This example demonstrates the typical workflow to query pubmed and store the results. The following backends are supported for storing the results:
In [ ]:
using BioMedQuery.DBUtils
using BioMedQuery.PubMed
using BioMedQuery.Processes
using DataFrames
using MySQL
using SQLite
Variables used to search PubMed
In [ ]:
email = ""; # Only needed if you want to contact NCBI with inqueries
search_term = """(obesity[MeSH Major Topic]) AND ("2010"[Date - Publication] : "2012"[Date - Publication])""";
max_articles = 5;
results_dir = ".";
verbose = true;
Initialize database, if it exists it connects to it, otherwise it creates it
In [ ]:
const mysql_conn = DBUtils.init_mysql_database("", "root", "", "pubmed_obesity_2010_2012");
Creates (and deletes if they already exist) all tables needed to save a pubmed search
In [ ]:
Search pubmed and save results to database
In [ ]:
Processes.pubmed_search_and_save!(email, search_term, max_articles, mysql_conn, verbose)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
tables = ["author_ref", "mesh_desc", "mesh_qual", "mesh_heading"]
for t in tables
query_str = "SELECT * FROM $t LIMIT 5;"
q = MySQL.query(mysql_conn, query_str, DataFrame)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
const db_path = "$(results_dir)/pubmed_obesity_2010_2012.db";
Overwrite the database if it already exists
In [ ]:
if isfile(db_path)
Connect to the database
In [ ]:
const conn_sqlite = SQLite.DB(db_path);
Creates (and deletes if they already exist) all tables needed to save a pubmed search
In [ ]:
Search PubMed and save the results
In [ ]:
Processes.pubmed_search_and_save!(email, search_term, max_articles, conn_sqlite, verbose)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
tables = ["author_ref", "mesh_desc", "mesh_qual", "mesh_heading"]
for t in tables
query_str = "SELECT * FROM $t LIMIT 5;"
q = SQLite.query(conn_sqlite, query_str)
In [ ]:
enw_file = "$(results_dir)/pubmed_obesity_2010_2012.enw"
endnote_citation = PubMed.CitationOutput("endnote", enw_file, true)
Processes.pubmed_search_and_save!(email, search_term, max_articles, endnote_citation, verbose);
println(read(enw_file, String))
In [ ]:
dfs = Processes.pubmed_search_and_parse(email, search_term, max_articles, verbose)
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