Explore Pole Emploi STMT Data

STMT is statistical data from Pole Emploi about the population of jobseekers. There are four excel workbooks, each with many sheets. This notebook parses and explores them with some basic summary statistics.

Author: Everett, everett@bayesimpact.org

Imports and constants

In [1]:
# Boilerplate import/setup code for general analysis

import datetime as dt
import os
import random

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
# sns.set_palette(sns.color_palette("cubehelix", 8))
  'font.size': 14,
  'axes.titlesize': 'x-large',
  'axes.labelsize': 'large',
  'xtick.labelsize': 'medium',
  'ytick.labelsize': 'medium',
  'legend.fancybox': True,
  'legend.fontsize': 'medium',
  'legend.frameon': True,
  'legend.framealpha': 0.7,
  'figure.figsize': ['9', '6'],

# Fresh imports, constants
import collections
#import mplleaflet
import xlrd
from xlrd.sheet import ctype_text

DATA_FOLDER = '../../../data'
FILE_ANNUAL = os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'stmt/annual_2014.xls')
FILE_MONTHLY = os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'stmt/monthly_demand.xls')
FILE_RSA = os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'stmt/rsa.xls')
FILE_JOB_POSTS = os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'stmt/job_posts.xls')

# book_annual = xlrd.open_workbook(FILE_ANNUAL)
# book_monthly = xlrd.open_workbook(FILE_MONTHLY)
# book_rsa = xlrd.open_workbook(FILE_RSA)
# book_job_posts = xlrd.open_workbook(FILE_JOB_POSTS)

# Sanity check
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.set_title('TEST GRAPH - a pretty normal histogram :)')

# everett@bayesimpact.org

Utility code

For loading and working with excel workbooks, and translating languages

In [2]:

In [3]:

In [4]:
def print_entire_sheet(xl_sheet):
    num_cols = xl_sheet.ncols   # Number of columns
    for row_idx in range(0, xl_sheet.nrows):    # Iterate through rows
        print ('-'*40)
        print ('Row: {}'.format(row_idx))   # Print row number
        for col_idx in range(0, num_cols):  # Iterate through columns
            cell_obj = xl_sheet.cell(row_idx, col_idx)  # Get cell object by row, col
            print ('Column: [{}] cell_obj: [{}]'.format(col_idx, cell_obj))

In [5]:
    book = xlrd.open_workbook(f)
    sheets = book.sheet_names()
    print('Found {:d} sheets in {}'.format(len(sheets), f))
    for i,s in enumerate(sheets):
#         print(' ', i, s)
        print('    u"{}": "",'.format(s))

Found 19 sheets in ../../data/stmt/annual_2014.xls
    u"Sommaire": "",
    u"Chiffres Clés": "",
    u"Reg_sexe": "",
    u"Reg_age": "",
    u"Reg_anc": "",
    u"Reg_form": "",
    u"Reg_qualif": "",
    u"Métier_sexe": "",
    u"Métier_âge": "",
    u"DEE_reg_sexe": "",
    u"DEE_reg_age": "",
    u"DEE_reg_motif": "",
    u"DES_reg_sexe": "",
    u"DES_reg_age": "",
    u"DES_reg_motif": "",
    u"Def_STMT": "",
    u"Def_Cat": "",
    u"Def_Anc": "",
    u"Def_Flux": "",
Found 9 sheets in ../../data/stmt/monthly_demand.xls
    u"Descriptif": "",
    u"Entrées cat ABC_motif": "",
    u"Sorties cat ABC_motif": "",
    u"DEFM cat A_age": "",
    u"DEFM cat B_age": "",
    u"DEFM cat C_age": "",
    u"DEFM cat ABC_age": "",
    u"DEFM cat ABCDE": "",
    u"DELD cat ABC_ancienneté": "",
Found 7 sheets in ../../data/stmt/rsa.xls
    u"Sommaire": "",
    u"Droits ouverts RSA": "",
    u"Droits payables RSA": "",
    u"Composante RSA": "",
    u"Depts droits ouverts": "",
    u"Depts droits payables": "",
    u"Structure depts": "",
Found 2 sheets in ../../data/stmt/job_posts.xls
    u"Descriptif": "",
    u"OEE": "",

In [6]:
    # Annual book
    u'Chiffres Cl\xe9s': 'key figures',
    u'DEE_reg_age': 'entries: region x age',
    u'DEE_reg_motif': 'entries: region x reason',
    u'DEE_reg_sexe': 'entries: region x sex',
    u'DES_reg_age': 'exits: region x age ',
    u'DES_reg_motif': 'exits: region x reason',
    u'DES_reg_sexe': 'exits: region x sex',
    u'M\xe9tier_sexe': 'category x job x sex',
    u'M\xe9tier_\xe2ge': 'category x job x age',
    u'Reg_age': 'category x region x age',
    u'Reg_anc': 'region x length of unemployment',
    u'Reg_form': 'category x region x education',
    u'Reg_qualif': 'category x region x qualifications',
    u'Reg_sexe': 'category x region x sex',
    # Montly book
    u"Entrées cat ABC_motif": "monthly entries: cat ABC by reason",
    u"Sorties cat ABC_motif": "monthly exits: cat ABC by reason",
    u"DEFM cat A_age": "monthly: cat A by age x gender",
    u"DEFM cat B_age": "monthly: cat B by age x gender",
    u"DEFM cat C_age": "monthly: cat C by age x gender",
    u"DEFM cat ABC_age": "monthly: cat ABC by age x gender",
    u"DEFM cat ABCDE": "monthly: by category x major region",
    u"DELD cat ABC_ancienneté": "monthly: cat ABC by length of unemployment",
#     # RSA book
#     u"Droits ouverts RSA": "",
#     u"Droits payables RSA": "",
#     u"Composante RSA": "",
#     u"Depts droits ouverts": "",
#     u"Depts droits payables": "",
#     u"Structure depts": "",
#     # JOB_POSTS book
#     u"OEE": "",
TO_FRENCH = dict((v,k) for k,v in TO_ENGLISH.items())

In [7]:
def read_sheet(name, filename, debug=False):
    '''It takes a bit of work to pull the dataframe out of a sheet.
    Mostly because there is extra text with information, and columns have two
    levels of specificity.
    book = xlrd.open_workbook(filename)
    name = TO_FRENCH.get(name, name)
    s = book.sheet_by_name(name)
    # Find the first row in col 1 with numerical data
    start = 0
    while ctype_text[s.cell(start, 1).ctype] != 'number':
        start += 1
    first_numeric = start
    # ...but the first row(s) may be empty
    while not s.cell(start - 1, 1).value:
        start -= 1
    end = first_numeric
    while s.cell(end, 0).value:
        end += 1
        if end >= s.nrows:
    if debug:
        print('First numeric row: {:d}, last row: {:d}, total {:d} rows x {:d} cols'.format(start+1, end+1, s.nrows, s.ncols))
    footer = s.nrows - end
    col_nested = False
    if s.cell(start - 2, 1).value:
        col_nested = True
    if not col_nested:
        if debug:
            print('Only one level of headers')
        return pd.read_excel(
            filename, sheetname=name, skiprows=start-1, skipfooter=footer, index_col=0)
    level_1 = [s.cell(start - 2, 1).value]
    level_2 = [s.cell(start - 1, 1).value]
    c = 1
    blanks = 0
    while True:
        c += 1
        if c >= s.ncols:
        next1 = s.cell(start - 2, c).value
        next2 = s.cell(start - 1, c).value
        if not next2:
            blanks += 1
            if blanks > 1:
            blanks = 0
        if not next1:
            next1 = level_1[-1]
    if debug:
        print('Two levels of columns:')
        print('L1 ({:d} items):'.format(len(level_1), level_1))
        print('L2 ({:d} items):'.format(len(level_2), level_2))
    df = pd.read_excel(
        filename, sheetname=name, skiprows=start, skipfooter=footer, index_col=0, header=None)
    df.columns = [level_1, level_2]
    return df

In [8]:
# import geopandas as gpd

# REGIONS = '../../data/geo/regions.geojson'
# DEPTS = '../../data/geo/departements.geojson'
# gdf = gpd.read_file(REGIONS)
# gdf['value'] = np.random.randn(len(gdf))
# gdf.set_value(0, 'value', 5)
# gdf.head()

# fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
# ax = gdf.plot(column='value', colormap='OrRd')
# mplleaflet.display(fig=ax.figure, crs=gdf.crs)

In [9]:
def make_normalized_ticklabels(values):
    exp = ((1e9, ' B'), (1e6, ' M'), (1e3, 'k'))
    key = values[-1]
    for order, symbol in exp:
        if key >= order:
            fmt = '{:.1f}{}'
            if key >= (10 * order):
                fmt = '{.0f}{}'
            return [fmt.format(t / order, symbol) for t in values]

def normalize_xticklabels(ax):

def normalize_yticklabels(ax):


Explore annual data (2014)

In [10]:
df = read_sheet('key figures', FILE_ANNUAL)

Catégorie A,B,C,D,E dont catégorie A,B,C dont catégorie A Caractéristiques des demandeurs d'emploi \nde catégorie A, B, C
Nombre Répartition\n(en %) Nombre Répartition\n(en %) Nombre Répartition\n(en %) Part des femmes (en %) Part des moins de 25 ans \n(en %) Part des demandeurs d'emploi inscrits depuis un an ou plus \n(en %)
Alsace 160436 2.550557 144425 2.581923 98079 2.571806 47.485546 16.005539 42.573654
Aquitaine 323324 5.140096 283608 5.070132 186454 4.889155 52.383924 15.540464 40.459014
Auvergne 115513 1.836387 102204 1.827127 64233 1.684303 52.013620 16.428907 45.527572
Basse-Normandie 126330 2.008352 113449 2.028157 71103 1.864447 50.129133 18.800518 42.164321
Bourgogne 136999 2.177964 123379 2.205678 77973 2.044591 50.822263 17.294677 43.986416

In [11]:
category_rename = {
    'A' : 'A (Unemployed, 0 hrs/mo)',
    'B' : 'B (Heavily Underemployed, 1-78 hrs/mo)',
    'C' : 'C (Underemployed, 78-110 hrs/mo)',

In [12]:
df = read_sheet('category x region x sex', FILE_ANNUAL)
s = df['Total'].ix['France',:'C']
s.index=[category_rename[x] for x in s.index]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
color = sns.color_palette()
s[::-1].plot(kind='barh', color=[color[2], color[1], color[0]], ax=ax)
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by category, end of 2014')

In [13]:
df = read_sheet('category x region x sex', FILE_ANNUAL)
df = df.ix['France',:].unstack()
df = df.ix[:-1, :'C']
df.columns = [category_rename[c] for c in df.columns]
df.index = ['Women', 'Men']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
df.plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=sns.color_palette())
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by gender and category, end of 2014')

In [14]:
df = read_sheet('category x region x age', FILE_ANNUAL)
df = df.ix['France',:].unstack()
df = df.ix[['Moins de 25 ans', '25-49 ans', '50 ans ou plus'], :'C']
df.index = ['Age < 25', 'Age 25-49', 'Age 50+']
df.columns = [category_rename[c] for c in df.columns]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
df[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=sns.color_palette())
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by age and category, end of 2014')

In [15]:
df = read_sheet('category x region x education', FILE_ANNUAL)
df = df.ix['France',:].unstack()
df = df.ix[:-1, :'C']
df.columns = [category_rename[c] for c in df.columns]
d = {
    u'Niveau inférieur au CAP': 'Less than HS diploma',
    u'Niveau CAP/BEP' : 'Vocational diploma (HS alternative)',
    u'Niveau BAC': 'HS diploma',
    u'Niveau BAC+2': '2-year college degree',
    u'Niveau supérieur à BAC+2': 'Bachelors or higher',
    u'Non précisé': 'Not specified',
order = [
    'Bachelors or higher',
    '2-year college degree',
    'HS diploma',
    'Vocational diploma (HS alternative)',
    'Less than HS diploma',
    'Not specified']
df.index = [d[i] for i in df.index]
df = df.ix[order,:]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
df[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=sns.color_palette())
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by education and category, end of 2014')

In [16]:
df = read_sheet('region x length of unemployment', FILE_ANNUAL)
s = df.ix['France', :-1]
d = collections.OrderedDict()
d[u'Moins de 1 an'] = 'Seeking for < 1 year'
d[u'De 1 an à moins de 2 ans'] = 'Seeking for 1-2 years'
d[u'2 ans ou plus'] = 'Seeking for > 2 years'
s.index=[d[x] for x in s.index]
s = s.ix[d.values()]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
s[::-1].plot(kind='barh', color=sns.color_palette()[-1], ax=ax)
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by length of unemployment, end of 2014')

In [17]:
df = read_sheet('category x region x qualifications', FILE_ANNUAL)
df = df.ix['France',:].unstack()
df = df.ix[:-1, :'C']
df.columns = [category_rename[c] for c in df.columns]

d = collections.OrderedDict()
d[u'Manœuvre'] = 'Non-skilled worker'
d[u'Ouvrier spécialisé'] = 'Manual worker with acquired skills'
d[u'Ouvrier qualifié'] = 'Skilled manual worker'
d[u'Employé non qualifié'] = 'Unqualified intellectual employee'
d[u'Employé qualifié'] = 'Qualified intellectual employee'
d[u'Agent de maîtrise-Technicien-Dessinateur'] = 'Technical Supervisors'
d[u'Cadre'] = 'Executive'
d[u'Non précisé'] = 'Not specified'
df.index=[d[x] for x in df.index]
df = df.ix[d.values(),:]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
df[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=sns.color_palette())
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by qualifications and category, end of 2014')

In [18]:
df = read_sheet('category x job x sex', FILE_ANNUAL)
df = df['Total'].ix[:-1, :'C']
df.columns = [category_rename[c] for c in df.columns]

df.index = [x.strip() for x in df.index]
d = collections.OrderedDict()
d[u"A. Agriculture et pêche, espaces naturels et espaces verts, soins aux animaux"] = "A. Agriculture and fisheries, nature, animal care"
d[u"B. Art  et façonnage d'ouvrages d'art"] = "B. Art and processing of structures"
d[u"C. Banque, assurances et immobilier"] = "C. Bank, Insurance and Real Estate"
d[u"D. Commerce, vente et grande distribution"] = "D. Trade, sales and retail"
d[u"E. Communication, media et multimédia"] = "E. Communication, media and multimedia"
d[u"F. Construction, bâtiment et travaux publics"] = "F. Construction, construction and public works"
d[u"G. Hôtellerie - restauration, tourisme, loisirs et animation"] = "G. Hospitality - restaurants, tourism, etc"
d[u"H. Industrie"] = "H. Industry"
d[u"I. Installation et maintenance"] = "I. Installation and maintenance"
d[u"J .Santé"] = "J. Health"
d[u"K. Services  a la personne et a la collectivité"] = "K. Services to the person and the community"
d[u"L. Spectacle"] = "L. Show"
d[u"M. Support a l'entreprise"] = "M. Enterprise support (?)"
d[u"N. Transport et logistique"] = "N. Transport and logistics"
d[u"Non précisé"] = "Unspecified"
df.index=[d[x] for x in df.index]
df = df.ix[d.values(),:]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
df[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=sns.color_palette())
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by job and category, end of 2014')

In [19]:
df = read_sheet('category x job x sex', FILE_ANNUAL)
df = df.ix[:-1,[('Hommes','Total'), ('Femmes','Total')]]
df.columns = ['Men', 'Women']
df.index = [x.strip() for x in df.index]
df.index=[d[x] for x in df.index]
df = df.ix[d.values(),:]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
color = sns.color_palette()
df[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=[color[0], color[2]])
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by job and sex, end of 2014')

In [20]:
df = read_sheet('category x job x age', FILE_ANNUAL)
df = df.ix[:-1,[('Moins de 25 ans','Total'), ('25-49 ans','Total'), ('50 ans ou plus','Total')]]
df.columns = ['Age < 25', 'Age 25-49', 'Age 50+']
df.index = [x.strip() for x in df.index]
df.index=[d[x] for x in df.index]
df = df.ix[d.values(),:]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
color = sns.color_palette()
df[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=color[3:6])
ax.set_title('Job-seekers by job and age, end of 2014')

In [21]:
df = read_sheet('entries: region x reason', FILE_ANNUAL)
s = df.ix['France',:-1]

df.index = [x.strip() for x in df.index]
reasons = collections.OrderedDict()
reasons[u"Fins de contrat à durée déterminée"] = "End of contract"
reasons[u"Fins de mission d'intérim"] = "End of temporary assignment"
reasons[u"Licenciements économiques"] = "Economic reasons"
reasons[u"Autres licenciements"] = "Other layoffs"
reasons[u"Démissions"] = "Resignation"
reasons[u"Première entrée"] = "First entry"
reasons[u"Reprise d'activité"] = "Found a job"
reasons[u"Autre cas"] = "Other cases"

s.index=[reasons[x] for x in s.index]
s = s.ix[reasons.values()]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
s[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=sns.color_palette()[-1])
ax.set_title('New Pole Emploi registrations in 2014 by unemployment reason')

In [22]:
df = read_sheet('exits: region x reason', FILE_ANNUAL)
s = df.ix['France',:-1]

df.index = [x.strip() for x in df.index]
reasons_exit = collections.OrderedDict()
reasons_exit[u"Reprise d'emploi déclarée"] = "Job found"
reasons_exit[u"Entrée en stage"] = "Starting internship"
reasons_exit[u"Arrêt de recherche (maternité, maladie, retraite)"] = "Stopped looking"
reasons_exit[u"Arrêt maladie"] = "Illness"
reasons_exit[u"Radiation administrative"] = "Expulsion"
reasons_exit[u"Cessation d'inscription pour défaut d'actualisation"] = "Failed to update"
reasons_exit[u"Autre cas"] = "Other cases"

s.index=[reasons_exit[x] for x in s.index]
s = s.ix[reasons_exit.values()]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
s[::-1].plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', stacked=True, color=sns.color_palette()[-1])
ax.set_title('Pole Emploi exits in 2014 by reason')

Explore monthly data

In [23]:
dfe = read_sheet('monthly entries: cat ABC by reason', FILE_MONTHLY)
dfe['Total'] = dfe[u"France métro.\n(catégories A,B,C)"] + dfe[u"DOM\n(catégories A,B,C)"]

In [24]:
dfs = read_sheet('monthly exits: cat ABC by reason', FILE_MONTHLY)
dfs['Total'] = dfs[u"France métro.\n(catégories A,B,C)"] + dfs[u"DOM\n(catégories A,B,C)"]

In [25]:
dfa = read_sheet('monthly: cat ABC by age x gender', FILE_MONTHLY)
population = dfa[('Total (DEFM ABC)', 'Ensemble')]

In [26]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.plot(dfe['Total'], label='Entering (newly unemployed)', color=SNS_RED)
ax.plot(dfs['Total'], label='Leaving (newly employed)', color=SNS_GREEN)
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
ax.set_title('Flow through Pole Emploi')
df = pd.concat([dfe['Total'], dfs['Total']], axis=1)
ax.fill_between(dfe.index, dfe['Total'], df.min(axis=1), color=SNS_RED, alpha=0.2)
ax.fill_between(dfe.index, dfe['Total'], df.max(axis=1), color=SNS_GREEN, alpha=0.2)
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.plot(population, color=SNS_BLUE, label='Unemployed population', linestyle=':')
ax2.legend(loc='upper right')

In [27]:
df = dfa[[('Hommes (DEFM ABC)', 'Ensemble'), ('Femmes (DEFM ABC)', 'Ensemble')]]
df.columns = ['Men', 'Women']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)

df['Men'].plot(ax=ax, color=SNS_BLUE, label='Men unemployed')
df['Women'].plot(ax=ax, color=SNS_RED, label='Women unemployed')
ax.set_title('Unemployed population by gender over time (cat ABC)')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')

ax2 = ax.twinx()
frac_male = df['Men'].div(df.sum(axis=1))
frac_male.plot(ax=ax2, label='Fraction Male', color=SNS_BLUE, linestyle=':')
ax2.legend(loc='upper right')

In [28]:
df = dfa['Total (DEFM ABC)'].drop('Ensemble', axis=1)
df.columns = ['Age < 25', 'Age 25-49', 'Age 50+']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)

ax.set_title('Unemployed population by age over time (cat ABC)')
ax.legend(loc='center left')

ax2 = ax.twinx()
frac = df.div(df.sum(axis=1), axis=0)
frac.columns = ['Fraction ' + c for c in frac.columns]
frac.plot(ax=ax2, linestyle=':', alpha=0.7)
ax2.legend(loc='center right')

In [29]:
dfl = read_sheet('monthly: cat ABC by length of unemployment', FILE_MONTHLY)#, debug=True)
# For whatever reason, metropolitan France and DOM have different numbers of buckets.
# So we'll just look at metro France for now.
dfl = dfl[u"Ancienneté d'inscription en catégories A,B,C (France métropolitaine)"]
dfl = dfl.drop([''], axis=1)
dfl.columns = [u'< 3 months', u'3-6 months', u'6-12 months', u'1-2 YEARS', u'2-3 YEARS', u'3+ YEARS', '> 1 YEAR']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)

df = dfl.ix[:,:-1]
ax.set_title('Unemployed population by length of unemployment (cat ABC)', size='large')
ax.legend(loc='lower left')

ax2 = ax.twinx()
frac = dfl.div(dfl.sum(axis=1), axis=0)
frac['> 1 YEAR'].plot(ax=ax2, linestyle=':', alpha=0.7, label='Fraction > 1 year')
ax2.legend(loc='lower right')

In [30]: