French Urban Entities

Author: Pascal

Date: 2017-12-19

In November 2017, the CREST asked us to analyze our users through the dimension of people living in urban vs rural areas. We started investigating and found a dataset from INSEE that they call urban entities.

This notebook analyses this dataset. For each city in France it gives a mapping to the urban entity it is part of. According to the documentation, an urban entity is a contiguous urban area with less than 200m between buildings. Areas that are populated with less than 2000 inhabitants are considered as rural.


Here we use the cleaned_data lib that already does the import and basic cleaning on the data. To get the data required to run this notebook run:

docker-compose run --rm data-analysis-prepare make \
  data/geo/french_urban_entities.xls \
  data/geo/french_cities.csv \

Let's open 3 datasets related to cities: the urban entities, the index of all French cities and the French city stats:

In [1]:
import os
from os import path

import pandas as pd

from bob_emploi.data_analysis.lib import cleaned_data


urban_entities = cleaned_data.french_urban_entities(DATA_FOLDER)

UU2010 urban
01001 01000 0
01002 01000 0
01004 01302 3
01005 01000 0
01006 01000 0

In [2]:
cities = cleaned_data.french_cities(DATA_FOLDER)

name departement_id region_id current current_city_id arrondissement
01001 L'Abergement-Clémenciat 01 84 True NaN False
01002 L'Abergement-de-Varey 01 84 True NaN False
01003 Amareins 01 84 False 01165 False
01004 Ambérieu-en-Bugey 01 84 True NaN False
01005 Ambérieux-en-Dombes 01 84 True NaN False

In [3]:
city_stats = cleaned_data.french_city_stats(DATA_FOLDER)

departement_id zipCode city_id population longitude latitude
01284 01 01190 01284 618 4.91667 46.3833
01123 01 01290 01123 1058 4.83333 46.2333
01298 01 01130 01298 129 5.73333 46.1833
01422 01 01250 01422 1406 5.31667 46.1333
01309 01 01250 01309 88 5.43333 46.3333

Pretty nice: they are all indexed with the city ID, or "Code Officiel Géographique" so we can merge those three datasets. While doing that, let's make sure we restrict to current cities only:

In [4]:
all_cities = pd.merge(
    cities[cities.current & ~cities.arrondissement], city_stats,
    right_index=True, left_index=True, how='outer')
all_cities = pd.merge(
    all_cities, urban_entities,
    right_index=True, left_index=True, how='outer')

name departement_id_x region_id current current_city_id arrondissement departement_id_y zipCode city_id population longitude latitude UU2010 urban
01001 L'Abergement-Clémenciat 01 84 True NaN False 01 01400 01001 784.0 4.91667 46.15 01000 0.0
01002 L'Abergement-de-Varey 01 84 True NaN False 01 01640 01002 221.0 5.41667 46.00 01000 0.0
01004 Ambérieu-en-Bugey 01 84 True NaN False 01 01500 01004 13835.0 5.35000 45.95 01302 3.0
01005 Ambérieux-en-Dombes 01 84 True NaN False 01 01330 01005 1616.0 4.90000 46.00 01000 0.0
01006 Ambléon 01 84 True NaN False 01 01300 01006 116.0 5.60000 45.75 01000 0.0

OK we're all set to start looking at the data.


In [5]:
official_cities = all_cities[]

True    35416
Name: urban, dtype: int64

Pretty neat! We have urban data for all the cities. Now let's try to get a better understanding of this data.


The two fields we are going to dig are urban and UU2010. Supposedly urban gives a score where 0 means rural and then from 1 to 8, it relates to bigger and bigger urban entities. UU2010 gives the ID of the urban entity the city is part of.

Let's do some quick point checks:

In [6]:
official_cities.sort_values('population', ascending=False)[['name', 'urban', 'UU2010']].head()

name urban UU2010
75056 Paris 8.0 00851
13055 Marseille 7.0 00759
69123 Lyon 7.0 00758
31555 Toulouse 7.0 31701
06088 Nice 7.0 06701

That sounds good: the biggest cities are inside the biggest urban entities.

Let's check one of them:

In [7]:
official_cities[official_cities.UU2010 == '00758']\
    .sort_values('population', ascending=False)[['name', 'urban', 'UU2010']].head()

name urban UU2010
69123 Lyon 7.0 00758
69266 Villeurbanne 7.0 00758
69259 Vénissieux 7.0 00758
69290 Saint-Priest 7.0 00758
69256 Vaulx-en-Velin 7.0 00758

Cool, those are indeed cities that are part of the Lyon urban entities.

Let's check the other side of the spectrum:

In [8]:
official_cities[official_cities.urban == 0][['name', 'urban', 'UU2010', 'population']].head()

name urban UU2010 population
01001 L'Abergement-Clémenciat 0.0 01000 784.0
01002 L'Abergement-de-Varey 0.0 01000 221.0
01005 Ambérieux-en-Dombes 0.0 01000 1616.0
01006 Ambléon 0.0 01000 116.0
01007 Ambronay 0.0 01000 2362.0

Indeed those seems like small villages (population count is low) however they seem to have an UU2010 field which is common. Apparently that field is not valid for rural cities:

In [9]:
official_cities[official_cities.urban == 0]\
    .groupby(['UU2010', 'departement_id_x'])\

UU2010 departement_id_x
01000 01 303
02000 02 725
03000 03 278
04000 04 177
05000 05 149

Alright, there seems to be a unique UU2010 per département assigned to all rural cities in this département. We will make sure to ignore it.

Now let's see global stats for each level of urban entities:

In [10]:
def _stats_per_urban_group(cities):
    if cities.urban.iloc[0]:
        entities_population = cities.groupby('UU2010').population.sum()
        # Not grouping as UU2010 has no meaning for rural areas.
        entities_population = cities.population
    return pd.Series({
        'total_population': entities_population.sum().astype(int),
        'min_entity_population': entities_population.min().astype(int),
        'max_entity_population': entities_population.max().astype(int),
        'avg_entity_population': entities_population.mean().astype(int),
        'num_entities': len(entities_population),
urban_stats = official_cities.groupby('urban').apply(_stats_per_urban_group)

avg_entity_population max_entity_population min_entity_population num_entities total_population
0.0 494 8047 0 28182 13942186
1.0 3319 5205 600 1181 3919775
2.0 6563 10324 1298 590 3872309
3.0 13134 19726 1281 244 3204727
4.0 29622 50026 6784 147 4354513
5.0 68068 93915 40820 68 4628651
6.0 145689 199852 86655 30 4370672
7.0 495323 1559789 207658 31 15355038
8.0 10460118 10460118 10460118 1 10460118

OK, many things interesting in those stats. First the size of entities seems to be globally consistent with the documentation: entities level are defined by their sizes. For the small numbers though, there seem to be some slight inconsistencies but we'll say that population data is not very precise.

Let's check the distribution of the number of entities by level:

In [11]:
urban_stats.num_entities.plot(kind='pie', figsize=(5, 5), colors=COLOR_MAP);

The huge majority of cities are rural, and only very few of them are part of the largest urban entities.

Let's look at it from another angle, and check the population distribution:

In [12]:
urban_stats.total_population.plot(kind='pie', figsize=(5, 5), colors=COLOR_MAP);

OK, this is a whole other picture: rural areas account only for less than a quarter of the population, and actually half of the population lives in urban entities level 6 or above (each entity is larger than 100k inhabitants).

Finally let's plot the urban entities for France metropolitan area:

In [13]:
is_in_metropol = (official_cities.longitude > -5) & (official_cities.latitude > 25)
official_cities[is_in_metropol & official_cities.urban.notnull()]\
    .plot(kind='scatter', x='longitude', y='latitude', s=5, c='urban', figsize=(12, 10));

Nice! The largest urban entities seem to be located where we know are the largest cities with the benefit of knowing how far it extends.


The urban entities dataset is quite clean. The major learning is that although more than 80% of cities are rural, less than 25% of the population is in a rural area. The slicing by urban level (from 1 to 8) can also be used to distinguish people living in small or large urban areas even though their own city might just be a small city next to a big one.