Interpolate dataset from TIN to regular mesh

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%matplotlib inline

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action = "ignore", category = FutureWarning)

import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Import badlands grid generation toolbox
import morphoGrid as morph
import pybadlands_companion.hydroGrid as hydr
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator

# display plots in SVG format
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg' 

%matplotlib inline

Interpolation from TIN

First we define the function buildRegularGrid that uses pyBadlands companion to remesh the triangular irregular network (TIN) over a regular grid.

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def buildRegularGrid(folder=None,step=None,outputname=None, basinXY=None):

    hydro = hydr.hydroGrid(folder=folder+'/h5', ncpus=1, \
                          ptXY = basinXY)
    morpho = morph.morphoGrid(folder=folder+'/h5', \
                          ncpus=1, dx=100)
    basinID = hydro.basinID
    morpho.loadHDF5(timestep=step,basinIDs=hydro.Basin, XYf=hydro.XY)
    df = pd.DataFrame({'X':morpho.x.flatten(),'Y':morpho.y.flatten(),
    df.to_csv(outputname, columns=['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Basin'], sep=',', index=False , 
    return basinID

Resolution of regular grid

One may want to change the resolution of the grid using the function regridDEM either to coarsen and refine the created grid.

In [ ]:
def regridDEM(res, disp, inDEM, outDEM):
    Convert the initial regular DEM to the requested resolution.
    variable: res
        Resampling resolution in metres.
    variable: disp
        Edge cell number to remove from the grid.
    variable: inDEM
        Name of the CSV topographic file to regrid.
    variable: outDEM
        Name of the new CSV topographic file.

    xyz = pd.read_csv(str(inDEM), sep=',', engine='c', header=0, na_filter=False, \
                               dtype=np.float, low_memory=False)
    X = xyz.values[:,0]
    dx = X[1] - X[0]
    if res == dx:
        print 'Data spacing: ',dx
        print 'Requested spacing: ',res
        raise ValueError('The requested resolution is equal to the existing one.')
    Y = xyz.values[:,1]
    nx = int((X.max()-X.min())/dx + 1)
    ny = int((Y.max()-Y.min())/dx + 1)
    if nx*ny != len(X):
        raise ValueError('Check your input file the size of the grid is not right.')

    Z = np.reshape(xyz.values[:,2],(nx, ny),order='F')
    xgrid = np.arange(X.min(),X.max()+dx,dx)
    ygrid = np.arange(Y.min(),Y.max()+dx,dx)

    B = np.reshape(xyz.values[:,3],(nx, ny),order='F')
    RGI_function = RegularGridInterpolator((xgrid, ygrid), Z)
    RGI_function2 = RegularGridInterpolator((xgrid, ygrid), B)

    ngridX = np.arange(X.min(),X.max(),res)
    ngridY = np.arange(Y.min(),Y.max(),res)
    xi, yi = np.meshgrid(ngridX, ngridY)
    nnx = xi.shape[0]
    nny = xi.shape[1]

    zi = RGI_function((xi[disp:nnx-disp,disp:nny-disp].flatten(),
    bi = RGI_function2((xi[disp:nnx-disp,disp:nny-disp].flatten(),
    df = pd.DataFrame({'X':xi[disp:nnx-disp,disp:nny-disp].flatten(),
    df.to_csv(str(outDEM),columns=['X', 'Y', 'Z','Basin'], sep=',', index=False)

Exporting grids temporally

We first define the time steps number for which we wish to perform the regridding:

In [ ]:
tsteps = np.linspace(5,100,20).astype(int)

We then need to specify:

  • the regular grid resolution (dx),
  • the edge cell number to be removed (disps),
  • the pyBadlands output folder name containing the TIN files (foldername),
  • as well as an optional point coordinates (bXY) for which the corresponding basin index over time is going to be recorded.

In [ ]:
dx = 200.
disps = 5
bXY = [54331.5,4706.67]
foldername = '/workspace/volume/mountain/outputKeDecay'
outputfolder = '/workspace/volume/biodiversity/outputKeDecay'

We then loop over the requested time steps and perform the remeshing:

In [ ]:
basinID = []
for k in range(len(tsteps)):
    steps = tsteps[k]
    print '+ Performing regridding for step: ',steps
    output = 'tmpdata.csv'
    outputBio = foldername+str(steps)+'grid.csv'
    bID = buildRegularGrid(folder=foldername,step=steps,outputname=output,basinXY=bXY)
    regridDEM(res = dx, disp = disps,inDEM = output, outDEM=outputBio)
catchmentID = np.asarray(basinID,int)[:,0]

Catchment ID over time corresponding to the requested point:

In [ ]:
print catchmentID

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