Phase diagram for multiple angles

Start a ipcluster from the Cluster tab in Jupyter or use the command:

ipcluster start

in a terminal.

In [ ]:
from ipyparallel import Client
cluster = Client()
dview = cluster[:]
lview = cluster.load_balanced_view()

This next cell is for internal use with our cluster at the department, a local ipcluster will work: use the cell above.

In [ ]:
# import os
# from scripts.hpc05 import HPC05Client
# os.environ['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'] = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'ssh-agent.socket')
# cluster = HPC05Client()

Make sure to add the correct path like:


In [ ]:
%%px --local
import sys
import os
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'orbitalfield'))
import kwant
import numpy as np
from fun import *

def gap_and_decay(lead, p, val, tol=1e-4):
    gap = find_gap(lead, p, val, tol)
    decay_length = find_decay_length(lead, p, val)
    return gap, decay_length

In [ ]:
import holoviews as hv
import holoviews_rc

Uncomment the lines for the wire that you want to use.

In [ ]:
%%px --local
# angle = 0 # WIRE WITH SC ON TOP

angle = 45 # WIRE WITH SC ON SIDE
p = make_params(t_interface=7/8*constants.t, Delta=68.4, r1=50, r2=70, 
                orbital=True, angle=angle, A_correction=True, alpha=100) #r2=70

p.V = lambda x, y, z: 2 / 50 * z
lead = make_3d_wire_external_sc(a=constants.a, r1=p.r1, r2=p.r2, angle=p.angle)

# lead = make_3d_wire()
# p = make_params(V=lambda x, y, z: 0, orbital=True)

You can specify the angles that you want to calculate in thetas and phis.

Also specify the range of magnetic field and chemical potential in Bs and mu_mesh.

In [ ]:
# give an array of angles that you want to use

# thetas = np.array([0, np.tan(1/10), 0.5 * np.pi - np.tan(1/10), 0.5 * np.pi])
# phis = np.array([0, np.tan(1/10), 0.5 * np.pi - np.tan(1/10), 0.5 * np.pi])

thetas = np.array([0.5 * np.pi])
phis = np.array([0])

# the range of magnetic field and chemical potential
Bs = np.linspace(0, 2, 400)
mu_mesh = np.linspace(0, 35, 400)

In [ ]:
# creates a 3D array with all values of magnetic field for all specified angles
pos = spherical_coords(Bs.reshape(-1, 1, 1), thetas.reshape(1, -1, 1), phis.reshape(1, 1, -1))
pos_vec = pos.reshape(-1, 3)

mus_output = lview.map_sync(lambda B: find_phase_bounds(lead, p, B, num_bands=40), pos_vec)
mus, vals, mask = create_mask(Bs, thetas, phis, mu_mesh, mus_output)

N = len(vals)
step = N // (len(phis) * len(thetas))
print(N, step)

Check whether the correct angles were used and see the phase boundaries

In [ ]:
import holoviews_rc
from itertools import product
from math import pi

kwargs = {'kdims': [dimensions.B,],
          'extents': bnds(Bs, mu_mesh),
          'label': 'Topological boundaries',
          'group': 'Lines'}

angles = list(product(enumerate(phis), enumerate(thetas)))

boundaries = {(theta / pi, phi / pi): hv.Path((Bs, mus[i, j, :, ::2]), **kwargs)
                  for (i, phi), (j, theta) in angles}

BlochSpherePlot.bgcolor = 'white'

sphere = {(theta / pi, phi / pi): BlochSphere([[1, 0, 0], spherical_coords(1, theta, phi)], group='Sphere')
              for (i, phi), (j, theta) in angles}

hv.HoloMap(boundaries, **dimensions.angles) + hv.HoloMap(sphere, **dimensions.angles)

Calculate full phase diagram

Make sure tempdata exists in the current folder.

Set full_phase_diagram to False if you only want the band gap in the non-trivial region or True if you want it in the whole Bs, mu_mesh range.

In [ ]:
full_phase_diagram = False

The next cell calculates the gaps and decay lengths.

You can stop and rerun the code, it will skip over the files that already exist.

Make sure the folder tempdata/ exists.

In [ ]:
import os.path
import sys

fname_list = []
for i, n in enumerate(range(0, N, step)):
    fname = "tempdata/" + str(n)+"-"+str((i+1)*step)+".dat"
    if not os.path.isfile(fname):  # check if file already exists
        if full_phase_diagram:
            gaps_and_decays_output = lview.map_async(lambda val: gap_and_decay(lead, p, val[:-1] + (True,)), vals[n:(i+1) * step])
            gaps_and_decays_output = lview.map_async(lambda val: gap_and_decay(lead, p, val), vals[n:(i+1) * step])
        np.savetxt(fname, gaps_and_decays_output.result())
        print(n, (i+1) * step)

gaps_and_decay_output = np.vstack([np.loadtxt(fname) for fname in fname_list])
gaps_output, decay_length_output = np.array(gaps_and_decay_output).T

gaps = np.array(gaps_output).reshape(mask.shape)
gaps[1:, 0] = gaps[0, 0]

decay_lengths = np.array(decay_length_output).reshape(mask.shape)
decay_lengths[1:, 0] = decay_lengths[0, 0]

if full_phase_diagram:
    gaps = gaps*(mask*2 - 1)
    decay_lengths = decay_lengths*(mask*2 - 1)
    gaps_output = gaps.reshape(-1)
    decay_length_output = decay_lengths.reshape(-1)


Run this function to save the data to hdf5 format, it will include all data and parameters that are used in the simulation.

In [ ]:
fname = 'data/test.h5'
save_data(fname, Bs, thetas, phis, mu_mesh, mus_output, gaps_output, decay_length_output, p, constants)

Check how the phase diagram looks

This will show all data.

In [ ]:
%%output size=200
%%opts Image [colorbar=False] {+axiswise} (clims=(0, 0.1))
phase_diagram = create_holoviews(fname)

 + phase_diagram.Phase_diagram.Inverse_decay_length 
 + phase_diagram.Sphere.I).cols(2)

In [ ]:
%%opts Image [colorbar=True]

In [ ]: