Statistical Thinking in Python (Part 2)

In [34]:
# import
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline
#import ipynb.fs.full.ST_Python_02a

slope = 0.0497985480906 children per woman / percent illiterate
intercept = 1.88805061064 children per woman
[ 0.04406126  0.05519354]

In [5]:
import io
from nbformat import current

def execute_notebook(nbfile):
    with as f:
        nb =, 'json')
    ip = get_ipython()
    for cell in nb.worksheets[0].cells:
        if cell.cell_type != 'code':

In [14]:
#%run 'ST_Python_02a.ipynb'

Permutation Sampling

In [15]:
def permutation_sample(data1, data2):
    """Generate a permutation sample from two data sets."""

    # Concatenate the data sets: data
    data = np.concatenate((data1, data2))

    # Permute the concatenated array: permuted_data
    permuted_data = np.random.permutation(data)

    # Split the permuted array into two: perm_sample_1, perm_sample_2
    perm_sample_1 = permuted_data[:len(data1)]
    perm_sample_2 = permuted_data[len(data1):]

    return perm_sample_1, perm_sample_2

In [19]:
rain_july = np.array([  66.2,   39.7,   76.4,   26.5,   11.2,   61.8,    6.1,   48.4,
         89.2,  104. ,   34. ,   60.6,   57.1,   79.1,   90.9,   32.3,
         63.8,   78.2,   27.5,   43.4,   30.1,   17.3,   77.5,   44.9,
         92.2,   39.6,   79.4,   66.1,   53.5,   98.5,   20.8,   55.5,
         39.6,   56. ,   65.1,   14.8,   13.2,   88.1,    8.4,   32.1,
         19.6,   40.4,    2.2,   77.5,  105.4,   77.2,   38. ,   27.1,
        111.8,   17.2,   26.7,   23.3,   77.2,   87.2,   27.7,   50.6,
         60.3,   15.1,    6. ,   29.4,   39.3,   56.3,   80.4,   85.3,
         68.4,   72.5,   13.3,   28.4,   14.7,   37.4,   49.5,   57.2,
         85.9,   82.1,   31.8,  126.6,   30.7,   41.4,   33.9,   13.5,
         99.1,   70.2,   91.8,   61.3,   13.7,   54.9,   62.5,   24.2,
         69.4,   83.1,   44. ,   48.5,   11.9,   16.6,   66.4,   90. ,
         34.9,  132.8,   33.4,  225. ,    7.6,   40.9,   76.5,   48. ,
        140. ,   55.9,   54.1,   46.4,   68.6,   52.2,  108.3,   14.6,
         11.3,   29.8,  130.9,  152.4,   61. ,   46.6,   43.9,   30.9,
        111.1,   68.5,   42.2,    9.8,  285.6,   56.7,  168.2,   41.2,
         47.8,  166.6,   37.8,   45.4,   43.2])
rain_november = np.array([  83.6,   30.9,   62.2,   37. ,   41. ,  160.2,   18.2,  122.4,
         71.3,   44.2,   49.1,   37.6,  114.5,   28.8,   82.5,   71.9,
         50.7,   67.7,  112. ,   63.6,   42.8,   57.2,   99.1,   86.4,
         84.4,   38.1,   17.7,  102.2,  101.3,   58. ,   82. ,  101.4,
         81.4,  100.1,   54.6,   39.6,   57.5,   29.2,   48.8,   37.3,
        115.4,   55.6,   62. ,   95. ,   84.2,  118.1,  153.2,   83.4,
        104.7,   59. ,   46.4,   50. ,  147.6,   76.8,   59.9,  101.8,
        136.6,  173. ,   92.5,   37. ,   59.8,  142.1,    9.9,  158.2,
         72.6,   28. ,  112.9,  119.3,  199.2,   50.7,   44. ,  170.7,
         67.2,   21.4,   61.3,   15.6,  106. ,  116.2,   42.3,   38.5,
        132.5,   40.8,  147.5,   93.9,   71.4,   87.3,  163.7,  141.4,
         62.6,   84.9,   28.8,  121.1,   28.6,   32.4,  112. ,   50. ,
         96.9,   81.8,   70.4,  117.5,   41.2,  124.9,   78.2,   93. ,
         53.5,   50.5,   42.6,   47.9,   73.1,  129.1,   56.9,  103.3,
         60.5,  134.3,   93.1,   49.5,   48.2,  167.9,   27. ,  111.1,
         55.4,   36.2,   57.4,   66.8,   58.3,   60. ,  161.6,  112.7,
         37.4,  110.6,   56.6,   95.8,  126.8])

In [35]:
for i in range(50):
    # Generate permutation samples
    perm_sample_1, perm_sample_2 = permutation_sample(rain_july, rain_november)

    # Compute ECDFs
    x_1, y_1 = ecdf(perm_sample_1)
    x_2, y_2 = ecdf(perm_sample_2)

    # Plot ECDFs of permutation sample
    _ = plt.plot(x_1, y_1, marker='.', linestyle='none',
                 color='red', alpha=0.02)
    _ = plt.plot(x_2, y_2 , marker='.', linestyle='none',
                 color='blue', alpha=0.02)

# Create and plot ECDFs from original data
x_1, y_1 = ecdf(rain_july)
x_2, y_2 = ecdf(rain_november)
_ = plt.plot(x_1, y_1, marker='.', linestyle='none', color='red')
_ = plt.plot(x_2, y_2, marker='.', linestyle='none', color='blue')

# Label axes, set margin, and show plot
_ = plt.xlabel('monthly rainfall (mm)')
_ = plt.ylabel('ECDF')

Pipeline for hypothesis testing
● Clearly state the null hypothesis
● Define your test statistic
● Generate many sets of simulated data assuming the null hypothesis is true
● Compute the test statistic for each simulated data set
● The p-value is the fraction of your simulated data sets for which the test statistic is at least as
extreme as for the real data

In [36]:
def draw_perm_reps(data_1, data_2, func, size=1):
    """Generate multiple permutation replicates."""

    # Initialize array of replicates: perm_replicates
    perm_replicates = np.empty(size)

    for i in range(size):
        # Generate permutation sample
        perm_sample_1, perm_sample_2 = permutation_sample(data_1, data_2) 

        # Compute the test statistic
        perm_replicates[i] = func(perm_sample_1, perm_sample_2)

    return perm_replicates

In [38]:
force_a =np.array([ 1.612,  0.605,  0.327,  0.946,  0.541,  1.539,  0.529,  0.628,
        1.453,  0.297,  0.703,  0.269,  0.751,  0.245,  1.182,  0.515,
        0.435,  0.383,  0.457,  0.73 ])

force_b = np.array([ 0.172,  0.142,  0.037,  0.453,  0.355,  0.022,  0.502,  0.273,
        0.72 ,  0.582,  0.198,  0.198,  0.597,  0.516,  0.815,  0.402,
        0.605,  0.711,  0.614,  0.468])

In [41]:
def diff_of_means(data_1, data_2):
    """Difference in means of two arrays."""

    # The difference of means of data_1, data_2: diff
    diff = np.mean(data_1) - np.mean(data_2)

    return diff

# Compute difference of mean impact force from experiment: empirical_diff_means
empirical_diff_means = diff_of_means(force_a, force_b)

# Draw 10,000 permutation replicates: perm_replicates
perm_replicates = draw_perm_reps(force_a, force_b,
                                 diff_of_means, size=10000)

# Compute p-value: p
p = np.sum(perm_replicates >= empirical_diff_means) / len(perm_replicates)

# Print the result
print('p-value =', p)

p-value = 0.0038

A one-sample bootstrap hypothesis test

Another juvenile frog was studied, Frog C, and you want to see if Frog B and Frog C have similar impact forces. Unfortunately, you do not have Frog C's impact forces available, but you know they have a mean of 0.55 N. Because you don't have the original data, you cannot do a permutation test, and you cannot assess the hypothesis that the forces from Frog B and Frog C come from the same distribution. You will therefore test another, less restrictive hypothesis: The mean strike force of Frog B is equal to that of Frog C.

To set up the bootstrap hypothesis test, you will take the mean as our test statistic. Remember, your goal is to calculate the probability of getting a mean impact force less than or equal to what was observed for Frog B if the hypothesis that the true mean of Frog B's impact forces is equal to that of Frog C is true. You first translate all of the data of Frog B such that the mean is 0.55 N. This involves adding the mean force of Frog C and subtracting the mean force of Frog B from each measurement of Frog B. This leaves other properties of Frog B's distribution, such as the variance, unchanged.

In [42]:
# Make an array of translated impact forces: translated_force_b
translated_force_b = force_b - np.mean(force_b) + 0.55

# Take bootstrap replicates of Frog B's translated impact forces: bs_replicates
bs_replicates = draw_bs_reps(translated_force_b, np.mean, 10000)

# Compute fraction of replicates that are less than the observed Frog B force: p
p = np.sum(bs_replicates <= np.mean(force_b)) / 10000

# Print the p-value
print('p = ', p)

p =  0.0064

A bootstrap test for identical distributions

In the video, we looked at a one-sample test, but we can do two sample tests. We can even test the same hypothesis that we tested with a permutation test: that the Frog A and Frog B have identically distributed impact forces. To do this test on two arrays with n1 and n2 entries, we do a very similar procedure as a permutation test. We concatenate the arrays, generate a bootstrap sample from it, and take the first n1 entries of the bootstrap sample as belonging to the first data set and the last n2 as belonging to the second. We then compute the test statistic, e.g., the difference of means, to get a bootstrap replicate. The p-value is the number of bootstrap replicates for which the test statistic is less than what was observed.

Now, you will perform a bootstrap test of the hypothesis that Frog A and Frog B have identical distributions of impact forces using the difference of means test statistic.

The two arrays are available to you as force_a and force_b.

In [43]:
# Compute difference of mean impact force from experiment: empirical_diff_means
empirical_diff_means = diff_of_means(force_a , force_b)

# Concatenate forces: forces_concat
forces_concat = np.concatenate((force_a, force_b))

# Initialize bootstrap replicates: bs_replicates
bs_replicates = np.empty(10000)

for i in range(10000):
    # Generate bootstrap sample
    bs_sample = np.random.choice(forces_concat, size=len(forces_concat))
    # Compute replicate
    bs_replicates[i] = diff_of_means(bs_sample[:len(force_a)],

# Compute and print p-value: p
p = np.sum(bs_replicates >= empirical_diff_means) / len(bs_replicates)
#p = np.sum(empirical_diff_means<np.mean(bs_replicates)) / 10000
print('p-value =', p)

p-value = 0.0063

A two-sample bootstrap hypothesis test for difference of means.

You performed a one-sample bootstrap hypothesis test, which is impossible to do with permutation. Testing the hypothesis that two samples have the same distribution may be done with a bootstrap test, but a permutation test is preferred because it is more accurate (exact, in fact). But therein lies the limit of a permutation test; it is not very versatile. We now want to test the hypothesis that Frog A and Frog B have the same mean impact force, but not necessarily the same distribution. This, too, is impossible with a permutation test.

To do the two-sample bootstrap test, we shift both arrays to have the same mean, since we are simulating the hypothesis that their means are, in fact, equal. We then draw bootstrap samples out of the shifted arrays and compute the difference in means. This constitutes a bootstrap replicate, and we generate many of them. The p-value is the fraction of replicates with a difference in means greater than or equal to what was observed.

The objects forces_concat and empirical_diff_means are already in your namespace.

In [44]:
# Compute mean of all forces: mean_force
mean_force = np.mean(forces_concat)

# Generate shifted arrays
force_a_shifted = force_a - np.mean(force_a) + mean_force
force_b_shifted = force_b - np.mean(force_b) + mean_force 

# Compute 10,000 bootstrap replicates from shifted arrays
bs_replicates_a = draw_bs_reps(force_a_shifted, np.mean, 10000)
bs_replicates_b = draw_bs_reps(force_b_shifted, np.mean, 10000)

# Get replicates of difference of means: bs_replicates
bs_replicates = bs_replicates_a -  bs_replicates_b

# Compute and print p-value: p
p = np.sum(bs_replicates >= empirical_diff_means) / 10000
print('p-value =', p)

p-value = 0.0034

In [ ]: