the two DFs using
# 'left' method. This is like the
# left outer join in SQL.
resDF = pandas.merge( movieDF, ratDF, \
on='mID', how='left' )
# Now retreive 'title' column from records
# which have a Null value in the stars column
resDF = resDF[ resDF['stars'].isnull() ]\
print resDF
In [7]:
#SQL query
qry = """
SELECT re.name FROM Reviewer re
INNER JOIN Rating ra
ON ra.rID = re.rID
WHERE ra.ratingDate IS NULL
# get the data
qDF = pandas.read_sql( qry, conn )
# print the data
print qDF
In [8]:
# We'll merge rvwrDF and ratDF
# and retreive rows which have Null
# in date.
resDF = pandas.merge( rvwrDF, ratDF, \
on='rID', how='inner' )
# Now retreive the records which have null
# value in the date column
resDF = resDF[ resDF['ratingDate'].isnull() ]\
print resDF
In [6]:
#SQL query
qry = """
SELECT re.name, mv.title, ra.stars, ra.ratingDate
FROM Movie mv
INNER JOIN Rating ra ON ra.mID = mv.mID
INNER JOIN Reviewer re ON ra.rID = re.rID
ORDER BY re.name, mv.title, ra.stars
# get the data
qDF = pandas.read_sql( qry, conn )
# print the data
print qDF
In [9]:
# first merge all the three DFs
resDF = pandas.merge( movieDF, ratDF, \
on='mID', how='inner' )
resDF = pandas.merge( resDF, rvwrDF,\
on='rID', how='inner')
# sort the DF and select the required columns
resDF.sort( ['name','title','stars'], inplace=True )
resDF = resDF[ [ 'name', 'title', 'stars', 'ratingDate' ] ]\
print resDF
In [10]:
#SQL query
qry = """
SELECT re1.name, mv.title FROM Reviewer re1
INNER JOIN Rating ra1 ON ra1.rID = re1.rID
INNER JOIN Movie mv ON mv.mID = ra1.mID
INNER JOIN Rating ra2 ON ra1.rID = ra2.rID AND ra1.mID = ra2.mID
WHERE ra2.stars > ra1.stars AND ra2.ratingDate > ra1.ratingDate
# get the data
qDF = pandas.read_sql( qry, conn )
# print the data
print qDF
In [11]:
# merge ratingDF on itself
resDF = pandas.merge( ratDF, ratDF,\
on=['rID','mID'], how='inner')
# Note in joins like the self join here, Pandas
# renames columns with same names with _x, _y suffixes.
# Now retreive the rows which satisfy the requirement of
# the question, i.e., stars_y > stars_x and
# ratingDate_y > ratingDate_x.
resDF = resDF[ (resDF['stars_y'] > resDF['stars_x']) & \
(resDF['ratingDate_y'] > resDF['ratingDate_x']) ]
# Now merge the other DFs for required info
resDF = pandas.merge( resDF, movieDF,\
on=['mID'], how='inner')
resDF = pandas.merge( resDF, rvwrDF,\
on=['rID'], how='inner')
# get the required cols
resDF = resDF[ ['name', 'title'] ]
print resDF
In [8]:
#SQL query
qry = """
SELECT mv.title, tab.max_stars FROM Movie mv
(SELECT mID, MAX(stars) max_stars FROM Rating ra
HAVING COUNT(mID) > 1) tab
ON tab.mID = mv.MID
ORDER BY mv.title
# get the data
qDF = pandas.read_sql( qry, conn )
# print the data
print qDF
In [12]:
# Do a groupby operation on ratDF
ratGrps = ratDF.groupby( ['mID'] )
# we'll use filter to implement a having type
# operation in pandas, here we're using filter to
# get all mIDs which have more than 1 rating
ratGrps = ratGrps.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1)
# Now get the rows which have max values in stars
# for the selected mIDs
ratGrpMax = ratGrps.groupby(['mID'], sort=False)\
# Merge ratGrpMax with movieDF, before that convert
# the series to dataframe
ratGrpMax = pandas.DataFrame( ratGrpMax )
# Make index as column with name 'mID' for merging
ratGrpMax['mID'] = ratGrpMax.index
ratGrpMax.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
# Also rename 'stars' column to 'max_stars'
ratGrpMax.rename( columns={'stars':'max_stars'},\
inplace=True )
ratGrpMax = pandas.merge( ratGrpMax, movieDF,\
on='mID', how='inner' )
# select the required cols
ratGrpMax = ratGrpMax[ [ 'title', 'max_stars' ] ].sort( 'title' )
print ratGrpMax
In [9]:
#SQL query
qry = """
SELECT mv.title, tab.rat_spread FROM Movie mv
(SELECT mID, MAX(stars)-MIN(stars) rat_spread FROM Rating ra
ON tab.mID = mv.MID
ORDER BY tab.rat_spread DESC, mv.title
# get the data
qDF = pandas.read_sql( qry, conn )
# print the data
print qDF
In [13]:
# Group by mID
ratGrps = ratDF.groupby( ['mID'] )
# Get max and min star values from groupby ops
ratMax = ratDF.groupby(['mID'], sort=False)\
ratMin = ratDF.groupby(['mID'], sort=False)\
# rename the names of ratMin and ratMax Series
ratMax.name = 'max_stars'
ratMin.name = 'min_stars'
# merge(concat) the series
resDF = pandas.concat( [ratMax, ratMin], axis=1 )
# set the mID col
resDF['mID'] = resDF.index
# reset the index
resDF.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
# get the rating spread col
resDF['rat_spread'] = resDF['max_stars'] - resDF['min_stars']
# merge with movieDF and select req cols
resDF = pandas.merge( resDF, movieDF,\
on='mID', how='inner' )
resDF = resDF[ [ 'title', 'rat_spread' ] ]\
.sort('rat_spread', ascending=False)\
print resDF
In [11]:
#SQL query
qry = """
SELECT MAX(tab2.rat_rel_date) - MIN(tab2.rat_rel_date) difference FROM
( SELECT AVG(avg_rat) rat_rel_date FROM
( SELECT Movie.mID, AVG(Rating.stars) avg_rat,
CASE WHEN Movie.year < 1980 THEN 'BEFORE' ELSE 'AFTER' END rel_date
FROM Rating
INNER JOIN Movie ON Movie.mID = Rating.mID
GROUP BY Movie.mID ) tab
GROUP BY tab.rel_date) tab2
# get the data
qDF = pandas.read_sql( qry, conn )
# print the data
print qDF
In [14]:
# Merge ratDF and movieDF
resDF = pandas.merge( movieDF, ratDF, \
on='mID', how='inner' )
# Now make two new DFs one with movies
# before 1980 and the other after 1980
beforeDF = resDF[ resDF['year'] < 1980 ]
afterDF = resDF[ resDF['year'] >= 1980 ]
# get average rating for each movie
bfrGrps = beforeDF.groupby(['mID'], sort=False)\
aftrGrps = afterDF.groupby(['mID'], sort=False)\
# get the mean of each series and get differences
print bfrGrps.mean() - aftrGrps.mean()