In [1]:
import re
import glob

Simulation of sensing methods

Tomaž Šolc

Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Simulated setup

  • Signal generator
  • SDR receiver

Methods evaluated

In the following, each method is marked with an abbreviation as follows:

  • ED energy detector,
  • CAV covariance absolute value,
  • CFN covariance Frobenius norm,
  • MAC maximum auto-correlation,
  • MME maximum-to-minimum eigenvalue detector,
  • EME energy to minimum eigenvalue detector,
  • AGM arithmetic to geometric mean detector,
  • MET maximum eigenvalue to trace detector and
  • SCF cyclostationary detector using spectral correlation function.

Comparison of probability of detection $P_d$

In this experiment we measured the lowest signal power $P_{in}$ detectable with a spectrum sensing method at a chosen minimum probability of detection $P_{dmin}$.

In [2]:
Pdmin = 0.9

Calculating threshold

Before we can determine the probability of detection for a method we have to calcuate its detection threshold $\gamma_0$.

A probability of false alarm $P_{fa}$ was chosen.

In [3]:
Pfa = 0.1

Given $P_{fa}$ we can determine $\gamma_0$ from $\gamma$ complementary cumulative density function (CCDF) for the given detector with no input signal.

To measure the distribution of $\gamma$, the RF output of the generator was switched off and $N_p$ measurements of $\gamma$ taken for each of the chosen detectors.

In [4]:
Np = 1000

Given these measurements we approximate the CCDF and determine the value of $\gamma_0$ by interpolation.

In [5]:
def get_ccdf(x):
    xs = array(x)
    N = float(len(xs))
    P = arange(N)/N
    return xs, P

def get_gamma0(gammaN):
    gammaN, Pd = get_ccdf(gammaN)
    gamma0 = interp(1. - Pfa, Pd, gammaN)
    return gamma0

For example, energy detector using $f_s=1\mathrm{MHz}$ and $N_s=25000\mathrm{samples}$ yields the following value for the threshold:

In [6]:
gammaN = loadtxt("../measurements/pd/sim/sim_micsoft_gaussian_noise_m100dbm_fs1mhz_Ns25ks_ed_off.dat")
gamma0 = get_gamma0(gammaN)

gammaNs, Pd = get_ccdf(gammaN)
plot(gammaNs, 1.-Pd)
plot([gamma0, gamma0], [0, 1], 'b--')
a = axis()
plot([a[0], a[1]], [Pfa, Pfa], 'b--')

In [7]:
print "gamma0 =", gamma0, "@ Pfa =", Pfa

gamma0 = 2.52721641621e-06 @ Pfa = 0.1

Calculating probability of detection

To determine how the probability of detection changes with SNR, the signal was swept through a number of power settings. For each power setting $P_g$, $N_p$ measurements of $\gamma$ were taken for each of the chosen spectrum sensing methods.

In [8]:
def iterate_campaign(path):
    for fn in glob.glob(path):
        g ="_m([0-9_]+)dbm\.dat$", fn)
        if g:
            Pg = -float('_', '.'))
            gamma = loadtxt(fn)
            yield Pg, gamma

print "Pg =", array(sorted(Pg for Pg, gamma 
        in iterate_campaign("../measurements/pd/sim/sim_micsoft_gaussian_noise_m100dbm_fs1mhz_Ns25ks_ed_*.dat")))

Pg = [-140. -139. -138. -137. -136. -135. -134. -133. -132. -131. -130. -129.
 -128. -127. -126. -125. -124. -123. -122. -121. -120. -119. -118. -117.
 -116. -115. -114. -113. -112. -111. -110. -109. -108. -107. -106. -105.
 -104. -103. -102. -101.]

If $P_g$ is the output power, then

$P_{in}$ = $P_g$ - $A$

Probability of detection $P_d$ is calculated for each $P_{in}$ and each method by counting the number of $\gamma$ measurements that were above the calculated threshold $\gamma_0$.

In [9]:
def get_campaign_g(path, gamma0):
    Pg = []
    Pd = []
    for Pg0, gamma in iterate_campaign(path):
        Pd.append(mean(gamma > gamma0))
    Pg = array(Pg)
    Pd = array(Pd)
    Pga = Pg.argsort()
    Pd = Pd[Pga]
    Pg = Pg[Pga]
    return Pg, Pd
def get_campaign(path, gamma0):
    Pg, Pd = get_campaign_g(path, gamma0)
    return Pg, Pd

def get_Pinmin(path, Pdth=Pdmin):
    gamma0 = None
    for fn in glob.glob(path):
        if fn.endswith("_off.dat"):
            gammaN = loadtxt(fn)
            gamma0 = get_gamma0(gammaN)
    Pin, Pd = get_campaign(path, gamma0)
    Pinmin = interp(Pdth, Pd, Pin)
    return Pinmin

Given minimum $P_d$, $P_{dmin}$, the minimum signal power $P_{inmin}$ for the spectrum sensing method can be determined from measurements using interpolation.

For example, for energy detector:

In [10]:
Pinmin = get_Pinmin("../measurements/pd/sim/sim_micsoft_gaussian_noise_m100dbm_fs1mhz_Ns25ks_ed_*.dat")
print "Pinmin =", Pinmin, "@ Pdmin =", Pdmin

Pinmin = -116.41 @ Pdmin = 0.9

In [11]:
Pin, Pd = get_campaign("../measurements/pd/sim/sim_micsoft_gaussian_noise_m100dbm_fs1mhz_Ns25ks_ed_*.dat", gamma0)
plot(Pin, Pd, 'o-')
plot([Pinmin, Pinmin], [0, 1], 'b--')
x1, x2, y1, y2 = axis()
plot([x1, x2], [Pdmin, Pdmin], 'b--')
xlabel("$P_{in}$ [dBm]")

Comparing minimum detectable power

Comparing $P_{inmin}$ for different methods.

Covariance based method were tested with different smoothing factors $L \in \{5, 10, 15, 20\}$

In [12]:
method_ps = set()
for path in glob.glob("../measurements/pd/sim/sim_micsoft*.dat"):
    g ="ks_(.*)_m", path)
    if g:
method_ps = sorted(method_ps)

In [13]:
def get_batch_Pinmin_permethod(path, Pdth=Pdmin):
    Pinmin_permethod = {}
    for method_p in method_ps:
        path2 = path.replace("*", "%s_*" % (method_p,))
        Pinmin_permethod[method_p] = get_Pinmin(path2, Pdmin)
    return Pinmin_permethod

In [14]:
from matplotlib import cm

def plot_comparisson(Pinmin_permethod):
    cmap = cm.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')

    left = []
    height = []
    labels = []
    colors = []

    methods = ['ed', 'scf', 'cav', 'cfn', 'mac', 'mme', 'eme', 'agm', 'met']

    left1 = 0.
    for n, method in enumerate(methods):
        if method == 'ed':
            method_ps = [ 'ismtv', 'ed']
        elif method  == 'scf':
            method_ps = [ "%s_Np%d" % (method, Np) for Np in [64, 128] ]
            method_ps = [ "%s_l%d" % (method, l) for l in xrange(5, 25, 5) ]
        for m, method_p in enumerate(method_ps):
                Pinmin = Pinmin_permethod[method_p]
            except KeyError:
            label = method_p.upper()
            label = re.sub("_L(\d+)", r" $L=\1$", label)
            label = re.sub("_NP(\d+)", r" $N'=\1$", label)

            c = cmap(float(n)/(len(methods)-1) + m*.007)
            # Color
            # BW
            left1 += 1.
        left1 += .9
    height = array(height)
    left = array(left)

    # print
    #figure(figsize=(13, 5))
    # screen
    figure(figsize=(12, 5))
    #o = 100
    #bar(left, -height-o, color=colors, bottom=o)
    bar(left, height, color=colors)
    for x, y in zip(left, height):
        text(x+.4, y-1., "%.1f" % y, horizontalalignment="center", rotation=70, backgroundcolor='w')
    xticks(left+.4, labels, rotation=60, horizontalalignment='right')
    ylabel("$P_{in}$ [dBm] @ $P_d = 0.9$")
    #ylim(100, 118)
    ylim(-130, -110)
    xlim(-.5, left1-.5)

Lower detectable power is better

In [15]:
Pinmin_permethod_25ms = get_batch_Pinmin_permethod("../measurements/pd/sim/sim_micsoft_gaussian_noise_m100dbm_fs1mhz_Ns25ks_*.dat")

title("$t=25.0$ms (simulation $f_s=1$MHz, $N_s=25$ksamples)");

savefig("figures/pin_min_comparison_25ms_sim.png", dpi=300)

With a higher sampling rate, performance seems to decrease. Probably because less of the signal is covered with 25.000 samples.

In [16]:
Pinmin_permethod_13ms = get_batch_Pinmin_permethod("../measurements/pd/sim/sim_micsoft_gaussian_noise_m100dbm_fs2mhz_Ns25ks_*.dat")

title("$t=12.5$ms (simulation $f_s=2$MHz, $N_s=25$ksamples)");

savefig("figures/pin_min_comparison_13ms_sim.png", dpi=300)

In [17]:
Pinmin_permethod_10ms = get_batch_Pinmin_permethod("../measurements/pd/sim/sim_micsoft_gaussian_noise_m100dbm_fs10mhz_Ns100ks_*.dat")

title("$t=10.0$ms (simulation $f_s=10$MHz, $N_s=100$ksamples)");

savefig("figures/pin_min_comparison_10ms_sim.png", dpi=300)

Resistance of methods to non-constant noise floor

We compare the probability of false alarm $P_{fa}$ for different levels of noise. First, the threshold $\gamma_0$ is calculated for the same noise level as when comparing $P_d$ (-100 dBm). Then, the noise level is increased and $P_{fa}$ plotted versus noise level.

Noise level is shown compared to the reference -100 dBm noise level.

In [18]:
def get_noise_threshold(path, Pfath = 2*Pfa):
    gammaN = loadtxt(path.replace("*", "m100_0dbm"))
    gamma0 = get_gamma0(gammaN)
    Pin, Pd = get_campaign(path, gamma0)
    ratio_max = interp(Pfath, Pd, Pin) + 100
    return ratio_max
def plot_noise_threshold(path):
    gammaN = loadtxt(path.replace("*", "m100_0dbm"))
    gamma0 = get_gamma0(gammaN)
    Pin, Pd = get_campaign(path, gamma0)
    ratio_max = get_noise_threshold(path)
    print "ratio_max =", ratio_max

    plot(Pin+100, Pd, 'o-')
    x1, x2, y1, y2 = axis()
    plot([x1, x2], [2*Pfa, 2*Pfa], 'b--')
    plot([ratio_max, ratio_max], [0, 1], 'b--')
    xlabel("$P_{noise}'/P_{noise}$ [dB]")

In [19]:
title("ED (simulation, $f_s=2$MHz, $N_s=25$ksamples)");

ratio_max = 0.112097669256

In [20]:
title("EME L=10 (simulation, $f_s=2$MHz, $N_s=25$ksamples)");

ratio_max = 39.0

In [21]:
title("SCF N'=128 (simulation, $f_s=2$MHz, $N_s=25$ksamples)");

ratio_max = 39.0

In [21]: