Data types

In [1]:
#There are several types of data sets in python:
# tuple, list, array, set, matrix

#tuples are immutable objects - that is, they can't be modified once they are created

measures = ('c', 'tsp', 'tbsp', 'oz') #Notice I used parentheses

except TypeError:
    print('Tuple values cannot be updated')

Tuple values cannot be updated

In [2]:
#Lists are tuples that can be updated

ingredients = ['flour', 'sugar', 'butter'] #Notice I used brackets

ingredients[1] = 'brown sugar'

#It's also easy to add data to tuples with the append function
ingredients.append('chocolate chips')


#Repeitions is also easy to do with lists

['flour', 'brown sugar', 'butter', 'chocolate chips']
['flour', 'brown sugar', 'butter', 'chocolate chips', 'flour', 'brown sugar', 'butter', 'chocolate chips']

In [3]:
#Arrays are numpy objects, mainly for arithmetic, but strings can also be used
import numpy as np

amounts1 = np.array([1.75, .5, 0, 11, 0, 0, 1, 0])
amounts2 = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])

amounts = amounts1+amounts2

print(amounts) #array operations are element-by-element
print(amounts*2) #Multiplying now is no longer repetition

[  2.75   1.5    1.    12.     1.     1.     2.     1.  ]
[  5.5   3.    2.   24.    2.    2.    4.    2. ]

In [4]:
#Sets are the most efficient data types in python, by they are limited
#Sets can only have unique values and are always unsorted

Operation             |        Equivalent            |              Result

s.issubset(t)                     s <= t                  test whether every element in s is in t
s.issuperset(t)                   s >= t                  test whether every element in t is in s
s.union(t)                        s | t                   new set with elements from both s and t
s.intersection(t)                 s & t                   new set with elements common to s and t
s.difference(t)                   s - t                   new set with elements in s but not in t
s.symmetric_difference(t)         s ^ t                   new set with elements in either s or t but not both

my_list = list(range(1000000))
my_set = set(range(1000000))

%timeit 50005 in my_list
%timeit 50005 in my_set

1000 loops, best of 3: 1.46 ms per loop
The slowest run took 32.95 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
10000000 loops, best of 3: 90.8 ns per loop

In [16]:
#Dictionaries are useful for organizing data, but they don't have as good of an
#interacting experience

my_dict = {} #Notice how I use braces (sets also use braces)
my_dict['key1'] = []
my_dict['key2'] = {}
my_dict['key2']['key2a'] = 'Hello'
my_dict['key2']['key2b'] = 'World!'

print(my_dict['key2']['key2a']+' '+my_dict['key2']['key2b'])

['key2', 'key1']
Hello World!


In [5]:
#Loops in Python are notoriously slow, as an example let's time a simple calculation

import time #python's timing module
import numpy as np
import random

%timeit np.sin(np.repeat(amounts,3e5))

start = time.time()
for amount in np.repeat(amounts,3e5):
end = time.time()

10 loops, best of 3: 57.6 ms per loop

In [6]:
#There are two main types of loops - while and for.  Related to these are if/else statements.  Let's go over all of those...

#if/else - checking for conditionals

if 'baking soda' not in ingredients:
    ingredients.append('baking soda')
elif 'vanilla' not in ingredients:
    print('All ingredients included')


['flour', 'brown sugar', 'butter', 'chocolate chips', 'baking soda']

In [7]:
#We're still missing some ingredients

['flour', 'brown sugar', 'butter', 'chocolate chips', 'baking soda', 'vanilla', 'eggs', 'salt']

In [8]:
#for loops - Python is indexed based, so closing loops is not necessary

#There are three ways to break a for loop:
# pass - do nothing
# continue - proceed to the next iteration of the loop
# break - move out of loop altogether

for ingredient in ingredients: #Indexing is not required
    if 4<len(ingredient)<7:
        print('Ingredient is: '+ingredient)
    elif 7<len(ingredient)<=11:
        print('Moving to next ingredient')
        print('Not the eggs!')

Ingredient is: flour
Moving to next ingredient
Ingredient is: butter
Not the eggs!

In [9]:
from ipywidgets import FloatProgress
from IPython.display import display

progress_bar = FloatProgress(min=0, max=100)

#Never use while loops because they are frequently just traps to get stuck in

baking_time = 0
while baking_time<100:
print('Cookies are ready!!!')

Cookies are ready!!!


In [22]:
def function(arg1,arg2,arg3=5.0,):
    Doc string goes here
    add = arg1+arg2
    sub = arg2-arg3
    return add,sub

add1,sub1 = function(3.0,2.0)
add2,sub2 = function(3.0,2.0,1.0)


(5.0, -3.0)

(5.0, 1.0)

In [11]:
def print_recipe(ingredients, amounts, measures=None):
    This is a function to print a chocolate chip cookie recipe.
        - ingredients: a list of the necessary ingredients
        - amounts: an array of the amount of each ingredient
        - measures: the list of measures for each amount
        - No outputs.  A recipe is printed to the screen.
    recipe+='Chocolate Chip Cookies\n\n'
    recipe+='{:2.1f} {}   {}\n'.format(amounts[2],measures[0],ingredients[2])
    recipe+='{:2.1f} {}   {}\n'.format(amounts[1],measures[0],ingredients[1])
    recipe+='{:2.1f}     {}\n'.format(amounts[-2],ingredients[-2])
    recipe+='{:2.1f} {} {}\n'.format(amounts[-3],measures[1],ingredients[-3])
    recipe+='{:2.2f} {}  {}\n'.format(amounts[0],measures[0],ingredients[0])
    recipe+='{:2.1f} {} {}\n'.format(amounts[4],measures[1],ingredients[4])
    recipe+='{:2.1f} {} {}\n'.format(amounts[-1],measures[1],ingredients[-1])
    recipe+='{:2.1f} {} {}\n'.format(amounts[3],measures[-1],ingredients[3])
    recipe+='Cream together the butter and brown sugar until light and fluffy.\n'
    recipe+='Add eggs one at a time, mixing until combined after each.\n'
    recipe+='Add in vanilla extract.  Mix until combined.\n'
    recipe+='In a separate bowl combine dry ingredients.\n'
    recipe+='Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients in three batches.  Mix after each.\n'
    recipe+='Stir in chocolate chips.\n'
    recipe+='Scoop using a 1oz cookie scoop onto ungreased cookie sheets.\n'
    recipe+='Bake at 375F for 8-10 minutes until golden brown.\n'
    recipe+='Serve warm with milk.'
    return #You can return arguments here


Chocolate Chip Cookies

1.0 c   butter
1.5 c   brown sugar
2.0     eggs
1.0 tsp vanilla
2.75 c  flour
1.0 tsp baking soda
1.0 tsp salt
12.0 oz chocolate chips

Cream together the butter and brown sugar until light and fluffy.
Add eggs one at a time, mixing until combined after each.
Add in vanilla extract.  Mix until combined.
In a separate bowl combine dry ingredients.
Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients in three batches.  Mix after each.
Stir in chocolate chips.
Scoop using a 1oz cookie scoop onto ungreased cookie sheets.
Bake at 375F for 8-10 minutes until golden brown.
Serve warm with milk.

Let's go to the next notebook! Intro_2.ipynb

In [ ]: