Bayesian Data Analysis, 3rd ed

Chapter 2, demo 1


Probability of a girl birth given placenta previa (BDA3 p. 37). 437 girls and 543 boys have been observed. Calculate and plot the posterior distribution of the proportion of girls $\theta $, using uniform prior on $\theta $.

In [1]:
# import necessary packages

# plotting
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# fast array routines for numerical calculation
import numpy as np
# scipy contains various scietific tools, such as beta distribution
from scipy.stats import beta

In [2]:
# add utilities directory to path
import os, sys
util_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.pardir, 'utilities_and_data'))
if util_path not in sys.path and os.path.exists(util_path):
    sys.path.insert(0, util_path)

# import from utilities
import plot_tools

In [3]:
# edit default plot settings
plt.rc('font', size=12)

The posterior distribution is Beta(438, 544). Plot the distribution.

In [4]:
# create grid of 80 points from 0.36 to 0.54
x = np.linspace(0.36, 0.54, 80)
# freeze a beta distribution object with given parameters
dist = beta(438, 544)
# probability density function at x
pd = dist.pdf(x)

print('Uniform prior -> Posterior is Beta(438,544)')

# plot pd
plt.plot(x, pd)
# show only x-axis

# annotate the line
    (x[35] - 0.005, pd[35]),
    ha='right'  # horizontalalignment

# plot proportion of girl babies in general population as a vertical line
# ``color='C1'`` corresponds to default color #2
plt.axvline(0.485, color='C1')
# annotate the line
    'proportion in general\npopulation',
    (0.485 + 0.005, 14),
    ha='left'  # horizontalalignment

# find the points in x that are between 2.5% and 97.5% quantile
# dist.ppf is percent point function (inverse of cdf)
x_95_idx = (x > dist.ppf(0.025)) & (x < dist.ppf(0.975))
# shade the 95% central posterior interval
plt.fill_between(x[x_95_idx], pd[x_95_idx], color='0.92')
# add text into the shaded area
plt.text(dist.median(), 8, "95%", horizontalalignment='center')
# add labels and title

# scale x-axis tightly to the data.
plt.autoscale(axis='x', tight=True);
# N.B. the last semicolon is here just to prevent ipython notebook
# from displaying the return value of the last command.

Uniform prior -> Posterior is Beta(438,544)