This file enables a user to construct and manipulate geometric objects in $\mathbb{R}^3$. The constructions and manipulations are performed using a conformal model of $\mathbb{R}^3$. A user need not know much about the conformal model, as all constructions and manipulations are via the functions provided here.
My intent is that the functions are self documenting through their code and comments.
Vectors passed to the functions must be in conformal representation. Exceptions: pt, which converts a 3D point to a conformal point, a 3D normal vector $\mathbf{n}$, and a 3D parallel bivector $\mathbf{B}$.
Objects returned by the functions are in conformal representation. Exception: tp, which returns a 3D point.
To start, pull down the "Cell" menu item and choose "Run All".
Comments and proposed changes or additions are welcome.
In [1]:
# Conformal Model, Amsterdam convention. Dorst et al. p. 361
from sympy import *
from import Ga
from import *
# from lt import *
# from sympy import *
cm3coords = (o,x,y,z,infty) = symbols('o 1 2 3 infty', real=True)
cm3g = '0 0 0 0 -1, 0 1 0 0 0, 0 0 1 0 0, 0 0 0 1 0, -1 0 0 0 0'
cm3 = Ga('o e_1 e_2 e_3 oo', g = cm3g, coords = cm3coords)
(eo, e1, e2, e3, eoo) =
ep = eo - eoo/2 # ep^2 = +1 GACS 408
em = eo + eoo/2 # em^2 = -1
E = eo^eoo
#cm3coords = (o,x,y,z,infty) = symbols('o x y z \infty', real=True)
#cm3 = Ga('o e_x e_y e_z \infty', g = cf3g, coords = cf3coords)
from IPython.display import display
In [2]:
def pt(arg): # R^3 vector --> conformal point.
if isinstance(arg,str): # Return general 3D point
v =, 'vector') # General conformal vector
v = v + (v < eoo)*eo + (v < eo)*eoo # 3D part
v = eo + v + (v<v)*eoo/2
elif arg == 0:
v = eo
elif (arg < eoo) == 0: # Return point for 3D vector in arg
v = eo + arg + (arg<arg)*eoo/2
else: v = arg # arg already in conformal representation
In [3]:
def tp(arg): # conformal point --> R^3 vector
if isinstance(arg,str): # Return general 3D vector
v =, 'vector')
else: # Return 3D vector part of arg
v = arg
v = v + (v < eoo)*eo + (v < eo)*eoo
In [4]:
def normalize(v):
if (v < eoo) == 0: # Normalize 3D vector
else: # Normalize conformal vector: set eo coeff to 1.
In [5]:
def scalar(arg):
return(, 'scalar')) # Save user from typing all this
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def round(*args): # args are conformal points
ans = args[0]
for i in range(1,len(args)):
ans = ans ^ args[i]
In [7]:
def flat(*args): # args are conformal points
return(round(*args) ^ eoo)
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def line(p,q): # If q is 3D, line thru p parallel to q returned
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def plane(p,q,r):
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def circle(p,q,r):
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def sphere(p,q,r,s):
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def dualLine(p, B): # thru point p, orthogonal to 3D bivector B
return(p < (B*eoo)) # A vector
In [13]:
def dualPlane(p,n): # n: GA^3 normal vector
m = normalize(n)
if isinstance(p,(int, long, float)):
p = scalar(p) # Python scalar -> GAlgebra scalar
if (p!=0) and ((p<p)==0): # p: point on plane.
return(p < (m^eoo)) # a vector
else: # p: distance to origin.
return(m + (p*eoo)) # a vector
In [14]:
def dualSphere(c,rho): # c:center.
if isinstance(rho,(int, long, float)):
rho = scalar(rho) # Python scalar -> GAlgebra scalar
if (rho!=0) and ((rho<rho)==0): # rho: point on sphere
return(rho < (c ^ eoo))
else: # rho: radius.
return(c - (rho*rho*eoo)/2) # A vector
In [15]:
def dualCircle(c,rho,n): # c:center. rho:radius. n:normal vector
ds = dualSphere(c,rho)
dp = dualPlane(c,n)
return(ds^dp) # A BIvector
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def translate(object,a3): # a3: 3D vector
return(1 - a3*eoo/2)*object*(1 + a3*eoo/2)
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def rotate(object,itheta):
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def invert(p, norm=False): # GACS 513
ans = -(eo - eoo/2)*p*(eo - eoo/2)
if norm:
ans = normalize(ans)
In [19]:
# Reflect point p in hyperplane with normal 3D vector n.
def reflect(p,n):
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# Can be considerably simplified: A Covariant Approach ..., 16
def dilate(p, alpha, norm = False): # Dilate by alpha (> 0)
ans = exp(E*ln(alpha)/2)*p*exp(-E*ln(alpha)/2)
if norm:
ans = normalize(ans)
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