Logistic regression is a classification method. Its main goal is learning a function that returns a yes or no answer when presented as input a so-called feature vector.
As an example, suppose we are given a dataset, such as the one below:
Class | Feature1 | Feature2 |
0 | 5.7 | 3.1 |
1 | -0.3 | 2 |
--- | --- | |
$y_i$ | $x_{i,1}$ | $x_{i,2}$ |
--- | --- | |
1 | 0.4 | 5 |
The goal is learning to predict the labels of a future dataset, where we are given only the features but not the labels:
Class | Feature1 | Feature2 |
? | 4.8 | 3.2 |
? | -0.7 | 2.4 |
--- | --- |
More formally, the dataset consists of $N$ feature vectors $x_i$ and the associated labels $y_i$ for each example $i=1\dots N$. The entries of $y$ are referred typically as class labels -- but in reality $y$ could model any answer to a true-false question, such as 'is object $i$ a flower?' or 'will customer $i$ buy product $j$ during the next month?'. We can arrange the features in a matrix $X$ and the labels in a vector $y$:
\begin{eqnarray} X & = & \begin{pmatrix} x_{1,1} & x_{1,2} & \dots & x_{1,D} \\ x_{2,1} & x_{2,2} & \dots & x_{2,D} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ x_{i,1} & x_{i,2} & \dots & x_{i,D} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ x_{N,1} & x_{N,2} & \dots & x_{N,D} \\ \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} x_1^\top \\ x_2^\top \\ \dots \\ x_i^\top \\ \dots \\ x_N^\top \end{pmatrix} \\ {y} & = & \begin{pmatrix} y_1 \\ y_2 \\ \vdots \\ y_i \\ \vdots \\ y_N \end{pmatrix} \end{eqnarray}where $x_{i,j}$ denotes the $j$'th feature of the $i$'th data point.
It is common, to set a column of $X$ entirely to $1$'s, for example we take $x_{i,D}=1$ for all $i$. This 'feature' is artificially added to the dataset to allow a slightly more flexible model -- even if we don't measure any feature, the relative numbers of ones and zeros in a dataset can provide a crude estimate of the probability of a true or false answer.
Logistic Regression is a method that can be used to solve binary classification problems, like the one above. We will encode the two classes as $y_i \in \{0,1\}$. The key idea is learning a mapping from a feature vector $x$ to a probability, a number between $0$ and $1$.
The generative model is $$ \Pr\{y_i = 1\} = \pi_i = \sigma(x_i^\top w) $$ Here, $\sigma(x)$ is the sigmoid function defined as \begin{eqnarray} \sigma(x) & = & \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}} \end{eqnarray}
To understand logistic regression as a generative model, consider the following metaphor: assume that for each data instance $x_i$, we select a biased coin with probability $p(y_i = 1| w, x^\top_i) = \pi_i = \sigma(x_i^\top w)$, throw the coin and label the data item with class $y_i$ accordingly.
Mathematically, we assume that each label $y_i$, or more precisely the answer to our yes-no question rearding the object $i$ with feature vector $w$ is drawn from a Bernoulli distribution. That is: \begin{eqnarray} \pi_i & = & \sigma(x_i^\top w) \\ y_i & \sim &\mathcal{BE}(\pi) \end{eqnarray}
Here, we think of a biased coin with two sides denoted as $H$ (head) and $T$ (tail) with probability of side $H$ as $\pi$, and consequently the probability of side $T$ with $1-\pi$.
We denote the outcome of the coin toss with the random variable $y \in \{0, 1\}$.
For each throw $i$, $y_i$ is the answer to the question 'Is the outcome heads?'. We write the probability as $p(y = 1) = \pi$ and probability of tails is $p(y = 0) = 1-\pi$. More compactly, the probability of the outcome of a toss, provided we know $\pi$, is written as \begin{eqnarray} p(y|\pi) = \pi^y(1-\pi)^{1-y} \end{eqnarray}
Maximum likelihood (ML) is a method for choosing the unknown parameters of a probability distribution, given some data that is assumed to be drawn from this distribution. The distribution itself is referred as the probability model, or often just the model.
Suppose we are given only $5$ outcomes when a coin is thrown: $$ H, T, H, T, T $$
What is the probabilty that the outcome is, say heads $H$ if we know that the coin is biased ?.
One reasonable answer may be the frequency of heads, $2/5$.
The ML solution coincides with this answer. For a derivation, we define $y_i$ for $i = 1,2,\dots, 5$ as
$$ y_i = \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} 1 & \text{coin $i$ is H} \\ 0 & \text{coin $i$ is T} \end{array} \right. $$hence $$ y = [1,0,1,0,0]^\top $$
If we assume that the outcomes were independent, the probability of observing the above sequence as a function of the parameter $\pi$ is the product of each individual probability $$ \Pr\{y = [1,0,1,0,0]^\top\} = \pi \cdot (1-\pi) \cdot \pi \cdot (1-\pi) \cdot(1-\pi) $$
We could try finding the $\pi$ value that maximizes this function. We will call the corresponding value as the maximum likelhood solution, and denote it as $\pi^*$.
It is often more convenient to work with the logarithm of this function, known as the loglikelihood function.
$$ \mathcal{L}(\pi) = 2 \log \pi + 3 \log (1-\pi) $$For finding the maximum, we take the derivative with respect to $\pi$ and set to zero. $$ \frac{d \mathcal{L}(\pi)}{d \pi} = \frac{2}{\pi^*} - \frac{3}{1-\pi^*} = 0 $$ When we solve we obtain $$ \pi^* = \frac{2}{5} $$
More generally, when we observe $y_i$ for $i=1 \dots N$, the loglikelihood is
\begin{eqnarray} \mathcal{L}(\pi)& = & \log \left(\prod_{i : y_i=1} \pi \right) \left(\prod_{i : y_i=0}(1- \pi) \right) \\ & = & \log \prod_{i = 1}^N \pi^{y_i} (1- \pi)^{1-y_i} \\ & = & \log \pi^{ \sum_i y_i} (1- \pi)^{\sum_i (1-y_i) } \\ & = & \left(\sum_i y_i\right) \log \pi + \left(\sum_i (1-y_i) \right) \log (1- \pi) \end{eqnarray}If we define the number of observed $0$'s and $1$'s by $c_0$ and $c_1$ respectively, we have
\begin{eqnarray} \mathcal{L}(\pi)& = & c_1 \log \pi + c_0 \log (1- \pi) \end{eqnarray}Taking the derivative and setting to $0$ results in
$$ \pi^* = \frac{c_1}{c_0+c_1} = \frac{c_1}{N} $$
In [7]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import clear_output, display, HTML
from matplotlib import rc
import scipy as sc
import scipy.optimize as opt
mpl.rc('font',**{'size': 20, 'family':'sans-serif','sans-serif':['Helvetica']})
mpl.rc('text', usetex=True)
In [9]:
def sigmoid(x):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
def dsigmoid(x):
s = sigmoid(x)
return s*(1-s)
def inv_sigmoid(p=0.5):
xs = opt.bisect(lambda x: sigmoid(x)-p, a=-100, b=100)
return xs
def inv_sigmoid1D(w, b, p=0.5):
xs = opt.bisect(lambda x: sigmoid(w*x+b)-p, a=-100, b=100)
return xs
In [10]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
ax = fig.gca()
x = np.linspace(-10,10,100)
ln = plt.Line2D(x, sigmoid(x))
ln2 = plt.axvline([0], ls= ':', color='k')
ln_left = plt.axvline([0], ls= ':', color='b')
ln_right = plt.axvline([0], ls= ':', color='r')
ax.set_ylabel('$\sigma(wx + b)$')
def plot_fun(w=1, b=0):
if np.abs(w)>0.00001:
res = interact(plot_fun, w=(-5, 5, 0.1), b=(-10.0,10.0,0.1))
In [11]:
def LR_loglikelhood(X, y, w):
tmp = X.dot(w)
return y.T.dot(tmp) - np.sum(np.log(np.exp(tmp)+1))
w = np.array([0.5, 2, 3])
D = 3
N = 20
# Some random features
X = 2*np.random.randn(N,D)
X[:,0] = 1
# Generate class labels
pi = sigmoid(np.dot(X, w))
y = np.array([1 if u else 0 for u in np.random.rand(N) < pi]).reshape((N))
xl = -5.
xr = 5.
yl = -5.
yr = 5.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
ax = fig.gca()
ax.set_ylim([yl, yr])
ax.set_xlim([xl, xr])
ln = plt.Line2D([],[],color='k')
ln_left = plt.Line2D([],[],ls= ':', color='b')
ln_right = plt.Line2D([],[],ls= ':', color='r')
def plot_boundry(w0,w1,w2):
if w1 != 0:
xa = -(w0+w2*yl)/w1
xb = -(w0+w2*yr)/w1
ln.set_xdata([xa, xb])
ln.set_ydata([yl, yr])
xa = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.25) + w0+w2*yl)/w1
xb = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.25) + w0+w2*yr)/w1
ln_left.set_xdata([xa, xb])
ln_left.set_ydata([yl, yr])
xa = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.75) + w0+w2*yl)/w1
xb = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.75) + w0+w2*yr)/w1
ln_right.set_xdata([xa, xb])
ln_right.set_ydata([yl, yr])
elif w2!=0:
ya = -(w0+w1*xl)/w2
yb = -(w0+w1*xr)/w2
ln.set_xdata([xl, xr])
ln.set_ydata([ya, yb])
ya = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.25) + w0+w1*xl)/w2
yb = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.25) + w0+w1*xr)/w2
ln_left.set_xdata([xl, xr])
ln_left.set_ydata([ya, yb])
ya = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.75) + w0+w1*xl)/w2
yb = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.75) + w0+w1*xr)/w2
ln_right.set_xdata([xl, xr])
ln_right.set_ydata([ya, yb])
ax.set_title('$\mathcal{L}(w) = '+str(LR_loglikelhood(X, y, np.array([w0, w1, w2])))+'$')
res = interact(plot_boundry, w0=(-3.5, 3, 0.1), w1=(-3.,4,0.1), w2=(-3.,4,0.1))
The logistic regression model is very similar to the coin model. The main difference is that for each example $i$, we use a specific coin with a probability $\sigma(x_i^\top w)$ that depends on the specific feature vector $x_i$ and the parameter vector $w$ that is shared by all examples. The likelihood of the observations, that is the probability of observing the class sequence is
$\begin{eqnarray} p(y_1, y_2, \dots, y_N|w, X ) &=& \left(\prod_{i : y_i=1} \sigma(x_i^\top w) \right) \left(\prod_{i : y_i=0}(1- \sigma(x_i^\top w)) \right) \end{eqnarray} $
Here, the left product is the expression for examples from class $1$ and the right product is for examples from class $0$. We will look for the particular setting of the weight vector, the maximum likelihood solution, denoted by $w^*$.
$ \begin{eqnarray} w^* & = & \arg\max_{w} {\cal L}(w) \end{eqnarray} $
where the loglikelihood function
$ \begin{eqnarray} {\cal L}(w) & = & \log p(y_1, y_2, \dots, y_N|w, x_1, x_2, \dots, x_N ) \\ & = & \sum_{i : y_i=1} \log \sigma(x_i^\top w) + \sum_{i : y_i=0} \log (1- \sigma(x_i^\top w)) \\ & = & \sum_{i : y_i=1} x_i^\top w - \sum_{i : y_i=1} \log(1+e^{x_i^\top w}) - \sum_{i : y_i=0}\log({1+e^{x_i^\top w}}) \\ & = & \sum_i y_i x_i^\top w - \sum_{i} \log(1+e^{x_i^\top w}) \\ & = & y^\top X w - \mathbf{1}^\top \text{logsumexp}(0, X w) \end{eqnarray} $
$\mathbf{1}$ is a vector of ones; note that when we premultiply a vector $v$ by $\mathbf{1}^T$ we get the sum of the entries of $v$, i.e. $\mathbf{1}^T v = \sum_i v_i$.
We define the function $\text{logsumexp}(a, b)$ as follows: When $a$ and $b$ are scalars, $$ f = \text{logsumexp}(a, b) \equiv \log(e^a + e^b) $$
When $a$ and $b$ are vectors of the same size, $f$ is the same size as $a$ and $b$ where each entry of $f$ is $$ f_i = \text{logsumexp}(a_i, b_i) \equiv \log(e^{a_i} + e^{b_i}) $$
Unlike the least-squares problem, an expression for direct evaluation of $w^*$ is not known so we need to resort to numerical optimization.
Before we proceed, it is informative to look at the shape of $f(x) = \text{logsumexp}(0, x)$. When $x$ is negative and far smaller than zero, $f = 0$ and for large values of $x$, $f(x) = x$. Hence it looks like a so-called hinge function $h$ $$ h(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} 0 & x < 0 \\x & x \geq 0 \end{array} \right. $$
We define $$ f_\alpha(x) = \frac{1}{\alpha}\text{logsumexp}(0, \alpha x) $$ When $\alpha = 1$, we have the original logsumexp function. For larger $\alpha$, it becomes closer to the hinge loss.
In [12]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
def logsumexp(a,b):
m = np.max([a,b])
return m + np.log(np.exp(a-m) + np.exp(b-m))
def hinge(x):
return x if x>0 else 0
xx = np.arange(-5,3,0.1)
for i,alpha in enumerate([1,2,5,10]):
f = [logsumexp(0, alpha*z)/alpha for z in xx]
h = [hinge(z) for z in xx]
plt.plot(xx, f, 'r')
plt.plot(xx, h, 'k:')
#plt.title('a = '+ str(alpha))
if alpha==1:
plt.legend([ 'logsumexp(0,z)','hinge(z)' ], loc=2 )
plt.legend([ 'logsumexp(0,{a} z)/{a}'.format(a=alpha),'hinge(z)' ], loc=2 )
The resemblance of the logsumexp function to an hinge function provides a nice interpretation of the log likelihood. Consider the negative log likelihood written in terms of the contributions of each single item:
$$ - \mathcal{L}(\pi) = - \sum_i l_i(w) $$We denote the inner product of the features of item $i$ and the parameters as $z_i = x_i^\top w$.
Then define the 'error' made on a single item as the minus likelihood $$ E_i(w) \equiv -l_i(w) = - y_i x_i^\top w + \text{logsumexp}(0, x_i^\top w) = - y_i z_i + \text{logsumexp}(0, z_i) $$
Suppose, the target class $y_i = 1$. When $z_i \gg 0$, the item $i$ will be classified correctly and won't contribute to the total error as $-l_i(w) \approx 0$. However, when $z_i \ll 0$, the $\text{logsumexp}$ term will be zero and this will incur an error of $-z_i$. If instead the true target would have been $y_i = 0$ the error reduces to $E_i(w) \approx \text{logsumexp}(0, z_i)$, incurring no error when $z_i \ll 0$ and incuring an error of approximately $z_i$ when $z_i \gg 0$.
Below, we show the error for a range of outputs $z_i = x_i^\top w$ when the target is $1$ or $0$. When the target is $y=1$, we penalize each negative output, if the target is $y =0$ positive outputs are penalized.
In [7]:
xx = np.arange(-10,10,0.1)
y = 1
f = [-y*z + logsumexp(0, z) for z in xx]
f0 = [logsumexp(0, z) for z in xx]
plt.plot(xx, f, 'r')
plt.title('Cost for examples with $y = $'+str(y))
plt.plot(xx, f0, 'r')
plt.title('Cost for examples with $y = 0$')
If $$ f(z) = \text{logsumexp}(0, z) = \log(1 + \exp(z)) $$ The derivative is $$ \frac{df(z)}{dz} = \frac{\exp(z)}{1 + \exp(z)} = \sigma(z) $$
When $z$ is a vector, $f(z)$ is a vector. The derivative of $$ \sum_i f(z_i) = \mathbf{1}^\top f(z) $$
$$ \frac{d \mathbf{1}^\top f(z)}{dz} = \left(\begin{array}{c} \sigma(z_1) \\ \vdots \\ \sigma(z_N) \end{array} \right) \equiv \sigma(z) $$where the sigmoid function $\sigma$ is applied elementwise to $z$.
Note that
\begin{eqnarray} \sigma(x) & = & \frac{e^x}{(1+e^{-x})e^x} = \frac{e^x}{1+e^{x}} \\ 1 - \sigma(x) & = & 1 - \frac{e^x}{1+e^{x}} = \frac{1+e^{x} - e^x}{1+e^{x}} = \frac{1}{1+e^{x}} \end{eqnarray}\begin{eqnarray} \sigma'(x) & = & \frac{e^x(1+e^{x}) - e^{x} e^x}{(1+e^{x})^2} = \frac{e^x}{1+e^{x}}\frac{1}{1+e^{x}} = \sigma(x) (1-\sigma(x)) \end{eqnarray}\begin{eqnarray} \log \sigma(x) & = & -\log(1+e^{-x}) = x - \log(1+e^{x}) \\ \log(1 - \sigma(x)) & = & -\log({1+e^{x}}) \end{eqnarray}Exercise: Plot the sigmoid function and its derivative.
Exercise: Show that $\tanh(z) = 2\sigma(2z) - 1$
$$ \text{maximize}\; \mathcal{L}(w) $$One way for optimization is gradient ascent \begin{eqnarray} w^{(\tau)} & \leftarrow & w^{(\tau-1)} + \eta \nabla_w {\cal L} \end{eqnarray} where \begin{eqnarray} \nabla_w {\cal L} & = & \begin{pmatrix} {\partial {\cal L}}/{\partial w_1} \\ {\partial {\cal L}}/{\partial w_2} \\ \vdots \\ {\partial {\cal L}}/{\partial w_{D}} \end{pmatrix} \end{eqnarray} is the gradient vector and $\eta$ is a learning rate.
The partial derivative of the loglikelihood with respect to the $k$'th entry of the weight vector is given by the chain rule as \begin{eqnarray} \frac{\partial{\cal L}}{\partial w_k} & = & \frac{\partial{\cal L}}{\partial \sigma(u)} \frac{\partial \sigma(u)}{\partial u} \frac{\partial u}{\partial w_k} \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} {\cal L}(w) & = & \sum_{i : y_i=1} \log \sigma(w^\top x_i) + \sum_{i : y_i=0} \log (1- \sigma(w^\top x_i)) \end{eqnarray}\begin{eqnarray} \frac{\partial{\cal L}(\sigma)}{\partial \sigma} & = & \sum_{i : y_i=1} \frac{1}{\sigma(w^\top x_i)} - \sum_{i : y_i=0} \frac{1}{1- \sigma(w^\top x_i)} \end{eqnarray}\begin{eqnarray} \frac{\partial \sigma(u)}{\partial u} & = & \sigma(w^\top x_i) (1-\sigma(w^\top x_i)) \end{eqnarray}\begin{eqnarray} \frac{\partial w^\top x_i }{\partial w_k} & = & x_{i,k} \end{eqnarray}So the gradient is \begin{eqnarray} \frac{\partial{\cal L}}{\partial w_k} & = & \sum_{i : y_i=1} \frac{\sigma(w^\top x_i) (1-\sigma(w^\top x_i))}{\sigma(w^\top x_i)} x_{i,k} - \sum_{i : y_i=0} \frac{\sigma(w^\top x_i) (1-\sigma(w^\top x_i))}{1- \sigma(w^\top x_i)} x_{i,k} \\ & = & \sum_{i : y_i=1} {(1-\sigma(w^\top x_i))} x_{i,k} - \sum_{i : y_i=0} {\sigma(w^\top x_i)} x_{i,k} \end{eqnarray}
We can write this expression more compactly by noting \begin{eqnarray} \frac{\partial{\cal L}}{\partial w_k} & = & \sum_{i : y_i=1} {(\underbrace{1}_{y_i}-\sigma(w^\top x_i))} x_{i,k} + \sum_{i : y_i=0} {(\underbrace{0}_{y_i} - \sigma(w^\top x_i))} x_{i,k} \\ & = & \sum_i (y_i - \sigma(w^\top x_i)) x_{i,k} \end{eqnarray}
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
# Generate a random logistic regression problem
def sigmoid(t):
return np.exp(t)/(1+np.exp(t))
def generate_toy_dataset(number_of_features=3, number_of_datapoints=20, styles = ['ob', 'xr']):
D = number_of_features
N = number_of_datapoints
# Some random features
X = 2*np.random.rand(N,D)-1
X[:,0] = 1
# Generate a random paramater vector
w_true = np.random.randn(D,1)
# Generate class labels
pi = sigmoid(np.dot(X, w_true))
y = np.array([1 if u else 0 for u in np.random.rand(N,1) < pi]).reshape((N))
return X, y, w_true, D, N
In [4]:
styles = ['ob', 'xr']
X, y, w_true, D, N = generate_toy_dataset(number_of_features=3, number_of_datapoints=20, styles=styles)
xl = -1.5; xr = 1.5; yl = -1.5; yr = 1.5
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
ax = fig.gca()
ax.set_ylim([yl, yr])
ax.set_xlim([xl, xr])
In [13]:
# Implement Gradient Descent
w = np.random.randn(D)
# Learnig rate
eta = 0.05
W = []
MAX_ITER = 200
for epoch in range(MAX_ITER):
dL = np.dot(X.T, y-sigmoid(np.dot(X,w)))
w = w + eta*dL
In [16]:
# Implement Gradient Descent
w = np.random.randn(D)
# Learnig rate
eta = 0.05
MAX_ITER = 200
for epoch in range(MAX_ITER):
dL = 0
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
dL = dL + X[i,:].T*(y[i]-sigmoid(X[i,:].dot(w)))
w = w + eta*dL
In [14]:
xl = -1.5
xr = 1.5
yl = -1.5
yr = 1.5
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
ax = fig.gca()
ax.set_ylim([yl, yr])
ax.set_xlim([xl, xr])
ln = plt.Line2D([],[],color='k')
ln_left = plt.Line2D([],[],ls= ':', color=styles[0][1])
ln_right = plt.Line2D([],[],ls= ':', color=styles[1][1])
def plot_boundry(w0,w1,w2):
if w1 != 0:
xa = -(w0+w2*yl)/w1
xb = -(w0+w2*yr)/w1
ln.set_xdata([xa, xb])
ln.set_ydata([yl, yr])
xa = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.25) + w0+w2*yl)/w1
xb = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.25) + w0+w2*yr)/w1
ln_left.set_xdata([xa, xb])
ln_left.set_ydata([yl, yr])
xa = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.75) + w0+w2*yl)/w1
xb = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.75) + w0+w2*yr)/w1
ln_right.set_xdata([xa, xb])
ln_right.set_ydata([yl, yr])
elif w2!=0:
ya = -(w0+w1*xl)/w2
yb = -(w0+w1*xr)/w2
ln.set_xdata([xl, xr])
ln.set_ydata([ya, yb])
ya = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.25) + w0+w1*xl)/w2
yb = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.25) + w0+w1*xr)/w2
ln_left.set_xdata([xl, xr])
ln_left.set_ydata([ya, yb])
ya = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.75) + w0+w1*xl)/w2
yb = -(-inv_sigmoid(0.75) + w0+w1*xr)/w2
ln_right.set_xdata([xl, xr])
ln_right.set_ydata([ya, yb])
def plot_boundry_of_weight(iteration=0):
i = iteration
w = W[i]
interact(plot_boundry_of_weight, iteration=(0,len(W)-1))
In [15]:
The Hessian is \begin{eqnarray} \frac{\partial^2{\cal L}}{\partial w_k \partial w_r} & = & - \sum_i (1-\sigma(w^\top x_i)) \sigma(w^\top x_i) x_{i,k} x_{i,r} \\ \pi & \equiv & \sigma(X w) \\ \nabla \nabla^\top \mathcal{L}& = & -X^\top \diag(\pi(1 - \pi)) X \end{eqnarray}
The update rule is \begin{eqnarray} w^{(\tau)} = w^{(\tau-1)} + \eta X^\top (y-\sigma(X w)) \end{eqnarray}
In [339]:
#x = np.matrix('[-2,1; -1,2; 1,5; -1,1; -3,-2; 1,1] ')
x = np.matrix('[-0.5,0.5;2,-1;-1,-1;1,1;1.5,0.5]')
#y = np.matrix('[0,0,1,0,0,1]').T
y = np.matrix('[0,0,1,1,1]').T
N = x.shape[0]
#A = np.hstack((np.power(x,0), np.power(x,1), np.power(x,2)))
#X = np.hstack((x, np.ones((N,1)) ))
X = x
def sigmoid(x):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
idx = np.nonzero(y)[0]
idxc = np.nonzero(1-y)[0]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4))
plt.plot(x[idx,0], x[idx,1], 'rx')
plt.plot(x[idxc,0], x[idxc,1], 'bo')
In [341]:
from itertools import product
def ellipse_line(A, mu, col='b'):
Creates an ellipse from short line segments y = A x + \mu
where x is on the unit circle.
N = 18
th = np.arange(0, 2*np.pi+np.pi/N, np.pi/N)
X = np.mat(np.vstack((np.cos(th),np.sin(th))))
Y = A*X
ln = plt.Line2D(mu[0]+Y[0,:],mu[1]+Y[1,:],markeredgecolor='w', linewidth=1, color=col)
return ln
left = -5
right = 3
bottom = -5
top = 7
step = 0.1
W0 = np.arange(left,right, step)
W1 = np.arange(bottom,top, step)
LLSurf = np.zeros((len(W1),len(W0)))
# y^\top X w - \mathbf{1}^\top \text{logsumexp}(0, X w)
vmax = -np.inf
vmin = np.inf
for i,j in product(range(len(W1)), range(len(W0))):
w = np.matrix([W0[j], W1[i]]).T
p = X*w
ll = y.T*p - np.sum(np.log(1+np.exp(p)))
vmax = np.max((vmax, ll))
vmin = np.min((vmin, ll))
LLSurf[i,j] = ll
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
plt.imshow(LLSurf, interpolation='nearest',
vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,origin='lower',
W0 = np.arange(left+2,right-5, 12*step)
W1 = np.arange(bottom+1,top-10, 12*step)
for i,j in product(range(len(W1)), range(len(W0))):
w = np.matrix([W0[j], W1[i]]).T
#w = np.mat([-1,1]).T
p = sigmoid(X*w)
dw = 0.2*X.T*(y-p)
S = np.mat(np.diag(np.asarray(np.multiply(p,1-p)).flatten()))
H = X.T*S*X
dw_nwt = 0.08*H.I*X.T*(y-p)
C = np.linalg.cholesky(H.I)
# plt.hold(True)
ln = ellipse_line(C/3., w, 'w')
ax = fig.gca()
ln2 = plt.Line2D((float(w[0]), float(w[0]+dw[0])), (float(w[1]), float(w[1]+dw[1])),color='y')
ln3 = plt.Line2D((float(w[0]), float(w[0]+dw_nwt[0])), (float(w[1]), float(w[1]+dw_nwt[1])),color='w')
In [114]:
#w = np.random.randn(3,1)
w = np.mat('[1;2]')
eta = 0.1
for i in range(10000):
pr = sigmoid(X*w)
w = w + eta*X.T*(y-pr)
CVX is a framework that can be used for solving convex optimization problems.
Convex optimization includes many problems of interest; for example the minimization of the negative loglikelihood of the logistic regression is a convex problem. S
Unfortunately, many important problems and interesting problems
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from cvxpy import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
$$ \mathcal{L}(w) + \lambda \|w\|_p $$
In [380]:
def sigmoid(x):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
# Number of data points
N = 1000
# Number of relevant features
K = 10
# Number of irrelevant features
Ke = 30
# Generate random features
X = np.matrix(np.random.randn(N, K + Ke))
# Generate parameters and set the irrelevant ones to zero
w_true = np.random.randn(K + Ke,1)
w_true[K:] = 0
p = sigmoid(X*w_true)
u = np.random.rand(N,1)
y = (u < p)
y = y.astype(np.float64)
In [389]:
# Regularization coefficient
lam = 100.
zero_vector = np.zeros((N,1))
# Construct the problem.
w = Variable(K+Ke)
objective = Minimize(lam*norm(w, np.inf ) -y.T*X*w + sum_entries(log_sum_exp(hstack(zero_vector, X*w),axis=1)))
prob = Problem(objective)
# The optimal objective is returned by prob.solve().
result = prob.solve()
# The optimal value for x is stored in x.value.
plt.stem(w.value, markerfmt='ob')
plt.stem(w_true, markerfmt='xr')
plt.gca().set_xlim((-1, K+Ke))
plt.legend(['Estimated', 'True'])
In [123]:
X_np, y_np, w_true_np, M, N = generate_toy_dataset(number_of_features=3, number_of_datapoints=20)
In [124]:
# Initialization
w_np = np.ones(M)
# Learnig rate
eta = 0.01
MAX_ITER = 100
for epoch in range(MAX_ITER):
sig = sigmoid(np.dot(X_np,w_np))
# Gradient dLL/dw -- symbolically derived and hard coded
w_grad = np.dot(X_np.T, y_np-sig)
# Gradient ascent step
w_np = w_np + eta*w_grad
In [125]:
import torch
import torch.autograd
from torch.autograd import Variable
#sigmoid_f = torch.nn.Sigmoid()
def sigmoid_f(x):
return 1./(1. + torch.exp(-x))
X = Variable(torch.from_numpy(X_np).double())
y = Variable(torch.from_numpy(y_np.reshape(N,1)).double())
In [126]:
# Implementation
w = Variable(torch.ones(M,1).double(), requires_grad=True)
eta = 0.01
MAX_ITER = 100
for epoch in range(MAX_ITER):
sig = sigmoid_f(torch.matmul(X, w))
# Compute the loglikelihood
LL = torch.sum(y*torch.log(sig) + (1-y)*torch.log(1-sig))
# Compute the gradients by automated differentiation
# The gradient ascent step
# Reset the gradients, as otherwise they are accumulated in w.grad
In [334]: