In [1]:
# Boilerplate import/setup code for general analysis
import datetime as dt
import os
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
# sns.set_palette(sns.color_palette("cubehelix", 8))
'font.size': 14,
'axes.titlesize': 'x-large',
'axes.labelsize': 'large',
'xtick.labelsize': 'medium',
'ytick.labelsize': 'medium',
'legend.fancybox': True,
'legend.fontsize': 'medium',
'legend.frameon': True,
'legend.framealpha': 0.7,
'figure.figsize': ['9', '6'],
# Fresh imports, constants
import collections
#import mplleaflet
import xlrd
from xlrd.sheet import ctype_text
DATA_FOLDER = '../../../data'
FILE_ANNUAL = os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'stmt/annual_2014.xls')
FILE_MONTHLY = os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'stmt/monthly_demand.xls')
FILE_RSA = os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'stmt/rsa.xls')
FILE_JOB_POSTS = os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'stmt/job_posts.xls')
# book_annual = xlrd.open_workbook(FILE_ANNUAL)
# book_monthly = xlrd.open_workbook(FILE_MONTHLY)
# book_rsa = xlrd.open_workbook(FILE_RSA)
# book_job_posts = xlrd.open_workbook(FILE_JOB_POSTS)
# Sanity check
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.set_title('TEST GRAPH - a pretty normal histogram :)')
In [2]:
In [3]:
In [4]:
def print_entire_sheet(xl_sheet):
num_cols = xl_sheet.ncols # Number of columns
for row_idx in range(0, xl_sheet.nrows): # Iterate through rows
print ('-'*40)
print ('Row: {}'.format(row_idx)) # Print row number
for col_idx in range(0, num_cols): # Iterate through columns
cell_obj = xl_sheet.cell(row_idx, col_idx) # Get cell object by row, col
print ('Column: [{}] cell_obj: [{}]'.format(col_idx, cell_obj))
In [5]:
book = xlrd.open_workbook(f)
sheets = book.sheet_names()
print('Found {:d} sheets in {}'.format(len(sheets), f))
for i,s in enumerate(sheets):
# print(' ', i, s)
print(' u"{}": "",'.format(s))
In [6]:
# Annual book
u'Chiffres Cl\xe9s': 'key figures',
u'DEE_reg_age': 'entries: region x age',
u'DEE_reg_motif': 'entries: region x reason',
u'DEE_reg_sexe': 'entries: region x sex',
u'DES_reg_age': 'exits: region x age ',
u'DES_reg_motif': 'exits: region x reason',
u'DES_reg_sexe': 'exits: region x sex',
u'M\xe9tier_sexe': 'category x job x sex',
u'M\xe9tier_\xe2ge': 'category x job x age',
u'Reg_age': 'category x region x age',
u'Reg_anc': 'region x length of unemployment',
u'Reg_form': 'category x region x education',
u'Reg_qualif': 'category x region x qualifications',
u'Reg_sexe': 'category x region x sex',
# Montly book
u"Entrées cat ABC_motif": "monthly entries: cat ABC by reason",
u"Sorties cat ABC_motif": "monthly exits: cat ABC by reason",
u"DEFM cat A_age": "monthly: cat A by age x gender",
u"DEFM cat B_age": "monthly: cat B by age x gender",
u"DEFM cat C_age": "monthly: cat C by age x gender",
u"DEFM cat ABC_age": "monthly: cat ABC by age x gender",
u"DEFM cat ABCDE": "monthly: by category x major region",
u"DELD cat ABC_ancienneté": "monthly: cat ABC by length of unemployment",
# # RSA book
# u"Droits ouverts RSA": "",
# u"Droits payables RSA": "",
# u"Composante RSA": "",
# u"Depts droits ouverts": "",
# u"Depts droits payables": "",
# u"Structure depts": "",
# # JOB_POSTS book
# u"OEE": "",
TO_FRENCH = dict((v,k) for k,v in TO_ENGLISH.items())
In [7]:
def read_sheet(name, filename, debug=False):
'''It takes a bit of work to pull the dataframe out of a sheet.
Mostly because there is extra text with information, and columns have two
levels of specificity.
book = xlrd.open_workbook(filename)
name = TO_FRENCH.get(name, name)
s = book.sheet_by_name(name)
# Find the first row in col 1 with numerical data
start = 0
while ctype_text[s.cell(start, 1).ctype] != 'number':
start += 1
first_numeric = start
# ...but the first row(s) may be empty
while not s.cell(start - 1, 1).value:
start -= 1
end = first_numeric
while s.cell(end, 0).value:
end += 1
if end >= s.nrows:
if debug:
print('First numeric row: {:d}, last row: {:d}, total {:d} rows x {:d} cols'.format(start+1, end+1, s.nrows, s.ncols))
footer = s.nrows - end
col_nested = False
if s.cell(start - 2, 1).value:
col_nested = True
if not col_nested:
if debug:
print('Only one level of headers')
return pd.read_excel(
filename, sheetname=name, skiprows=start-1, skipfooter=footer, index_col=0)
level_1 = [s.cell(start - 2, 1).value]
level_2 = [s.cell(start - 1, 1).value]
c = 1
blanks = 0
while True:
c += 1
if c >= s.ncols:
next1 = s.cell(start - 2, c).value
next2 = s.cell(start - 1, c).value
if not next2:
blanks += 1
if blanks > 1:
blanks = 0
if not next1:
next1 = level_1[-1]
if debug:
print('Two levels of columns:')
print('L1 ({:d} items):'.format(len(level_1), level_1))
print('L2 ({:d} items):'.format(len(level_2), level_2))
df = pd.read_excel(
filename, sheetname=name, skiprows=start, skipfooter=footer, index_col=0, header=None)
df.columns = [level_1, level_2]
return df
In [8]:
# import geopandas as gpd
# REGIONS = '../../data/geo/regions.geojson'
# DEPTS = '../../data/geo/departements.geojson'
# gdf = gpd.read_file(REGIONS)
# gdf['value'] = np.random.randn(len(gdf))
# gdf.set_value(0, 'value', 5)
# gdf.head()
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
# ax = gdf.plot(column='value', colormap='OrRd')
# mplleaflet.display(fig=ax.figure,
In [9]:
def make_normalized_ticklabels(values):
exp = ((1e9, ' B'), (1e6, ' M'), (1e3, 'k'))
key = values[-1]
for order, symbol in exp:
if key >= order:
fmt = '{:.1f}{}'
if key >= (10 * order):
fmt = '{.0f}{}'
return [fmt.format(t / order, symbol) for t in values]
def normalize_xticklabels(ax):
def normalize_yticklabels(ax):
In [10]:
df = read_sheet('key figures', FILE_ANNUAL)
In [11]:
category_rename = {
'A' : 'A (Unemployed, 0 hrs/mo)',
'B' : 'B (Heavily Underemployed, 1-78 hrs/mo)',
'C' : 'C (Underemployed, 78-110 hrs/mo)',
In [12]:
df = read_sheet('category x region x sex', FILE_ANNUAL)
s = df['Total'].ix['France',:'C']
s.index=[category_rename[x] for x in s.index]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
color = sns.color_palette()
s[::-1].plot(kind='barh', color=[color[2], color[1], color[0]], ax=ax)
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by category, end of 2014')
In [13]:
df = read_sheet('category x region x sex', FILE_ANNUAL)
df = df.ix['France',:].unstack()
df = df.ix[:-1, :'C']
df.columns = [category_rename[c] for c in df.columns]
df.index = ['Women', 'Men']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
df.plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=sns.color_palette())
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by gender and category, end of 2014')
In [14]:
df = read_sheet('category x region x age', FILE_ANNUAL)
df = df.ix['France',:].unstack()
df = df.ix[['Moins de 25 ans', '25-49 ans', '50 ans ou plus'], :'C']
df.index = ['Age < 25', 'Age 25-49', 'Age 50+']
df.columns = [category_rename[c] for c in df.columns]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
df[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=sns.color_palette())
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by age and category, end of 2014')
In [15]:
df = read_sheet('category x region x education', FILE_ANNUAL)
df = df.ix['France',:].unstack()
df = df.ix[:-1, :'C']
df.columns = [category_rename[c] for c in df.columns]
d = {
u'Niveau inférieur au CAP': 'Less than HS diploma',
u'Niveau CAP/BEP' : 'Vocational diploma (HS alternative)',
u'Niveau BAC': 'HS diploma',
u'Niveau BAC+2': '2-year college degree',
u'Niveau supérieur à BAC+2': 'Bachelors or higher',
u'Non précisé': 'Not specified',
order = [
'Bachelors or higher',
'2-year college degree',
'HS diploma',
'Vocational diploma (HS alternative)',
'Less than HS diploma',
'Not specified']
df.index = [d[i] for i in df.index]
df = df.ix[order,:]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
df[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=sns.color_palette())
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by education and category, end of 2014')
In [16]:
df = read_sheet('region x length of unemployment', FILE_ANNUAL)
s = df.ix['France', :-1]
d = collections.OrderedDict()
d[u'Moins de 1 an'] = 'Seeking for < 1 year'
d[u'De 1 an à moins de 2 ans'] = 'Seeking for 1-2 years'
d[u'2 ans ou plus'] = 'Seeking for > 2 years'
s.index=[d[x] for x in s.index]
s = s.ix[d.values()]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
s[::-1].plot(kind='barh', color=sns.color_palette()[-1], ax=ax)
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by length of unemployment, end of 2014')
In [17]:
df = read_sheet('category x region x qualifications', FILE_ANNUAL)
df = df.ix['France',:].unstack()
df = df.ix[:-1, :'C']
df.columns = [category_rename[c] for c in df.columns]
d = collections.OrderedDict()
d[u'Manœuvre'] = 'Non-skilled worker'
d[u'Ouvrier spécialisé'] = 'Manual worker with acquired skills'
d[u'Ouvrier qualifié'] = 'Skilled manual worker'
d[u'Employé non qualifié'] = 'Unqualified intellectual employee'
d[u'Employé qualifié'] = 'Qualified intellectual employee'
d[u'Agent de maîtrise-Technicien-Dessinateur'] = 'Technical Supervisors'
d[u'Cadre'] = 'Executive'
d[u'Non précisé'] = 'Not specified'
df.index=[d[x] for x in df.index]
df = df.ix[d.values(),:]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
df[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=sns.color_palette())
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by qualifications and category, end of 2014')
In [18]:
df = read_sheet('category x job x sex', FILE_ANNUAL)
df = df['Total'].ix[:-1, :'C']
df.columns = [category_rename[c] for c in df.columns]
df.index = [x.strip() for x in df.index]
d = collections.OrderedDict()
d[u"A. Agriculture et pêche, espaces naturels et espaces verts, soins aux animaux"] = "A. Agriculture and fisheries, nature, animal care"
d[u"B. Art et façonnage d'ouvrages d'art"] = "B. Art and processing of structures"
d[u"C. Banque, assurances et immobilier"] = "C. Bank, Insurance and Real Estate"
d[u"D. Commerce, vente et grande distribution"] = "D. Trade, sales and retail"
d[u"E. Communication, media et multimédia"] = "E. Communication, media and multimedia"
d[u"F. Construction, bâtiment et travaux publics"] = "F. Construction, construction and public works"
d[u"G. Hôtellerie - restauration, tourisme, loisirs et animation"] = "G. Hospitality - restaurants, tourism, etc"
d[u"H. Industrie"] = "H. Industry"
d[u"I. Installation et maintenance"] = "I. Installation and maintenance"
d[u"J .Santé"] = "J. Health"
d[u"K. Services a la personne et a la collectivité"] = "K. Services to the person and the community"
d[u"L. Spectacle"] = "L. Show"
d[u"M. Support a l'entreprise"] = "M. Enterprise support (?)"
d[u"N. Transport et logistique"] = "N. Transport and logistics"
d[u"Non précisé"] = "Unspecified"
df.index=[d[x] for x in df.index]
df = df.ix[d.values(),:]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
df[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=sns.color_palette())
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by job and category, end of 2014')
In [19]:
df = read_sheet('category x job x sex', FILE_ANNUAL)
df = df.ix[:-1,[('Hommes','Total'), ('Femmes','Total')]]
df.columns = ['Men', 'Women']
df.index = [x.strip() for x in df.index]
df.index=[d[x] for x in df.index]
df = df.ix[d.values(),:]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
color = sns.color_palette()
df[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=[color[0], color[2]])
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by job and sex, end of 2014')
In [20]:
df = read_sheet('category x job x age', FILE_ANNUAL)
df = df.ix[:-1,[('Moins de 25 ans','Total'), ('25-49 ans','Total'), ('50 ans ou plus','Total')]]
df.columns = ['Age < 25', 'Age 25-49', 'Age 50+']
df.index = [x.strip() for x in df.index]
df.index=[d[x] for x in df.index]
df = df.ix[d.values(),:]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
color = sns.color_palette()
df[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=color[3:6])
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by job and age, end of 2014')
In [21]:
df = read_sheet('entries: region x reason', FILE_ANNUAL)
s = df.ix['France',:-1]
df.index = [x.strip() for x in df.index]
reasons = collections.OrderedDict()
reasons[u"Fins de contrat à durée déterminée"] = "End of contract"
reasons[u"Fins de mission d'intérim"] = "End of temporary assignment"
reasons[u"Licenciements économiques"] = "Economic reasons"
reasons[u"Autres licenciements"] = "Other layoffs"
reasons[u"Démissions"] = "Resignation"
reasons[u"Première entrée"] = "First entry"
reasons[u"Reprise d'activité"] = "Found a job"
reasons[u"Autre cas"] = "Other cases"
s.index=[reasons[x] for x in s.index]
s = s.ix[reasons.values()]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
s[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=sns.color_palette()[-1])
ax.set_title('New Pole Emploi registrations in 2014 by unemployment reason')
In [22]:
df = read_sheet('exits: region x reason', FILE_ANNUAL)
s = df.ix['France',:-1]
df.index = [x.strip() for x in df.index]
reasons_exit = collections.OrderedDict()
reasons_exit[u"Reprise d'emploi déclarée"] = "Job found"
reasons_exit[u"Entrée en stage"] = "Starting internship"
reasons_exit[u"Arrêt de recherche (maternité, maladie, retraite)"] = "Stopped looking"
reasons_exit[u"Arrêt maladie"] = "Illness"
reasons_exit[u"Radiation administrative"] = "Expulsion"
reasons_exit[u"Cessation d'inscription pour défaut d'actualisation"] = "Failed to update"
reasons_exit[u"Autre cas"] = "Other cases"
s.index=[reasons_exit[x] for x in s.index]
s = s.ix[reasons_exit.values()]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
s[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=sns.color_palette()[-1])
ax.set_title('Pole Emploi exits in 2014 by reason')
In [23]:
dfe = read_sheet('monthly entries: cat ABC by reason', FILE_MONTHLY)
dfe['Total'] = dfe[u"France métro.\n(catégories A,B,C)"] + dfe[u"DOM\n(catégories A,B,C)"]
In [24]:
dfs = read_sheet('monthly exits: cat ABC by reason', FILE_MONTHLY)
dfs['Total'] = dfs[u"France métro.\n(catégories A,B,C)"] + dfs[u"DOM\n(catégories A,B,C)"]
In [25]:
dfa = read_sheet('monthly: cat ABC by age x gender', FILE_MONTHLY)
population = dfa[('Total (DEFM ABC)', 'Ensemble')]
In [26]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.plot(dfe['Total'], label='Entering (newly unemployed)', color=SNS_RED)
ax.plot(dfs['Total'], label='Leaving (newly employed)', color=SNS_GREEN)
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
ax.set_title('Flow through Pole Emploi')
df = pd.concat([dfe['Total'], dfs['Total']], axis=1)
ax.fill_between(dfe.index, dfe['Total'], df.min(axis=1), color=SNS_RED, alpha=0.2)
ax.fill_between(dfe.index, dfe['Total'], df.max(axis=1), color=SNS_GREEN, alpha=0.2)
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.plot(population, color=SNS_BLUE, label='Unemployed population', linestyle=':')
ax2.legend(loc='upper right')
In [27]:
df = dfa[[('Hommes (DEFM ABC)', 'Ensemble'), ('Femmes (DEFM ABC)', 'Ensemble')]]
df.columns = ['Men', 'Women']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
df['Men'].plot(ax=ax, color=SNS_BLUE, label='Men unemployed')
df['Women'].plot(ax=ax, color=SNS_RED, label='Women unemployed')
ax.set_title('Unemployed population by gender over time (cat ABC)')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
frac_male = df['Men'].div(df.sum(axis=1))
frac_male.plot(ax=ax2, label='Fraction Male', color=SNS_BLUE, linestyle=':')
ax2.legend(loc='upper right')
In [28]:
df = dfa['Total (DEFM ABC)'].drop('Ensemble', axis=1)
df.columns = ['Age < 25', 'Age 25-49', 'Age 50+']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.set_title('Unemployed population by age over time (cat ABC)')
ax.legend(loc='center left')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
frac = df.div(df.sum(axis=1), axis=0)
frac.columns = ['Fraction ' + c for c in frac.columns]
frac.plot(ax=ax2, linestyle=':', alpha=0.7)
ax2.legend(loc='center right')
In [29]:
dfl = read_sheet('monthly: cat ABC by length of unemployment', FILE_MONTHLY)#, debug=True)
# For whatever reason, metropolitan France and DOM have different numbers of buckets.
# So we'll just look at metro France for now.
dfl = dfl[u"Ancienneté d'inscription en catégories A,B,C (France métropolitaine)"]
dfl = dfl.drop([''], axis=1)
dfl.columns = [u'< 3 months', u'3-6 months', u'6-12 months', u'1-2 YEARS', u'2-3 YEARS', u'3+ YEARS', '> 1 YEAR']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
df = dfl.ix[:,:-1]
ax.set_title('Unemployed population by length of unemployment (cat ABC)', size='large')
ax.legend(loc='lower left')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
frac = dfl.div(dfl.sum(axis=1), axis=0)
frac['> 1 YEAR'].plot(ax=ax2, linestyle=':', alpha=0.7, label='Fraction > 1 year')
ax2.legend(loc='lower right')
In [30]: