TD 3 : Hopfield model : Berlemont Kevin

Hopfield network : An introduction

The Hopfield model , consists of a network of $N$ neurons, labeled by a lower index $i$ , with $ 1\leq i\leq N$. Neurons in the Hopfield model have only two states. A neuron $i$ is ‘ON’ if its state variable takes the value $S_{i}=+1$ and ‘OFF’ (silent) if $S_{i}=-1$. The dynamics evolves in discrete time with time steps $\Delta t$. There is no refractoriness and the duration of a time step is typically not specified. If we take $ \Delta t=1ms $, we can interpret $S_{i}(t)=+1$ as an action potential of neuron $i$ at time $t$. If we take $\Delta t=500ms$, $S_{i}(t)=+1$ should rather be interpreted as an episode of high firing rate.

Neurons interact with each other with weights $w_{ij}$. The input potential of neuron $i$, influenced by the activity of other neurons is $$ h_{i}(t)=\sum_{j}w_{ij}\,S_{j}(t)\,. $$ The input potential at time t t influences the probabilistic update of the state variable $ S_{i}$ in the next time step:

$$ S_{i}(t+\Delta t)=\operatorname{sgn}[h(t)] $$

If we want now to include some dependancy in the temperature for the dynamic, we can use the Glauber dynamic which is the following.

If the temperature is not very low, there is a complication in the magnetic problem. Thermal fluctuations tend to flip the spins, from down to up or from up to down, and thus upset the tendency of each spin to align with its field. At high temperature the thermal fluctuations dominate and a spin is nearly as often opposite to its field aligned with it. The conventional way to describe mathematically the effect of thermal fluctuations in an Ising model is with Glauber dynamics. We replace the previous deterministic dynamics by a stochastic rule. $$ S_i \equiv \left\lbrace \begin{array}{cc} +1 & \mbox{with probability $g(h_i)$} \\ -1 & \mbox{with probability $1-g(h_i)$} \end{array}\right. $$ This is taken to be applied whenever spin $S_i$ is updated. The function $g(h)$ depends on temperature and will be : $$ g(h) = \frac{1}{1+ \exp (- 2 \beta h)}$$

Patterns in the Hopfield model

The Hopfield model consists of a network of $ N$ binary neurons. A neuron i i is characterized by its state $ S_{i}=\pm 1$. The state variable is updated according to the dynamics defined previously.

The task of the network is to store and recall $ M$ different patterns. Patterns are labeled by the index $\mu$ with $ 1\leq\mu\leq M$. Each pattern $ \mu$ is defined as a desired configuration $ \left\{p_{i}^{\mu}=\pm 1;1\leq i\leq N\right\}$. The network of $ N$ neurons is said to correctly represent pattern $ \mu$, if the state of all neurons $1\leq i\leq N$ is $ S_{i}(t)=S_{i}(t+\Delta t)=p_{i}^{\mu}$. In other words, patterns must be fixed points of the dynamics.

During the set-up phase of the Hopfield network, a random number generator generates, for each pattern $\mu$ a string of $ N $independent binary numbers $ \{p_{i}^{\mu}=\pm 1;1\leq i\leq N\} $with expectation value $ \langle p_{i}^{\mu}\rangle=0$. Strings of different patterns are independent. The weights are chosen as

$$ w_{ij}=c\sum_{\mu=1}^{M}p_{i}^{\mu}\,p_{j}^{\mu}\, $$

with a positive constant $ c>0$. The network has full connectivity. Note that for a single pattern and $c=1$, the set-ip is identical to the connections of the anti-ferromagnet. For reasons of normalization, the standard choice of the constant $c$ is $ c=1/N$.

In [33]:
<script src=""></script>

We will now study how a network stores and retrieves patterns. Using a small network allows us to have a close look at the network weights and dynamics.

In [5]:
#%matplotlib inline
#%matplotlib qt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from neurodynex.hopfield_network import network, pattern_tools, plot_tools

pattern_size = 5

# create an instance of the class HopfieldNetwork
hopfield_net = network.HopfieldNetwork(nr_neurons= pattern_size**2)
# instantiate a pattern factory
factory = pattern_tools.PatternFactory(pattern_size, pattern_size)
# create a checkerboard pattern and add it to the pattern list
checkerboard = factory.create_checkerboard()
pattern_list = [checkerboard]

# add random patterns to the list
pattern_list.extend(factory.create_random_pattern_list(nr_patterns=3, on_probability=0.5))
# how similar are the random patterns and the checkerboard? Check the overlaps
overlap_matrix = pattern_tools.compute_overlap_matrix(pattern_list)

# let the hopfield network "learn" the patterns. Note: they are not stored
# explicitly but only network weights are updated !

# create a noisy version of a pattern and use that to initialize the network
noisy_init_state = pattern_tools.flip_n(checkerboard, nr_of_flips=3)

# from this initial state, let the network dynamics evolve.
states = hopfield_net.run_with_monitoring(nr_steps=4)

# each network state is a vector. reshape it to the same shape used to create the patterns.
states_as_patterns = factory.reshape_patterns(states)
# plot the states of the network

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [12,9]
plot_tools.plot_state_sequence_and_overlap(states_as_patterns, pattern_list, reference_idx=0, suptitle="Network dynamics")

On this figure we saw that starting with a noisy pattern, the network is capable of finding the right pattern corresponding. We can observe that the correlation $m$ between the right pattern and the output is increasing with time.

But the thing we can ask is whether the network can retrieve a infinite number of patterns, with a strong noise ?

The following simulations will give a first answer to this question.

In [7]:
pattern_size = 4
# create an instance of the class HopfieldNetwork
hopfield_net = network.HopfieldNetwork(nr_neurons= pattern_size**2)
# instantiate a pattern factory
factory = pattern_tools.PatternFactory(pattern_size, pattern_size)
# create a checkerboard pattern and add it to the pattern list
checkerboard = factory.create_checkerboard()
pattern_list = [checkerboard]
pattern_list.extend(factory.create_random_pattern_list(nr_patterns=6, on_probability=0.5))

# create a noisy version of a pattern and use that to initialize the network
noisy_init_state = pattern_tools.flip_n(checkerboard, nr_of_flips=3)

# from this initial state, let the network dynamics evolve.
states = hopfield_net.run_with_monitoring(nr_steps=6)

# each network state is a vector. reshape it to the same shape used to create the patterns.
states_as_patterns = factory.reshape_patterns(states)
# plot the states of the network

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [12,9]
plot_tools.plot_state_sequence_and_overlap(states_as_patterns, pattern_list, reference_idx=0, suptitle="Network dynamics with 7 patterns stored")

In [10]:
pattern_size = 4
# create an instance of the class HopfieldNetwork
hopfield_net = network.HopfieldNetwork(nr_neurons= pattern_size**2)
# instantiate a pattern factory
factory = pattern_tools.PatternFactory(pattern_size, pattern_size)
# create a checkerboard pattern and add it to the pattern list
checkerboard = factory.create_checkerboard()
pattern_list = [checkerboard]
pattern_list.extend(factory.create_random_pattern_list(nr_patterns=3, on_probability=0.5))

# create a noisy version of a pattern and use that to initialize the network
noisy_init_state = pattern_tools.flip_n(checkerboard, nr_of_flips=10)

# from this initial state, let the network dynamics evolve.
states = hopfield_net.run_with_monitoring(nr_steps=6)

# each network state is a vector. reshape it to the same shape used to create the patterns.
states_as_patterns = factory.reshape_patterns(states)
# plot the states of the network

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [12,9]
plot_tools.plot_state_sequence_and_overlap(states_as_patterns, pattern_list, reference_idx=0, suptitle="Network dynamics with more than 50% of noise")

Those two pictures show the limits of out model. In the situation wherem ore patterns are stored, the netowrk is not able to correctly recover the ones he stored. Moreover, in a situation where he was able to recover the correct pattern, if we increase the noise, the network does not recover the pattern (this seems logical).

Weights distribution

Let's just have a quick look at the weight's distribution of the Hopfield network before looking at the phase transition. We are going to try to understand how the weights are instancied in the Hopfield network. For that we will create a checkerboard pattern, and a L-pattern and observe the behavior of the system. Each time we will plot the weight matrice and the weight distribution.

In [19]:
pattern_size = 4

# create an instance of the class HopfieldNetwork
hopfield_net1 = network.HopfieldNetwork(nr_neurons= pattern_size**2)
%matplotlib inline
factory = pattern_tools.PatternFactory(pattern_size, pattern_size)
# create a checkerboard pattern and add it to the pattern list
checkerboard = factory.create_checkerboard()
pattern_list = [checkerboard]
plt.title('Histogram of the weights distribution checkerboard pattern')

In [20]:
hopfield_net2 = network.HopfieldNetwork(nr_neurons= pattern_size**2)
%matplotlib inline
L_pattern = factory.create_L_pattern()
pattern_list= [L_pattern]
plt.title('Histogram of the weights distribution for L pattern')

In [21]:
hopfield_net3 = network.HopfieldNetwork(nr_neurons= pattern_size**2)

L_pattern = factory.create_L_pattern()
checkboard = factory.create_checkerboard()
pattern_list= [L_pattern,checkboard]
plt.title('Histogram of the weights distribution for both patterns')

On each of this figure we present which patterns are store in the network and the result on the weights. We can observe that the wieght matrice has the same symmetries as the pattern which are storen. Moreover, the weight distribution seems to depend on how many pattern are store.

When we are trying to store more pattern ,the resulting weight matrice is only the sum of the weight matrices of the individual pattern. This is clearly in accordance with the algotihm we have defined in the introduction. But this influence on the weights distribution highlight the fact that the system can only store a finite number of pattern if he wants to be able to correctly retrieve them.

Phase transition

Let us first briefly explain why do we have a phase transition in the dynamics of the Hopfield network. We will highlight this fact with computation at the end of this discussion.

How many random patterns can be stored in a network of $ N$ neurons? Memory retrieval implies pattern completion, starting from a partial pattern. An absolutely minimal condition for pattern completion is that at least the dynamics should not move away from the pattern, if the initial cue is identical to the complete pattern. In other words, we require that a network with initial state $S_{i}(t_{0})=p_{i}^{\nu}$ for $1\leq i\leq N$ stays in pattern $ \nu$. Therefore pattern $ \nu$ must be a fixed point under the dynamics.

We study a Hopfield network at zero temperature ($\beta=\infty$). We start the calculation by inserting $ S_{j}(t_{0})=p_{j}^{\nu}$. This yields to :

$$ \displaystyle S_{i}(t_{0}+\Delta t) = \displaystyle\operatorname{sgn}\left[{1\over N}\sum_{j=1}^{N}\sum_{\mu=1}^{M}p_{i}^{\mu}\,p_{j}^{\mu}\,p_{j}^{\nu}\right] = \displaystyle\operatorname{sgn}\left[p_{i}^{\nu}\,\left({1\over N}\sum_{j=1}^{N}p_{j}^{\nu}\,p_{j}^{\nu}\right)+{1\over N}\sum_{\mu\neq\nu}\sum_{j}p_{i}^{\mu}\,p_{j}^{\mu}\,p_{j}^{\nu}\right]\, $$

where we have separated the pattern $ \nu$ from the other patterns. The factor in parenthesis on the right-hand side adds up to one and can therefore be dropped. We now multiply the second term on the right-hand side by a factor $ 1=p_{i}^{\nu}\,p_{i}^{\nu}$. Finally, because$ p_{i}^{\nu}=\pm 1$, a factor $p_{i}^{\nu}$ can be pulled out of the argument of the sign-function:

$$S_{i}(t_{0}+\Delta t)=p_{i}^{\nu}\,\operatorname{sgn}[1+{1\over N}\sum_{j}\sum_{\mu\neq\nu}p_{i}^{\mu}\,p_{i}^{\nu}\,p_{j}^{\mu}\,p_{j}^{\nu}]=p_{i}^{\nu}\,\operatorname{sgn}[1-a_{i\nu}]\,. $$

The desired fixed point exists only if $1>a_{i\nu}={1\over N}\sum_{j}\sum_{\mu\neq\nu}p_{i}^{\mu}\,p_{i}^{\nu}\,p_{j}^{\mu}\,p_{j}^{\nu}$ for all neurons $ i$. In other words, even if the network is initialized in perfect agreement with one of the patterns, it can happen that one or a few neurons flip their sign. The probability to move away from the pattern is equal to the probability of finding a value $ a_{i\nu}>0$ for one of the neurons $ i$.

Because patterns are generated from independent random numbers $ p_{i}^{\mu}=\pm 1$ with zero mean, the product $ p_{i}^{\mu}\,p_{i}^{\nu}\,p_{j}^{\mu}\,p_{j}^{\nu}=\pm 1$ is also a binary random number with zero mean. Since the values $ p_{i}^{\mu}$ are chosen independently for each neuron $ i$ and each pattern $ \mu$, the term $a_{i\nu}$ can be visualized as a random walk of $N\,(M-1)$ steps and step size $1/N$. For a large number of steps, the positive or negative walking distance can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and standard deviation $ \sigma=\sqrt{(M-1)/N}\approx\sqrt{M/N}$ for $ M\gg 1$. The probability that the activity state of neuron $ i$ erroneously flips is therefore proportional to

$$ P_{\rm error}={1\over\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}\int_{1}^{\infty}e^{-x^{2}\over 2\sigma^{2}}{\text{d}}x\approx{1\over 2}\left[1-{\rm erf}\left(\sqrt{{N\over 2M}}\right)\right] $$

where we have introduced the error function

$$ {\rm erf}(x)={1\over\sqrt{\pi}}\int_{0}^{x}e^{-y^{2}}\,{\text{d}}y $$

The most important insight is that the probability of an erroneous state-flip increases with the ratio $ M/N$. Formally, we can define the storage capacity $ C_{\rm store}$ of a network as the maximal number $ M^{\rm max}$ of patterns that a network of $ N$ neurons can retrieve

$$ C_{\rm store}={M^{\rm max}\over N}={M^{\rm max}\,N\over N^{2}}\,. $$

For the second equality sign we have multiplied both numerator and denominator by a common factor N N which gives rise to the following interpretation. Since each pattern consists of $ N$ neurons (i.e., $ N $binary numbers), the total number of bits that need to be stored at maximum capacity is $M^{\rm max}\,N$. In the Hopfield model, patterns are stored by an appropriate choice of the synaptic connections. The number of available synapses in a fully connected network is $ N^{2}$. Therefore, the storage capacity measures the number of bits stored per synapse.

We can evaluate this solution for various choices of $ P_{\rm error}$. For example, if we accept an error probability of $ P_{\rm error}=0.001$, we find a storage capacity of $ C_{\rm store}=0.105$.

Hence, a network of 10’000 neurons is able of storing about 1’000 patterns with $ P_{\rm error}=0.001$. Thus in each of the patterns, we expect that about 10 neurons exhibit erroneous activity. We emphasize that the above calculation focuses on the first iteration step only. If we start in the pattern, then about 10 neurons will flip their state in the first iteration. But these flips could in principle cause further neurons to flip in the second iteration and eventually initiate an avalanche of many other changes.

A more precise calculation shows that such an avalanche does not occur, if the number of stored pattern stays below a limit such that $ C_{\rm store}=0.138 $.

In [24]:
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
pattern_size = 20

# create an instance of the class HopfieldNetwork
hopfield_net = network.HopfieldNetwork(nr_neurons= pattern_size**2)
# instantiate a pattern factory
factory = pattern_tools.PatternFactory(pattern_size, pattern_size)
# create a checkerboard pattern and add it to the pattern list
#checkerboard = factory.create_checkerboard()
#pattern_list = [checkerboard]
# add random patterns to the list
pattern_list.extend(factory.create_random_pattern_list(nr_patterns=10, on_probability=0.5))

# let the hopfield network "learn" the patterns. Note: they are not stored
# explicitly but only network weights are updated !

# create a noisy version of a pattern and use that to initialize the network


# from this initial state, let the network dynamics evolve.
states = hopfield_net.run_with_monitoring(nr_steps=6)

energy_list = []
for p in range(len(states)) :
    energy_list.append(- np.sum(,states[p]),states[p])))

# each network state is a vector. reshape it to the same shape used to create the patterns.
states_as_patterns = factory.reshape_patterns(states)
# plot the states of the network

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [12,9]

plot_tools.plot_state_sequence_and_overlap(states_as_patterns, pattern_list, reference_idx=0, suptitle="Network dynamics")

plt.title('Energy of the network')
plt.xlabel('Epoch of the dynamics')

As we can observe as we eprform the dynamics of the Hopfield model, the total energy of the network is strongly decreasing. This is in accordance with the physical interpretation we had. But even if we always have a decreasing energy (even with wrong recovery), we can observe a typical behavior of the magnetization $m$ (or correlation) as function of $p/N$.

In [28]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import time
start_time = time.time()
#alpha_list = [0.01,0.05,0.08,0.10,0.12,0.15,0.20,0.30]
alpha_list = np.arange(0.07,0.22,0.010
m_list = []
hopfield_net = network.HopfieldNetwork(nr_neurons= network_size**2)
factory = pattern_tools.PatternFactory(network_size,network_size)
# create a checkerboard pattern and add it to the pattern list
#checkerboard = factory.create_checkerboard()
#pattern_list = [checkerboard]
pattern_list.extend(factory.create_random_pattern_list(nr_patterns=int(alpha_list[-1]*network_size*network_size), on_probability=0.5))

for alpha in alpha_list:

# create an instance of the class HopfieldNetwork

# let the hopfield network "learn" the patterns. Note: they are not stored
# explicitly but only network weights are updated !

# create a noisy version of a pattern and use that to initialize the network
 noisy_init_state=pattern_tools.flip_n(pattern_list[0],nr_of_flips=int(network_size*network_size*0.15)) # 10% of noisy pixels

 states_as_patterns_old =  [noisy_init_state]
 states_as_patterns_new = [pattern_list[0]]
# from this initial state, let the network dynamics evolve.
 #while pattern_tools.compute_overlap(states_as_patterns_old[0],states_as_patterns_new[0]) < 0.95:
  #print pattern_tools.compute_overlap(states_as_patterns_old[0],states_as_patterns_new[0])
  #states_as_patterns_old = states_as_patterns_new
  #states_new = hopfield_net.run_with_monitoring(nr_steps=1)
  #states_as_patterns_new = factory.reshape_patterns(states_new)
# each network state is a vector. reshape it to the same shape used to create the patterns.
 states = hopfield_net.run_with_monitoring(nr_steps=1)
 states_as_patterns = factory.reshape_patterns(states)
# plot the states of the network
#print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
# Create a trace
trace = go.Scatter(
    x = alpha_list,
    y = m_list,
    mode = 'lines+markers'

data = [trace]
layout= go.Layout(
    title= 'Phase transition at T=0',
    hovermode= 'closest',
    xaxis= dict(
        title= 'Alpha',
        ticklen= 5,
        zeroline= False,
        gridwidth= 2,
        title= 'Correlation',
        ticklen= 5,
        gridwidth= 2,
    showlegend= False
fig= go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)


As we have explained with the theory around $\alpha = 0.14$, at temperature $0$ , we should observe a phase transition. And that's exactly what the strong drop in $m$ is telling us. At a precize number of stored patterns the network does not work well anymore.

To conclude this observation we are going to ocmpute the pahse diagram with Glauber dynamics of the Hopfield network. Each point will be the phase transition in the $(\alpha,T)$ space.

In [2]:
from wand.image import Image as WImage
img = WImage(filename='Phase_transition_with_size25.pdf')


This phase diagram shows that there is roughly a triangular region where the network is a good memory device. Outside this region (on the right) the device is not useful as a memory device; $m$ is 0. At the obundary, $m$ jumps discontinuously down to $0$, except on the $T$ axis. There is a critical temperature $T=1$ which sets the limit on the $T$ axis. In the terminology ofp hase transitions, this transition is of first order.

Like we could have propose, an increase in the Temperature leads to a decrease in the storage capacity. At high temperature it is harder to fix the state of the network.

Correlated patterns :

Right now we only have talked about uncorellated patterns. But in reality the patterns we see each day are strongly correlated. Hence we can ask if this algorithm works as well for correlated patterns.

Let's take the alphabet. We are going to observe the influence of the letter on the dynamics of the network, and on the storage capacity.

In [30]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from neurodynex.hopfield_network import network, pattern_tools, plot_tools
import numpy

# the letters we want to store in the hopfield network
letter_list = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'S', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']

# set a seed to reproduce the same noise in the next run
# numpy.random.seed(123)

abc_dictionary =pattern_tools.load_alphabet()
print("the alphabet is stored in an object of type: {}".format(type(abc_dictionary)))
# access the first element and get it's size (they are all of same size)
pattern_shape = abc_dictionary['A'].shape
print("letters are patterns of size: {}. Create a network of corresponding size".format(pattern_shape))
# create an instance of the class HopfieldNetwork
hopfield_net = network.HopfieldNetwork(nr_neurons= pattern_shape[0]*pattern_shape[1])

# create a list using Pythons List Comprehension syntax:
pattern_list = [abc_dictionary[key] for key in letter_list ]

# store the patterns

# # create a noisy version of a pattern and use that to initialize the network
noisy_init_state = pattern_tools.get_noisy_copy(abc_dictionary['A'], noise_level=0.2)

# from this initial state, let the network dynamics evolve.
states = hopfield_net.run_with_monitoring(nr_steps=4)

# each network state is a vector. reshape it to the same shape used to create the patterns.
states_as_patterns = pattern_tools.reshape_patterns(states, pattern_list[0].shape)

# plot the states of the network
    states_as_patterns, pattern_list, reference_idx=0, suptitle="Network dynamics for letter A")

the alphabet is stored in an object of type: <type 'dict'>
letters are patterns of size: (10, 10). Create a network of corresponding size

Here we have use a list of structured patterns, the letters. Each letter is represented in a 10 by 10 grid. In this example we try to recover the letter $A$ from a noisy pattern. We can observe that $A$ is a stable attractor of the dynamic. Like in the case of uncorellated pattern the system can store the information. However is the network able to store as many information as in the case of uncorellated patterns ?

In [32]:
letter_list = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'R','S', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
hopfield_net = network.HopfieldNetwork(nr_neurons= pattern_shape[0]*pattern_shape[1])
pattern_list = [abc_dictionary[key] for key in letter_list ]

# store the patterns

# # create a noisy version of a pattern and use that to initialize the network
noisy_init_state = pattern_tools.get_noisy_copy(abc_dictionary['A'], noise_level=0.2)
overlap_matrix = pattern_tools.compute_overlap_matrix(pattern_list)
# from this initial state, let the network dynamics evolve.
states = hopfield_net.run_with_monitoring(nr_steps=5)
energy_list = []
for p in range(len(states)) :
    energy_list.append(- np.sum(,states[p]),states[p])))
# each network state is a vector. reshape it to the same shape used to create the patterns.
states_as_patterns = pattern_tools.reshape_patterns(states, pattern_list[0].shape)

# plot the states of the network
    states_as_patterns, pattern_list, reference_idx=0, suptitle="Network dynamics")

plt.title('Energy of the network')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f2f39f8ad50>

This results are singular. Despite the fact that we are under the critical capacity, our system isn ot able to fully recover the letter $A$ when we store the letter $R$. Even if there is minimization of the energy, the fixed point has become unstable.

This highlights the fact that with real patterns the correlations are important and the storage capacity strongly depends on the pattern we are trying to learn, and is smaller that for uncorellated patterns.