Compute landscape metrics

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import cmocean as cmo
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action = "ignore", category = FutureWarning)

%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
%matplotlib inline

Here we extract several parameters relative to morphometrics analysis. The analysis relies on the combined file (i.e. surface coordinates and LEC values) produced in the notebook 1-computeLEC.

The following suite of geomorphic attributes could be extracted:

  • gradient: magnitude of maximum gradient
  • horizontal curvature describes convergent or divergent fluxes
  • vertical curvature: positive values describe convex profile curvature, negative values concave profile.
  • aspect: direction of maximum gradient

In [ ]:
def assignBCs(z,nx,ny):
    Zbc = np.zeros((nx + 2, ny + 2))
    Zbc[1:-1,1:-1] = z
    Zbc[0, 1:-1] = z[0, :]
    Zbc[-1, 1:-1] = z[-1, :]
    Zbc[1:-1, 0] = z[:, 0]
    Zbc[1:-1, -1] = z[:,-1]
    Zbc[0, 0] = z[0, 0]
    Zbc[0, -1] = z[0, -1]
    Zbc[-1, 0] = z[-1, 0]
    Zbc[-1, -1] = z[-1, 0]

    return Zbc

def cmptParams(x,y,Z):

    Zbc = assignBCs(Z,x.shape[0],x.shape[1])
    z1 = Zbc[2:, :-2]
    z2 = Zbc[2:,1:-1]
    z3 = Zbc[2:,2:]
    z4 = Zbc[1:-1, :-2]
    z5 = Zbc[1:-1,1:-1]
    z6 = Zbc[1:-1, 2:]
    z7 = Zbc[:-2, :-2]
    z8 = Zbc[:-2, 1:-1]
    z9 = Zbc[:-2, 2:]

    dx = x[0,1]-x[0,0]
    zz = z2+z5
    r = ((z1+z3+z4+z6+z7+z9)-2.*(z2+z5+z8))/(3. * dx**2)
    t = ((z1+z2+z3+z7+z8+z9)-2.*(z4+z5+z6))/(3. * dx**2)
    s = (z3+z7-z1-z9)/(4. * dx**2)
    p = (z3+z6+z9-z1-z4-z7)/(6.*dx)
    q = (z1+z2+z3-z7-z8-z9)/(6.*dx)
    u = (5.*z1+2.*(z2+z4+z6+z8)-z1-z3-z7-z9)/9.

    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore',divide='ignore'):
        grad = np.arctan(np.sqrt(p**2+q**2))
        aspect = np.arctan(q/p)
        hcurv = -(r*q**2-2.*p*q*s+t*p**2) / \
        vcurv = -(r*p**2+2.*p*q*s+t*q**2) /  \

        return grad,aspect,hcurv,vcurv

In [ ]:
def regridDataSet(filename,outputfile):
    df = pd.read_csv(filename)
    x = df['X']
    y = df['Y']
    z = df['Z']
    lec = df['LEC']
    dx = (x[1]-x[0])
    nx = int((x.max() - x.min())/dx+1)
    ny = int((y.max() - y.min())/dx+1)
    xi = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), nx)
    yi = np.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), ny)
    xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)
    xyi = np.dstack([xi.flatten(), yi.flatten()])[0]
    XY = np.column_stack((x,y))
    zi = np.reshape(z,(ny,nx))
    leci = np.reshape(lec,(ny,nx))

    # Calculate gradient
    Sx, Sy = np.gradient(zi)

    rad2deg = 180.0 / np.pi
    slope = 90. - np.arctan(np.sqrt(Sx**2 + Sy**2))*rad2deg
    slp = np.sqrt(Sx**2 + Sy**2)

    aspect = np.arctan2(-Sx, Sy)
    deg2rad = np.pi / 180.0
    shaded = np.sin(altitude*deg2rad) * np.sin(slope*deg2rad) \
             + np.cos(altitude*deg2rad) * np.cos(slope*deg2rad) \
             * np.cos((azimuth - 90.0)*deg2rad - aspect)
    shaded = shaded * 255

    slp,aspect,hcurv,vcurv = cmptParams(xi,yi,zi)
    df2 = pd.DataFrame({'X':xi.flatten(),'Y':yi.flatten(),'Z':zi.flatten(),'LEC':leci.flatten(),
    df2.to_csv(outputfile,columns=['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'LEC','SLP', 'ASPECT', 'HCURV', 'VCURV'], sep=',', index=False ,header=1)

    return zi,leci,slp,aspect,hcurv,vcurv

Previous python functions are used to compute the metrics defined above. To make this work for your specific case, you will need to change the values of filename and outputfile in the cell below.

In [ ]:
filename = 'dataset/combined.csv'
outputfile = 'dataset/topoData.csv'
zi,leci,slp,aspect,hcurv,vcurv = regridDataSet(filename,outputfile)

Visualisation of computed metrics

In [ ]:
def visMetrics(data=None,,title='metric',figsize=(6,6),extend=None,save=None):
    save = None
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
    ax1 = plt.gca()

    ax1.set_title(title, fontsize=10)
    if extend is None:
        im1 = plt.imshow(np.flipud(data), vmin=data.min(), vmax=data.max(), 
                         cmap=color, aspect='auto')
        im1 = plt.imshow(np.flipud(data), vmin=extend[0], vmax=extend[1], 
                         cmap=color, aspect='auto')
    ax1.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=8)
    ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=8)

    divider1 = make_axes_locatable(ax1)
    cax1 = divider1.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
    cbar1 = plt.colorbar(im1,cax=cax1) 

    if save is not None:
        fig.savefig(save,dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')

In [ ]:
visMetrics(data=zi,,title='Landscape elevation',figsize=(6,6),save=None)

In [ ]:
visMetrics(data=leci,,title='Landscape elevational connectivity',figsize=(6,6),save=None)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
visMetrics(data=vcurv,,title='Vertical curvature',figsize=(6,6),extend=[-2,2],save=None)

In [ ]:
visMetrics(data=hcurv,,title='Horizontal curvature',figsize=(6,6),extend=[-2,2],save=None)

In [ ]:

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