This notebook will let you download the necessary data from ABIDE.

The data is also part of this repository, but if you want to run a similar analysis with differently pre-processed / raw / differently parcellated data this notebook is your friend.

Downloading the data works via the ABIDE download python script. The script can be found here, but is also shipped with this repository. More in-depth explanations of how the download works and what parameters you can use to download data are found here.

For this project, we've used data parcelated based on the CC400 atlas, of only males, into the data folder, and with an age range from 18 to 55. This is done via the following line:

In [ ]:
!python ./ -d rois_cc400 -p cpac -s filt_noglobal -o data/ -x 'M' -gt 18 -lt 55

You can also use the script from the command line rather than this notebook.