Image Classification

In this project, you'll classify images from the CIFAR-10 dataset. The dataset consists of airplanes, dogs, cats, and other objects. You'll preprocess the images, then train a convolutional neural network on all the samples. The images need to be normalized and the labels need to be one-hot encoded. You'll get to apply what you learned and build a convolutional, max pooling, dropout, and fully connected layers. At the end, you'll get to see your neural network's predictions on the sample images.

Get the Data

Run the following cell to download the CIFAR-10 dataset for python.

In [1]:
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from os.path import isfile, isdir
from tqdm import tqdm
import problem_unittests as tests
import tarfile

cifar10_dataset_folder_path = 'cifar-10-batches-py'

# Use Floyd's cifar-10 dataset if present
floyd_cifar10_location = '/input/cifar-10/python.tar.gz'
if isfile(floyd_cifar10_location):
    tar_gz_path = floyd_cifar10_location
    tar_gz_path = 'cifar-10-python.tar.gz'

class DLProgress(tqdm):
    last_block = 0

    def hook(self, block_num=1, block_size=1, total_size=None): = total_size
        self.update((block_num - self.last_block) * block_size)
        self.last_block = block_num

if not isfile(tar_gz_path):
    with DLProgress(unit='B', unit_scale=True, miniters=1, desc='CIFAR-10 Dataset') as pbar:

if not isdir(cifar10_dataset_folder_path):
    with as tar:


All files found!

Explore the Data

The dataset is broken into batches to prevent your machine from running out of memory. The CIFAR-10 dataset consists of 5 batches, named data_batch_1, data_batch_2, etc.. Each batch contains the labels and images that are one of the following:

  • airplane
  • automobile
  • bird
  • cat
  • deer
  • dog
  • frog
  • horse
  • ship
  • truck

Understanding a dataset is part of making predictions on the data. Play around with the code cell below by changing the batch_id and sample_id. The batch_id is the id for a batch (1-5). The sample_id is the id for a image and label pair in the batch.

Ask yourself "What are all possible labels?", "What is the range of values for the image data?", "Are the labels in order or random?". Answers to questions like these will help you preprocess the data and end up with better predictions.

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

import helper
import numpy as np

# Explore the dataset
batch_id = 1
sample_id = 17
helper.display_stats(cifar10_dataset_folder_path, batch_id, sample_id)

Stats of batch 1:
Samples: 10000
Label Counts: {0: 1005, 1: 974, 2: 1032, 3: 1016, 4: 999, 5: 937, 6: 1030, 7: 1001, 8: 1025, 9: 981}
First 20 Labels: [6, 9, 9, 4, 1, 1, 2, 7, 8, 3, 4, 7, 7, 2, 9, 9, 9, 3, 2, 6]

Example of Image 17:
Image - Min Value: 25 Max Value: 225
Image - Shape: (32, 32, 3)
Label - Label Id: 3 Name: cat

Implement Preprocess Functions


In the cell below, implement the normalize function to take in image data, x, and return it as a normalized Numpy array. The values should be in the range of 0 to 1, inclusive. The return object should be the same shape as x.

In [3]:
def normalize(x):
    Normalize a list of sample image data in the range of 0 to 1
    : x: List of image data.  The image shape is (32, 32, 3)
    : return: Numpy array of normalize data
    # TODO: Implement Function
    np_x = np.array(x)
    norm_x = (np_x)/255 # current normalization only divides by max value
    # ANOTHER METHOD with range from -1 to 1
    # (x - mean)/std = in an image mean=128 (expected) 
    #and std=128 (expected) since we want to center our distribution in 0. If 255 colors, approx -128..0..128
    return norm_x


Tests Passed

One-hot encode

Just like the previous code cell, you'll be implementing a function for preprocessing. This time, you'll implement the one_hot_encode function. The input, x, are a list of labels. Implement the function to return the list of labels as One-Hot encoded Numpy array. The possible values for labels are 0 to 9. The one-hot encoding function should return the same encoding for each value between each call to one_hot_encode. Make sure to save the map of encodings outside the function.

Hint: Don't reinvent the wheel.

In [4]:
from sklearn import preprocessing 

def one_hot_encode(x):
    One hot encode a list of sample labels. Return a one-hot encoded vector for each label.
    : x: List of sample Labels
    : return: Numpy array of one-hot encoded labels
    # TODO: Implement Function
    encode = preprocessing.LabelBinarizer()[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]) #possible values of labels to be encoded in vectors of 0's and 1's
    #show the encoding that corresponds to each label
    #print (encode.classes_) 
    #print (encode.transform([9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]))
    labels_one_hot_encode = encode.transform(x) # encodes the labels with 0,1 values based on labelID [0,9]
    return labels_one_hot_encode


Tests Passed

Randomize Data

As you saw from exploring the data above, the order of the samples are randomized. It doesn't hurt to randomize it again, but you don't need to for this dataset.

Preprocess all the data and save it

Running the code cell below will preprocess all the CIFAR-10 data and save it to file. The code below also uses 10% of the training data for validation.

In [5]:
# Preprocess Training, Validation, and Testing Data
helper.preprocess_and_save_data(cifar10_dataset_folder_path, normalize, one_hot_encode)

Check Point

This is your first checkpoint. If you ever decide to come back to this notebook or have to restart the notebook, you can start from here. The preprocessed data has been saved to disk.

In [1]:
import pickle
import problem_unittests as tests
import helper
import numpy as np

# Load the Preprocessed Validation data
valid_features, valid_labels = pickle.load(open('preprocess_validation.p', mode='rb'))

Build the network

For the neural network, you'll build each layer into a function. Most of the code you've seen has been outside of functions. To test your code more thoroughly, we require that you put each layer in a function. This allows us to give you better feedback and test for simple mistakes using our unittests before you submit your project.

Note: If you're finding it hard to dedicate enough time for this course each week, we've provided a small shortcut to this part of the project. In the next couple of problems, you'll have the option to use classes from the TensorFlow Layers or TensorFlow Layers (contrib) packages to build each layer, except the layers you build in the "Convolutional and Max Pooling Layer" section. TF Layers is similar to Keras's and TFLearn's abstraction to layers, so it's easy to pickup.

However, if you would like to get the most out of this course, try to solve all the problems without using anything from the TF Layers packages. You can still use classes from other packages that happen to have the same name as ones you find in TF Layers! For example, instead of using the TF Layers version of the conv2d class, tf.layers.conv2d, you would want to use the TF Neural Network version of conv2d, tf.nn.conv2d.

Let's begin!


The neural network needs to read the image data, one-hot encoded labels, and dropout keep probability. Implement the following functions

  • Implement neural_net_image_input
    • Return a TF Placeholder
    • Set the shape using image_shape with batch size set to None.
    • Name the TensorFlow placeholder "x" using the TensorFlow name parameter in the TF Placeholder.
  • Implement neural_net_label_input
    • Return a TF Placeholder
    • Set the shape using n_classes with batch size set to None.
    • Name the TensorFlow placeholder "y" using the TensorFlow name parameter in the TF Placeholder.
  • Implement neural_net_keep_prob_input
    • Return a TF Placeholder for dropout keep probability.
    • Name the TensorFlow placeholder "keep_prob" using the TensorFlow name parameter in the TF Placeholder.

These names will be used at the end of the project to load your saved model.

Note: None for shapes in TensorFlow allow for a dynamic size.

In [2]:
import tensorflow as tf

def neural_net_image_input(image_shape):
    Return a Tensor for a batch of image input
    : image_shape: Shape of the images
    : return: Tensor for image input.
    # TODO: Implement Function
    batch_size = None
    return tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=([batch_size, image_shape[0], image_shape[1], image_shape[2]]), name="x")

def neural_net_label_input(n_classes):
    Return a Tensor for a batch of label input
    : n_classes: Number of classes
    : return: Tensor for label input.
    # TODO: Implement Function
    batch_size = None
    return tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=([batch_size, n_classes]), name="y")

def neural_net_keep_prob_input():
    Return a Tensor for keep probability
    : return: Tensor for keep probability.
    # TODO: Implement Function
    return tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=None, name="keep_prob")

#------------------Added the Batch Normalization option to the network--------------------------------
def neural_net_batch_norm_mode_input(use_batch_norm, batch_norm_mode):
    Return a Tensor for batch normalization 
    Tensor 'use_batch_norm': Batch Normalization on/off (True = on, False = off)
    Tensor 'batch_norm_mode': Batch Normalization mode (True = net is training, False = net in test mode)
    : return: Tensor for batch normalization mode
    return tf.Variable(use_batch_norm, name ="use_batch_norm"), tf.placeholder(batch_norm_mode, name="batch_norm_mode")


Image Input Tests Passed.
Label Input Tests Passed.
Keep Prob Tests Passed.

Batch Normalization (Added)

Implemented a batch normalization wrapper that during training accumulates and computes the batches population mean and variance. Thus, in test it only uses the final computed mean and variance for the predictions in the neural net. Parameter is_training comes from a tf.placeholder in function neural_net_batch_norm_mode_input(). This parameter was added to the conv2d_maxpool() and fully_conn() functions to be able to define if the network is training or predicting(test), so that batch normalization performs accordingly [remember that batch norm works different for training than for predicting(test)]. Additional inputs were added to the feed_dict of train_neural_net() for conv_net so that the batch normalization mode can be turn on/off or set to training/test mode.

In [3]:
def batch_norm_wrapper(inputs, is_training,is_conv_layer=True, decay=0.999):
    Function that implements batch normalization. Stores the population mean and variance as tf.Variables,
    and decides whether to use the batch statistics or the population statistics for normalization.
    inputs: the dataset to learn(train)/predict(test) * weights of layer that uses this batch normalization, also used to get num_outputs
    is_training: set to True to learn the population and variance during training. False to use in test dataset
    decay: is a moving average decay rate to estimate the population mean and variance during training
    Batch_Norm = Gamma * X + Beta <=> BN(x*weights + bias)
    epsilon = 1e-3
    scale = tf.Variable(tf.ones([inputs.get_shape()[-1]])) #gamma 
    beta = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([inputs.get_shape()[-1]]))
    pop_mean = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([inputs.get_shape()[-1]]), trainable = False) #False means we will train it rather than optimizer
    pop_var = tf.Variable(tf.ones([inputs.get_shape()[-1]]), trainable = False) #False means we will train it rather than optimizer
    if is_training:
        # update/compute the population mean and variance of our total training dataset split into batches
        # do this to know the value to use for the test and predictions
        if is_conv_layer:
            batch_mean, batch_var = tf.nn.moments(inputs,[0,1,2]) #conv layer needs 3 planes, dimensions -> [height,depth,colors]
            batch_mean, batch_var = tf.nn.moments(inputs,[0]) #fully connected layer only one plane (flat layer)
        train_mean = tf.assign(pop_mean, pop_mean*decay + batch_mean*(1 - decay))
        train_var = tf.assign(pop_var, pop_var * decay + batch_var * (1 - decay))
        with tf.control_dependencies([train_mean, train_var]):
            return tf.nn.batch_normalization(inputs, batch_mean, batch_var, beta, scale, epsilon)
        # when in test mode we need to use the population mean and var computed/learned from training
        return tf.nn.batch_normalization(inputs, pop_mean, pop_var, beta, scale, epsilon)

Convolution and Max Pooling Layer

Convolution layers have a lot of success with images. For this code cell, you should implement the function conv2d_maxpool to apply convolution then max pooling:

  • Create the weight and bias using conv_ksize, conv_num_outputs and the shape of x_tensor.
  • Apply a convolution to x_tensor using weight and conv_strides.
    • We recommend you use same padding, but you're welcome to use any padding.
  • Add bias
  • Add a nonlinear activation to the convolution.
  • Apply Max Pooling using pool_ksize and pool_strides.
    • We recommend you use same padding, but you're welcome to use any padding.

Note: You can't use TensorFlow Layers or TensorFlow Layers (contrib) for this layer, but you can still use TensorFlow's Neural Network package. You may still use the shortcut option for all the other layers.

In [4]:
#def conv2d_maxpool(x_tensor, conv_num_outputs, conv_ksize, conv_strides, pool_ksize, pool_strides): #original function definition
def conv2d_maxpool(x_tensor, conv_num_outputs, conv_ksize, conv_strides, pool_ksize, pool_strides, is_training=True, batch_norm_on=False): 
    Apply convolution then max pooling to x_tensor
    :param x_tensor: TensorFlow Tensor
    :param conv_num_outputs: Number of outputs for the convolutional layer
    :param conv_ksize: kernal size 2-D Tuple for the convolutional layer
    :param conv_strides: Stride 2-D Tuple for convolution
    :param pool_ksize: kernal size 2-D Tuple for pool
    :param pool_strides: Stride 2-D Tuple for pool
    : return: A tensor that represents convolution and max pooling of x_tensor
    # TODO: Implement Function
    filter_height  = conv_ksize[0]
    filter_width   = conv_ksize[1]
    color_channels = x_tensor.get_shape().as_list()[-1] # to read last value of list that contains the number of color channels 
    # truncated normal std dev initialization of weights
    weights = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([filter_height,filter_width,color_channels,conv_num_outputs], mean=0.0, stddev=0.1))

    # Xavier Initialization - needs different names for vars
    #weights = tf.get_variable("w_conv",shape=[filter_height,filter_width,color_channels,conv_num_outputs],initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer())
    bias = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(conv_num_outputs))
    #batch and channel are commonly set to 1
    conv_batch_size = 1
    conv_channel_size = 1
    conv_strides4D = [conv_batch_size, conv_strides[0], conv_strides[1], conv_channel_size]
    conv_layer = tf.nn.conv2d(x_tensor, weights, conv_strides4D, padding='SAME')
    #Add Bias
    conv_layer = tf.nn.bias_add(conv_layer, bias)
    #Non-linear activation 
    conv_layer = tf.nn.relu(conv_layer)
    #----------------------- Added the Batch Normalization after ReLU --------------------
    if batch_norm_on:
        conv_layer = batch_norm_wrapper(conv_layer, is_training, True) #true means this is a conv_layer that uses Batch norm
        #conv_layer = tf.cond(is_training, lambda: batch_norm_wrapper(conv_layer, 1), lambda: conv_layer)
        # Apparently doing batch norm after ReLU works well, but you might want to do ReLU again and then pooling
        conv_layer = tf.nn.relu(conv_layer)
    #Max pooling
    # batch and channel are commonly set to 1
    pool_batch_size = 1
    pool_channel_size = 1
    pool_ksize4D = [pool_batch_size, pool_ksize[0], pool_ksize[1], pool_channel_size]
    pool_strides4D = [1, pool_strides[0], pool_strides[1], 1]
    conv_layer = tf.nn.max_pool(conv_layer, pool_ksize4D, pool_strides4D, padding='SAME')
    return conv_layer


Tests Passed

Flatten Layer

Implement the flatten function to change the dimension of x_tensor from a 4-D tensor to a 2-D tensor. The output should be the shape (Batch Size, Flattened Image Size). Shortcut option: you can use classes from the TensorFlow Layers or TensorFlow Layers (contrib) packages for this layer. For more of a challenge, only use other TensorFlow packages.

In [5]:
def flatten(x_tensor):
    Flatten x_tensor to (Batch Size, Flattened Image Size)
    : x_tensor: A tensor of size (Batch Size, ...), where ... are the image dimensions.
    : return: A tensor of size (Batch Size, Flattened Image Size).
    # TODO: Implement Function
    # First way to do this
    # Need to convert the get_shape() result to int() since at this point is a class Dimension object
    flat_image =[1:])
    x_tensor_flatten = tf.reshape(x_tensor,[-1, int(flat_image)])
    # Second way to do it
    # No Need to convert the get_shape().as_list() result since it is already an int
    #flat_image2 =[1:])
    #x_tensor_flatten2 = tf.reshape(x_tensor,[-1, flat_image])
    return x_tensor_flatten


Tests Passed

Fully-Connected Layer

Implement the fully_conn function to apply a fully connected layer to x_tensor with the shape (Batch Size, num_outputs). Shortcut option: you can use classes from the TensorFlow Layers or TensorFlow Layers (contrib) packages for this layer. For more of a challenge, only use other TensorFlow packages.

In [6]:
#def fully_conn(x_tensor, num_outputs): #original function definition
def fully_conn(x_tensor, num_outputs, is_training=True, batch_norm_on=False):
    Apply a fully connected layer to x_tensor using weight and bias
    : x_tensor: A 2-D tensor where the first dimension is batch size.
    : num_outputs: The number of output that the new tensor should be.
    : return: A 2-D tensor where the second dimension is num_outputs.
    # TODO: Implement Function

    batch_size, num_inputs = x_tensor.get_shape().as_list()
    # truncated normal std dev initialization of weights
    weights = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([num_inputs, num_outputs], mean=0.0, stddev=0.1))
    # Xavier Initialization
    #weights = tf.get_variable("w_fc", shape=[filter_height,filter_width,color_channels,conv_num_outputs],initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer())
    bias = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(num_outputs))
    #Batch normalization - Attempted to do it, but better not have dropout that is a unit test here, so not using it
    # moreover the implementation requires an extended class that creates the model to receive a flag indicating
    # if the model is training or in test (batch normalization takes a different behavior in each)
    #epsilon = 1e-3 # epsilon for Batch Normalization - avoids div with 0
    #z_BN = tf.matmul(x_tensor,weights)
    #batch_mean, batch_var = tf.nn.moments(z_BN,[0])
    #scale = tf.Variable(tf.ones(num_outputs))
    #beta = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(num_outputs))
    #fc_BN = tf.nn.batch_normalization(z_BN, batch_mean, batch_var, beta, scale, epsilon)
    #fc = tf.nn.relu(fc_BN)
    # Batch Norm wrapper
    if batch_norm_on:
        z_BN = tf.matmul(x_tensor,weights)
        fc_BN = batch_norm_wrapper(z_BN, is_training, is_conv_layer=False)
        fc = tf.nn.relu(fc_BN)
        #Normal FC - no BatchNormalization
        fc = tf.matmul(x_tensor, weights) + bias
        fc = tf.nn.relu(fc)
    return fc


Tests Passed

Output Layer

Implement the output function to apply a fully connected layer to x_tensor with the shape (Batch Size, num_outputs). Shortcut option: you can use classes from the TensorFlow Layers or TensorFlow Layers (contrib) packages for this layer. For more of a challenge, only use other TensorFlow packages.

Note: Activation, softmax, or cross entropy should not be applied to this.

In [7]:
def output(x_tensor, num_outputs):
    Apply a output layer to x_tensor using weight and bias
    : x_tensor: A 2-D tensor where the first dimension is batch size.
    : num_outputs: The number of output that the new tensor should be.
    : return: A 2-D tensor where the second dimension is num_outputs.
    # TODO: Implement Function

    batch_size, num_inputs = x_tensor.get_shape().as_list()
    # truncated normal std dev initialization of weights
    weights = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([num_inputs, num_outputs], mean=0.0, stddev=0.1))
    # Xavier Initialization
    #weights = tf.get_variable("w_out", shape=[filter_height,filter_width,color_channels,conv_num_outputs],initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer())
    bias = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(num_outputs))
    # Normal Linear prediction - no BN
    linear_prediction = tf.matmul(x_tensor, weights) + bias #linear activation
    #Batch normalization
    #epsilon = 1e-3 # epsilon for Batch Normalization - avoids div with 0
    #z_BN = tf.matmul(x_tensor,weights)
    #batch_mean, batch_var = tf.nn.moments(z_BN,[0])
    #scale = tf.Variable(tf.ones(num_outputs))
    #beta = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(num_outputs))
    #linear_prediction = tf.nn.batch_normalization(z_BN, batch_mean, batch_var, beta, scale, epsilon)
    return linear_prediction


Tests Passed

Create Convolutional Model

Implement the function conv_net to create a convolutional neural network model. The function takes in a batch of images, x, and outputs logits. Use the layers you created above to create this model:

  • Apply 1, 2, or 3 Convolution and Max Pool layers
  • Apply a Flatten Layer
  • Apply 1, 2, or 3 Fully Connected Layers
  • Apply an Output Layer
  • Return the output
  • Apply TensorFlow's Dropout to one or more layers in the model using keep_prob.

In [93]:
#---------------- Added to try to implement Batch Norm -----------------------------
# issue with tensors inside the conv2d_maxpool and fully_conn being apparently
# in different graphs than the feeded x tensor
def run_conv_layers(x, is_training, batch_norm):
    conv_num_outputs =  [16,40,60] #[36,70,100]
    conv_ksize = [[5,5],[5,5],[5,5]] #[[3,3],[3,3],[1,1]]
    conv_strides = [1,1]
    pool_ksize = [[2,2],[2,2],[2,2]]
    pool_strides = [2,2]
    x_conv = conv2d_maxpool(x, conv_num_outputs[0], conv_ksize[0], conv_strides, pool_ksize[0], pool_strides, is_training, batch_norm)
    x_conv = conv2d_maxpool(x_conv, conv_num_outputs[1], conv_ksize[1], conv_strides, pool_ksize[1], pool_strides, is_training, batch_norm)
    x_conv = conv2d_maxpool(x_conv, conv_num_outputs[2], conv_ksize[2], conv_strides, pool_ksize[2], pool_strides, is_training, batch_norm)

    return x_conv

def run_fc_layer(x_flat, keep_prob, is_training, batch_norm):
    x_fc = tf.nn.dropout(fully_conn(x_flat, 1300, is_training, batch_norm), keep_prob) #1320 #320,#120
    x_fc = tf.nn.dropout(fully_conn(x_fc, 685, is_training, batch_norm), keep_prob) #685 #185,#85
    x_fc = tf.nn.dropout(fully_conn(x_fc, 255, is_training, batch_norm), keep_prob) #255 #55,#25
    return x_fc

#def conv_net(x, keep_prob): #original function definition
#tf.constant only added to pass the unit test cases, this should be tf.Variable
def conv_net(x, keep_prob, is_training=tf.constant(True,tf.bool), batch_norm=tf.constant(False,tf.bool)):
    Create a convolutional neural network model
    : x: Placeholder tensor that holds image data.
    : keep_prob: Placeholder tensor that hold dropout keep probability.
    : return: Tensor that represents logits
    # TODO: Apply 1, 2, or 3 Convolution and Max Pool layers
    #    Play around with different number of outputs, kernel size and stride
    # Function Definition from Above:
    #    conv2d_maxpool(x_tensor, conv_num_outputs, conv_ksize, conv_strides, pool_ksize, pool_strides)
    # (x_tensor, conv_num_outputs, conv_ksize, conv_strides, pool_ksize, pool_strides)
    conv_num_outputs =  [16,40,60] #[36,70,100]
    conv_ksize = [[5,5],[5,5],[5,5]] #[[3,3],[3,3],[1,1]]
    conv_strides = [1,1]
    pool_ksize = [[2,2],[2,2],[2,2]]
    pool_strides = [2,2]
    #function before batch norm
    #x_conv = conv2d_maxpool(x, conv_num_outputs[0], conv_ksize[0], conv_strides, pool_ksize[0], pool_strides)
    #x_conv = conv2d_maxpool(x_conv, conv_num_outputs[1], conv_ksize[1], conv_strides, pool_ksize[1], pool_strides)
    #x_conv = conv2d_maxpool(x_conv, conv_num_outputs[2], conv_ksize[2], conv_strides, pool_ksize[2], pool_strides)

    #---------------------------- Added later to try to implement Batch Norm ---------------------------------------
    #Hardcoded variables that drive the batch Norm - UNFORTUNATELY cannot change values for the Test cases where is_training should be false
    batch_norm_bool = False
    is_training_bool = True
    # Unsuccessful tf.cond to use the run_conv_layer since TF complains that the weights Tensor inside 
    #  conv2d_maxpool must be from the same graph/group as the tensor passed x/x_tensor, same issue in fc layer
    #x_conv = tf.cond(is_training, lambda:run_conv_layers(x,True,batch_norm_bool), lambda:run_conv_layers(x,False,batch_norm_bool))
    x_conv = conv2d_maxpool(x, conv_num_outputs[0], conv_ksize[0], conv_strides, pool_ksize[0], pool_strides, is_training_bool, batch_norm_bool)
    x_conv = conv2d_maxpool(x_conv, conv_num_outputs[1], conv_ksize[1], conv_strides, pool_ksize[1], pool_strides, is_training_bool, batch_norm_bool)
    x_conv = conv2d_maxpool(x_conv, conv_num_outputs[2], conv_ksize[2], conv_strides, pool_ksize[2], pool_strides, is_training_bool, batch_norm_bool)

    # TODO: Apply a Flatten Layer
    # Function Definition from Above:
    #   flatten(x_tensor)
    x_flat = flatten(x_conv)

    # TODO: Apply 1, 2, or 3 Fully Connected Layers
    #    Play around with different number of outputs
    # Function Definition from Above:
    #   fully_conn(x_tensor, num_outputs)
    # before batch norm
    #x_fc = tf.nn.dropout(fully_conn(x_flat, 1300), keep_prob) #1320 #320,#120
    #x_fc = tf.nn.dropout(fully_conn(x_fc, 685), keep_prob) #685 #185,#85
    #x_fc = tf.nn.dropout(fully_conn(x_fc, 255), keep_prob) #255 #55,#25
    #---------------------------- Added to try to implement Batch Norm ---------------------------------------
    # Unsuccessful tf.cond to use the run_fc_layer since TF complains that the weights Tensor inside 
    #  fully_conn must be from the same graph/group as the tensor passed x_flat/x_fc
    #x_fc = tf.cond(is_training, lambda: run_fc_layer(x_flat, keep_prob, True,batch_norm_bool), lambda: run_fc_layer(x_flat, keep_prob,False,batch_norm_bool) )
    x_fc = tf.nn.dropout(fully_conn(x_flat, 120, is_training_bool, batch_norm_bool), keep_prob) #1320 #320,#120
    x_fc = tf.nn.dropout(fully_conn(x_fc, 85, is_training_bool, batch_norm_bool), keep_prob) #685 #185,#85
    x_fc = tf.nn.dropout(fully_conn(x_fc, 25, is_training_bool, batch_norm_bool), keep_prob) #255 #55,#25
    # TODO: Apply an Output Layer
    #    Set this to the number of classes
    # Function Definition from Above:
    #   output(x_tensor, num_outputs)
    num_outputs_pred = 10
    x_predict =tf.nn.dropout(output(x_fc, num_outputs_pred), keep_prob)
    # TODO: return output
    return x_predict


## Build the Neural Network ##

# Remove previous weights, bias, inputs, etc..

# Inputs
x = neural_net_image_input((32, 32, 3))
y = neural_net_label_input(10)
keep_prob = neural_net_keep_prob_input()

#-----------------Added the Batch Normalization Parameters------------
#currently not used, missing connection from the tf.Variable and the core of the network
batch_norm_on, batch_norm_mode = neural_net_batch_norm_mode_input(True,True)

# Model
#logits = conv_net(x, keep_prob) # original call to conv_net

#---------------------------- Added to try to implement Batch Norm ---------------------------------------
logits = conv_net(x, keep_prob, batch_norm_mode, batch_norm_on)

# Name logits Tensor, so that is can be loaded from disk after training
logits = tf.identity(logits, name='logits')

# Loss and Optimizer
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=y))
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(cost)

# Accuracy
correct_pred = tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits, 1), tf.argmax(y, 1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_pred, tf.float32), name='accuracy')


Neural Network Built!

Train the Neural Network

Single Optimization

Implement the function train_neural_network to do a single optimization. The optimization should use optimizer to optimize in session with a feed_dict of the following:

  • x for image input
  • y for labels
  • keep_prob for keep probability for dropout

This function will be called for each batch, so tf.global_variables_initializer() has already been called.

Note: Nothing needs to be returned. This function is only optimizing the neural network.

In [94]:
#def train_neural_network(session, optimizer, keep_probability, feature_batch, label_batch): #original function declaration
def train_neural_network(session, optimizer, keep_probability, feature_batch, label_batch, is_training=True, use_batch_norm=False):
    Optimize the session on a batch of images and labels
    : session: Current TensorFlow session
    : optimizer: TensorFlow optimizer function
    : keep_probability: keep probability
    : feature_batch: Batch of Numpy image data
    : label_batch: Batch of Numpy label data
    # TODO: Implement Function
    # train_feed_dict ={x: feature_batch, y: label_batch, keep_prob: keep_probability} #original train dict
    #---------------------------- Added to try to implement Batch Norm ---------------------------------------
    train_feed_dict ={x: feature_batch, y: label_batch, keep_prob: keep_probability, batch_norm_mode: is_training, batch_norm_on: use_batch_norm}
    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, feed_dict=train_feed_dict)


Tests Passed

Show Stats

Implement the function print_stats to print loss and validation accuracy. Use the global variables valid_features and valid_labels to calculate validation accuracy. Use a keep probability of 1.0 to calculate the loss and validation accuracy.

In [95]:
def print_stats(session, feature_batch, label_batch, cost, accuracy):
    Print information about loss and validation accuracy
    : session: Current TensorFlow session
    : feature_batch: Batch of Numpy image data
    : label_batch: Batch of Numpy label data
    : cost: TensorFlow cost function
    : accuracy: TensorFlow accuracy function
    # TODO: Implement Function
    # train_feed_dict = {x: feature_batch, y: label_batch, keep_prob: 0.75} # original train dict
    # val_feed_dict = {x: valid_features, y: valid_labels, keep_prob: 1.0} # original val dict
    #---------------------------- Added to try to implement Batch Norm ---------------------------------------
    train_feed_dict = {x: feature_batch, y: label_batch, keep_prob: 0.75, batch_norm_mode: True, batch_norm_on: False}
    val_feed_dict = {x: valid_features, y: valid_labels, keep_prob: 1.0, batch_norm_mode: False, batch_norm_on: False}
    validation_cost =, feed_dict=val_feed_dict)
    validation_accuracy =, feed_dict=val_feed_dict)
    train_accuracy =, feed_dict=train_feed_dict)
    print('Train_acc: {:8.14f} | Val_acc: {:8.14f} | loss: {:8.14f}'.format(train_accuracy, validation_accuracy, validation_cost))


Tune the following parameters:

  • Set epochs to the number of iterations until the network stops learning or start overfitting
  • Set batch_size to the highest number that your machine has memory for. Most people set them to common sizes of memory:
    • 64
    • 128
    • 256
    • ...
  • Set keep_probability to the probability of keeping a node using dropout

In [96]:
# TODO: Tune Parameters
epochs = 25
batch_size = 64
keep_probability = 0.75 #test with 0.75 seemed better

#---------------------------- Added to try to implement Batch Norm ---------------------------------------
# ACTUAL CONTROL FRO BATCH NORM IS INSIDE 'conv_net() -> batch_norm_bool, is_training_bool variables '
# Try to add the Batch Normalization parameters, but couldn't make the connection from the inside of 
# convnet to the rest of the functions, everything is layed out to work except for that step in which
# from a tf.bool Tensor need to decide (try to use tf.cond) to use batch norm or not
batch_norm_is_training = True
use_batch_norm = False

Train on a Single CIFAR-10 Batch

Instead of training the neural network on all the CIFAR-10 batches of data, let's use a single batch. This should save time while you iterate on the model to get a better accuracy. Once the final validation accuracy is 50% or greater, run the model on all the data in the next section.

In [97]:
print('Checking the Training on a Single Batch...')
with tf.Session() as sess:
    # Initializing the variables
    # Training cycle
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        batch_i = 1
        for batch_features, batch_labels in helper.load_preprocess_training_batch(batch_i, batch_size):
            # ORIGINAL call to train_neural_network
            #train_neural_network(sess, optimizer, keep_probability, batch_features, batch_labels)
            #---------------------------- Added to try to implement Batch Norm ---------------------------------------
            train_neural_network(sess, optimizer, keep_probability, batch_features, batch_labels, batch_norm_is_training, use_batch_norm)
        print('Epoch {:>2}, CIFAR-10 Batch {}:  '.format(epoch + 1, batch_i), end='')
        print_stats(sess, batch_features, batch_labels, cost, accuracy)

Checking the Training on a Single Batch...
Epoch  1, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.17499999701977 | Val_acc: 0.26480001211166 | loss: 2.01116204261780
Epoch  2, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.20000000298023 | Val_acc: 0.31000000238419 | loss: 1.85910999774933
Epoch  3, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.34999999403954 | Val_acc: 0.36160001158714 | loss: 1.71914458274841
Epoch  4, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.44999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.41260001063347 | loss: 1.66120898723602
Epoch  5, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.34999999403954 | Val_acc: 0.44060000777245 | loss: 1.53829360008240
Epoch  6, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.27500000596046 | Val_acc: 0.46279999613762 | loss: 1.49874079227448
Epoch  7, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.32499998807907 | Val_acc: 0.46219998598099 | loss: 1.54341757297516
Epoch  8, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.47499999403954 | Val_acc: 0.47720000147820 | loss: 1.44764447212219
Epoch  9, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.50000000000000 | Val_acc: 0.49860000610352 | loss: 1.38995718955994
Epoch 10, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.47499999403954 | Val_acc: 0.50559997558594 | loss: 1.38765776157379
Epoch 11, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.55000001192093 | Val_acc: 0.49259999394417 | loss: 1.41361129283905
Epoch 12, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.50000000000000 | Val_acc: 0.53179997205734 | loss: 1.32565844058990
Epoch 13, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.64999997615814 | Val_acc: 0.51059997081757 | loss: 1.39918398857117
Epoch 14, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.55000001192093 | Val_acc: 0.53960001468658 | loss: 1.33683753013611
Epoch 15, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.47499999403954 | Val_acc: 0.53380000591278 | loss: 1.33801293373108
Epoch 16, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.52499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.53219997882843 | loss: 1.38609707355499
Epoch 17, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.60000002384186 | Val_acc: 0.53240001201630 | loss: 1.39815795421600
Epoch 18, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.57499998807907 | Val_acc: 0.53920000791550 | loss: 1.41906428337097
Epoch 19, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.52499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.52520000934601 | loss: 1.56598651409149
Epoch 20, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.60000002384186 | Val_acc: 0.54500001668930 | loss: 1.50271666049957
Epoch 21, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.67500001192093 | Val_acc: 0.54000002145767 | loss: 1.55854070186615
Epoch 22, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.57499998807907 | Val_acc: 0.54299998283386 | loss: 1.53355598449707
Epoch 23, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.69999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.54559999704361 | loss: 1.48271489143372
Epoch 24, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.60000002384186 | Val_acc: 0.53140002489090 | loss: 1.69165277481079
Epoch 25, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.64999997615814 | Val_acc: 0.52840000391006 | loss: 1.63002014160156

Fully Train the Model

Now that you got a good accuracy with a single CIFAR-10 batch, try it with all five batches.

In [98]:
save_model_path = './image_classification'

with tf.Session() as sess:
    # Initializing the variables
    # Training cycle
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        # Loop over all batches
        n_batches = 5
        for batch_i in range(1, n_batches + 1):
            for batch_features, batch_labels in helper.load_preprocess_training_batch(batch_i, batch_size):
                # ORIGINAL call to train_neural_network
                #train_neural_network(sess, optimizer, keep_probability, batch_features, batch_labels)
                #---------------------------- Added to try to implement Batch Norm ---------------------------------------
                train_neural_network(sess, optimizer, keep_probability, batch_features, batch_labels, batch_norm_is_training, use_batch_norm)
            print('Epoch {:>2}, CIFAR-10 Batch {}:  '.format(epoch + 1, batch_i), end='')
            print_stats(sess, batch_features, batch_labels, cost, accuracy)
    # Save Model
    saver = tf.train.Saver()
    save_path =, save_model_path)

Epoch  1, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.07500000298023 | Val_acc: 0.19640000164509 | loss: 2.27139449119568
Epoch  1, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.17499999701977 | Val_acc: 0.27399998903275 | loss: 1.97621011734009
Epoch  1, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.25000000000000 | Val_acc: 0.33199998736382 | loss: 1.80190467834473
Epoch  1, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.27500000596046 | Val_acc: 0.40360000729561 | loss: 1.69094920158386
Epoch  1, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.27500000596046 | Val_acc: 0.43340000510216 | loss: 1.66868150234222
Epoch  2, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.37500000000000 | Val_acc: 0.43700000643730 | loss: 1.57306873798370
Epoch  2, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.32499998807907 | Val_acc: 0.46560001373291 | loss: 1.50565505027771
Epoch  2, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.50000000000000 | Val_acc: 0.47440001368523 | loss: 1.45050227642059
Epoch  2, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.44999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.50059998035431 | loss: 1.40042757987976
Epoch  2, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.44999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.51440000534058 | loss: 1.38337314128876
Epoch  3, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.44999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.51300001144409 | loss: 1.39869391918182
Epoch  3, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.42500001192093 | Val_acc: 0.52960002422333 | loss: 1.29800355434418
Epoch  3, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.40000000596046 | Val_acc: 0.52619999647141 | loss: 1.31123030185699
Epoch  3, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.34999999403954 | Val_acc: 0.56019997596741 | loss: 1.25682222843170
Epoch  3, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.42500001192093 | Val_acc: 0.54600000381470 | loss: 1.29036211967468
Epoch  4, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.42500001192093 | Val_acc: 0.57220000028610 | loss: 1.22561967372894
Epoch  4, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.40000000596046 | Val_acc: 0.57779997587204 | loss: 1.22027420997620
Epoch  4, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.57499998807907 | Val_acc: 0.56059998273849 | loss: 1.24304771423340
Epoch  4, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.50000000000000 | Val_acc: 0.59460002183914 | loss: 1.17105185985565
Epoch  4, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.40000000596046 | Val_acc: 0.59420001506805 | loss: 1.15332269668579
Epoch  5, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.37500000000000 | Val_acc: 0.58619999885559 | loss: 1.20466637611389
Epoch  5, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.40000000596046 | Val_acc: 0.60360002517700 | loss: 1.13485527038574
Epoch  5, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.60000002384186 | Val_acc: 0.58859997987747 | loss: 1.20685517787933
Epoch  5, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.42500001192093 | Val_acc: 0.61180001497269 | loss: 1.11581301689148
Epoch  5, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.55000001192093 | Val_acc: 0.61339998245239 | loss: 1.13042986392975
Epoch  6, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.52499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.59039998054504 | loss: 1.18743538856506
Epoch  6, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.60000002384186 | Val_acc: 0.61180001497269 | loss: 1.10075426101685
Epoch  6, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.62500000000000 | Val_acc: 0.61659997701645 | loss: 1.11583316326141
Epoch  6, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.50000000000000 | Val_acc: 0.61299997568130 | loss: 1.11201870441437
Epoch  6, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.47499999403954 | Val_acc: 0.61540001630783 | loss: 1.10614562034607
Epoch  7, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.57499998807907 | Val_acc: 0.62660002708435 | loss: 1.08117496967316
Epoch  7, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.50000000000000 | Val_acc: 0.64240002632141 | loss: 1.06106412410736
Epoch  7, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.77499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.62360000610352 | loss: 1.08636355400085
Epoch  7, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.52499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.63020002841949 | loss: 1.09536838531494
Epoch  7, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.62500000000000 | Val_acc: 0.63380002975464 | loss: 1.07653784751892
Epoch  8, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.40000000596046 | Val_acc: 0.64880001544952 | loss: 1.05864787101746
Epoch  8, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.52499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.64560002088547 | loss: 1.05827212333679
Epoch  8, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.57499998807907 | Val_acc: 0.63599997758865 | loss: 1.06911861896515
Epoch  8, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.57499998807907 | Val_acc: 0.62739998102188 | loss: 1.08599054813385
Epoch  8, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.57499998807907 | Val_acc: 0.62220001220703 | loss: 1.10761952400208
Epoch  9, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.60000002384186 | Val_acc: 0.63679999113083 | loss: 1.06777346134186
Epoch  9, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.52499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.64660000801086 | loss: 1.04783701896667
Epoch  9, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.60000002384186 | Val_acc: 0.65140002965927 | loss: 1.02873921394348
Epoch  9, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.52499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.65719997882843 | loss: 1.01873362064362
Epoch  9, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.62500000000000 | Val_acc: 0.63760000467300 | loss: 1.06661558151245
Epoch 10, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.64999997615814 | Val_acc: 0.66460001468658 | loss: 1.02518236637115
Epoch 10, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.64999997615814 | Val_acc: 0.64719998836517 | loss: 1.05295574665070
Epoch 10, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.72500002384186 | Val_acc: 0.65679997205734 | loss: 1.03615188598633
Epoch 10, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.47499999403954 | Val_acc: 0.65780001878738 | loss: 1.02702438831329
Epoch 10, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.55000001192093 | Val_acc: 0.64700001478195 | loss: 1.05313384532928
Epoch 11, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.60000002384186 | Val_acc: 0.66619998216629 | loss: 1.01844525337219
Epoch 11, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.62500000000000 | Val_acc: 0.64859998226166 | loss: 1.07713735103607
Epoch 11, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.60000002384186 | Val_acc: 0.66579997539520 | loss: 1.01322972774506
Epoch 11, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.62500000000000 | Val_acc: 0.66299998760223 | loss: 1.02153050899506
Epoch 11, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.75000000000000 | Val_acc: 0.65920001268387 | loss: 1.05241954326630
Epoch 12, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.52499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.65880000591278 | loss: 1.04431867599487
Epoch 12, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.67500001192093 | Val_acc: 0.67159998416901 | loss: 1.01423597335815
Epoch 12, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.67500001192093 | Val_acc: 0.66280001401901 | loss: 1.01941871643066
Epoch 12, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.72500002384186 | Val_acc: 0.65780001878738 | loss: 1.05962908267975
Epoch 12, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.60000002384186 | Val_acc: 0.66979998350143 | loss: 1.03601694107056
Epoch 13, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.60000002384186 | Val_acc: 0.65299999713898 | loss: 1.08657288551331
Epoch 13, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.64999997615814 | Val_acc: 0.66000002622604 | loss: 1.03946042060852
Epoch 13, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.72500002384186 | Val_acc: 0.66540002822876 | loss: 1.01314175128937
Epoch 13, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.69999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.65579998493195 | loss: 1.06777226924896
Epoch 13, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.62500000000000 | Val_acc: 0.65939998626709 | loss: 1.05132436752319
Epoch 14, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.64999997615814 | Val_acc: 0.65479999780655 | loss: 1.06760001182556
Epoch 14, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.67500001192093 | Val_acc: 0.66420000791550 | loss: 1.06464946269989
Epoch 14, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.75000000000000 | Val_acc: 0.66820001602173 | loss: 1.03276121616364
Epoch 14, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.69999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.66799998283386 | loss: 1.06049799919128
Epoch 14, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.69999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.66879999637604 | loss: 1.03486025333405
Epoch 15, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.62500000000000 | Val_acc: 0.66360002756119 | loss: 1.06014239788055
Epoch 15, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.72500002384186 | Val_acc: 0.67199999094009 | loss: 1.02968478202820
Epoch 15, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.72500002384186 | Val_acc: 0.66420000791550 | loss: 1.07762575149536
Epoch 15, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.67500001192093 | Val_acc: 0.66060000658035 | loss: 1.07967865467072
Epoch 15, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.69999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.66839998960495 | loss: 1.06640851497650
Epoch 16, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.64999997615814 | Val_acc: 0.66699999570847 | loss: 1.04666674137115
Epoch 16, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.67500001192093 | Val_acc: 0.67320001125336 | loss: 1.09496545791626
Epoch 16, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.72500002384186 | Val_acc: 0.67259997129440 | loss: 1.05100488662720
Epoch 16, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.72500002384186 | Val_acc: 0.66100001335144 | loss: 1.17134737968445
Epoch 16, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.77499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.66740000247955 | loss: 1.07583296298981
Epoch 17, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.72500002384186 | Val_acc: 0.66259998083115 | loss: 1.07373440265656
Epoch 17, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.69999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.66740000247955 | loss: 1.09302377700806
Epoch 17, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.57499998807907 | Val_acc: 0.67259997129440 | loss: 1.05448067188263
Epoch 17, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.67500001192093 | Val_acc: 0.67019999027252 | loss: 1.12937653064728
Epoch 17, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.80000001192093 | Val_acc: 0.66619998216629 | loss: 1.09282839298248
Epoch 18, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.62500000000000 | Val_acc: 0.66740000247955 | loss: 1.13707041740417
Epoch 18, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.67500001192093 | Val_acc: 0.67779999971390 | loss: 1.04662621021271
Epoch 18, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.64999997615814 | Val_acc: 0.66479998826981 | loss: 1.12309682369232
Epoch 18, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.69999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.66240000724792 | loss: 1.12784516811371
Epoch 18, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.82499998807907 | Val_acc: 0.67680001258850 | loss: 1.06374835968018
Epoch 19, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.62500000000000 | Val_acc: 0.66920000314713 | loss: 1.11327779293060
Epoch 19, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.57499998807907 | Val_acc: 0.66519999504089 | loss: 1.15744066238403
Epoch 19, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.82499998807907 | Val_acc: 0.67479997873306 | loss: 1.08186495304108
Epoch 19, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.85000002384186 | Val_acc: 0.66879999637604 | loss: 1.09195137023926
Epoch 19, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.77499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.67339998483658 | loss: 1.08359158039093
Epoch 20, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.69999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.67059999704361 | loss: 1.10792434215546
Epoch 20, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.62500000000000 | Val_acc: 0.67779999971390 | loss: 1.06809508800507
Epoch 20, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.77499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.67079997062683 | loss: 1.10828578472137
Epoch 20, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.67500001192093 | Val_acc: 0.66119998693466 | loss: 1.15017700195312
Epoch 20, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.67500001192093 | Val_acc: 0.65280002355576 | loss: 1.15640664100647
Epoch 21, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.69999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.66920000314713 | loss: 1.15170001983643
Epoch 21, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.62500000000000 | Val_acc: 0.67619997262955 | loss: 1.11890506744385
Epoch 21, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.67500001192093 | Val_acc: 0.68099999427795 | loss: 1.07738435268402
Epoch 21, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.72500002384186 | Val_acc: 0.67739999294281 | loss: 1.09172773361206
Epoch 21, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.75000000000000 | Val_acc: 0.67820000648499 | loss: 1.10797119140625
Epoch 22, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.52499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.66579997539520 | loss: 1.17908906936646
Epoch 22, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.75000000000000 | Val_acc: 0.67720001935959 | loss: 1.16069376468658
Epoch 22, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.77499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.68140000104904 | loss: 1.09419536590576
Epoch 22, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.69999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.67900002002716 | loss: 1.13959431648254
Epoch 22, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.72500002384186 | Val_acc: 0.67180001735687 | loss: 1.16536557674408
Epoch 23, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.69999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.67460000514984 | loss: 1.15208959579468
Epoch 23, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.75000000000000 | Val_acc: 0.68080002069473 | loss: 1.13270092010498
Epoch 23, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.72500002384186 | Val_acc: 0.66939997673035 | loss: 1.19248783588409
Epoch 23, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.72500002384186 | Val_acc: 0.66460001468658 | loss: 1.18459081649780
Epoch 23, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.77499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.67239999771118 | loss: 1.16770112514496
Epoch 24, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.75000000000000 | Val_acc: 0.67299997806549 | loss: 1.20314788818359
Epoch 24, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.87500000000000 | Val_acc: 0.67820000648499 | loss: 1.16299045085907
Epoch 24, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.72500002384186 | Val_acc: 0.67040002346039 | loss: 1.14784359931946
Epoch 24, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.75000000000000 | Val_acc: 0.67559999227524 | loss: 1.14944493770599
Epoch 24, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.77499997615814 | Val_acc: 0.66759997606277 | loss: 1.18592989444733
Epoch 25, CIFAR-10 Batch 1:  Train_acc: 0.69999998807907 | Val_acc: 0.68080002069473 | loss: 1.17034375667572
Epoch 25, CIFAR-10 Batch 2:  Train_acc: 0.72500002384186 | Val_acc: 0.67739999294281 | loss: 1.18855607509613
Epoch 25, CIFAR-10 Batch 3:  Train_acc: 0.75000000000000 | Val_acc: 0.67339998483658 | loss: 1.15315616130829
Epoch 25, CIFAR-10 Batch 4:  Train_acc: 0.62500000000000 | Val_acc: 0.66100001335144 | loss: 1.14104723930359
Epoch 25, CIFAR-10 Batch 5:  Train_acc: 0.80000001192093 | Val_acc: 0.67239999771118 | loss: 1.16600584983826


The model has been saved to disk.

Test Model

Test your model against the test dataset. This will be your final accuracy. You should have an accuracy greater than 50%. If you don't, keep tweaking the model architecture and parameters.

In [99]:
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

import tensorflow as tf
import pickle
import helper
import random

# Set batch size if not already set
    if batch_size:
except NameError:
    batch_size = 64

save_model_path = './image_classification'
n_samples = 4
top_n_predictions = 3

def test_model():
    Test the saved model against the test dataset

    test_features, test_labels = pickle.load(open('preprocess_test.p', mode='rb'))
    loaded_graph = tf.Graph()

    with tf.Session(graph=loaded_graph) as sess:
        # Load model
        loader = tf.train.import_meta_graph(save_model_path + '.meta')
        loader.restore(sess, save_model_path)

        # Get Tensors from loaded model
        loaded_x = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('x:0')
        loaded_y = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('y:0')
        loaded_keep_prob = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('keep_prob:0')
        loaded_logits = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('logits:0')
        loaded_acc = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('accuracy:0')
        # Get accuracy in batches for memory limitations
        test_batch_acc_total = 0
        test_batch_count = 0
        for test_feature_batch, test_label_batch in helper.batch_features_labels(test_features, test_labels, batch_size):
            test_batch_acc_total +=
                feed_dict={loaded_x: test_feature_batch, loaded_y: test_label_batch, loaded_keep_prob: 1.0})
            test_batch_count += 1

        print('Testing Accuracy: {}\n'.format(test_batch_acc_total/test_batch_count))

        # Print Random Samples
        random_test_features, random_test_labels = tuple(zip(*random.sample(list(zip(test_features, test_labels)), n_samples)))
        random_test_predictions =
            tf.nn.top_k(tf.nn.softmax(loaded_logits), top_n_predictions),
            feed_dict={loaded_x: random_test_features, loaded_y: random_test_labels, loaded_keep_prob: 1.0})
        helper.display_image_predictions(random_test_features, random_test_labels, random_test_predictions)


INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from ./image_classification
Testing Accuracy: 0.6754578025477707

Why 50-80% Accuracy?

You might be wondering why you can't get an accuracy any higher. First things first, 50% isn't bad for a simple CNN. Pure guessing would get you 10% accuracy. However, you might notice people are getting scores well above 80%. That's because we haven't taught you all there is to know about neural networks. We still need to cover a few more techniques.

Submitting This Project

When submitting this project, make sure to run all the cells before saving the notebook. Save the notebook file as "dlnd_image_classification.ipynb" and save it as a HTML file under "File" -> "Download as". Include the "" and "" files in your submission.