
  1. Generate data that is not linearly separable
  2. Train with SN and see performance
  3. Write from scratch our first feed forward network
  4. Train the FF network on the data and compare with SN
  5. Write a generic class for a FF network
  6. Train generic class on binary classification
  7. Generate data for multi-class classification
  8. Train a FF network for 7
  9. Use softmax as the output layer and cross-entropy loss function
  10. Train with 8 for multi-class classification
  11. Exercises on other datasets


In [0]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, mean_squared_error
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook 

from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs

In [0]:
class SigmoidNeuron:
  def __init__(self):
    self.w = None
    self.b = None
  def perceptron(self, x):
    return np.dot(x, self.w.T) + self.b
  def sigmoid(self, x):
    return 1.0/(1.0 + np.exp(-x))
  def grad_w_mse(self, x, y):
    y_pred = self.sigmoid(self.perceptron(x))
    return (y_pred - y) * y_pred * (1 - y_pred) * x
  def grad_b_mse(self, x, y):
    y_pred = self.sigmoid(self.perceptron(x))
    return (y_pred - y) * y_pred * (1 - y_pred)
  def grad_w_ce(self, x, y):
    y_pred = self.sigmoid(self.perceptron(x))
    if y == 0:
      return y_pred * x
    elif y == 1:
      return -1 * (1 - y_pred) * x
      raise ValueError("y should be 0 or 1")
  def grad_b_ce(self, x, y):
    y_pred = self.sigmoid(self.perceptron(x))
    if y == 0:
      return y_pred 
    elif y == 1:
      return -1 * (1 - y_pred)
      raise ValueError("y should be 0 or 1")
  def fit(self, X, Y, epochs=1, learning_rate=1, initialise=True, loss_fn="mse", display_loss=False):
    # initialise w, b
    if initialise:
      self.w = np.random.randn(1, X.shape[1])
      self.b = 0
    if display_loss:
      loss = {}
    for i in tqdm_notebook(range(epochs), total=epochs, unit="epoch"):
      dw = 0
      db = 0
      for x, y in zip(X, Y):
        if loss_fn == "mse":
          dw += self.grad_w_mse(x, y)
          db += self.grad_b_mse(x, y) 
        elif loss_fn == "ce":
          dw += self.grad_w_ce(x, y)
          db += self.grad_b_ce(x, y)
      m = X.shape[1]  
      self.w -= learning_rate * dw/m
      self.b -= learning_rate * db/m
      if display_loss:
        Y_pred = self.sigmoid(self.perceptron(X))
        if loss_fn == "mse":
          loss[i] = mean_squared_error(Y, Y_pred)
        elif loss_fn == "ce":
          loss[i] = log_loss(Y, Y_pred)
    if display_loss:
      if loss_fn == "mse":
        plt.ylabel('Mean Squared Error')
      elif loss_fn == "ce":
        plt.ylabel('Log Loss')
  def predict(self, X):
    Y_pred = []
    for x in X:
      y_pred = self.sigmoid(self.perceptron(x))
    return np.array(Y_pred)

In [0]:
my_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["red","yellow","green"])

In [0]:

Generate data

In [5]:
data, labels = make_blobs(n_samples=1000, centers=4, n_features=2, random_state=0)
print(data.shape, labels.shape)

(1000, 2) (1000,)

In [6]:
plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1], c=labels, cmap=my_cmap)

In [0]:
labels_orig = labels
labels = np.mod(labels_orig, 2)

In [8]:
plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1], c=labels, cmap=my_cmap)

In [9]:
X_train, X_val, Y_train, Y_val = train_test_split(data, labels, stratify=labels, random_state=0)
print(X_train.shape, X_val.shape)

(750, 2) (250, 2)

SN classification

In [10]:
sn = SigmoidNeuron()
sn.fit(X_train, Y_train, epochs=1000, learning_rate=0.5, display_loss=True)

In [11]:
Y_pred_train = sn.predict(X_train)
Y_pred_binarised_train = (Y_pred_train >= 0.5).astype("int").ravel()
Y_pred_val = sn.predict(X_val)
Y_pred_binarised_val = (Y_pred_val >= 0.5).astype("int").ravel()
accuracy_train = accuracy_score(Y_pred_binarised_train, Y_train)
accuracy_val = accuracy_score(Y_pred_binarised_val, Y_val)

print("Training accuracy", round(accuracy_train, 2))
print("Validation accuracy", round(accuracy_val, 2))

Training accuracy 0.68
Validation accuracy 0.64

In [12]:
plt.scatter(X_train[:,0], X_train[:,1], c=Y_pred_binarised_train, cmap=my_cmap, s=15*(np.abs(Y_pred_binarised_train-Y_train)+.2))

Our First FF Network

In [0]:
class FirstFFNetwork:
  def __init__(self):
    self.w1 = np.random.randn()
    self.w2 = np.random.randn()
    self.w3 = np.random.randn()
    self.w4 = np.random.randn()
    self.w5 = np.random.randn()
    self.w6 = np.random.randn()
    self.b1 = 0
    self.b2 = 0
    self.b3 = 0
  def sigmoid(self, x):
    return 1.0/(1.0 + np.exp(-x))
  def forward_pass(self, x):
    self.x1, self.x2 = x
    self.a1 = self.w1*self.x1 + self.w2*self.x2 + self.b1
    self.h1 = self.sigmoid(self.a1)
    self.a2 = self.w3*self.x1 + self.w4*self.x2 + self.b2
    self.h2 = self.sigmoid(self.a2)
    self.a3 = self.w5*self.h1 + self.w6*self.h2 + self.b3
    self.h3 = self.sigmoid(self.a3)
    return self.h3
  def grad(self, x, y):
    self.dw5 = (self.h3-y) * self.h3*(1-self.h3) * self.h1
    self.dw6 = (self.h3-y) * self.h3*(1-self.h3) * self.h2
    self.db3 = (self.h3-y) * self.h3*(1-self.h3)
    self.dw1 = (self.h3-y) * self.h3*(1-self.h3) * self.w5 * self.h1*(1-self.h1) * self.x1
    self.dw2 = (self.h3-y) * self.h3*(1-self.h3) * self.w5 * self.h1*(1-self.h1) * self.x2
    self.db1 = (self.h3-y) * self.h3*(1-self.h3) * self.w5 * self.h1*(1-self.h1)
    self.dw3 = (self.h3-y) * self.h3*(1-self.h3) * self.w6 * self.h2*(1-self.h2) * self.x1
    self.dw4 = (self.h3-y) * self.h3*(1-self.h3) * self.w6 * self.h2*(1-self.h2) * self.x2
    self.db2 = (self.h3-y) * self.h3*(1-self.h3) * self.w6 * self.h2*(1-self.h2)
  def fit(self, X, Y, epochs=1, learning_rate=1, initialise=True, display_loss=False):
    # initialise w, b
    if initialise:
      self.w1 = np.random.randn()
      self.w2 = np.random.randn()
      self.w3 = np.random.randn()
      self.w4 = np.random.randn()
      self.w5 = np.random.randn()
      self.w6 = np.random.randn()
      self.b1 = 0
      self.b2 = 0
      self.b3 = 0
    if display_loss:
      loss = {}
    for i in tqdm_notebook(range(epochs), total=epochs, unit="epoch"):
      dw1, dw2, dw3, dw4, dw5, dw6, db1, db2, db3 = [0]*9
      for x, y in zip(X, Y):
        self.grad(x, y)
        dw1 += self.dw1
        dw2 += self.dw2
        dw3 += self.dw3
        dw4 += self.dw4
        dw5 += self.dw5
        dw6 += self.dw6
        db1 += self.db1
        db2 += self.db2
        db3 += self.db3
      m = X.shape[1]
      self.w1 -= learning_rate * dw1 / m
      self.w2 -= learning_rate * dw2 / m
      self.w3 -= learning_rate * dw3 / m
      self.w4 -= learning_rate * dw4 / m
      self.w5 -= learning_rate * dw5 / m
      self.w6 -= learning_rate * dw6 / m
      self.b1 -= learning_rate * db1 / m
      self.b2 -= learning_rate * db2 / m
      self.b3 -= learning_rate * db3 / m
      if display_loss:
        Y_pred = self.predict(X)
        loss[i] = mean_squared_error(Y_pred, Y)
    if display_loss:
      plt.ylabel('Mean Squared Error')
  def predict(self, X):
    Y_pred = []
    for x in X:
      y_pred = self.forward_pass(x)
    return np.array(Y_pred)

FFNetwork Classification

In [14]:
ffn = FirstFFNetwork()
ffn.fit(X_train, Y_train, epochs=2000, learning_rate=.01, display_loss=True)

In [15]:
Y_pred_train = ffn.predict(X_train)
Y_pred_binarised_train = (Y_pred_train >= 0.5).astype("int").ravel()
Y_pred_val = ffn.predict(X_val)
Y_pred_binarised_val = (Y_pred_val >= 0.5).astype("int").ravel()
accuracy_train = accuracy_score(Y_pred_binarised_train, Y_train)
accuracy_val = accuracy_score(Y_pred_binarised_val, Y_val)

print("Training accuracy", round(accuracy_train, 2))
print("Validation accuracy", round(accuracy_val, 2))

Training accuracy 0.98
Validation accuracy 0.94

In [16]:
plt.scatter(X_train[:,0], X_train[:,1], c=Y_pred_binarised_train, cmap=my_cmap, s=15*(np.abs(Y_pred_binarised_train-Y_train)+.2))

Feed Forward Network - Generic Class

In [0]:
class FFSNNetwork:
  def __init__(self, n_inputs, hidden_sizes=[2]):
    self.nx = n_inputs
    self.ny = 1
    self.nh = len(hidden_sizes)
    self.sizes = [self.nx] + hidden_sizes + [self.ny]
    self.W = {}
    self.B = {}
    for i in range(self.nh+1):
      self.W[i+1] = np.random.randn(self.sizes[i], self.sizes[i+1])
      self.B[i+1] = np.zeros((1, self.sizes[i+1]))
  def sigmoid(self, x):
    return 1.0/(1.0 + np.exp(-x))
  def forward_pass(self, x):
    self.A = {}
    self.H = {}
    self.H[0] = x.reshape(1, -1)
    for i in range(self.nh+1):
      self.A[i+1] = np.matmul(self.H[i], self.W[i+1]) + self.B[i+1]
      self.H[i+1] = self.sigmoid(self.A[i+1])
    return self.H[self.nh+1]
  def grad_sigmoid(self, x):
    return x*(1-x) 
  def grad(self, x, y):
    self.dW = {}
    self.dB = {}
    self.dH = {}
    self.dA = {}
    L = self.nh + 1
    self.dA[L] = (self.H[L] - y)
    for k in range(L, 0, -1):
      self.dW[k] = np.matmul(self.H[k-1].T, self.dA[k])
      self.dB[k] = self.dA[k]
      self.dH[k-1] = np.matmul(self.dA[k], self.W[k].T)
      self.dA[k-1] = np.multiply(self.dH[k-1], self.grad_sigmoid(self.H[k-1]))
  def fit(self, X, Y, epochs=1, learning_rate=1, initialise=True, display_loss=False):
    # initialise w, b
    if initialise:
      for i in range(self.nh+1):
        self.W[i+1] = np.random.randn(self.sizes[i], self.sizes[i+1])
        self.B[i+1] = np.zeros((1, self.sizes[i+1]))
    if display_loss:
      loss = {}
    for e in tqdm_notebook(range(epochs), total=epochs, unit="epoch"):
      dW = {}
      dB = {}
      for i in range(self.nh+1):
        dW[i+1] = np.zeros((self.sizes[i], self.sizes[i+1]))
        dB[i+1] = np.zeros((1, self.sizes[i+1]))
      for x, y in zip(X, Y):
        self.grad(x, y)
        for i in range(self.nh+1):
          dW[i+1] += self.dW[i+1]
          dB[i+1] += self.dB[i+1]
      m = X.shape[1]
      for i in range(self.nh+1):
        self.W[i+1] -= learning_rate * dW[i+1] / m
        self.B[i+1] -= learning_rate * dB[i+1] / m
      if display_loss:
        Y_pred = self.predict(X)
        loss[e] = mean_squared_error(Y_pred, Y)
    if display_loss:
      plt.ylabel('Mean Squared Error')
  def predict(self, X):
    Y_pred = []
    for x in X:
      y_pred = self.forward_pass(x)
    return np.array(Y_pred).squeeze()

In [18]:
ffsnn = FFSNNetwork(2, [2, 3])
ffsnn.fit(X_train, Y_train, epochs=1000, learning_rate=.001, display_loss=True)

In [19]:
Y_pred_train = ffsnn.predict(X_train)
Y_pred_binarised_train = (Y_pred_train >= 0.5).astype("int").ravel()
Y_pred_val = ffsnn.predict(X_val)
Y_pred_binarised_val = (Y_pred_val >= 0.5).astype("int").ravel()
accuracy_train = accuracy_score(Y_pred_binarised_train, Y_train)
accuracy_val = accuracy_score(Y_pred_binarised_val, Y_val)

print("Training accuracy", round(accuracy_train, 2))
print("Validation accuracy", round(accuracy_val, 2))

Training accuracy 0.97
Validation accuracy 0.94

In [20]:
plt.scatter(X_train[:,0], X_train[:,1], c=Y_pred_binarised_train, cmap=my_cmap, s=15*(np.abs(Y_pred_binarised_train-Y_train)+.2))

Multi class classification

In [0]:
class FFSN_MultiClass:
  def __init__(self, n_inputs, n_outputs, hidden_sizes=[3]):
    self.nx = n_inputs
    self.ny = n_outputs
    self.nh = len(hidden_sizes)
    self.sizes = [self.nx] + hidden_sizes + [self.ny] 

    self.W = {}
    self.B = {}
    for i in range(self.nh+1):
      self.W[i+1] = np.random.randn(self.sizes[i], self.sizes[i+1])
      self.B[i+1] = np.zeros((1, self.sizes[i+1]))
  def sigmoid(self, x):
    return 1.0/(1.0 + np.exp(-x))
  def softmax(self, x):
    exps = np.exp(x)
    return exps / np.sum(exps)

  def forward_pass(self, x):
    self.A = {}
    self.H = {}
    self.H[0] = x.reshape(1, -1)
    for i in range(self.nh):
      self.A[i+1] = np.matmul(self.H[i], self.W[i+1]) + self.B[i+1]
      self.H[i+1] = self.sigmoid(self.A[i+1])
    self.A[self.nh+1] = np.matmul(self.H[self.nh], self.W[self.nh+1]) + self.B[self.nh+1]
    self.H[self.nh+1] = self.softmax(self.A[self.nh+1])
    return self.H[self.nh+1]
  def predict(self, X):
    Y_pred = []
    for x in X:
      y_pred = self.forward_pass(x)
    return np.array(Y_pred).squeeze()
  def grad_sigmoid(self, x):
    return x*(1-x) 
  def cross_entropy(self,label,pred):
    return yl
  def grad(self, x, y):
    self.dW = {}
    self.dB = {}
    self.dH = {}
    self.dA = {}
    L = self.nh + 1
    self.dA[L] = (self.H[L] - y)
    for k in range(L, 0, -1):
      self.dW[k] = np.matmul(self.H[k-1].T, self.dA[k])
      self.dB[k] = self.dA[k]
      self.dH[k-1] = np.matmul(self.dA[k], self.W[k].T)
      self.dA[k-1] = np.multiply(self.dH[k-1], self.grad_sigmoid(self.H[k-1])) 
  def fit(self, X, Y, epochs=100, initialize='True', learning_rate=0.01, display_loss=False):
    if display_loss:
      loss = {}
    if initialize:
      for i in range(self.nh+1):
        self.W[i+1] = np.random.randn(self.sizes[i], self.sizes[i+1])
        self.B[i+1] = np.zeros((1, self.sizes[i+1]))
    for epoch in tqdm_notebook(range(epochs), total=epochs, unit="epoch"):
      dW = {}
      dB = {}
      for i in range(self.nh+1):
        dW[i+1] = np.zeros((self.sizes[i], self.sizes[i+1]))
        dB[i+1] = np.zeros((1, self.sizes[i+1]))
      for x, y in zip(X, Y):
        self.grad(x, y)
        for i in range(self.nh+1):
          dW[i+1] += self.dW[i+1]
          dB[i+1] += self.dB[i+1]
      m = X.shape[1]
      for i in range(self.nh+1):
        self.W[i+1] -= learning_rate * (dW[i+1]/m)
        self.B[i+1] -= learning_rate * (dB[i+1]/m)
      if display_loss:
        Y_pred = self.predict(X) 
        loss[epoch] = self.cross_entropy(Y, Y_pred)
    if display_loss:

In [25]:
X_train, X_val, Y_train, Y_val = train_test_split(data, labels_orig, stratify=labels_orig, random_state=0)
print(X_train.shape, X_val.shape, labels_orig.shape)

(750, 2) (250, 2) (1000,)

In [27]:
enc = OneHotEncoder()
# 0 -> (1, 0, 0, 0), 1 -> (0, 1, 0, 0), 2 -> (0, 0, 1, 0), 3 -> (0, 0, 0, 1)
y_OH_train = enc.fit_transform(np.expand_dims(Y_train,1)).toarray()
y_OH_val = enc.fit_transform(np.expand_dims(Y_val,1)).toarray()
print(y_OH_train.shape, y_OH_val.shape)

(750, 4) (250, 4)
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sklearn/preprocessing/_encoders.py:371: FutureWarning: The handling of integer data will change in version 0.22. Currently, the categories are determined based on the range [0, max(values)], while in the future they will be determined based on the unique values.
If you want the future behaviour and silence this warning, you can specify "categories='auto'".
In case you used a LabelEncoder before this OneHotEncoder to convert the categories to integers, then you can now use the OneHotEncoder directly.
  warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sklearn/preprocessing/_encoders.py:371: FutureWarning: The handling of integer data will change in version 0.22. Currently, the categories are determined based on the range [0, max(values)], while in the future they will be determined based on the unique values.
If you want the future behaviour and silence this warning, you can specify "categories='auto'".
In case you used a LabelEncoder before this OneHotEncoder to convert the categories to integers, then you can now use the OneHotEncoder directly.
  warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)

In [28]:
ffsn_multi = FFSN_MultiClass(2,4,[2,3])

In [29]:
Y_pred_train = ffsn_multi.predict(X_train)
Y_pred_train = np.argmax(Y_pred_train,1)

Y_pred_val = ffsn_multi.predict(X_val)
Y_pred_val = np.argmax(Y_pred_val,1)

accuracy_train = accuracy_score(Y_pred_train, Y_train)
accuracy_val = accuracy_score(Y_pred_val, Y_val)

print("Training accuracy", round(accuracy_train, 2))
print("Validation accuracy", round(accuracy_val, 2))

Training accuracy 0.89
Validation accuracy 0.89

In [30]:
plt.scatter(X_train[:,0], X_train[:,1], c=Y_pred_train, cmap=my_cmap, s=15*(np.abs(np.sign(Y_pred_train-Y_train))+.1))


In [0]:
from sklearn.datasets import make_moons, make_circles

In [7]:
data, labels = make_moons(n_samples=1000, random_state=0, noise=0.15)
print(data.shape, labels.shape)

(1000, 2) (1000,)

In [8]:
plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1], c=labels, cmap=my_cmap)

In [13]:
data, labels = make_circles(n_samples=1000, random_state=0, noise=0.2, factor=0.3)
print(data.shape, labels.shape)

(1000, 2) (1000,)

In [14]:
plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1], c=labels, cmap=my_cmap)

In [0]: