In [3]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pymc3 as pm
import tqdm
import spacepy.toolbox as tb
import spacepy.plot as spp

%matplotlib inline

/Users/balarsen/miniconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key))

Setup a simulated data to see if we can make it look right

In [38]:

sim_pa = np.arange(20,175)
sim_c = 890*np.sin(np.deg2rad(sim_pa))**0.8

# at each point draw a poisson variable with that mean

sim_c_n = np.asarray([np.random.poisson(v) for v in sim_c ])

sim_c_n2 = np.asarray([np.random.negative_binomial((v*prob)/(1-prob), prob) for v in sim_c ])

# Two subplots, the axes array is 1-d
f, axarr = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(7,9))
axarr[0].plot(sim_pa, sim_c, lw=2)

axarr[1].plot(sim_pa, sim_c_n, lw=2)

axarr[2].plot(sim_pa, sim_c_n2, lw=2)

(100.0, 10000.0)

This will then serve as the background

Can the simplest model get started?

In [54]:
# generate some data
with pm.Model() as model:
    bkg = pm.NegativeBinomial('bkg', mu=pm.Uniform('m_bkg', 0, 1e5,shape=len(sim_pa), testval=1e3), 
                              observed=sim_c_n2, shape=len(sim_pa))
#     truth_mc = pm.Uniform('truth', 0, 100, shape=dat_len)
#     noisemean_mc = pm.Uniform('noisemean', 0, 100)
#     noise_mc = pm.Poisson('noise', noisemean_mc, observed=obs[1:20])
#     real_n_mc = pm.Poisson('real_n', truth_mc+noisemean_mc, shape=dat_len)
#     psf = pm.Uniform('psf', 0, 5, observed=det)
#     obs_mc = pm.Normal('obs', (truth_mc+noisemean_mc)*psf.max(), 1/5**2, observed=obs, shape=dat_len)
    trace = pm.sample(50000)

Applied interval-transform to m_bkg and added transformed m_bkg_interval_ to model.
Assigned NUTS to m_bkg_interval_
 [-----------------100%-----------------] 50000 of 50000 complete in 9.0 sec

In [55]:

array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x127d8fcc0>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x12f4259b0>]], dtype=object)

In [56]:


  Mean             SD               MC Error         95% HPD interval
  24518.784        0.000            0.000            [24518.784, 24518.784]
  89061.869        0.000            0.000            [89061.869, 89061.869]
  26730.966        0.000            0.000            [26730.966, 26730.966]
  91726.542        0.000            0.000            [91726.542, 91726.542]
  19092.396        0.000            0.000            [19092.396, 19092.396]
  15813.599        0.000            0.000            [15813.599, 15813.599]
  190.210          0.000            0.000            [190.210, 190.210]
  85883.446        0.000            0.000            [85883.446, 85883.446]
  13052.674        0.000            0.000            [13052.674, 13052.674]
  4280.376         0.000            0.000            [4280.376, 4280.376]
  5725.985         0.000            0.000            [5725.985, 5725.985]
  89896.479        0.000            0.000            [89896.479, 89896.479]
  3329.918         0.000            0.000            [3329.918, 3329.918]
  1066.652         0.000            0.000            [1066.652, 1066.652]
  3979.871         0.000            0.000            [3979.871, 3979.871]
  4229.269         0.000            0.000            [4229.269, 4229.269]
  78290.615        0.000            0.000            [78290.615, 78290.615]
  75513.295        0.000            0.000            [75513.295, 75513.295]
  69715.093        0.000            0.000            [69715.093, 69715.093]
  7963.500         0.000            0.000            [7963.500, 7963.500]
  3896.962         0.000            0.000            [3896.962, 3896.962]
  78281.682        0.000            0.000            [78281.682, 78281.682]
  1982.039         0.000            0.000            [1982.039, 1982.039]
  312.858          0.000            0.000            [312.858, 312.858]
  13637.283        0.000            0.000            [13637.283, 13637.283]
  6438.958         0.000            0.000            [6438.958, 6438.958]
  3880.202         0.000            0.000            [3880.202, 3880.202]
  26386.489        0.000            0.000            [26386.489, 26386.489]
  22539.140        0.000            0.000            [22539.140, 22539.140]
  59746.479        0.000            0.000            [59746.479, 59746.479]
  305.683          0.000            0.000            [305.683, 305.683]
  40817.168        0.000            0.000            [40817.168, 40817.168]
  11543.797        0.000            0.000            [11543.797, 11543.797]
  1525.997         0.000            0.000            [1525.997, 1525.997]
  1903.233         0.000            0.000            [1903.233, 1903.233]
  79777.161        0.000            0.000            [79777.161, 79777.161]
  1105.875         0.000            0.000            [1105.875, 1105.875]
  30164.122        0.000            0.000            [30164.122, 30164.122]
  20861.868        0.000            0.000            [20861.868, 20861.868]
  19589.601        0.000            0.000            [19589.601, 19589.601]
  3509.641         0.000            0.000            [3509.641, 3509.641]
  90907.452        0.000            0.000            [90907.452, 90907.452]
  6280.000         0.000            0.000            [6280.000, 6280.000]
  68166.685        0.000            0.000            [68166.685, 68166.685]
  1276.186         0.000            0.000            [1276.186, 1276.186]
  1278.551         0.000            0.000            [1278.551, 1278.551]
  172.852          0.000            0.000            [172.852, 172.852]
  30181.398        0.000            0.000            [30181.398, 30181.398]
  9227.869         0.000            0.000            [9227.869, 9227.869]
  863.983          0.000            0.000            [863.983, 863.983]
  10503.640        0.000            0.000            [10503.640, 10503.640]
  39675.286        0.000            0.000            [39675.286, 39675.286]
  3802.292         0.000            0.000            [3802.292, 3802.292]
  672.958          0.000            0.000            [672.958, 672.958]
  10163.156        0.000            0.000            [10163.156, 10163.156]
  54687.818        0.000            0.000            [54687.818, 54687.818]
  883.713          0.000            0.000            [883.713, 883.713]
  9241.529         0.000            0.000            [9241.529, 9241.529]
  14127.678        0.000            0.000            [14127.678, 14127.678]
  5184.912         0.000            0.000            [5184.912, 5184.912]
  2137.659         0.000            0.000            [2137.659, 2137.659]
  51641.383        0.000            0.000            [51641.383, 51641.383]
  63335.690        0.000            0.000            [63335.690, 63335.690]
  16535.406        0.000            0.000            [16535.406, 16535.406]
  720.711          0.000            0.000            [720.711, 720.711]
  4447.431         0.000            0.000            [4447.431, 4447.431]
  3445.203         0.000            0.000            [3445.203, 3445.203]
  2319.363         0.000            0.000            [2319.363, 2319.363]
  18386.615        0.000            0.000            [18386.615, 18386.615]
  685.609          0.000            0.000            [685.609, 685.609]
  1542.480         0.000            0.000            [1542.480, 1542.480]
  2115.588         0.000            0.000            [2115.588, 2115.588]
  3386.827         0.000            0.000            [3386.827, 3386.827]
  64.710           0.000            0.000            [64.710, 64.710]
  2530.634         0.000            0.000            [2530.634, 2530.634]
  175.140          0.000            0.000            [175.140, 175.140]
  74691.840        0.000            0.000            [74691.840, 74691.840]
  32474.993        0.000            0.000            [32474.993, 32474.993]
  18585.848        0.000            0.000            [18585.848, 18585.848]
  40743.202        0.000            0.000            [40743.202, 40743.202]
  15555.904        0.000            0.000            [15555.904, 15555.904]
  1516.434         0.000            0.000            [1516.434, 1516.434]
  2005.291         0.000            0.000            [2005.291, 2005.291]
  9489.615         0.000            0.000            [9489.615, 9489.615]
  7476.945         0.000            0.000            [7476.945, 7476.945]
  18977.847        0.000            0.000            [18977.847, 18977.847]
  31546.312        0.000            0.000            [31546.312, 31546.312]
  36895.759        0.000            0.000            [36895.759, 36895.759]
  35681.658        0.000            0.000            [35681.658, 35681.658]
  46002.335        0.000            0.000            [46002.335, 46002.335]
  49355.674        0.000            0.000            [49355.674, 49355.674]
  94783.385        0.000            0.000            [94783.385, 94783.385]
  2672.509         0.000            0.000            [2672.509, 2672.509]
  21198.563        0.000            0.000            [21198.563, 21198.563]
  7397.935         0.000            0.000            [7397.935, 7397.935]
  25102.139        0.000            0.000            [25102.139, 25102.139]
  3645.336         0.000            0.000            [3645.336, 3645.336]
  8157.216         0.000            0.000            [8157.216, 8157.216]
  78145.828        0.000            0.000            [78145.828, 78145.828]
  421.356          0.000            0.000            [421.356, 421.356]
  5459.179         0.000            0.000            [5459.179, 5459.179]
  264.621          0.000            0.000            [264.621, 264.621]
  252.255          0.000            0.000            [252.255, 252.255]
  3725.515         0.000            0.000            [3725.515, 3725.515]
  67013.741        0.000            0.000            [67013.741, 67013.741]
  6426.947         0.000            0.000            [6426.947, 6426.947]
  6618.732         0.000            0.000            [6618.732, 6618.732]
  69948.402        0.000            0.000            [69948.402, 69948.402]
  41692.932        0.000            0.000            [41692.932, 41692.932]
  14469.020        0.000            0.000            [14469.020, 14469.020]
  43630.078        0.000            0.000            [43630.078, 43630.078]
  39365.821        0.000            0.000            [39365.821, 39365.821]
  2725.494         0.000            0.000            [2725.494, 2725.494]
  255.275          0.000            0.000            [255.275, 255.275]
  3173.358         0.000            0.000            [3173.358, 3173.358]
  5239.520         0.000            0.000            [5239.520, 5239.520]
  3804.238         0.000            0.000            [3804.238, 3804.238]
  4884.278         0.000            0.000            [4884.278, 4884.278]
  44653.785        0.000            0.000            [44653.785, 44653.785]
  28685.632        0.000            0.000            [28685.632, 28685.632]
  27912.764        0.000            0.000            [27912.764, 27912.764]
  50977.905        0.000            0.000            [50977.905, 50977.905]
  81231.890        0.000            0.000            [81231.890, 81231.890]
  372.418          0.000            0.000            [372.418, 372.418]
  25860.739        0.000            0.000            [25860.739, 25860.739]
  203.856          0.000            0.000            [203.856, 203.856]
  61456.722        0.000            0.000            [61456.722, 61456.722]
  87344.989        0.000            0.000            [87344.989, 87344.989]
  1468.944         0.000            0.000            [1468.944, 1468.944]
  9354.191         0.000            0.000            [9354.191, 9354.191]
  4248.658         0.000            0.000            [4248.658, 4248.658]
  4657.324         0.000            0.000            [4657.324, 4657.324]
  14117.866        0.000            0.000            [14117.866, 14117.866]
  57662.544        0.000            0.000            [57662.544, 57662.544]
  6784.044         0.000            0.000            [6784.044, 6784.044]
  37984.081        0.000            0.000            [37984.081, 37984.081]
  137.558          0.000            0.000            [137.558, 137.558]
  111.340          0.000            0.000            [111.340, 111.340]
  29230.965        0.000            0.000            [29230.965, 29230.965]
  74861.551        0.000            0.000            [74861.551, 74861.551]
  3347.438         0.000            0.000            [3347.438, 3347.438]
  30749.199        0.000            0.000            [30749.199, 30749.199]
  16681.520        0.000            0.000            [16681.520, 16681.520]
  6462.548         0.000            0.000            [6462.548, 6462.548]
  6219.847         0.000            0.000            [6219.847, 6219.847]
  37732.809        0.000            0.000            [37732.809, 37732.809]
  2351.100         0.000            0.000            [2351.100, 2351.100]
  10277.297        0.000            0.000            [10277.297, 10277.297]
  76102.142        0.000            0.000            [76102.142, 76102.142]
  85579.688        0.000            0.000            [85579.688, 85579.688]
  87186.563        0.000            0.000            [87186.563, 87186.563]
  92971.385        0.000            0.000            [92971.385, 92971.385]
  95632.522        0.000            0.000            [95632.522, 95632.522]
  6317.607         0.000            0.000            [6317.607, 6317.607]
  34510.372        0.000            0.000            [34510.372, 34510.372]

  Posterior quantiles:
  2.5            25             50             75             97.5
  24518.784      24518.784      24518.784      24518.784      24518.784
  89061.869      89061.869      89061.869      89061.869      89061.869
  26730.966      26730.966      26730.966      26730.966      26730.966
  91726.542      91726.542      91726.542      91726.542      91726.542
  19092.396      19092.396      19092.396      19092.396      19092.396
  15813.599      15813.599      15813.599      15813.599      15813.599
  190.210        190.210        190.210        190.210        190.210
  85883.446      85883.446      85883.446      85883.446      85883.446
  13052.674      13052.674      13052.674      13052.674      13052.674
  4280.376       4280.376       4280.376       4280.376       4280.376
  5725.985       5725.985       5725.985       5725.985       5725.985
  89896.479      89896.479      89896.479      89896.479      89896.479
  3329.918       3329.918       3329.918       3329.918       3329.918
  1066.652       1066.652       1066.652       1066.652       1066.652
  3979.871       3979.871       3979.871       3979.871       3979.871
  4229.269       4229.269       4229.269       4229.269       4229.269
  78290.615      78290.615      78290.615      78290.615      78290.615
  75513.295      75513.295      75513.295      75513.295      75513.295
  69715.093      69715.093      69715.093      69715.093      69715.093
  7963.500       7963.500       7963.500       7963.500       7963.500
  3896.962       3896.962       3896.962       3896.962       3896.962
  78281.682      78281.682      78281.682      78281.682      78281.682
  1982.039       1982.039       1982.039       1982.039       1982.039
  312.858        312.858        312.858        312.858        312.858
  13637.283      13637.283      13637.283      13637.283      13637.283
  6438.958       6438.958       6438.958       6438.958       6438.958
  3880.202       3880.202       3880.202       3880.202       3880.202
  26386.489      26386.489      26386.489      26386.489      26386.489
  22539.140      22539.140      22539.140      22539.140      22539.140
  59746.479      59746.479      59746.479      59746.479      59746.479
  305.683        305.683        305.683        305.683        305.683
  40817.168      40817.168      40817.168      40817.168      40817.168
  11543.797      11543.797      11543.797      11543.797      11543.797
  1525.997       1525.997       1525.997       1525.997       1525.997
  1903.233       1903.233       1903.233       1903.233       1903.233
  79777.161      79777.161      79777.161      79777.161      79777.161
  1105.875       1105.875       1105.875       1105.875       1105.875
  30164.122      30164.122      30164.122      30164.122      30164.122
  20861.868      20861.868      20861.868      20861.868      20861.868
  19589.601      19589.601      19589.601      19589.601      19589.601
  3509.641       3509.641       3509.641       3509.641       3509.641
  90907.452      90907.452      90907.452      90907.452      90907.452
  6280.000       6280.000       6280.000       6280.000       6280.000
  68166.685      68166.685      68166.685      68166.685      68166.685
  1276.186       1276.186       1276.186       1276.186       1276.186
  1278.551       1278.551       1278.551       1278.551       1278.551
  172.852        172.852        172.852        172.852        172.852
  30181.398      30181.398      30181.398      30181.398      30181.398
  9227.869       9227.869       9227.869       9227.869       9227.869
  863.983        863.983        863.983        863.983        863.983
  10503.640      10503.640      10503.640      10503.640      10503.640
  39675.286      39675.286      39675.286      39675.286      39675.286
  3802.292       3802.292       3802.292       3802.292       3802.292
  672.958        672.958        672.958        672.958        672.958
  10163.156      10163.156      10163.156      10163.156      10163.156
  54687.818      54687.818      54687.818      54687.818      54687.818
  883.713        883.713        883.713        883.713        883.713
  9241.529       9241.529       9241.529       9241.529       9241.529
  14127.678      14127.678      14127.678      14127.678      14127.678
  5184.912       5184.912       5184.912       5184.912       5184.912
  2137.659       2137.659       2137.659       2137.659       2137.659
  51641.383      51641.383      51641.383      51641.383      51641.383
  63335.690      63335.690      63335.690      63335.690      63335.690
  16535.406      16535.406      16535.406      16535.406      16535.406
  720.711        720.711        720.711        720.711        720.711
  4447.431       4447.431       4447.431       4447.431       4447.431
  3445.203       3445.203       3445.203       3445.203       3445.203
  2319.363       2319.363       2319.363       2319.363       2319.363
  18386.615      18386.615      18386.615      18386.615      18386.615
  685.609        685.609        685.609        685.609        685.609
  1542.480       1542.480       1542.480       1542.480       1542.480
  2115.588       2115.588       2115.588       2115.588       2115.588
  3386.827       3386.827       3386.827       3386.827       3386.827
  64.710         64.710         64.710         64.710         64.710
  2530.634       2530.634       2530.634       2530.634       2530.634
  175.140        175.140        175.140        175.140        175.140
  74691.840      74691.840      74691.840      74691.840      74691.840
  32474.993      32474.993      32474.993      32474.993      32474.993
  18585.848      18585.848      18585.848      18585.848      18585.848
  40743.202      40743.202      40743.202      40743.202      40743.202
  15555.904      15555.904      15555.904      15555.904      15555.904
  1516.434       1516.434       1516.434       1516.434       1516.434
  2005.291       2005.291       2005.291       2005.291       2005.291
  9489.615       9489.615       9489.615       9489.615       9489.615
  7476.945       7476.945       7476.945       7476.945       7476.945
  18977.847      18977.847      18977.847      18977.847      18977.847
  31546.312      31546.312      31546.312      31546.312      31546.312
  36895.759      36895.759      36895.759      36895.759      36895.759
  35681.658      35681.658      35681.658      35681.658      35681.658
  46002.335      46002.335      46002.335      46002.335      46002.335
  49355.674      49355.674      49355.674      49355.674      49355.674
  94783.385      94783.385      94783.385      94783.385      94783.385
  2672.509       2672.509       2672.509       2672.509       2672.509
  21198.563      21198.563      21198.563      21198.563      21198.563
  7397.935       7397.935       7397.935       7397.935       7397.935
  25102.139      25102.139      25102.139      25102.139      25102.139
  3645.336       3645.336       3645.336       3645.336       3645.336
  8157.216       8157.216       8157.216       8157.216       8157.216
  78145.828      78145.828      78145.828      78145.828      78145.828
  421.356        421.356        421.356        421.356        421.356
  5459.179       5459.179       5459.179       5459.179       5459.179
  264.621        264.621        264.621        264.621        264.621
  252.255        252.255        252.255        252.255        252.255
  3725.515       3725.515       3725.515       3725.515       3725.515
  67013.741      67013.741      67013.741      67013.741      67013.741
  6426.947       6426.947       6426.947       6426.947       6426.947
  6618.732       6618.732       6618.732       6618.732       6618.732
  69948.402      69948.402      69948.402      69948.402      69948.402
  41692.932      41692.932      41692.932      41692.932      41692.932
  14469.020      14469.020      14469.020      14469.020      14469.020
  43630.078      43630.078      43630.078      43630.078      43630.078
  39365.821      39365.821      39365.821      39365.821      39365.821
  2725.494       2725.494       2725.494       2725.494       2725.494
  255.275        255.275        255.275        255.275        255.275
  3173.358       3173.358       3173.358       3173.358       3173.358
  5239.520       5239.520       5239.520       5239.520       5239.520
  3804.238       3804.238       3804.238       3804.238       3804.238
  4884.278       4884.278       4884.278       4884.278       4884.278
  44653.785      44653.785      44653.785      44653.785      44653.785
  28685.632      28685.632      28685.632      28685.632      28685.632
  27912.764      27912.764      27912.764      27912.764      27912.764
  50977.905      50977.905      50977.905      50977.905      50977.905
  81231.890      81231.890      81231.890      81231.890      81231.890
  372.418        372.418        372.418        372.418        372.418
  25860.739      25860.739      25860.739      25860.739      25860.739
  203.856        203.856        203.856        203.856        203.856
  61456.722      61456.722      61456.722      61456.722      61456.722
  87344.989      87344.989      87344.989      87344.989      87344.989
  1468.944       1468.944       1468.944       1468.944       1468.944
  9354.191       9354.191       9354.191       9354.191       9354.191
  4248.658       4248.658       4248.658       4248.658       4248.658
  4657.324       4657.324       4657.324       4657.324       4657.324
  14117.866      14117.866      14117.866      14117.866      14117.866
  57662.544      57662.544      57662.544      57662.544      57662.544
  6784.044       6784.044       6784.044       6784.044       6784.044
  37984.081      37984.081      37984.081      37984.081      37984.081
  137.558        137.558        137.558        137.558        137.558
  111.340        111.340        111.340        111.340        111.340
  29230.965      29230.965      29230.965      29230.965      29230.965
  74861.551      74861.551      74861.551      74861.551      74861.551
  3347.438       3347.438       3347.438       3347.438       3347.438
  30749.199      30749.199      30749.199      30749.199      30749.199
  16681.520      16681.520      16681.520      16681.520      16681.520
  6462.548       6462.548       6462.548       6462.548       6462.548
  6219.847       6219.847       6219.847       6219.847       6219.847
  37732.809      37732.809      37732.809      37732.809      37732.809
  2351.100       2351.100       2351.100       2351.100       2351.100
  10277.297      10277.297      10277.297      10277.297      10277.297
  76102.142      76102.142      76102.142      76102.142      76102.142
  85579.688      85579.688      85579.688      85579.688      85579.688
  87186.563      87186.563      87186.563      87186.563      87186.563
  92971.385      92971.385      92971.385      92971.385      92971.385
  95632.522      95632.522      95632.522      95632.522      95632.522
  6317.607       6317.607       6317.607       6317.607       6317.607
  34510.372      34510.372      34510.372      34510.372      34510.372

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