TPOT tutorial on the Titanic dataset

The Titanic machine learning competition on Kaggle is one of the most popular beginner's competitions on the platform. We will use that competition here to demonstrate the implementation of TPOT.

In [1]:
# Import required libraries
from tpot import TPOT
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np

In [2]:
# Load the data
titanic = pd.read_csv('data/titanic_train.csv')

PassengerId Survived Pclass Name Sex Age SibSp Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked
0 1 0 3 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22.0 1 0 A/5 21171 7.2500 NaN S
1 2 1 1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... female 38.0 1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C
2 3 1 3 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina female 26.0 0 0 STON/O2. 3101282 7.9250 NaN S
3 4 1 1 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female 35.0 1 0 113803 53.1000 C123 S
4 5 0 3 Allen, Mr. William Henry male 35.0 0 0 373450 8.0500 NaN S

Data Exploration

In [3]:

Sex     Survived
female  1           233
        0            81
male    0           468
        1           109
Name: Survived, dtype: int64

In [4]:

Pclass  Sex     Survived
1       female  1            91
                0             3
        male    0            77
                1            45
2       female  1            70
                0             6
        male    0            91
                1            17
3       female  0            72
                1            72
        male    0           300
                1            47
Name: Survived, dtype: int64

In [5]:
id = pd.crosstab([titanic.Pclass, titanic.Sex], titanic.Survived.astype(float))
id.div(id.sum(1).astype(float), 0)

Survived 0.0 1.0
Pclass Sex
1 female 0.031915 0.968085
male 0.631148 0.368852
2 female 0.078947 0.921053
male 0.842593 0.157407
3 female 0.500000 0.500000
male 0.864553 0.135447

Data Munging

The first and most important step in using TPOT on any data set is to rename the target class/response variable to class.

In [6]:
titanic.rename(columns={'Survived': 'class'}, inplace=True)

At present, TPOT requires all the data to be in numerical format. As we can see below, our data set has 5 categorical variables which contain non-numerical values: Name, Sex, Ticket, Cabin and Embarked.

In [7]:

PassengerId      int64
class            int64
Pclass           int64
Name            object
Sex             object
Age            float64
SibSp            int64
Parch            int64
Ticket          object
Fare           float64
Cabin           object
Embarked        object
dtype: object

We then check the number of levels that each of the five categorical variables have.

In [8]:
for cat in ['Name', 'Sex', 'Ticket', 'Cabin', 'Embarked']:
    print("Number of levels in category '{0}': \b {1:2.2f} ".format(cat, titanic[cat].unique().size))

Number of levels in category 'Name':  891.00 
Number of levels in category 'Sex':  2.00 
Number of levels in category 'Ticket':  681.00 
Number of levels in category 'Cabin':  148.00 
Number of levels in category 'Embarked':  4.00 

As we can see, Sex and Embarked have few levels. Let's find out what they are.

In [9]:
for cat in ['Sex', 'Embarked']:
    print("Levels for catgeory '{0}': {1}".format(cat, titanic[cat].unique()))

Levels for catgeory 'Sex': ['male' 'female']
Levels for catgeory 'Embarked': ['S' 'C' 'Q' nan]

We then code these levels manually into numerical values. For nan i.e. the missing values, we simply replace them with a placeholder value (-999). In fact, we perform this replacement for the entire data set.

In [10]:
titanic['Sex'] = titanic['Sex'].map({'male':0,'female':1})
titanic['Embarked'] = titanic['Embarked'].map({'S':0,'C':1,'Q':2})

In [11]:
titanic = titanic.fillna(-999)

PassengerId    False
class          False
Pclass         False
Name           False
Sex            False
Age            False
SibSp          False
Parch          False
Ticket         False
Fare           False
Cabin          False
Embarked       False
dtype: bool

Since Name and Ticket have so many levels, we drop them from our analysis for the sake of simplicity. For Cabin, we encode the levels as digits using Scikit-learn's MultiLabelBinarizer and treat them as new features.

In [12]:
from sklearn.preprocessing import MultiLabelBinarizer
mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer()
CabinTrans = mlb.fit_transform([{str(val)} for val in titanic['Cabin'].values])

In [13]:

array([[1, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
       [1, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
       [1, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
       [1, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0]])

Drop the unused features from the dataset.

In [14]:
titanic_new = titanic.drop(['Name','Ticket','Cabin','class'], axis=1)

In [15]:
assert (len(titanic['Cabin'].unique()) == len(mlb.classes_)), "Not Equal" #check correct encoding done

We then add the encoded features to form the final dataset to be used with TPOT.

In [16]:
titanic_new = np.hstack((titanic_new.values,CabinTrans))

In [17]:


Keeping in mind that the final dataset is in the form of a numpy array, we can check the number of features in the final dataset as follows.

In [18]:


Finally we store the class labels, which we need to predict, in a separate variable.

In [19]:
titanic_class = titanic['class'].values

Data Analysis using TPOT

To begin our analysis, we need to divide our training data into training and validation sets. The validation set is just to give us an idea of the test set error. The model selection and tuning is entirely taken care of by TPOT, so if we want to, we can skip creating this validation set.

In [20]:
training_indices, validation_indices = training_indices, testing_indices = train_test_split(titanic.index, stratify = titanic_class, train_size=0.75, test_size=0.25)
training_indices.size, validation_indices.size

(668, 223)

After that, we proceed to calling the fit, score and export functions on our training dataset. To get a better idea of how these functions work, refer the TPOT documentation here.

An important TPOT parameter to set is the number of generations. Since our aim is to just illustrate the use of TPOT, we have set it to 5. On a standard laptop with 4GB RAM, it roughly takes 5 minutes per generation to run. For each added generation, it should take 5 mins more. Thus, for the default value of 100, total run time could be roughly around 8 hours.

In [21]:
tpot = TPOT(generations=5, verbosity=2)[training_indices], titanic_class[training_indices])

Generation 1 - Current best internal CV score: 0.76691

Generation 2 - Current best internal CV score: 0.77875

Generation 3 - Current best internal CV score: 0.80916

Generation 4 - Current best internal CV score: 0.80916

Generation 5 - Current best internal CV score: 0.80916

Best pipeline: _logistic_regression(input_df, 10.0, 32, False)

In [22]:
tpot.score(titanic_new[validation_indices], titanic.loc[validation_indices, 'class'].values)


In [23]:

Let's have a look at the generated code. As we can see, the random forest classifier performed the best on the given dataset out of all the other models that TPOT currently evaluates on. If we ran TPOT for more generations, then the score should improve further.

In [ ]:
# %load
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

# NOTE: Make sure that the class is labeled 'class' in the data file
tpot_data = pd.read_csv('PATH/TO/DATA/FILE', sep='COLUMN_SEPARATOR')
training_indices, testing_indices = train_test_split(tpot_data.index, stratify = tpot_data['class'].values, train_size=0.75, test_size=0.25)

result1 = tpot_data.copy()

# Perform classification with a logistic regression classifier
lrc1 = LogisticRegression(C=10.0, dual=False, penalty="l1")[training_indices].drop('class', axis=1).values, result1.loc[training_indices, 'class'].values)
result1['lrc1-classification'] = lrc1.predict(result1.drop('class', axis=1).values)

Make predictions on the submission data

In [25]:
# Read in the submission dataset
titanic_sub = pd.read_csv('data/titanic_test.csv')

/Users/randal_olson/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/lib/ RuntimeWarning: Invalid value encountered in percentile
PassengerId Pclass Age SibSp Parch Fare
count 418.000000 418.000000 332.000000 418.000000 418.000000 417.000000
mean 1100.500000 2.265550 30.272590 0.447368 0.392344 35.627188
std 120.810458 0.841838 14.181209 0.896760 0.981429 55.907576
min 892.000000 1.000000 0.170000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 996.250000 1.000000 NaN 0.000000 0.000000 NaN
50% 1100.500000 3.000000 NaN 0.000000 0.000000 NaN
75% 1204.750000 3.000000 NaN 1.000000 0.000000 NaN
max 1309.000000 3.000000 76.000000 8.000000 9.000000 512.329200

The most important step here is to check for new levels in the categorical variables of the submission dataset that are absent in the training set. We identify them and set them to our placeholder value of '-999', i.e., we treat them as missing values. This ensures training consistency, as otherwise the model does not know what to do with the new levels in the submission dataset.

In [26]:
for var in ['Cabin']: #,'Name','Ticket']:
    new = list(set(titanic_sub[var]) - set(titanic[var]))
    titanic_sub.ix[titanic_sub[var].isin(new), var] = -999

We then carry out the data munging steps as done earlier for the training dataset.

In [27]:
titanic_sub['Sex'] = titanic_sub['Sex'].map({'male':0,'female':1})
titanic_sub['Embarked'] = titanic_sub['Embarked'].map({'S':0,'C':1,'Q':2})

In [28]:
titanic_sub = titanic_sub.fillna(-999)

PassengerId    False
Pclass         False
Name           False
Sex            False
Age            False
SibSp          False
Parch          False
Ticket         False
Fare           False
Cabin          False
Embarked       False
dtype: bool

While calling MultiLabelBinarizer for the submission data set, we first fit on the training set again to learn the levels and then transform the submission dataset values. This further ensures that only those levels that were present in the training dataset are transformed. If new levels are still found in the submission dataset then it will return an error and we need to go back and check our earlier step of replacing new levels with the placeholder value.

In [29]:
from sklearn.preprocessing import MultiLabelBinarizer
mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer()
SubCabinTrans =[{str(val)} for val in titanic['Cabin'].values]).transform([{str(val)} for val in titanic_sub['Cabin'].values])
titanic_sub = titanic_sub.drop(['Name','Ticket','Cabin'], axis=1)

In [30]:
# Form the new submission data set
titanic_sub_new = np.hstack((titanic_sub.values,SubCabinTrans))

In [31]:


In [32]:
# Ensure equal number of features in both the final training and submission dataset
assert (titanic_new.shape[1] == titanic_sub_new.shape[1]), "Not Equal"

In [33]:
# Generate the predictions
submission = tpot.predict(titanic_sub_new)

In [34]:
# Create the submission file
final = pd.DataFrame({'PassengerId': titanic_sub['PassengerId'], 'Survived': submission})
final.to_csv('data/submission.csv', index = False)

In [35]:

(418, 2)

There we go! We have successfully generated the predictions for the 418 data points in the submission dataset, and we're good to go ahead to submit these predictions on Kaggle.

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