Description of Melbourne Dataset

In [1]:
% matplotlib inline

import os, sys, time, pickle, tempfile
import math, random, itertools
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from scipy.misc import logsumexp

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from scipy.linalg import kron

from fastkml import kml, styles
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString

import pulp

In [2]:
RANK_C = 10  # regularisation parameter for rankSVM
BIN_CLUSTER = 5  # Number of bins/clusters for discritizing POI features
ranksvm_dir = '$HOME/work/ranksvm'

In [3]:
data_dir = '../data'
fpoi = os.path.join(data_dir, 'poi-Melb-all.csv')
fvisits = os.path.join(data_dir, 'userVisits-Melb.csv')
fphotos = os.path.join(data_dir, 'Melb_photos_bigbox.csv')

1. Load Data

Load POI/Trajectory data from file.

1.1 Load POI Data

In [4]:
poi_all = pd.read_csv(fpoi)
poi_all.set_index('poiID', inplace=True)

In [5]:
poi_df = poi_all.copy()
poi_df.drop('poiURL', axis=1, inplace=True)
poi_df.rename(columns={'poiName':'Name', 'poiTheme':'Category', 'poiLat':'Latitude', 'poiLon':'Longitude'}, \

Name Category Latitude Longitude
0 Arts Precinct City precincts -37.82167 144.96778
1 Docklands City precincts -37.81700 144.94600
2 Government Precinct City precincts -37.81190 144.97300
3 Little Italy City precincts -37.79972 144.96694
4 RMIT City City precincts -37.80778 144.96333

1.2 Load Trajectory Data

In [6]:
visits = pd.read_csv(fvisits, sep=';')

In [7]:
visits.drop(['poiTheme', 'poiFreq'], axis=1, inplace=True)
visits.rename(columns={'seqID':'trajID'}, inplace=True)

photoID userID dateTaken poiID trajID
0 3233170275 34823318@N06 949323600 30 1370
1 2104214833 49503207397@N01 1006801914 40 2340
2 2104993710 49503207397@N01 1006803152 71 2340
3 2104215119 49503207397@N01 1006803177 71 2340
4 2104994064 49503207397@N01 1006803611 71 2340

2. Compute POI Statistics DataFrame

2.1 Compute POI Visit Statistics

Compute the number of photos associated with each POI.

In [8]:
poi_photo = visits[['photoID', 'poiID']].copy().groupby('poiID').agg(np.size)
poi_photo.rename(columns={'photoID':'#photos'}, inplace=True)

0 102
1 139
2 304
3 138
4 349

Compute the visit duration at each POI.

In [9]:
poi_duration = visits[['dateTaken', 'poiID', 'trajID']].copy().groupby(['trajID', 'poiID']).agg([np.min, np.max])
poi_duration.columns = poi_duration.columns.droplevel()
poi_duration.rename(columns={'amin':'arrivalTime', 'amax':'departureTime'}, inplace=True)
poi_duration['poiDuration'] = poi_duration['departureTime'] - poi_duration['arrivalTime']

trajID poiID arrivalTime departureTime poiDuration
0 0 25 1226726126 1226726126 0
1 1 58 1205332532 1205332541 9
2 1 66 1205342722 1205342729 7
3 2 59 1205374109 1205374109 0
4 3 58 1205417265 1205417265 0

Filtering out zero visit duration at POI, otherwise many medians of duration will be zero.

In [10]:
poi_duration = poi_duration[poi_duration['poiDuration'] > 0]

Compute the median and summation of POI visit duration.

In [11]:
poi_duration_stats = poi_duration[['poiID', 'poiDuration']].copy().groupby('poiID').agg([np.median, np.sum])
poi_duration_stats.columns = poi_duration_stats.columns.droplevel()
poi_duration_stats.rename(columns={'median':'medianDuration(sec)', 'sum':'totalDuration(sec)'}, inplace=True)

medianDuration(sec) totalDuration(sec)
0 332.5 24600
1 438.5 42491
2 1835.0 141155
3 1971.5 61945
4 829.0 137382

Compute the number of visits at each POI by all users and by distinct users.
NOTE: we assume NO loops/subtours appear in trajectories, so a specific user would visit a certain POI in a specific trajectory at most once.

In [12]:
poi_visits = visits[['userID', 'trajID', 'poiID', 'photoID']].copy().groupby(['userID','trajID','poiID']).agg(np.size)
poi_visits.rename(columns={'photoID':'#photosAtPOIInTraj'}, inplace=True)

userID trajID poiID #photosAtPOIInTraj
0 10058801@N06 0 25 1
1 10087938@N02 1 58 2
2 10087938@N02 1 66 2
3 10087938@N02 2 59 1
4 10087938@N02 3 58 1

In [13]:
poi_visits_stats = poi_visits[['userID', 'poiID']].copy().groupby('poiID').agg([pd.Series.nunique, np.size])
poi_visits_stats.columns = poi_visits_stats.columns.droplevel()
poi_visits_stats.rename(columns={'nunique':'#distinctUsers', 'size':'#visits'}, inplace=True)

#distinctUsers #visits
0 64 73
1 39 52
2 83 116
3 44 54
4 50 84

Copy visit statistics to POI dataframe.

In [14]:
poi_df['#photos'] = 0
poi_df['#visits'] = 0
poi_df['#distinctUsers'] = 0
poi_df['medianDuration(sec)'] = 0.0
poi_df['totalDuration(sec)'] = 0.0

In [15]:
poi_df.loc[poi_photo.index, '#photos'] = poi_photo['#photos']
poi_df.loc[poi_visits_stats.index, '#visits'] = poi_visits_stats['#visits']
poi_df.loc[poi_visits_stats.index, '#distinctUsers'] = poi_visits_stats['#distinctUsers']
poi_df.loc[poi_duration_stats.index, 'medianDuration(sec)'] = poi_duration_stats['medianDuration(sec)']
poi_df.loc[poi_duration_stats.index, 'totalDuration(sec)'] = poi_duration_stats['totalDuration(sec)']

Name Category Latitude Longitude #photos #visits #distinctUsers medianDuration(sec) totalDuration(sec)
0 Arts Precinct City precincts -37.82167 144.96778 102 73 64 332.5 24600.0
1 Docklands City precincts -37.81700 144.94600 139 52 39 438.5 42491.0
2 Government Precinct City precincts -37.81190 144.97300 304 116 83 1835.0 141155.0
3 Little Italy City precincts -37.79972 144.96694 138 54 44 1971.5 61945.0
4 RMIT City City precincts -37.80778 144.96333 349 84 50 829.0 137382.0

2.2 Visualise & Save POIs

Visualise POI on map: Simply import the above CSV file in Google Maps (Google Drive -> NEW -> More -> Google My Maps), an example of this POI dataframe shown on map is available here.

To sort POIs according to one attribute (e.g. #photos) in Google Maps, click the option icon at the upper right corner of the layer, then click "Open data table", a data table will pop-up, click the column of interest (e.g. #photos), then click "Sort A->Z" to sort POIs according to that attribute (e.g. #photos) in ascending order.

Save POI dataframe to CSV file.

In [16]:
#poi_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'poi_df.csv')
#poi_df.to_csv(poi_file, index=True)

3. POI vs Photo

3.1 POIs with NO Visits

In [17]:
poi_df[poi_df['#visits'] < 1]

Name Category Latitude Longitude #photos #visits #distinctUsers medianDuration(sec) totalDuration(sec)
54 Flemington Racecourse Sports stadiums -37.79028 144.91250 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
64 Royal Melbourne Golf Club Sports stadiums -37.97000 145.03000 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
87 Yarra River Transport -37.85194 144.90833 0 0 0 0.0 0.0

3.2 Photo Clusters without Corresponding POIs

TODO: A map with a cluster of photos at some place in Melbourne, given that NO geo-coordinates were provided in its Wikipedia page.
A popular place needs to be provided!

4. Compute Trajectories

4.1 Trajectories Data

Compute trajectories using POI visiting records, assuming NO loops/subtours in trajectories.

In [18]:
traj_all = visits[['userID', 'trajID', 'poiID', 'dateTaken']].copy().groupby(['userID', 'trajID', 'poiID'])\
           .agg([np.min, np.max, np.size])
traj_all.columns = traj_all.columns.droplevel()
traj_all.rename(columns={'amin':'startTime', 'amax':'endTime', 'size':'#photo'}, inplace=True)

In [19]:
traj_len = traj_all[['userID', 'trajID', 'poiID']].copy().groupby(['userID', 'trajID']).agg(np.size)
traj_len.rename(columns={'poiID':'trajLen'}, inplace=True)

In [20]:
traj_all = pd.merge(traj_all, traj_len, on=['userID', 'trajID'])
traj_all['poiDuration'] = traj_all['endTime'] - traj_all['startTime']

userID trajID poiID startTime endTime #photo trajLen poiDuration
0 10058801@N06 0 25 1226726126 1226726126 1 1 0
1 10087938@N02 1 58 1205332532 1205332541 2 2 9
2 10087938@N02 1 66 1205342722 1205342729 2 2 7
3 10087938@N02 2 59 1205374109 1205374109 1 1 0
4 10087938@N02 3 58 1205417265 1205417265 1 1 0
5 10087938@N02 4 58 1205508764 1205538412 3 2 29648
6 10087938@N02 4 59 1205512653 1205514882 22 2 2229
7 10087938@N02 5 59 1205575764 1205595114 4 1 19350
8 10087938@N02 6 59 1205625724 1205641382 2 1 15658
9 10087938@N02 7 58 1205812892 1205812892 1 1 0

4.2 Utility Functions

Extract trajectory, i.e., a list of POIs, considering loops/subtours.

In [21]:
def extract_traj_withloop(tid, visits):
    """Compute trajectories info, taking care of trajectories that contain sub-tours"""
    traj_df = visits[visits['trajID'] == tid].copy()
    traj_df.sort_values(by='dateTaken', ascending=True, inplace=True)
    traj = []
    for ix in traj_df.index:
        poi = traj_df.loc[ix, 'poiID']
        if len(traj) == 0:
            if poi != traj[-1]:
    return traj

Extract trajectory, i.e., a list of POIs, assuming NO considering loops/subtours exist.

In [22]:
def extract_traj(tid, traj_all):
    traj = traj_all[traj_all['trajID'] == tid].copy()
    traj.sort_values(by=['startTime'], ascending=True, inplace=True)
    return traj['poiID'].tolist()

Counting the number of trajectories with loops/subtours.

In [23]:
loopcnt = 0
for tid_ in visits['trajID'].unique():
    traj_ = extract_traj_withloop(tid_, visits)
    if len(traj_) != len(set(traj_)):
        loopcnt += 1
print('Number of trajectories with loops/subtours:', loopcnt)

Number of trajectories with loops/subtours: 211

Compute POI properties, e.g., popularity, total number of visit, average visit duration.

In [24]:
def calc_poi_info(trajid_list, traj_all, poi_all):
    assert(len(trajid_list) > 0)
    # to allow duplicated trajid
    poi_info = traj_all[traj_all['trajID'] == trajid_list[0]][['poiID', 'poiDuration']].copy() 
    for i in range(1, len(trajid_list)):
        traj = traj_all[traj_all['trajID'] == trajid_list[i]][['poiID', 'poiDuration']]
        poi_info = poi_info.append(traj, ignore_index=True)
    poi_info = poi_info.groupby('poiID').agg([np.mean, np.size])
    poi_info.columns = poi_info.columns.droplevel()
    poi_info.rename(columns={'mean':'avgDuration', 'size':'nVisit'}, inplace=True)
    poi_info.set_index('poiID', inplace=True) 
    poi_info['poiCat'] = poi_all.loc[poi_info.index, 'poiTheme']
    poi_info['poiLon'] = poi_all.loc[poi_info.index, 'poiLon']
    poi_info['poiLat'] = poi_all.loc[poi_info.index, 'poiLat']
    # POI popularity: the number of distinct users that visited the POI
    pop_df = traj_all[traj_all['trajID'].isin(trajid_list)][['poiID', 'userID']].copy()
    pop_df = pop_df.groupby('poiID').agg(pd.Series.nunique)
    pop_df.rename(columns={'userID':'nunique'}, inplace=True)
    poi_info['popularity'] = pop_df.loc[poi_info.index, 'nunique']
    return poi_info.copy()

Compute the F1 score for recommended trajectory, assuming NO loops/subtours in trajectories.

In [25]:
def calc_F1(traj_act, traj_rec):
    '''Compute recall, precision and F1 for recommended trajectories'''
    assert(isinstance(noloop, bool))
    assert(len(traj_act) > 0)
    assert(len(traj_rec) > 0)
    intersize = len(set(traj_act) & set(traj_rec))
    recall = intersize / len(traj_act)
    precision = intersize / len(traj_rec)
    F1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)
    return F1

Compute distance between two POIs using Haversine formula.

In [26]:
def calc_dist_vec(longitudes1, latitudes1, longitudes2, latitudes2):
    """Calculate the distance (unit: km) between two places on earth, vectorised"""
    # convert degrees to radians
    lng1 = np.radians(longitudes1)
    lat1 = np.radians(latitudes1)
    lng2 = np.radians(longitudes2)
    lat2 = np.radians(latitudes2)
    radius = 6371.0088 # mean earth radius,

    # The haversine formula,
    dlng = np.fabs(lng1 - lng2)
    dlat = np.fabs(lat1 - lat2)
    dist =  2 * radius * np.arcsin( np.sqrt( 
                (np.sin(0.5*dlat))**2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * (np.sin(0.5*dlng))**2 ))
    return dist

Distance between POIs.

In [27]:
POI_DISTMAT = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((poi_all.shape[0], poi_all.shape[0]), dtype=np.float), \
                           index=poi_all.index, columns=poi_all.index)

In [28]:
for ix in poi_all.index:
    POI_DISTMAT.loc[ix] = calc_dist_vec(poi_all.loc[ix, 'poiLon'], \
                                        poi_all.loc[ix, 'poiLat'], \
                                        poi_all['poiLon'], \

In [29]:
trajid_set_all = sorted(traj_all['trajID'].unique().tolist())

In [30]:
poi_info_all = calc_poi_info(trajid_set_all, traj_all, poi_all)

In [31]:

avgDuration nVisit poiCat poiLon poiLat popularity
0 336.986301 73 City precincts 144.96778 -37.82167 64
1 817.134615 52 City precincts 144.94600 -37.81700 39
2 1216.853448 116 City precincts 144.97300 -37.81190 83
3 1147.129630 54 City precincts 144.96694 -37.79972 44
4 1635.500000 84 City precincts 144.96333 -37.80778 50

Dump POI popularity.

In [32]:
poi_all['poiPopularity'] = 0
poi_all.loc[poi_info_all.index, 'poiPopularity'] = poi_info_all.loc[poi_info_all.index, 'popularity']

poiName poiTheme poiLat poiLon poiURL poiPopularity
0 Arts Precinct City precincts -37.82167 144.96778 64
1 Docklands City precincts -37.81700 144.94600,_Victoria 39
2 Government Precinct City precincts -37.81190 144.97300,_M... 83
3 Little Italy City precincts -37.79972 144.96694,_Me... 44
4 RMIT City City precincts -37.80778 144.96333 50

In [34]:
#poi_all.to_csv('poi_all.csv', index=True)

Filtering out POI visits with 0 duration.

In [31]:
#zero_duration = poi_info_all[poi_info_all['avgDuration'] < 1]

In [32]:
#traj_all = traj_all[traj_all['poiID'].isin(set(poi_info_all.index) - set(zero_duration.index))]

Dictionary maps every trajectory ID to the actual trajectory.

In [33]:
traj_dict = dict()

In [34]:
for trajid in trajid_set_all:
    traj = extract_traj(trajid, traj_all)
    assert(trajid not in traj_dict)
    traj_dict[trajid] = traj

Define a query (in IR terminology) using tuple (start POI, end POI, #POI) user ID.

In [35]:
QUERY_ID_DICT = dict()  # (start, end, length) --> qid

In [36]:
keys = [(traj_dict[x][0], traj_dict[x][-1], len(traj_dict[x])) \
        for x in sorted(traj_dict.keys()) if len(traj_dict[x]) > 2]
cnt = 0
for key in keys:
    if key not in QUERY_ID_DICT:   # (start, end, length) --> qid
        QUERY_ID_DICT[key] = cnt
        cnt += 1

In [37]:
print('#traj in total:', len(trajid_set_all))
print('#traj (length > 2):', traj_all[traj_all['trajLen'] > 2]['trajID'].unique().shape[0])
print('#query tuple:', len(QUERY_ID_DICT))

#traj in total: 5106
#traj (length > 2): 442
#query tuple: 415

5. Recommendation via POI Ranking

5.1 POI Features for Ranking

POI Features used for ranking:

  1. popularity: POI popularity, i.e., the number of distinct users that visited the POI
  2. nVisit: the total number of visit by all users
  3. avgDuration: average POI visit duration
  4. sameCatStart: 1 if POI category is the same as that of startPOI, -1 otherwise
  5. sameCatEnd: 1 if POI category is the same as that of endPOI, -1 otherwise
  6. distStart: distance (haversine formula) from startPOI
  7. distEnd: distance from endPOI
  8. seqLen: trajectory length (copy from query)
  9. diffPopStart: difference in POI popularity from startPOI
  10. diffPopEnd: difference in POI popularity from endPOI
  11. diffNVisitStart: difference in the total number of visit from startPOI
  12. diffNVisitEnd: difference in the total number of visit from endPOI
  13. diffDurationStart: difference in average POI visit duration from the actual duration spent at startPOI
  14. diffDurationEnd: difference in average POI visit duration from the actual duration spent at endPOI

In [38]:
DF_COLUMNS = ['poiID', 'label', 'queryID', 'popularity', 'nVisit', 'avgDuration', \
              'sameCatStart', 'sameCatEnd', 'distStart', 'distEnd', 'trajLen', 'diffPopStart', \
              'diffPopEnd', 'diffNVisitStart', 'diffNVisitEnd', 'diffDurationStart', 'diffDurationEnd']

5.2 Training DataFrame

Training data are generated as follows:

  1. each input tuple $(\text{startPOI}, \text{endPOI}, \text{#POI})$ form a query (in IR terminology).
  2. the label of a specific POI is the number of presence of that POI in a specific query, excluding the presence as $\text{startPOI}$ or $\text{endPOI}$.
  3. for each query, the label of all absence POIs from trajectories of that query in training set got a label 0.

The dimension of training data matrix is #(qid, poi) by #feature.

In [39]:
def gen_train_subdf(poi_id, query_id_set, poi_info, query_id_rdict):
    columns = DF_COLUMNS
    poi_distmat = POI_DISTMAT
    df_ = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((len(query_id_set), len(columns)), dtype=np.float), columns=columns)
    pop = poi_info.loc[poi_id, 'popularity']; nvisit = poi_info.loc[poi_id, 'nVisit']
    cat = poi_info.loc[poi_id, 'poiCat']; duration = poi_info.loc[poi_id, 'avgDuration']
    for j in range(len(query_id_set)):
        qid = query_id_set[j]
        assert(qid in query_id_rdict) # qid --> (start, end, length)
        (p0, pN, trajLen) = query_id_rdict[qid]
        idx = df_.index[j]
        df_.loc[idx, 'poiID'] = poi_id
        df_.loc[idx, 'queryID'] = qid
        df_.loc[idx, 'popularity'] = pop
        df_.loc[idx, 'nVisit'] = nvisit
        df_.loc[idx, 'avgDuration'] = duration
        df_.loc[idx, 'sameCatStart'] = 1 if cat == poi_info.loc[p0, 'poiCat'] else -1
        df_.loc[idx, 'sameCatEnd']   = 1 if cat == poi_info.loc[pN, 'poiCat'] else -1
        df_.loc[idx, 'distStart'] = poi_distmat.loc[poi_id, p0]
        df_.loc[idx, 'distEnd']   = poi_distmat.loc[poi_id, pN]
        df_.loc[idx, 'trajLen'] = trajLen
        df_.loc[idx, 'diffPopStart'] = pop - poi_info.loc[p0, 'popularity']
        df_.loc[idx, 'diffPopEnd']   = pop - poi_info.loc[pN, 'popularity']
        df_.loc[idx, 'diffNVisitStart'] = nvisit - poi_info.loc[p0, 'nVisit']
        df_.loc[idx, 'diffNVisitEnd']   = nvisit - poi_info.loc[pN, 'nVisit']
        df_.loc[idx, 'diffDurationStart'] = duration - poi_info.loc[p0, 'avgDuration']
        df_.loc[idx, 'diffDurationEnd']   = duration - poi_info.loc[pN, 'avgDuration']
    return df_

In [40]:
def gen_train_df(trajid_list, traj_dict, poi_info, n_jobs=-1):
    columns = DF_COLUMNS
    poi_distmat = POI_DISTMAT
    query_id_dict = QUERY_ID_DICT
    train_trajs = [traj_dict[x] for x in trajid_list if len(traj_dict[x]) > 2]
    qid_set = sorted(set([query_id_dict[(t[0], t[-1], len(t))] for t in train_trajs]))
    poi_set = set()
    for tr in train_trajs:
        poi_set = poi_set | set(tr)
    #qid_poi_pair = list(itertools.product(qid_set, poi_set)) # Cartesian product of qid_set and poi_set
    #df_ = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((len(qid_poi_pair), len(columns)), dtype= np.float), columns=columns)
    query_id_rdict = dict()
    for k, v in query_id_dict.items(): 
        query_id_rdict[v] = k  # qid --> (start, end, length)
    train_df_list = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)\
                            (delayed(gen_train_subdf)(poi, qid_set, poi_info, query_id_rdict) \
                             for poi in poi_set)
    assert(len(train_df_list) > 0)
    df_ = train_df_list[0]
    for j in range(1, len(train_df_list)):
        df_ = df_.append(train_df_list[j], ignore_index=True)            
    # set label
    df_.set_index(['queryID', 'poiID'], inplace=True)
    for t in train_trajs:
        qid = query_id_dict[(t[0], t[-1], len(t))]
        for poi in t[1:-1]:  # do NOT count if the POI is startPOI/endPOI
            df_.loc[(qid, poi), 'label'] += 1

    return df_

Sanity check:

  • different POIs have different features for the same query trajectory
  • the same POI get different features for different query-id

5.3 Test DataFrame

Test data are generated the same way as training data, except that the labels of testing data (unknown) could be arbitrary values as suggested in libsvm FAQ. The reported accuracy (by svm-predict command) is meaningless as it is calculated based on these labels.

The dimension of training data matrix is #poi by #feature with one specific query, i.e. tuple $(\text{startPOI}, \text{endPOI}, \text{#POI})$.

In [41]:
def gen_test_df(startPOI, endPOI, nPOI, poi_info):
    columns = DF_COLUMNS
    poi_distmat = POI_DISTMAT
    query_id_dict = QUERY_ID_DICT
    key = (p0, pN, trajLen) = (startPOI, endPOI, nPOI)
    assert(key in query_id_dict)
    assert(p0 in poi_info.index)
    assert(pN in poi_info.index)
    df_ = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((poi_info.shape[0], len(columns)), dtype= np.float), columns=columns)
    poi_list = sorted(poi_info.index)
    qid = query_id_dict[key]
    df_['queryID'] = qid
    df_['label'] = np.random.rand(df_.shape[0]) # label for test data is arbitrary according to libsvm FAQ

    for i in range(df_.index.shape[0]):
        poi = poi_list[i]
        lon = poi_info.loc[poi, 'poiLon']; lat = poi_info.loc[poi, 'poiLat']
        pop = poi_info.loc[poi, 'popularity']; nvisit = poi_info.loc[poi, 'nVisit']
        cat = poi_info.loc[poi, 'poiCat']; duration = poi_info.loc[poi, 'avgDuration']
        idx = df_.index[i]
        df_.loc[idx, 'poiID'] = poi 
        df_.loc[idx, 'popularity'] = pop
        df_.loc[idx, 'nVisit'] = nvisit
        df_.loc[idx, 'avgDuration'] = duration
        df_.loc[idx, 'sameCatStart'] = 1 if cat == poi_info.loc[p0, 'poiCat'] else -1
        df_.loc[idx, 'sameCatEnd']   = 1 if cat == poi_info.loc[pN, 'poiCat'] else -1
        df_.loc[idx, 'distStart'] = poi_distmat.loc[poi, p0]
        df_.loc[idx, 'distEnd']   = poi_distmat.loc[poi, pN]
        df_.loc[idx, 'trajLen'] = trajLen
        df_.loc[idx, 'diffPopStart'] = pop - poi_info.loc[p0, 'popularity']
        df_.loc[idx, 'diffPopEnd']   = pop - poi_info.loc[pN, 'popularity']
        df_.loc[idx, 'diffNVisitStart'] = nvisit - poi_info.loc[p0, 'nVisit']
        df_.loc[idx, 'diffNVisitEnd']   = nvisit - poi_info.loc[pN, 'nVisit']
        df_.loc[idx, 'diffDurationStart'] = duration - poi_info.loc[p0, 'avgDuration']
        df_.loc[idx, 'diffDurationEnd']   = duration - poi_info.loc[pN, 'avgDuration']
    return df_

Sanity check:

  • different POIs have different features for the same query trajectory
  • the same POI get different features for different query-id

Generate a string for a training/test data frame.

In [42]:
def gen_data_str(df_, df_columns=DF_COLUMNS):
    columns = df_columns[1:].copy()  # get rid of 'poiID'
    for col in columns:
        assert(col in df_.columns)
    lines = []
    for idx in df_.index:
        slist = [str(df_.loc[idx, 'label'])]
        slist.append(' qid:')
        slist.append(str(int(df_.loc[idx, 'queryID'])))
        for j in range(2, len(columns)):
            slist.append(' ')
            slist.append(str(df_.loc[idx, columns[j]]))
    return ''.join(lines)

5.4 Ranking POIs using rankSVM

RankSVM implementation in or, please read README.ranksvm in the zip file for installation instructions.

Use softmax function to convert ranking scores to a probability distribution.

In [43]:
def softmax(x):
    x1 = x.copy()
    x1 -= np.max(x1)  # numerically more stable, REF:
    expx = np.exp(x1)
    return expx / np.sum(expx, axis=0) # column-wise sum

Below is a python wrapper of the svm-train or train and svm-predict or predict commands of rankSVM with ranking probabilities $P(p_i \lvert (p_s, p_e, len))$ computed using softmax function.

In [44]:
# python wrapper of rankSVM
class RankSVM:
    def __init__(self, bin_dir, useLinear=True, debug=False):
        dir_ = !echo $bin_dir  # deal with environmental variables in path
        self.bin_dir = dir_[0]
        self.bin_train = 'svm-train'
        self.bin_predict = 'svm-predict'
        if useLinear:
            self.bin_train = 'train'
            self.bin_predict = 'predict'
        assert(isinstance(debug, bool))
        self.debug = debug
        # create named tmp files for model and feature scaling parameters
        self.fmodel = None
        self.fscale = None
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as fd: 
            self.fmodel =
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as fd: 
            self.fscale =
        if self.debug:
            print('model file:', self.fmodel)
            print('feature scaling parameter file:', self.fscale)
    def __del__(self):
        # remove tmp files
        if self.fmodel is not None and os.path.exists(self.fmodel):
        if self.fscale is not None and os.path.exists(self.fscale):
    def train(self, train_df, cost=1):
        # cost is parameter C in SVM
        # write train data to file
        ftrain = None
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t', delete=False) as fd: 
            ftrain =
            datastr = gen_data_str(train_df)
        # feature scaling
        ftrain_scaled = None
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t', delete=False) as fd: 
            ftrain_scaled =
        result = !$self.bin_dir/svm-scale -s $self.fscale $ftrain > $ftrain_scaled
        if self.debug:
            print('cost:', cost)
            print('train data file:', ftrain)
            print('feature scaled train data file:', ftrain_scaled)
        # train rank svm and generate model file, if the model file exists, rewrite it
        #n_cv = 10  # parameter k for k-fold cross-validation, NO model file will be generated in CV mode
        #result = !$self.bin_dir/svm-train -c $cost -v $n_cv $ftrain $self.fmodel
        result = !$self.bin_dir/$self.bin_train -c $cost $ftrain_scaled $self.fmodel
        if self.debug:
            print('Training finished.')
            for i in range(len(result)): print(result[i])

        # remove train data file
    def predict(self, test_df):
        # predict ranking scores for the given feature matrix
        if self.fmodel is None or not os.path.exists(self.fmodel):
            print('Model should be trained before predicting')
        # write test data to file
        ftest = None
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t', delete=False) as fd: 
            ftest =
            datastr = gen_data_str(test_df)
        # feature scaling
        ftest_scaled = None
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as fd: 
            ftest_scaled =
        result = !$self.bin_dir/svm-scale -r $self.fscale $ftest > $ftest_scaled
        # generate prediction file
        fpredict = None
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as fd: 
            fpredict =
        if self.debug:
            print('test data file:', ftest)
            print('feature scaled test data file:', ftest_scaled)
            print('predict result file:', fpredict)
        # predict using trained model and write prediction to file
        result = !$self.bin_dir/$self.bin_predict $ftest_scaled $self.fmodel $fpredict
        if self.debug:
            print('Predict result: %-30s  %s' % (result[0], result[1]))
        # generate prediction DataFrame from prediction file
        poi_rank_df = pd.read_csv(fpredict, header=None)
        poi_rank_df.rename(columns={0:'rank'}, inplace=True)
        poi_rank_df['poiID'] = test_df['poiID'].astype(
        poi_rank_df.set_index('poiID', inplace=True) # duplicated 'poiID' when evaluating training data
        #poi_rank_df['probability'] = softmax(poi_rank_df['rank'])  # softmax
        # remove test file and prediction file
        return poi_rank_df

6. Factorised Transition Probabilities

6.1 POI Features for Factorisation

POI features used to factorise transition matrix of Markov Chain with POI features (vector) as states:

  • Category of POI
  • Popularity of POI (discritize with uniform log-scale bins, #bins=5 )
  • The number of POI visits (discritize with uniform log-scale bins, #bins=5 )
  • The average visit duration of POI (discritise with uniform log-scale bins, #bins= 5)
  • The neighborhood relationship between POIs (clustering POI(lat, lon) using k-means, #clusters= 5)

We count the number of transition first, then normalise each row while taking care of zero by adding each cell a number $k=1$.

In [45]:
def normalise_transmat(transmat_cnt):
    transmat = transmat_cnt.copy()
    assert(isinstance(transmat, pd.DataFrame))
    for row in range(transmat.index.shape[0]):
        rowsum = np.sum(transmat.iloc[row] + 1)
        assert(rowsum > 0)
        transmat.iloc[row] = (transmat.iloc[row] + 1) / rowsum
    return transmat

POIs in training set.

In [46]:
poi_train = sorted(poi_info_all.index)

6.2 Transition Matrix between POI Cateogries

In [47]:
poi_cats = poi_all.loc[poi_train, 'poiTheme'].unique().tolist()

In [48]:
def gen_transmat_cat(trajid_list, traj_dict, poi_info, poi_cats=poi_cats):
    transmat_cat_cnt = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((len(poi_cats), len(poi_cats)), dtype=np.float), \
                                    columns=poi_cats, index=poi_cats)
    for tid in trajid_list:
        t = traj_dict[tid]
        if len(t) > 1:
            for pi in range(len(t)-1):
                p1 = t[pi]
                p2 = t[pi+1]
                assert(p1 in poi_info.index and p2 in poi_info.index)
                cat1 = poi_info.loc[p1, 'poiCat']
                cat2 = poi_info.loc[p2, 'poiCat']
                transmat_cat_cnt.loc[cat1, cat2] += 1
    return normalise_transmat(transmat_cat_cnt)

In [49]:
gen_transmat_cat(trajid_set_all, traj_dict, poi_info_all)

City precincts Entertainment Institutions Parks and spaces Public galleries Shopping Sports stadiums Structures Transport
City precincts 0.059259 0.059259 0.207407 0.118519 0.096296 0.148148 0.059259 0.148148 0.103704
Entertainment 0.043011 0.107527 0.086022 0.086022 0.043011 0.193548 0.021505 0.225806 0.193548
Institutions 0.063830 0.031915 0.188830 0.188830 0.015957 0.265957 0.013298 0.138298 0.093085
Parks and spaces 0.041322 0.030303 0.154270 0.151515 0.033058 0.126722 0.049587 0.236915 0.176309
Public galleries 0.114286 0.071429 0.128571 0.142857 0.057143 0.142857 0.028571 0.114286 0.200000
Shopping 0.057377 0.049180 0.229508 0.077869 0.010246 0.354508 0.008197 0.086066 0.127049
Sports stadiums 0.059524 0.107143 0.059524 0.202381 0.023810 0.071429 0.321429 0.047619 0.107143
Structures 0.053968 0.076190 0.107937 0.247619 0.028571 0.171429 0.025397 0.136508 0.152381
Transport 0.067340 0.043771 0.151515 0.185185 0.013468 0.185185 0.030303 0.202020 0.121212

6.3 Transition Matrix between POI Popularity Classes

In [50]:
poi_pops = poi_info_all.loc[poi_train, 'popularity']

Discretize POI popularity with uniform log-scale bins.

In [51]:
expo_pop1 = np.log10(max(1, min(poi_pops)))
expo_pop2 = np.log10(max(poi_pops))
print(expo_pop1, expo_pop2)

0.0 2.4623979979

In [52]:
nbins_pop = BIN_CLUSTER
logbins_pop = np.logspace(np.floor(expo_pop1), np.ceil(expo_pop2), nbins_pop+1)
logbins_pop[0] = 0  # deal with underflow
if logbins_pop[-1] < poi_info_all['popularity'].max():
    logbins_pop[-1] = poi_info_all['popularity'].max() + 1

array([    0.        ,     3.98107171,    15.84893192,    63.09573445,
         251.18864315,  1000.        ])

In [53]:
ax = pd.Series(poi_pops).hist(figsize=(5, 3), bins=logbins_pop)

In [54]:
def gen_transmat_pop(trajid_list, traj_dict, poi_info, logbins_pop=logbins_pop):
    nbins = len(logbins_pop) - 1
    transmat_pop_cnt = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((nbins, nbins), dtype=np.float), \
                                    columns=np.arange(1, nbins+1), index=np.arange(1, nbins+1))
    for tid in trajid_list:
        t = traj_dict[tid]
        if len(t) > 1:
            for pi in range(len(t)-1):
                p1 = t[pi]
                p2 = t[pi+1]
                assert(p1 in poi_info.index and p2 in poi_info.index)
                pop1 = poi_info.loc[p1, 'popularity']
                pop2 = poi_info.loc[p2, 'popularity']
                pc1, pc2 = np.digitize([pop1, pop2], logbins_pop)
                transmat_pop_cnt.loc[pc1, pc2] += 1
    return normalise_transmat(transmat_pop_cnt), logbins_pop

In [55]:
gen_transmat_pop(trajid_set_all, traj_dict, poi_info_all)[0]

1 2 3 4 5
1 0.166667 0.166667 0.333333 0.166667 0.166667
2 0.017544 0.175439 0.350877 0.421053 0.035088
3 0.002262 0.033937 0.316742 0.608597 0.038462
4 0.001350 0.025641 0.172065 0.715250 0.085695
5 0.005618 0.022472 0.095506 0.870787 0.005618

6.4 Transition Matrix between the Number of POI Visit Classes

In [56]:
poi_visits = poi_info_all.loc[poi_train, 'nVisit']

Discretize the number of POI visit with uniform log-scale bins.

In [57]:
expo_visit1 = np.log10(max(1, min(poi_visits)))
expo_visit2 = np.log10(max(poi_visits))
print(expo_visit1, expo_visit2)

0.0 2.69108149212

In [58]:
nbins_visit = BIN_CLUSTER
logbins_visit = np.logspace(np.floor(expo_visit1), np.ceil(expo_visit2), nbins_visit+1)
logbins_visit[0] = 0  # deal with underflow
if logbins_visit[-1] < poi_info_all['nVisit'].max():
    logbins_visit[-1] = poi_info_all['nVisit'].max() + 1

array([    0.        ,     3.98107171,    15.84893192,    63.09573445,
         251.18864315,  1000.        ])

In [59]:
ax = pd.Series(poi_visits).hist(figsize=(5, 3), bins=logbins_visit)

In [60]:
def gen_transmat_visit(trajid_list, traj_dict, poi_info, logbins_visit=logbins_visit):
    nbins = len(logbins_visit) - 1
    transmat_visit_cnt = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((nbins, nbins), dtype=np.float), \
                                      columns=np.arange(1, nbins+1), index=np.arange(1, nbins+1))
    for tid in trajid_list:
        t = traj_dict[tid]
        if len(t) > 1:
            for pi in range(len(t)-1):
                p1 = t[pi]
                p2 = t[pi+1]
                assert(p1 in poi_info.index and p2 in poi_info.index)
                visit1 = poi_info.loc[p1, 'nVisit']
                visit2 = poi_info.loc[p2, 'nVisit']
                vc1, vc2 = np.digitize([visit1, visit2], logbins_visit)
                transmat_visit_cnt.loc[vc1, vc2] += 1
    return normalise_transmat(transmat_visit_cnt), logbins_visit

In [61]:
gen_transmat_visit(trajid_set_all, traj_dict, poi_info_all)[0]

1 2 3 4 5
1 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000
2 0.038462 0.076923 0.346154 0.500000 0.038462
3 0.003448 0.027586 0.272414 0.562069 0.134483
4 0.000762 0.017517 0.121097 0.614623 0.246002
5 0.001883 0.007533 0.064030 0.651601 0.274953

6.5 Transition Matrix between POI Average Visit Duration Classes

In [62]:
poi_durations = poi_info_all.loc[poi_train, 'avgDuration']

In [63]:
expo_duration1 = np.log10(max(1, min(poi_durations)))
expo_duration2 = np.log10(max(poi_durations))
print(expo_duration1, expo_duration2)

0.0 3.90794220593

In [64]:
nbins_duration = BIN_CLUSTER
logbins_duration = np.logspace(np.floor(expo_duration1), np.ceil(expo_duration2), nbins_duration+1)
logbins_duration[0] = 0  # deal with underflow
logbins_duration[-1] = np.power(10, expo_duration2+2)

array([  0.00000000e+00,   6.30957344e+00,   3.98107171e+01,
         2.51188643e+02,   1.58489319e+03,   8.08988235e+05])

In [65]:
ax = pd.Series(poi_durations).hist(figsize=(5, 3), bins=logbins_duration)

In [66]:
def gen_transmat_duration(trajid_list, traj_dict, poi_info, logbins_duration=logbins_duration):
    nbins = len(logbins_duration) - 1
    transmat_duration_cnt = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((nbins, nbins), dtype=np.float), \
                                         columns=np.arange(1, nbins+1), index=np.arange(1, nbins+1))
    for tid in trajid_list:
        t = traj_dict[tid]
        if len(t) > 1:
            for pi in range(len(t)-1):
                p1 = t[pi]
                p2 = t[pi+1]
                assert(p1 in poi_info.index and p2 in poi_info.index)
                d1 = poi_info.loc[p1, 'avgDuration']
                d2 = poi_info.loc[p2, 'avgDuration']
                dc1, dc2 = np.digitize([d1, d2], logbins_duration)
                transmat_duration_cnt.loc[dc1, dc2] += 1
    return normalise_transmat(transmat_duration_cnt), logbins_duration

In [67]:
gen_transmat_duration(trajid_set_all, traj_dict, poi_info_all)[0]

1 2 3 4 5
1 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000
2 0.166667 0.166667 0.166667 0.333333 0.166667
3 0.012658 0.012658 0.037975 0.582278 0.354430
4 0.000708 0.001416 0.043201 0.647309 0.307365
5 0.001508 0.001508 0.036199 0.686275 0.274510

6.6 Transition Matrix between POI Neighborhood Classes

KMeans in scikit-learn seems unable to use custom distance metric and no implementation of Haversine formula, use Euclidean distance to approximate.

In [68]:
X = poi_all.loc[poi_train, ['poiLon', 'poiLat']]
nclusters = BIN_CLUSTER

In [69]:
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=nclusters, random_state=987654321)

KMeans(copy_x=True, init='k-means++', max_iter=300, n_clusters=5, n_init=10,
    n_jobs=1, precompute_distances='auto', random_state=987654321,
    tol=0.0001, verbose=0)

In [70]:
clusters = kmeans.predict(X)
poi_clusters = pd.DataFrame(data=clusters, index=poi_train) = 'poiID'
poi_clusters.rename(columns={0:'clusterID'}, inplace=True)

In [71]:

Scatter plot of POI coordinates with clustering results.

In [72]:
diff = poi_all.loc[poi_train, ['poiLon', 'poiLat']].max() - poi_all.loc[poi_train, ['poiLon', 'poiLat']].min()
ratio = diff['poiLon'] / diff['poiLat']
height = 6; width = int(round(ratio)*height)
plt.figure(figsize=[width, height])
plt.scatter(poi_all.loc[poi_train, 'poiLon'], poi_all.loc[poi_train, 'poiLat'], c=clusters, s=50)

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7ffa55a19320>

In [73]:
def gen_transmat_neighbor(trajid_list, traj_dict, poi_info, poi_clusters=poi_clusters):
    nclusters = len(poi_clusters['clusterID'].unique())
    transmat_neighbor_cnt = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((nclusters, nclusters), dtype=np.float), \
                                         columns=np.arange(nclusters), index=np.arange(nclusters))
    for tid in trajid_list:
        t = traj_dict[tid]
        if len(t) > 1:
            for pi in range(len(t)-1):
                p1 = t[pi]
                p2 = t[pi+1]
                assert(p1 in poi_info.index and p2 in poi_info.index)
                c1 = poi_clusters.loc[p1, 'clusterID']
                c2 = poi_clusters.loc[p2, 'clusterID']
                transmat_neighbor_cnt.loc[c1, c2] += 1
    return normalise_transmat(transmat_neighbor_cnt), poi_clusters

In [74]:
gen_transmat_neighbor(trajid_set_all, traj_dict, poi_info_all)[0]

0 1 2 3 4
0 0.200000 0.250000 0.500000 0.025000 0.025000
1 0.034351 0.500000 0.442748 0.001908 0.020992
2 0.007083 0.134578 0.840953 0.000644 0.016742
3 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000
4 0.023256 0.162791 0.581395 0.023256 0.209302

6.7 Transition Matrix between POIs

Approximate transition probabilities (matrix) between different POI features (vector) using the Kronecker product of individual transition matrix corresponding to each feature, i.e., POI category, POI popularity (discritized), POI average visit duration (discritized) and POI neighborhoods (clusters).

Deal with features without corresponding POIs and feature with more than one corresponding POIs. (Before Normalisation)

  • For features without corresponding POIs, just remove the rows and columns from the matrix obtained by Kronecker product.
  • For different POIs with the exact same feature,
    • Let POIs with the same feature as a POI group,
    • The incoming transition value (i.e., unnormalised transition probability) of this POI group should be divided uniformly among the group members, which corresponds to choose a group member uniformly at random in the incoming case.
    • The outgoing transition value should be duplicated (i.e., the same) among all group members, as we were already in that group in the outgoing case.
    • For each POI in the group, the allocation transition value of the self-loop of the POI group is similar to that in the outgoing case, as we were already in that group, so just duplicate and then divide uniformly among the transitions from this POI to other POIs in the same group, which corresponds to choose a outgoing transition uniformly at random from all outgoing transitions excluding the self-loop of this POI.
  • Concretely, for a POI group with $n$ POIs,
    1. If the incoming transition value of POI group is $m_1$, then the corresponding incoming transition value for each group member is $\frac{m_1}{n}$.
    2. If the outgoing transition value of POI group is $m_2$, then the corresponding outgoing transition value for each group member is also $m_2$.
    3. If the transition value of self-loop of the POI group is $m_3$, then transition value of self-loop of individual POIs should be $0$,
      and other in-group transitions with value $\frac{m_3}{n-1}$ as the total number of outgoing transitions to other POIs in the same group is $n-1$ (excluding the self-loop), i.e. $n-1$ choose $1$.

NOTE: execute the above division before or after row normalisation will lead to the same result, as the division itself does NOT change the normalising constant of each row (i.e., the sum of each row before normalising).

In [75]:
def gen_poi_transmat(trajid_list, poi_set, traj_dict, poi_info, debug=False):
    transmat_cat                        = gen_transmat_cat(trajid_list, traj_dict, poi_info)
    transmat_pop,      logbins_pop      = gen_transmat_pop(trajid_list, traj_dict, poi_info)
    transmat_visit,    logbins_visit    = gen_transmat_visit(trajid_list, traj_dict, poi_info)
    transmat_duration, logbins_duration = gen_transmat_duration(trajid_list, traj_dict, poi_info)
    transmat_neighbor, poi_clusters     = gen_transmat_neighbor(trajid_list, traj_dict, poi_info)

    # Kronecker product
    transmat_ix = list(itertools.product(transmat_cat.index, transmat_pop.index, transmat_visit.index, \
                                         transmat_duration.index, transmat_neighbor.index))
    transmat_value = transmat_cat.values
    for transmat in [transmat_pop, transmat_visit, transmat_duration, transmat_neighbor]:
        transmat_value = kron(transmat_value, transmat.values)
    transmat_feature = pd.DataFrame(data=transmat_value, index=transmat_ix, columns=transmat_ix)
    poi_train = sorted(poi_set)
    feature_names = ['poiCat', 'popularity', 'nVisit', 'avgDuration', 'clusterID']
    poi_features = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((len(poi_train), len(feature_names))), \
                                columns=feature_names, index=poi_train) = 'poiID'
    poi_features['poiCat'] = poi_info.loc[poi_train, 'poiCat']
    poi_features['popularity'] = np.digitize(poi_info.loc[poi_train, 'popularity'], logbins_pop)
    poi_features['nVisit'] = np.digitize(poi_info.loc[poi_train, 'nVisit'], logbins_visit)
    poi_features['avgDuration'] = np.digitize(poi_info.loc[poi_train, 'avgDuration'], logbins_duration)
    poi_features['clusterID'] = poi_clusters.loc[poi_train, 'clusterID']
    # shrink the result of Kronecker product and deal with POIs with the same features
    poi_logtransmat = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((len(poi_train), len(poi_train)), dtype=np.float), \
                                   columns=poi_train, index=poi_train)
    for p1 in poi_logtransmat.index:
        rix = tuple(poi_features.loc[p1])
        for p2 in poi_logtransmat.columns:
            cix = tuple(poi_features.loc[p2])
            value_ = transmat_feature.loc[(rix,), (cix,)]
            poi_logtransmat.loc[p1, p2] = value_.values[0, 0]
    # group POIs with the same features
    features_dup = dict()
    for poi in poi_features.index:
        key = tuple(poi_features.loc[poi])
        if key in features_dup:
            features_dup[key] = [poi]
    if debug == True:
        for key in sorted(features_dup.keys()):
            print(key, '->', features_dup[key])
    # deal with POIs with the same features
    for feature in sorted(features_dup.keys()):
        n = len(features_dup[feature])
        if n > 1:
            group = features_dup[feature]
            v1 = poi_logtransmat.loc[group[0], group[0]]  # transition value of self-loop of POI group
            # divide incoming transition value (i.e. unnormalised transition probability) uniformly among group members
            for poi in group:
                poi_logtransmat[poi] /= n
            # outgoing transition value has already been duplicated (value copied above)
            # duplicate & divide transition value of self-loop of POI group uniformly among all outgoing transitions,
            # from a POI to all other POIs in the same group (excluding POI self-loop)
            v2 = v1 / (n - 1)
            for pair in itertools.permutations(group, 2):
                poi_logtransmat.loc[pair[0], pair[1]] = v2
    # normalise each row
    for p1 in poi_logtransmat.index:
        poi_logtransmat.loc[p1, p1] = 0
        rowsum = poi_logtransmat.loc[p1].sum()
        assert(rowsum > 0)
        logrowsum = np.log10(rowsum)
        for p2 in poi_logtransmat.columns:
            if p1 == p2:
                poi_logtransmat.loc[p1, p2] = -np.inf  # deal with log(0) explicitly
                poi_logtransmat.loc[p1, p2] = np.log10(poi_logtransmat.loc[p1, p2]) - logrowsum
    poi_transmat = np.power(10, poi_logtransmat)
    return poi_transmat

In [76]:
poi_transmat = gen_poi_transmat(trajid_set_all, set(poi_info_all.index), traj_dict, poi_info_all, debug=False)

6.8 Visualise Transition Matrix

Plot transition matrix heatmap.

In [79]:
plt.figure(figsize=[13, 10])
#plt.imshow(prob_mat, interpolation='none',  # OK
#ticks = prob_mat.index
#plt.xticks(np.arange(prob_mat.shape[0]), ticks)
#plt.yticks(np.arange(prob_mat.shape[0]), ticks)
#plt.xlabel('POI ID')
#plt.ylabel('POI ID')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ffa55a1fe80>

6.9 Visualise Transitions of Specific POIs

Generate KML file to visualise the transitions from a specific POI using edge width and edge transparency to distinguish different transition probabilities.

In [80]:
def gen_kml_transition(fname, poi_id, poi_df, poi_transmat, topk=None):
    ns = '{}'

    # scale (linearly) the transition probabilities to [1, 255]: f(x) = a1x + b1
    probs = poi_transmat.loc[poi_id].copy()
    pmax = poi_transmat.loc[poi_id].max()
    probs.loc[poi_id] = 1  # set self-loop to 1 to make np.min() below to get the real minimun prob.
    pmin = poi_transmat.loc[poi_id].min()
    nmin1, nmin2 = 1, 1
    nmax1, nmax2 = 255, 10
    # solve linear equations:
    # nmin = a1 x pmin + b1
    # nmax = a1 x pmax + b1
    a1, b1 =[[pmin, 1], [pmax, 1]])), np.array([nmin1, nmax1])) # control transparency
    a2, b2 =[[pmin, 1], [pmax, 1]])), np.array([nmin2, nmax2])) # control width

    pm_list = []
    stydict = dict()

    # Placemark for edges
    columns = poi_transmat.columns
    if topk is not None:
        assert(isinstance(topk, int))
        assert(topk > 0)
        idx = np.argsort(-poi_transmat.loc[poi_id])[:topk]
        columns = poi_transmat.columns[idx]
    #for poi in poi_transmat.columns:
    for poi in columns:
        if poi == poi_id: continue
        prob = poi_transmat.loc[poi_id, poi]
        decimal = int(np.round(a1 * prob + b1)) # scale transition probability to [1, 255]
        hexa = hex(decimal)[2:] + '0' if decimal < 16 else hex(decimal)[2:]  # get rid of prefix '0x'
        color = hexa + '0000ff'  # colors in KML: aabbggrr, aa=00 is fully transparent, transparent red
        width = int(np.round(a2 * prob + b2))
        if color not in stydict:
            stydict[color] = styles.LineStyle(color=color, width=width)
        sid = str(poi_id) + '_' + str(poi)
        ext_dict = {'From poiID': str(poi_id), 'From poiName': poi_df.loc[poi_id, 'Name'], \
                    'To poiID': str(poi), 'To poiName': poi_df.loc[poi, 'Name'], \
                    'Transition Probability': ('%.15f' % prob)}
        ext_data = kml.ExtendedData(elements=[kml.Data(name=x, value=ext_dict[x]) for x in sorted(ext_dict.keys())])
        pm = kml.Placemark(ns, sid, 'Edge_' + sid, description=None, styleUrl='#' + color, extended_data=ext_data)
        pm.geometry = LineString([(poi_df.loc[x, 'Longitude'], poi_df.loc[x, 'Latitude']) for x in [poi_id, poi]])

    # Placemark for POIs: import from csv file directly
    k = kml.KML()
    doc = kml.Document(ns, '1', 'Transitions of POI ' + str(poi_id) , description=None, \
                       styles=[styles.Style(id=x, styles=[stydict[x]]) for x in stydict.keys()])
    for pm in pm_list: doc.append(pm)

    # save to file
    kmlstr = k.to_string(prettyprint=True)
    with open(fname, 'w') as f:
        f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n')
        print('write to', fname)

Define the popularity of POI as the number of distinct users that visited the POI.

In [81]:
most_popular = poi_df['#distinctUsers'].argmax()

In [82]:

In [83]:

In [84]:
fname = 'trans_most_popular.kml'
gen_kml_transition(fname, most_popular, poi_df, poi_transmat)

write to trans_most_popular.kml

6.9.2 The Queen Victoria Market

In [85]:
poi_qvm = poi_df[poi_df['Name'] == 'Queen Victoria Market']

Name Category Latitude Longitude #photos #visits #distinctUsers medianDuration(sec) totalDuration(sec)
21 Queen Victoria Market Shopping -37.806966 144.956693 587 102 65 1992.0 249649.0

In [86]:

In [87]:
fname = 'trans_qvm.kml'
gen_kml_transition(fname, poi_qvm.index[0], poi_df, poi_transmat)

write to trans_qvm.kml

6.9.3 The University of Melbourne

In [88]:
poi_um = poi_df[poi_df['Name'] == 'University of Melbourne']

Name Category Latitude Longitude #photos #visits #distinctUsers medianDuration(sec) totalDuration(sec)
7 University of Melbourne City precincts -37.7963 144.9614 213 54 30 490.0 60620.0

In [89]:

In [90]:
fname = 'trans_um.kml'
gen_kml_transition(fname, poi_um.index[0], poi_df, poi_transmat)

write to trans_um.kml

In [91]:
fname = 'trans_um_top30.kml'
gen_kml_transition(fname, poi_um.index[0], poi_df, poi_transmat, topk=30)

write to trans_um_top30.kml

6.9.4 The Margaret Court Arena

In [92]:
poi_mca = poi_df[poi_df['Name'] == 'Margaret Court Arena']

Name Category Latitude Longitude #photos #visits #distinctUsers medianDuration(sec) totalDuration(sec)
55 Margaret Court Arena Sports stadiums -37.821112 144.97741 267 27 25 3386.0 77767.0

In [93]:

In [94]:
fname = 'trans_mca.kml'
gen_kml_transition(fname, poi_mca.index[0], poi_df, poi_transmat)

write to trans_mca.kml

6.9.5 RMIT City

In [95]:
poi_rmit = poi_df[poi_df['Name'] == 'RMIT City']

Name Category Latitude Longitude #photos #visits #distinctUsers medianDuration(sec) totalDuration(sec)
4 RMIT City City precincts -37.80778 144.96333 349 84 50 829.0 137382.0

In [96]:

In [97]:
fname = 'trans_rmit.kml'
gen_kml_transition(fname, poi_rmit.index[0], poi_df, poi_transmat)

write to trans_rmit.kml

In [98]:
fname = 'trans_rmit_top30.kml'
gen_kml_transition(fname, poi_rmit.index[0], poi_df, poi_transmat, topk=30)

write to trans_rmit_top30.kml

6.10 Visualise Trajectories that Passing through Specific POIs

Generate KML file for a set of trajectories.

In [99]:
def gen_kml_traj(fname, traj_subdict, poi_df):
    ns = '{}'
    norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=1, vmax=len(traj_subdict))
    cmap =
    pmap =, cmap=cmap)

    pm_list = []
    stydict = dict()
    trajids = sorted(traj_subdict.keys())
    for i in range(len(trajids)):
        traj = traj_subdict[trajids[i]]
        r, g, b, a = pmap.to_rgba(i+1, bytes=True)
        color = '%02x%02x%02x%02x' % (63, b, g, r) # colors in KML: aabbggrr, aa=00 is fully transparent
        if color not in stydict:
            stydict[color] = styles.LineStyle(color=color, width=3)
        for j in range(len(traj)-1):
            poi1 = traj[j]
            poi2 = traj[j+1]
            sid = str(poi1) + '_' + str(poi2)
            ext_dict = {'TrajID': str(trajids[i]), 'Trajectory': str(traj), \
                        'From poiID': str(poi1), 'From poiName': poi_df.loc[poi1, 'Name'], \
                        'To poiID': str(poi2), 'To poiName': poi_df.loc[poi2, 'Name']}
            ext_data = kml.ExtendedData(elements=[kml.Data(name=x, value=ext_dict[x]) for x in sorted(ext_dict.keys())])
            pm = kml.Placemark(ns, sid, 'Edge_' + sid, description=None, styleUrl='#' + color, extended_data=ext_data)
            pm.geometry = LineString([(poi_df.loc[x, 'Longitude'], poi_df.loc[x, 'Latitude']) for x in [poi1, poi2]])

    # Placemark for POIs: import from csv file directly
    k = kml.KML()
    doc = kml.Document(ns, '1', 'Visualise %d Trajectories' % len(traj_subdict), description=None, \
                       styles=[styles.Style(id=x, styles=[stydict[x]]) for x in stydict.keys()])
    for pm in pm_list: doc.append(pm)

    # save to file
    kmlstr = k.to_string(prettyprint=True)
    with open(fname, 'w') as f:
        f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n')
        print('write to', fname)

6.10.1 The Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)

Trajectories (with more than $1$ POIs) that Passing through the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).

In [100]:
poi_mcg = poi_df[poi_df['Name'] == 'Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)']

Name Category Latitude Longitude #photos #visits #distinctUsers medianDuration(sec) totalDuration(sec)
57 Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) Sports stadiums -37.82 144.98333 520 114 75 8246.0 442165.0

In [101]:
traj_dict_mcg = dict()
mcg = poi_mcg.index[0]
for tid_ in sorted(traj_dict.keys()):
    traj_ = traj_dict[tid_]
    #if mcg in traj_ and mcg != traj_[0] and mcg != traj_[-1]:
    if mcg in traj_ and len(traj_) > 1:
        traj_dict_mcg[tid_] = traj_
print(len(traj_dict_mcg), 'trajectories pass through Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).')

22 trajectories pass through Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).

In [102]:
fname = 'traj_pass_mcg.kml'
gen_kml_traj(fname, traj_dict_mcg, poi_df)

write to traj_pass_mcg.kml

6.10.2 The Government House

Trajectories (with more than $1$ POIs) that Passing through the Government House.

In [103]:
poi_gh = poi_df[poi_df['Name'] == 'Government House']

Name Category Latitude Longitude #photos #visits #distinctUsers medianDuration(sec) totalDuration(sec)
33 Government House Institutions -37.827939 144.976939 44 10 7 1000.0 21258.0

In [104]:
traj_dict_gh = dict()
gh = poi_gh.index[0]
for tid_ in sorted(traj_dict.keys()):
    traj_ = traj_dict[tid_]
    #if gh in traj_ and gh != traj_[0] and gh != traj_[-1]:
    if gh in traj_ and len(traj_) > 1:
        traj_dict_gh[tid_] = traj_
print(len(traj_dict_gh), 'trajectories pass through Government House.')

4 trajectories pass through Government House.

In [105]:
fname = 'traj_pass_gh.kml'
gen_kml_traj(fname, traj_dict_gh, poi_df)

write to traj_pass_gh.kml

7. Recommendation Results Comparison & Visualisation

Examples of recommendation results: recommendation based on POI popularity, POI ranking and POI transition matrix, and visualise recommended results on map.

7.1 Choose an Example Trajectory

Choose a trajectory of length 4.

In [106]:
traj4s = traj_all[traj_all['trajLen'] == 4]['trajID'].unique()

array([  64,  147,  150,  198,  311,  385,  445,  680,  720,  725,  765,
        771,  785,  835,  841,  902,  966, 1042, 1087, 1119, 1134, 1150,
       1170, 1208, 1217, 1233, 1241, 1245, 1265, 1277, 1315, 1562, 1593,
       1769, 1906, 1914, 1921, 1923, 1936, 1984, 1990, 2042, 2101, 2144,
       2220, 2240, 2301, 2340, 2354, 2430, 2572, 2646, 2672, 2690, 2826,
       2912, 3004, 3017, 3091, 3271, 3408, 3505, 3659, 3745, 3775, 3811,
       3888, 3891, 4124, 4130, 4133, 4160, 4183, 4198, 4202, 4204, 4205,
       4245, 4316, 4368, 4372, 4376, 4396, 4440, 4450, 4702, 4710, 4742,
       4832, 4842, 4887, 4906, 4922, 5064, 5067])

In [107]:
#for tid in traj4s:
#    gen_kml(tid, traj_all, poi_df)

After looking at many of these trajectories on map, we choose trajectory 680 to illustrate.

In [108]:
tid = 680
traj = extract_traj(tid, traj_all)
print('REAL:', traj)

REAL: [76, 81, 71, 68]

In [109]:
traj_dict_rec = {'REAL_' + str(tid): traj}

In [110]:
start = traj[0]
end = traj[-1]
length = len(traj)

7.2 Recommendation by POI Popularity

Recommend trajectory based on POI popularity only.

In [111]:
poi_df.sort_values(by='#distinctUsers', ascending=False, inplace=True)
rec_pop = [start] + [x for x in poi_df.index.tolist() if x not in {start, end}][:length-2] + [end]
print('REC_POP:', rec_pop)

REC_POP: [76, 71, 82, 68]

In [112]:
tid_rec = 'REC_POP'
traj_dict_rec[tid_rec] = rec_pop

7.3 Recommendation by POI Rankings

Recommend trajectory based on the ranking of POIs using rankSVM.

In [113]:
trajid_list_train = list(set(trajid_set_all) - {tid})
poi_info = calc_poi_info(trajid_list_train, traj_all, poi_all)

In [114]:
train_df = gen_train_df(trajid_list_train, traj_dict, poi_info) # POI feature based ranking
ranksvm = RankSVM(ranksvm_dir, useLinear=True)
ranksvm.train(train_df, cost=RANK_C)
test_df = gen_test_df(start, end, length, poi_info)
rank_df = ranksvm.predict(test_df)
rank_df.sort_values(by='rank', ascending=False, inplace=True)
rec_rank = [start] + [x for x in rank_df.index.tolist() if x not in {start, end}][:length-2] + [end]
print('REC_RANK:', rec_rank)

REC_RANK: [76, 71, 82, 68]

In [115]:
tid_rec = 'REC_RANK'
traj_dict_rec[tid_rec] = rec_rank

7.4 Recommendation by Transition Probabilities

Use dynamic programming to find a possibly non-simple path, i.e., walk.

In [116]:
def find_path(V, E, ps, pe, L, withNodeWeight=False, alpha=0.5):
    assert(isinstance(V, pd.DataFrame))
    assert(isinstance(E, pd.DataFrame))
    assert(ps in V.index)
    assert(pe in V.index)
    # with sub-tours in trajectory, this is not the case any more, but it is nonsense to recommend such trajectories
    assert(2 < L <= V.index.shape[0])  
    if withNodeWeight == True:
        assert(0 < alpha < 1)
    beta = 1 - alpha
    A = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((L-1, V.shape[0]), dtype=np.float), columns=V.index, index=np.arange(2, L+1))
    B = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((L-1, V.shape[0]),,   columns=V.index, index=np.arange(2, L+1))
    A += np.inf
    for v in V.index:
        if v != ps:
            if withNodeWeight == True:
                A.loc[2, v] = alpha * (V.loc[ps, 'weight'] + V.loc[v, 'weight']) + beta * E.loc[ps, v]  # ps--v
                A.loc[2, v] = E.loc[ps, v]  # ps--v
            B.loc[2, v] = ps
    for l in range(3, L+1):
        for v in V.index:
            if withNodeWeight == True: # ps-~-v1---v
                values = [A.loc[l-1, v1] + alpha * V.loc[v, 'weight'] + beta * E.loc[v1, v] for v1 in V.index]
                values = [A.loc[l-1, v1] + E.loc[v1, v] for v1 in V.index]  # ps-~-v1---v   
            minix = np.argmin(values)
            A.loc[l, v] = values[minix]
            B.loc[l, v] = V.index[minix]
    path = [pe]
    v = path[-1]
    l = L
    #while v != ps:  #incorrect if 'ps' happens to appear in the middle of a path
    while l >= 2:
        path.append(B.loc[l, v])
        v = path[-1]
        l -= 1
    return path

Use integer linear programming (ILP) to find a simple path.

In [117]:
def find_path_ILP(V, E, ps, pe, L, withNodeWeight=False, alpha=0.5):
    assert(isinstance(V, pd.DataFrame))
    assert(isinstance(E, pd.DataFrame))
    assert(ps in V.index)
    assert(pe in V.index)
    assert(2 < L <= V.index.shape[0])
    if withNodeWeight == True:
        assert(0 < alpha < 1)
    beta = 1 - alpha
    p0 = str(ps); pN = str(pe); N = V.index.shape[0]
    # deal with np.inf which will cause ILP solver failure
    Edges = E.copy()
    INF = 1e6
    for p in Edges.index:
        Edges.loc[p, p] = INF 
    maxL = np.max(Edges.values.flatten())
    if maxL > INF:
        for p in Edges.index:
            Edges.loc[p, p] = maxL    
    # REF:
    pois = [str(p) for p in V.index] # create a string list for each POI
    pb = pulp.LpProblem('MostLikelyTraj', pulp.LpMinimize) # create problem
    # visit_i_j = 1 means POI i and j are visited in sequence
    visit_vars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('visit', (pois, pois), 0, 1, pulp.LpInteger) 
    # a dictionary contains all dummy variables
    dummy_vars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('u', [x for x in pois if x != p0], 2, N, pulp.LpInteger)
    # add objective
    objlist = []
    if withNodeWeight == True:
        objlist.append(alpha * V.loc[int(p0), 'weight'])
    for pi in [x for x in pois if x != pN]:     # from
        for pj in [y for y in pois if y != p0]: # to
            if withNodeWeight == True:
                objlist.append(visit_vars[pi][pj] * (alpha*V.loc[int(pj), 'weight'] + beta*Edges.loc[int(pi), int(pj)]))
                objlist.append(visit_vars[pi][pj] * Edges.loc[int(pi), int(pj)])
    pb += pulp.lpSum(objlist), 'Objective'
    # add constraints, each constraint should be in ONE line
    pb += pulp.lpSum([visit_vars[p0][pj] for pj in pois if pj != p0]) == 1, 'StartAt_p0'
    pb += pulp.lpSum([visit_vars[pi][pN] for pi in pois if pi != pN]) == 1, 'EndAt_pN'
    if p0 != pN:
        pb += pulp.lpSum([visit_vars[pi][p0] for pi in pois]) == 0, 'NoIncoming_p0'
        pb += pulp.lpSum([visit_vars[pN][pj] for pj in pois]) == 0, 'NoOutgoing_pN'
    pb += pulp.lpSum([visit_vars[pi][pj] for pi in pois if pi != pN for pj in pois if pj != p0]) == L-1, 'Length'
    for pk in [x for x in pois if x not in {p0, pN}]:
        pb += pulp.lpSum([visit_vars[pi][pk] for pi in pois if pi != pN]) == \
              pulp.lpSum([visit_vars[pk][pj] for pj in pois if pj != p0]), 'ConnectedAt_' + pk
        pb += pulp.lpSum([visit_vars[pi][pk] for pi in pois if pi != pN]) <= 1, 'Enter_' + pk + '_AtMostOnce'
        pb += pulp.lpSum([visit_vars[pk][pj] for pj in pois if pj != p0]) <= 1, 'Leave_' + pk + '_AtMostOnce'
    for pi in [x for x in pois if x != p0]:
        for pj in [y for y in pois if y != p0]:
            pb += dummy_vars[pi] - dummy_vars[pj] + 1 <= (N - 1) * (1 - visit_vars[pi][pj]), \
                    'SubTourElimination_' + pi + '_' + pj
    # solve problem
    pb.solve(pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD(options=['-threads', '6', '-strategy', '1', '-maxIt', '2000000'])) # CBC
    #gurobi_options = [('TimeLimit', '7200'), ('Threads', '8'), ('NodefileStart', '0.9'), ('Cuts', '2')]
    #pb.solve(pulp.GUROBI_CMD(options=gurobi_options)) # GUROBI
    visit_mat = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((len(pois), len(pois)), dtype=np.float), index=pois, columns=pois)
    for pi in pois:
        for pj in pois: visit_mat.loc[pi, pj] = visit_vars[pi][pj].varValue

    # build the recommended trajectory
    recseq = [p0]
    while True:
        pi = recseq[-1]
        pj = visit_mat.loc[pi].idxmax()
        assert(round(visit_mat.loc[pi, pj]) == 1)
        #print(recseq); sys.stdout.flush()
        if pj == pN: return [int(x) for x in recseq]

In [118]:
poi_logtransmat = np.log(gen_poi_transmat(trajid_list_train, set(poi_info.index), traj_dict, poi_info))
nodes = poi_info.copy()
edges = poi_logtransmat.copy()
edges = -1 * edges  # edge weight is negative log of transition probability
rec_dp = find_path(nodes, edges, start, end, length) # DP
rec_ilp = find_path_ILP(nodes, edges, start, end, length) # ILP
print('REC_DP:', rec_dp)
print('REC_ILP:', rec_ilp)

REC_DP: [76, 81, 70, 68]
REC_ILP: [76, 81, 70, 68]

In [119]:
tid_rec = 'REC_DP'
traj_dict_rec[tid_rec] = rec_dp
tid_rec = 'REC_ILP'
traj_dict_rec[tid_rec] = rec_ilp

In [120]:

{'REAL_680': [76, 81, 71, 68],
 'REC_DP': [76, 81, 70, 68],
 'REC_ILP': [76, 81, 70, 68],
 'REC_POP': [76, 71, 82, 68],
 'REC_RANK': [76, 71, 82, 68]}

In [121]:
fname = 'traj_rec.kml'
gen_kml_traj(fname, traj_dict_rec, poi_df)

write to traj_rec.kml

Example on Google maps,

  • the light blue edges represent the real trajectory,
  • green edges represent the recommended trajectories based on POI popularity and POI rankings (the recommendations are the same),
  • the purple edges represent the recommended trajectories based on POI transition probabilities using Viterbi algorithm and ILP.

8. Disclaimer

8.1 Problems of Trajectory Construction

  • Problems of mapping photos to POIs according to their distance, i.e., $200$ meters.
  • Problems of split consecutive POI visits by $8$ hours.
  • Problems of extract trajectories from a sequence of POI visits such that no loops/subtours exist.

8.2 Example of Terrible Trajectories

Choose the trajectory with the maximum number of POIs.

In [122]:
tid = traj_all.loc[traj_all['trajLen'].idxmax(), 'trajID']


In [123]:
traj1 = extract_traj_withloop(tid, visits)
print(traj1, 'length:', len(traj1))

[42, 32, 9, 35, 8, 17, 13, 15, 82, 50, 71, 81, 44, 45, 14, 9, 32, 85, 1, 53, 85, 27, 25] length: 23

In [124]:
traj2 = extract_traj(tid, traj_all)
print(traj2, 'length:', len(traj2))

[42, 32, 9, 35, 8, 17, 13, 15, 82, 50, 71, 81, 44, 45, 14, 85, 1, 53, 27, 25] length: 20

Extract the sequence of photos associated with this trajectory.

In [125]:
photo_df = pd.read_csv(fphotos, skipinitialspace=True)
photo_df.set_index('Photo_ID', inplace=True)

In [126]:
photo_traj = visits[visits['trajID'] == tid]['photoID'].values
photo_tdf = photo_df.loc[photo_traj].copy()

In [127]:
photo_tdf.drop(photo_tdf.columns[-1], axis=1, inplace=True)
photo_tdf.drop('Accuracy', axis=1, inplace=True)
photo_tdf.sort_values(by='Timestamp', ascending=True, inplace=True)

In [128]:
visit_df = visits.copy()
visit_df.set_index('photoID', inplace=True)

In [129]:
photo_tdf['poiID'] = visit_df.loc[photo_tdf.index, 'poiID']
photo_tdf['poiName'] = poi_df.loc[photo_tdf['poiID'].values, 'Name'].values

User_ID Timestamp Longitude Latitude URL poiID poiName
2219377707 30342939@N00 2007-11-24 07:10:57.0 144.958151 -37.815776 42 Supreme Court of Victoria
2220174790 30342939@N00 2007-11-24 07:12:14.0 144.958151 -37.815776 42 Supreme Court of Victoria
2220179282 30342939@N00 2007-11-24 07:18:07.0 144.961606 -37.814793 32 General Post Office
2220183668 30342939@N00 2007-11-24 07:24:51.0 144.962883 -37.813360 32 General Post Office
2220186382 30342939@N00 2007-11-24 07:26:10.0 144.962947 -37.813496 32 General Post Office

Save photos dataframe to CSV file.

In [130]:
fname = 'photo_traj_df.csv'
photo_tdf.to_csv(fname, index=True)

Generate KML file with edges between consecutive photos.

In [131]:
fname = 'traj_photo_seq.kml'
ns = '{}'
k = kml.KML()
styid = 'edge_style' # colors in KML: aabbggrr, aa=00 is fully transparent
sty_edge = styles.Style(id=styid, styles=[styles.LineStyle(color='3fff0000', width=2)])
doc = kml.Document(ns, '1', 'Photo sequence of trajectory %d' % tid, description=None, styles=[sty_edge])
for j in range(photo_tdf.shape[0]-1):
    p1, p2 = photo_tdf.index[j], photo_tdf.index[j+1]
    poi1, poi2 = visit_df.loc[p1, 'poiID'], visit_df.loc[p2, 'poiID']
    sid = 'Photo_POI%d_POI%d' % (poi1, poi2)
    ext_dict = {'From Photo': str(p1), 'To Photo': str(p2)}
    ext_data = kml.ExtendedData(elements=[kml.Data(name=x, value=ext_dict[x]) for x in sorted(ext_dict.keys())])
    pm = kml.Placemark(ns, sid, sid, description=None, styleUrl='#' + styid, extended_data=ext_data)
    pm.geometry = LineString([(photo_df.loc[x, 'Longitude'], photo_df.loc[x, 'Latitude']) for x in [p1, p2]])

# Placemark for photos: import from csv file directly

# save to file
kmlstr = k.to_string(prettyprint=True)
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
    f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n')
    print('write to', fname)

write to traj_photo_seq.kml

And the trajectory extracted.

In [132]:
fname = 'traj_terrible.kml'
gen_kml_traj(fname, {tid:traj2}, poi_df)

write to traj_terrible.kml

8.3 Limitations of Google Maps and Nationalmaps

Some limitations of Google maps and Nationalmaps I encountered during this work:

  • Google Maps rendering inconsistently with the scale factor of icons in styles, no matter using default icon or custom icons.
    • Scale factor of icons was ignored if it was greater than 1.
    • Icons rendered correctly if the scale factor is less than 1.
    • For two icons, if the scale factor of one icon is less than 1, and the other is greater than 1, the two icons were rendered using the same style with the smaller scale factor.
  • Nationalmaps was not as robust as Google maps and didn't support custom icons.
    • Nationalmaps support different size of marker icons specified by the scale factor, but I didn't find a way to change the default icon.
    • Nationalmaps didn't support custom icons, once used, the POIs will be rendered with no icons, only names.
    • Nationalmaps didn't render some KML files that rendered correctly by Google maps (on Chrome/Chromium/Firefox)
    • Nationalmaps rendered the edge of trajectory correctly but not all POIs were rendered.