Author: Pascal,

Date: 2018-06-18

ROME update from v334 to v335

In June 2018 a new version of the ROME was released. I want to investigate what changed and whether we need to do anything about it.

One change that we noted during the preparation of this notebook was that the typo Conductrcie instead of Conductrice has finally been fixed!

You might not be able to reproduce this notebook, mostly because it requires to have the two versions of the ROME in your data/rome/csv folder which happens only just before we switch to v335. You will have to trust me on the results ;-)

Skip the run test because it requires older versions of the ROME.

In [1]:
import collections
import glob
import os
from os import path

import matplotlib_venn
import pandas as pd

rome_path = path.join(os.getenv('DATA_FOLDER'), 'rome/csv')


old_version_files = frozenset(glob.glob(rome_path + '/*{}*'.format(OLD_VERSION)))
new_version_files = frozenset(glob.glob(rome_path + '/*{}*'.format(NEW_VERSION)))

First let's check if there are new or deleted files (only matching by file names).

In [2]:
new_files = new_version_files - frozenset(f.replace(OLD_VERSION, NEW_VERSION) for f in old_version_files)
deleted_files = old_version_files - frozenset(f.replace(NEW_VERSION, OLD_VERSION) for f in new_version_files)

print('{:d} new files'.format(len(new_files)))
print('{:d} deleted files'.format(len(deleted_files)))

0 new files
0 deleted files

So we have the same set of files in both versions: good start.

Now let's set up a dataset that, for each table, links both the old and the new file together.

In [3]:
# Load all ROME datasets for the two versions we compare.
VersionedDataset = collections.namedtuple('VersionedDataset', ['basename', 'old', 'new'])
rome_data = [VersionedDataset(
        old=pd.read_csv(f.replace(NEW_VERSION, OLD_VERSION)),
    for f in sorted(new_version_files)]

def find_rome_dataset_by_name(data, partial_name):
    for dataset in data:
        if 'unix_{}_v{}_utf8.csv'.format(partial_name, NEW_VERSION) == dataset.basename:
            return dataset
    raise ValueError('No dataset named {}, the list is\n{}'.format(partial_name, [d.basename for d in data]))

Let's make sure the structure hasn't changed:

In [4]:
for dataset in rome_data:
    if set(dataset.old.columns) != set(
        print('Columns of {} have changed.'.format(dataset.basename))

All files have the same columns as before: still good.

Now let's see for each file if there are more or less rows.

In [5]:
same_row_count_files = 0
for dataset in rome_data:
    diff = len( - len(dataset.old.index)
    if diff > 0:
        print('{:d}/{:d} values added in {}'.format(
            diff, len(, dataset.basename))
    elif diff < 0:
        print('{:d}/{:d} values removed in {}'.format(
            -diff, len(dataset.old.index), dataset.basename))
        same_row_count_files += 1
print('{:d}/{:d} files with the same number of rows'.format(
    same_row_count_files, len(rome_data)))

99/30819 values added in unix_coherence_item_v335_utf8.csv
15/11692 values added in unix_cr_gd_dp_appellations_v335_utf8.csv
792/1992 values added in unix_item_arborescence_v335_utf8.csv
31/13387 values removed in unix_item_v335_utf8.csv
114/42387 values added in unix_liens_rome_referentiels_v335_utf8.csv
10/7406 values added in unix_referentiel_activite_riasec_v335_utf8.csv
10/9142 values added in unix_referentiel_activite_v335_utf8.csv
15/11036 values added in unix_referentiel_appellation_v335_utf8.csv
7/4955 values added in unix_referentiel_competence_v335_utf8.csv
1/4219 values added in unix_rubrique_mobilite_v335_utf8.csv
1/5040 values added in unix_texte_v335_utf8.csv
10/21 files with the same number of rows

There are some minor changes in many files, but based on my knowledge of ROME, none from the main files.

The most interesting ones are in referentiel_appellation, item, and liens_rome_referentiels, so let's see more precisely.

In [6]:
jobs = find_rome_dataset_by_name(rome_data, 'referentiel_appellation')

new_jobs = set( - set(jobs.old.code_ogr)
obsolete_jobs = set(jobs.old.code_ogr) - set(
stable_jobs = set( & set(jobs.old.code_ogr)

matplotlib_venn.venn2((len(obsolete_jobs), len(new_jobs), len(stable_jobs)), (OLD_VERSION, NEW_VERSION));

Alright, so the only change seems to be 15 new jobs added. Let's take a look (only showing interesting fields):

In [7]:
pd.options.display.max_colwidth = 2000[][['code_ogr', 'libelle_appellation_long', 'code_rome']]

code_ogr libelle_appellation_long code_rome
3885 140914 Concepteur / Conceptrice paysagiste F1101
3887 140924 Réparateur / Réparatrice en smartphone, téléphonie mobile, tablette I1402
3888 140925 Réparateur / Réparatrice en produits de télécommunication et multimédia I1402
3889 140927 Cuviste A1413
3890 140928 Groom chevaux A1501
3891 140929 Vendeur / Vendeuse en cigarettes électroniques D1211
3893 140930 Consultant / Consultante tourisme G1102
3894 140931 Opérateur / Opératrice en vidéoprotection K2503
3895 140934 Ingénieur / Ingénieure d''affaires industrielles en éco-conception H1102
3896 140935 Ingénieur / Ingénieure ERD en éco-conception produits H1206
3897 140936 Ingénieur / Ingénieure ERD en éco-conception procédés H1206
3898 140937 Chef de projet recherche et développement éco-conception en industrie H1206
3899 140938 Ingénieur / Ingénieure en éco-conception H1302
3901 140940 Délégué / Déléguée à la protection des données - Data Protection Officer K1903
3902 140941 Ingénieur / Ingénieure en traitement et valorisation des déchets K2306

They mostly seem to be new jobs: DPO, ecology engineers, e-cigarette retailer.

OK, let's check at the changes in items:

In [8]:
items = find_rome_dataset_by_name(rome_data, 'item')

new_items = set( - set(items.old.code_ogr)
obsolete_items = set(items.old.code_ogr) - set(
stable_items = set( & set(items.old.code_ogr)

matplotlib_venn.venn2((len(obsolete_items), len(new_items), len(stable_items)), (OLD_VERSION, NEW_VERSION));

As anticipated it is a very minor change (hard to see it visually): some items are now obsolete and new ones have been created. Let's have a look at them.

In [9]:

code_ogr libelle code_type_referentiel code_ref_rubrique code_tete_rgpmt libelle_activite_impression libelle_en_tete_regroupement
1872 104371 Intervenir en instrumentation 2 9 NaN NaN NaN
2020 104670 Intervenir en dispatching 2 9 NaN NaN NaN
4049 108002 Réaliser des interventions en pharmacie, biologie médicale 2 9 NaN NaN NaN
4050 108004 Réaliser des interventions en soins vétérinaires 2 9 NaN NaN NaN
6795 118218 Techniques de bureautique, administratif 1 10 NaN NaN NaN
code_ogr libelle code_type_referentiel code_ref_rubrique code_tete_rgpmt libelle_activite_impression libelle_en_tete_regroupement
5946 115876 Analyse du Cycle de Vie - ACV des produits 1 10 NaN NaN NaN
5947 115876 Analyse du Cycle de Vie - ACV des produits 1 7 NaN NaN NaN
6661 118051 Économie internationale 1 10 NaN NaN NaN
11953 125772 Réaliser une étude d''impact environnemental 2 9 NaN NaN NaN
12030 125864 Définir les critères d''analyse de l''expérience utilisateur 2 9 NaN NaN NaN

The new ones seem legit to me. The old ones, though, don't feel obsolete. I'm going to trust the ROME makers as it's a small change anyway.

The changes in liens_rome_referentiels include changes for those items, so let's only check the changes not related to those.

In [10]:
links = find_rome_dataset_by_name(rome_data, 'liens_rome_referentiels')
old_links_on_stable_items = links.old[links.old.code_ogr.isin(stable_items)]
new_links_on_stable_items =[]

old = old_links_on_stable_items[['code_rome', 'code_ogr']]
new = new_links_on_stable_items[['code_rome', 'code_ogr']]

links_merged = old.merge(new, how='outer', indicator=True)
links_merged['_diff'] ={'left_only': 'removed', 'right_only': 'added'})

added      122
removed     31
Name: _diff, dtype: int64

So in addition to the added and removed items, there are few fixes. Let's have a look at them:

In [11]:
job_group_names = find_rome_dataset_by_name(rome_data, 'referentiel_code_rome').new.set_index('code_rome').libelle_rome
item_names ='code_ogr').libelle.drop_duplicates()
links_merged['job_group_name'] =
links_merged['item_name'] =
display(links_merged[links_merged._diff == 'removed'].dropna().head(5))
links_merged[links_merged._diff == 'added'].dropna().head(5)

code_rome code_ogr _merge _diff job_group_name item_name
1334 E1105 117296 left_only removed Coordination d''édition Rechercher des auteurs pour des traductions
3400 A1203 104514 left_only removed Aménagement et entretien des espaces verts Mécanique
3421 A1203 123665 left_only removed Aménagement et entretien des espaces verts Réaliser des petits ouvrages de maçonnerie
7724 I1102 103203 left_only removed Management et ingénierie de maintenance industrielle Intervenir en acoustique, thermique
7725 I1102 103209 left_only removed Management et ingénierie de maintenance industrielle Intervenir dans le domaine hydraulique
code_rome code_ogr _merge _diff job_group_name item_name
30656 D1205 124888 right_only added Nettoyage d''articles textiles ou cuirs Entretenir des équipements
30657 E1303 119364 right_only added Encadrement des industries graphiques Contrôler la conformité d''une production
30658 A1203 100057 right_only added Aménagement et entretien des espaces verts Techniques de préservation de la biodiversité
30659 A1203 103503 right_only added Aménagement et entretien des espaces verts Domotique
30660 A1203 103771 right_only added Aménagement et entretien des espaces verts Réaliser et poser les coffrages et couler les éléments en béton

Those fixes make sense (not sure why they were not done before, but let's not complain: it is fixed now).

Finally let's check the changes in the main table referentiel_code_rome to make sure nothing big changed. First let's join the old and the new table in one dataset:

In [12]:
code_rome = find_rome_dataset_by_name(rome_data, 'referentiel_code_rome')
code_rome_diff = pd.merge(code_rome.old,, on='code_rome', suffixes=('_old', '_new'))

code_rome code_fiche_em_old code_ogr_old libelle_rome_old statut_old code_fiche_em_new code_ogr_new libelle_rome_new statut_new
0 A1204 13 10 Protection du patrimoine naturel 1 13 10 Protection du patrimoine naturel 1
1 D1214 97 100 Vente en habillement et accessoires de la personne 1 97 100 Vente en habillement et accessoires de la personne 1
2 D1301 120 101 Management de magasin de détail 1 120 101 Management de magasin de détail 1
3 D1401 125 102 Assistanat commercial 1 125 102 Assistanat commercial 1
4 D1402 124 103 Relation commerciale grands comptes et entreprises 1 124 103 Relation commerciale grands comptes et entreprises 1

And now let's see the differences:

In [13]:
    (code_rome_diff.code_fiche_em_old != code_rome_diff.code_fiche_em_new) |
    (code_rome_diff.code_ogr_old != code_rome_diff.code_ogr_new) |
    (code_rome_diff.libelle_rome_old != code_rome_diff.libelle_rome_new) |
    (code_rome_diff.statut_old != code_rome_diff.statut_new)

code_rome code_fiche_em_old code_ogr_old libelle_rome_old statut_old code_fiche_em_new code_ogr_new libelle_rome_new statut_new
47 F1101 161 142 Architecture du BTP 1 161 142 Architecture du BTP et du paysage 1
50 F1104 163 145 Dessin BTP 1 163 145 Dessin BTP et paysage 1
56 F1201 178 150 Conduite de travaux du BTP 1 178 150 Conduite de travaux du BTP et de travaux paysagers 1
245 I1402 271 321 Réparation de biens électrodomestiques 1 271 321 Réparation de biens électrodomestiques et multimédia 1
521 A1203 16 9 Entretien des espaces verts 1 16 9 Aménagement et entretien des espaces verts 1

OK, only 5 lines have be changed: only their names has changed. Jobs about constructions are now also about landscapes. And a slight rephrasing for two others. Not a big deal for us.


The new version of ROME, v335, introduces very minor changes which reflect quite well what they wrote in their changelog. The transition should be transparent with a very small advantage over the old version.