In [3]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
%matplotlib inline
In [4]:
def evolveStates(initStates, timeSteps, precessionFreq):
# Get array sizes for convinience
num_states = np.size(initStates)
num_timeSteps = np.size(timeSteps)
# Calculate the phase advancements
added_phase = 360 * timeSteps * precessionFreq
# Copy initial states across different timesteps
states = np.transpose(np.reshape(np.tile(initStates, num_timeSteps), [num_timeSteps,num_states]))
# Copy the phases to be added across different states
phases = np.reshape(np.tile(added_phase, num_states), [num_states,num_timeSteps])
return states + phases
In [5]:
def applyRandomPhaseJumps(states, timeSteps, jumpPeriod, jumpAmplMean, jumpAmplStdev):
# Get array sizes for convinience
num_states = np.size(states[:,0])
num_timeSteps = np.size(timeSteps)
# Jump parameters
deltaT = np.max(timeSteps) - np.min(timeSteps)
averageNumJumps = deltaT / jumpPeriod
# Jump statistics
numJumpStats = np.zeros(num_states)
totalPhaseShiftStats = np.zeros(num_states)
# Loop through each state in order to apply jump events
for stateIndex in np.arange(1, num_states+1, 1)-1:
# Number of jumps determined by a Poisson distribution
numJumps = np.random.poisson(lam=averageNumJumps)
numJumpStats[stateIndex] = numJumps
# Generate some jump event timestamps
jumpEvents = generateEvents(timeSteps, numJumps)
# Store phase jump amplitudes
jumpAmplStats = np.array([])
# Loop through the jump events
for jumpTS in jumpEvents:
# Apply each jump
jumpAmpl = np.random.normal(loc=jumpAmplMean, scale=jumpAmplStdev)
jumpAmplStats = np.append(jumpAmplStats, jumpAmpl)
states[stateIndex] = applyJump(states[stateIndex], timeSteps, jumpTS, jumpAmpl)
# Total phase shift per state
totalPhaseShiftStats[stateIndex] = np.sum(jumpAmplStats)
return states, numJumpStats, totalPhaseShiftStats
In [6]:
def applyJump(state, timeSteps, timeStamp, jumpAmpl):
# Index of first timeStep greater than timeStamp
jumpIndex = np.argmax(timeSteps>=timeStamp)
# Copy of state
newState = state
# Update state with jump after timeStamp
newState[jumpIndex:np.size(newState)] = newState[jumpIndex:np.size(newState)] + jumpAmpl
return newState
In [7]:
def generateEvents(timeSteps, numEvents):
return np.random.uniform(low=np.min(timeSteps), high=np.max(timeSteps), size=numEvents)
In [22]:
# numAtoms = 100
# initPhase = 220
# startTime = 0.0
# endTime = 0.6
# precessionFreq = 10.0
# jumpPeriod = 0.02
# jumpAmplMean = 5.0
# jumpAmplStdev = 2.0
def phase_jump_simulation(numAtoms, initPhase, startTime, endTime, precessionFreq, jumpPeriod, jumpAmplMean, jumpAmplStdev):
initStates = np.zeros(numAtoms) + initPhase
timeSteps = np.linspace(startTime, endTime, 1000) # us
evolved_states = evolveStates(initStates, timeSteps, precessionFreq)
[collision_states, numJumpStats, totalPhaseShiftStats] = applyRandomPhaseJumps(
evolved_states, timeSteps, jumpPeriod, jumpAmplMean, jumpAmplStdev)
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (11.0, 3.0)
plotStartI = int(np.floor(np.size(timeSteps) * 0.00 ))
plotEndI = int(np.floor(np.size(timeSteps) * 1.00 ))
for stateIndex in np.arange(1, numAtoms+1, 1)-1:
plt.plot(timeSteps[plotStartI:plotEndI], np.sin(np.radians(collision_states[stateIndex]))[plotStartI:plotEndI],
no_collisions = np.sin(2*np.pi * timeSteps * precessionFreq + np.radians(initPhase) )
plt.plot(timeSteps[plotStartI:plotEndI], no_collisions[plotStartI:plotEndI], 'k--', lw=3, label='No collisions')
mean_pe = np.mean(np.sin(np.radians(collision_states)), axis=0)
plt.plot(timeSteps[plotStartI:plotEndI], mean_pe[plotStartI:plotEndI], 'r-', lw=2, label='Mean $P_e$')
plt.xlabel('Time ($\mu s$)')
plt.ylabel('Excited state probability, $P_e$')
plt.title('Atom state evolution')
return [timeSteps, mean_pe], [numJumpStats, totalPhaseShiftStats]
# results, stats = phase_jump_simulation(numAtoms, initPhase, startTime, endTime, precessionFreq, jumpPeriod, jumpAmplMean, jumpAmplStdev)
In [14]:
def stats_num_jumps(stats):
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (6.0, 4.0)
plt.xlabel('Number of jumps')
plt.ylabel('Number of occurrences')
plt.title('Number of jumps')
# stats_num_jumps(stats)
In [15]:
def stats_phase_jumps(stats):
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (6.0, 4.0)
plt.xlabel('Total phase jump (degrees)')
plt.ylabel('Number of occurrences')
plt.title('Total phase jump')
# stats_phase_jumps(stats)
In [18]:
def decayingSinModel(time, freq, T_decay, amp, phase, offset):
# Linearly decaying sinusoidal function
return amp * np.exp(-time/T_decay) * np.sin(2*np.pi*( freq*time ) + np.radians(phase)) + offset
In [19]:
def phase_jump_simulation_fit_guess_default():
freq_guess = precessionFreq
T_decay_guess = 1
amp_guess = 2
phase_guess = 0
offset_guess = 0
return [freq_guess, T_decay_guess, amp_guess, phase_guess, offset_guess]
In [23]:
def phase_jump_simulation_fit(results, guess=phase_jump_simulation_fit_guess_default()):
timeSteps = results[0]
mean_pe = results[1]
popt,pcov = curve_fit(decayingSinModel, timeSteps, mean_pe, p0=guess)
perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
params = ['Frequency', 'T decay', 'Amplitude', 'Phase', 'Offset']
for idx in range(len(params)):
print( "The fitted value of ", params[idx], " is ", popt[idx], " with error ", perr[idx] )
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (11.0, 3.0)
mean_pe_fit = decayingSinModel(timeSteps, *popt)
plt.plot(timeSteps, mean_pe, 'r-', lw=2, label='Mean $P_e$')
plt.plot(timeSteps, mean_pe_fit, 'b--', lw=2, label='Mean $P_e$ fit')
plt.xlabel('Time ($\mu s$)')
plt.ylabel('Excited state probability, $P_e$')
plt.title('Mean $P_e$ fit')
# phase_jump_simulation_fit(results)
In [ ]: