MAZ176 statistics

Author: Arne Neumann

Date: 2014-10-13

In [33]:
%matplotlib inline

import os
from collections import Counter
from operator import itemgetter

import pandas as pd
from networkx import Graph
from networkx.algorithms.components.connected import connected_components
from discoursegraphs import select_edges_by, get_pointing_chains
from discoursegraphs.readwrite import ConanoDocumentGraph, MMAXDocumentGraph, RSTGraph, TigerDocumentGraph

MAZ_ROOTDIR = os.path.expanduser('~/repos/pcc-annis-merged/maz176/')

Number of Connectors

In [34]:
CONANO_DIR = os.path.join(MAZ_ROOTDIR, 'connectors')
conano_files = !ls $CONANO_DIR/*.xml

Number of Connectors by Connector Type

In [35]:
all_connectors = Counter()

for conano_file in conano_files:
    cdg = ConanoDocumentGraph(conano_file)
    for token_id in cdg.tokens:
        if 'conano:connective' in cdg.node[token_id]['layers']:
            all_connectors[cdg.node[token_id]['relation']] += 1

In [36]:
connector_counts = sorted(all_connectors.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
connector_df = pd.DataFrame(connector_counts, columns=['connectors', 'counts'])

connectors counts
0 addition 365
1 consequence 200
2 concession 175
3 contrast 171
4 condition 105
5 successive 52
6 alternation 35
7 purpose 23
8 simultaneous 21
9 temporal 10
10 elaboration 5
11 manner 4
12 3
13 sequence 2
14 circumstance 1
15 joint 1
16 concessive 1
17 succession 1
18 cause 1

In [37]:
connector_df.plot(kind='bar', x='connectors', y='counts')

<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x799c950>

Number of Connectors by Connector Token

In [38]:
connector_tokens = Counter()

for conano_file in conano_files:
    cdg = ConanoDocumentGraph(conano_file)
    for token_id in cdg.tokens:
        if 'conano:connective' in cdg.node[token_id]['layers']:
            # count tokens normalized to lower case
            connector_tokens[cdg.get_token(token_id).lower()] += 1

In [39]:
connector_token_counts = sorted(connector_tokens.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
connector_token_df = pd.DataFrame(connector_token_counts, columns=['connectors', 'counts'])

connectors counts
0 und 248
1 wenn 93
2 aber 89
3 doch 87
4 denn 51
5 auch 41
6 dann 40
7 oder 29
8 so 26
9 sondern 25
10 zwar 23
11 weil 22
12 deshalb 22
13 um 19
14 als 17
15 also 17
16 jedoch 14
17 zum 14
18 damit 14
19 allerdings 13
20 nämlich 13
21 dennoch 11
22 wegen 10
23 beispiel 9
24 dabei 9
25 obwohl 8
26 da 8
27 schließlich 8
28 statt 7
29 trotz 7
... ... ...
85 obendrein 1
86 seither 1
87 zuvor 1
88 z. 1
89 ebenso 1
90 entgegen 1
91 gleichzeitig 1
92 vorher 1
93 drum 1
94 anstatt 1
95 obschon 1
96 aufgrund 1
97 ehe 1
98 darum 1
99 danach 1
100 laufen 1
101 sofern 1
102 grund 1
103 andernfalls 1
104 daraufhin 1
105 bei 1
106 ebenfalls 1
107 sobald 1
108 sei 1
109 dafür 1
110 mithin 1
111 allenfalls 1
112 angesichts 1
113 anderenfalls 1
114 ferner 1

115 rows × 2 columns

In [40]:
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15, 5

connector_token_df[connector_token_df.counts > 4].plot(kind='bar', x='connectors', title='Connector tokens occurring five times or more')

<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x7997ad0>

Number of Connectors by Connector POS

In [41]:
TIGER_DIR = os.path.join(MAZ_ROOTDIR, 'syntax')

connector_pos = Counter()

for conano_file in conano_files:
    cdg = ConanoDocumentGraph(conano_file)
    maz_id = os.path.basename(conano_file).split('.')[0]
    tdg = TigerDocumentGraph(os.path.join(TIGER_DIR, maz_id+'.xml'))
    for token_id in cdg.tokens:
        if 'conano:connective' in cdg.node[token_id]['layers']:
            connector_pos[cdg.node[token_id]['tiger:pos']] += 1

In [42]:
connector_pos_counts = sorted(connector_pos.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
connector_pos_df = pd.DataFrame(connector_pos_counts, columns=['connector-pos', 'counts'])

connector-pos counts
0 KON 463
1 ADV 340
2 KOUS 188
3 PROAV 70
4 APPR 33
5 KOUI 29
7 NN 11
8 PWAV 7
10 PIS 5
11 KOKOM 2
12 APZR 2
13 PDS 1
14 ADJD 1
15 VAFIN 1
16 PPER 1
17 VVFIN 1

In [43]:
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10, 5
connector_pos_df.plot(kind='bar', x='connector-pos', y='counts')

<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x8344290>

Total number of connectives

In [44]:


Number of RST relations by type

In [45]:
RST_DIR = os.path.join(MAZ_ROOTDIR, 'rst')
rst_files = !ls $RST_DIR/*.rs3

In [46]:
all_rst_relations = Counter()

for rst_file in rst_files:
    rdg = RSTGraph(rst_file)
    for source, target, edge_attribs in select_edges_by(rdg, layer='rst:relation', data=True):
        all_rst_relations[edge_attribs['rst:relname']] += 1

In [47]:
rst_relations_count = sorted(all_rst_relations.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
rst_relations_df = pd.DataFrame(rst_relations_count, columns=['RST relations', 'counts'])

RST relations counts
0 span 1890
1 joint 452
2 list 353
3 reason 267
4 conjunction 234
5 interpretation 231
6 elaboration 204
7 background 163
8 concession 125
9 antithesis 123
10 condition 116
11 circumstance 113
12 e-elaboration 111
13 cause 101
14 evidence 99
15 contrast 98
16 preparation 87
17 evaluation-s 80
18 sequence 65
19 result 46
20 evaluation-n 38
21 purpose 30
22 disjunction 20
23 restatement 17
24 means 11
25 summary 9
26 solutionhood 7
27 justify 4
28 otherwise 3
29 enablement 2
30 motivation 1
31 unless 1

RST relations by type (incl. generic 'span' relation)

In [48]:
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15, 5
rst_relations_df.plot(kind='bar', x='RST relations', y='counts')

<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x834a190>

RST relations by type (excl. generic 'span' relation)

In [49]:
rst_relations_df[1:].plot(kind='bar', x='RST relations', y='counts')

<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x8c492d0>

Total number of RST relations (incl. generic 'span' relation)

In [50]:


Total number of RST relations (excl. generic 'span' relation)

In [51]:


Coreference counts

In [52]:
COREF_DIR = os.path.join(MAZ_ROOTDIR, 'coreference')
coref_files = !ls $COREF_DIR/*.mmax

Number of binary coreference relations

In [53]:
binary_coref_relations = 0
binary_coref_relation_types = Counter()

for coref_file in coref_files:
    mdg = MMAXDocumentGraph(coref_file)
    for source, target, edge_attribs in select_edges_by(mdg, edge_type='points_to', data=True):
        binary_coref_relations += 1
        binary_coref_relation_types[edge_attribs['label']] += 1

Total number of binary coreference relations

In [54]:


Number of binary coreference relations by subtype

In [55]:
sorted(binary_coref_relation_types.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)

[('mmax:antecedent', 1446),
 ('mmaxsecmark:antecedent', 197),
 ('mmaxgroups:antecedent', 21)]

Number of coreference chains

Please note that the number of coreference chains is somewhat skewed. MMAX allows markables to point to more than one markable/target/antecedent. This features was used when MAZ176 was annotated.

As an example, consider a coreference chain in which A points to B and B points to both C and D (i.e. A -> B -> {C, D}). The algorithm used here will interpret this as two separate coreference chains (A-B-C and A-B-D).

In [56]:
coref_chains = 0

for coref_file in coref_files:
    mdg = MMAXDocumentGraph(coref_file)
    coref_chains += len(get_pointing_chains(mdg))

print coref_chains


Number of connected coreference components

To avoid the abovementioned problem, we can calculate the number of connected components from a graph constructed using all binary coreference relations. In this setting, A -> B -> {C, D} will be counted as one connected component.

In [57]:
from networkx import Graph
from networkx.algorithms.components.connected import connected_components

coref_connected_components = 0

for coref_file in coref_files:
    coref_digraph = Graph()
    mdg = MMAXDocumentGraph(coref_file)
    for source, target, edge_attribs in select_edges_by(mdg, edge_type='points_to', data=True):
        coref_digraph.add_edge(source, target, edge_attribs)
    coref_connected_components += len(list(connected_components(coref_digraph)))
print coref_connected_components


Reproducability information

In [58]:
%load_ext version_information
%version_information networkx, pandas

The version_information extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext version_information
Python2.7.3 64bit [GCC 4.7.2]
OSLinux 3.5.0 51 generic x86_64 with LinuxMint 14 nadia
Mon Oct 13 13:28:03 2014 CEST

discoursegraphs git commit: 99b7cfb020d7893149aa75ed06af724b7698d784

pcc-annis-merged git commit: c4e87322af33850cada32f449170b91a2240a620