In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import as style
import os, sys
import seaborn
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import stochastic
from scipy import stats
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import graphs
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 6]
def load_data(res_dir):
data = pd.DataFrame()
for filename in os.listdir(res_dir):
if ".csv" in filename:
data = pd.concat([data, pd.read_csv(os.path.join(res_dir, filename))])
# exclude three acyclic graphs that might be included by accident
data = data[~(data.graph_name.str.contains("VEGF") |
data.graph_name.str.contains("Toll Pathway") | data.graph_name.str.contains("Processing of Spz"))]
return data
def treat_unequal_representation(data, min_threshold=0.8, ignore_multiple_bio=False):
# TODO: rewrite this horror of a code
res_data = pd.DataFrame()
n_rnds = []
print "#original graphs={}".format(len(data.graph_name.unique()))
for graph_name in data.graph_name.unique():
n_bio = len(data.loc[(data.graph_name == graph_name) & (data.is_random == False)])
n_rnd = len(data.loc[(data.graph_name == graph_name) & (data.is_random == True)])
if n_bio > 1:
print "Warning - too many bio for graph {}: #bio={}, #rnd={}".format(graph_name, n_bio, n_rnd)
if ignore_multiple_bio:
res_data = pd.concat([res_data, data[data.graph_name == graph_name]])
print "Sampling one bio"
res_data = pd.concat([res_data, data[(data.graph_name == graph_name) & (data.is_random == True)]])
res_data = pd.concat([res_data, data[(data.graph_name == graph_name) & (data.is_random == False)].
elif n_bio == 1:
res_data = pd.concat([res_data, data[data.graph_name == graph_name]])
print "#original graphs with bio={}".format(len(res_data.graph_name.unique()))
final_res_data = pd.DataFrame()
if min_threshold <= 1:
actual_threshold = min([n for n in n_rnds if n >= (max(n_rnds) * min_threshold)])
actual_threshold = min_threshold
for graph_name in res_data.graph_name.unique():
n_rnd = len(res_data.loc[(res_data.graph_name == graph_name) & (res_data.is_random == True)])
if n_rnd >= actual_threshold:
final_res_data = pd.concat([final_res_data, res_data.loc[(res_data.is_random == False) & (
res_data.graph_name == graph_name)]])
final_res_data = pd.concat([final_res_data, res_data.loc[(res_data.is_random == True) & (
res_data.graph_name == graph_name)].sample(actual_threshold)])
return final_res_data
def convert_model_addition_scores(data, K=30):
# because I have to ways to normalize that, and want to be able to convert here from 1/K to 1/ATT
data['optimization_model_addition_impact_score'] = data['optimization_model_addition_impact_score'] * K / data['num_attractors']
return data
def extract_vertex_scores_data(list_data):
res_data = []
score_cols = [col for col in list_data.columns if "scores" in col]
non_score_cols = [col for col in list_data if col not in score_cols]
for index, row in list_data.iterrows():
val_lists = [eval(str(val_list).
replace("nan", "np.nan")) for val_list in row[score_cols]]
for vals in zip(*val_lists):
if not np.isnan(vals[0]):
res_data.append(list(row[non_score_cols]) + list(vals))
res_data = pd.DataFrame(res_data)
res_data.columns = non_score_cols + score_cols
res_data = res_data.rename(columns={"optimization_model_impact_scores": "optimization_model_impact_score",
"stochastic_model_impact_scores": "stochastic_model_impact_score"})
return res_data
In [2]:
data = treat_unequal_representation(load_data("results/post_submission/1_dot_5_hours"), min_threshold=0.2)
mean_data = data # TODO: refactor nicely
score_types = [col for col in data if "score" in col]
print "number of graphs: {}".format(len(data.graph_name.unique()))
print "#bio={}, #rnd={}".format(len(data.loc[data.is_random == False]), len(data.loc[data.is_random == True]))
random_to_real_ratio = len(data.loc[data.is_random == True]) / len(data.loc[data.is_random == False])
vertex_data = treat_unequal_representation(load_data("results/post_submission/1_dot_5_hours/vertices"),
print "number of graphs (vertex): {}".format(len(vertex_data.graph_name.unique()))
print "#bio={}, #rnd={} (vertex)".format(len(vertex_data.loc[vertex_data.is_random == False]), len(vertex_data.loc[vertex_data.is_random == True]))
if (len(vertex_data.loc[vertex_data.is_random == True]) / len(vertex_data.loc[vertex_data.is_random == False])) < random_to_real_ratio:
print "Warning: vertex data has smaller random-to-real ratio, consider taking this as the filtering ratio"
vertex_data = extract_vertex_scores_data(vertex_data)
intersection_graph_names = set(mean_data.graph_name.unique()).intersection(vertex_data.graph_name.unique())
print "number of graphs in mean-vertex intersection: {}".format(len(intersection_graph_names))
mean_data = mean_data[mean_data.graph_name.isin(intersection_graph_names)]
vertex_data = vertex_data[vertex_data.graph_name.isin(intersection_graph_names)]
In [5]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharey=False, sharex=False, figsize=(15, 10))
# fig.delaxes(ax[1,2]) #The indexing is zero-based here
# fig.delaxes(ax[1,1]) #The indexing is zero-based here
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharey=False, sharex=False, figsize=(15, 4))
i = 0
for container, score in zip([vertex_data] * 2 + [mean_data] * 2, score_types[:2] + score_types[2:]):
bins = np.linspace(min(container[score]), max(container[score]), 25)
cur_ax = ax[i / 2, i % 2]
for is_random in [False, True]:
bar_data = container.loc[container.is_random == is_random][score].values
weights = np.ones_like(bar_data) / float(len(bar_data))
cur_ax.hist(bar_data, alpha=0.7, bins=bins, weights=weights)
cur_ax.legend(["biological", "random"])
cur_ax.set_title(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'][i])
# cur_ax.set_title(score.replace("_", " "))
i += 1
plt.savefig("mean_score_histograms_israndom.png", dpi=300)
In [5]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(score_types)/2, ncols=2, sharey=False, sharex=False, figsize=(15, 10))
i = 0
score_pairs = [(s, s.replace("optimization", "stochastic")) for s in score_types if "optimization" in s]
for score_pair in score_pairs:
for is_random in [False, True]:
bins = np.linspace(min(min(mean_data[score_pair[0]]), min(mean_data[score_pair[1]])),
max(max(mean_data[score_pair[0]]), max(mean_data[score_pair[1]])), 25)
cur_ax = ax[i / 2, i % 2]
for score in score_pair:
bar_data = mean_data.loc[mean_data.is_random == is_random][score].values
weights = np.ones_like(bar_data) / float(len(bar_data))
cur_ax.hist(bar_data, alpha=0.7, bins=bins, weights=weights)
cur_ax.legend(["optimization", "stochastic"])
cur_ax.set_title(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'][i])
# cur_ax.set_title("{}, {}".format(score_pair[0].replace("optimization", " ").replace("_", " "),
# "random" if is_random else "biological"))
i += 1
plt.savefig("mean_score_histograms_method.png", dpi=300)
In [6]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, sharey=False, sharex=False, figsize=(12, 5))
i = 0
score_pairs = [(s, s.replace("optimization", "stochastic")) for s in score_types if "optimization" in s]
for score_pair in score_pairs:
cur_ax = ax[i]
container = vertex_data if "model" in score_pair[0] else mean_data
container.loc[container.is_random == True].plot.scatter(x=score_pair[0], y=score_pair[1], c="blue", ax=cur_ax)
container.loc[container.is_random == False].plot.scatter(x=score_pair[0], y=score_pair[1], c="red", ax=cur_ax)
type_description = score_pair[0].replace("optimization", " ").replace("_", " ")
correlation = np.corrcoef(container[score_pair[0]], container[score_pair[1]])[0, 1]
print "{}: {:.2f}".format(score_pair, correlation)
# cur_ax.set_title("{} (correlation: {:.2f})".format(type_description, correlation))
cur_ax.set_title(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'][i])
lims = [
np.min([cur_ax.get_xlim(), cur_ax.get_ylim()]), # min of both axes
np.max([cur_ax.get_xlim(), cur_ax.get_ylim()]), # max of both axes
# now plot both limits against eachother
cur_ax.plot(lims, lims, '--', alpha=0.5, zorder=10)
i += 1
plt.savefig("mean_scatter_score_types.png", dpi=300)
In [7]:
mean_pvalue_data = []
for container, score in zip([vertex_data] * 2 + [mean_data] * 3, score_types[:2] + score_types[1:]):
bio = container.loc[container.is_random == False]
rnd = container.loc[container.is_random == True]
n_passed = 0
graph_names = container['graph_name'].unique()
for graph_name in graph_names:
graph_bio = bio.loc[bio.graph_name == graph_name][score]
graph_rnd = rnd.loc[rnd.graph_name == graph_name][score]
# p_value = (np.argsort(list(graph_rnd) + list(graph_bio))[-1] + 1) / float(len(graph_rnd) + 1)
# print p_value
# if p_value < 0.05:
# n_passed += 1
# proportion_passed = n_passed / float(len(graph_names))
# row = score.replace("_", " ").replace(" impact score", ""), np.nanmean(bio[score]), np.nanmean(rnd[score]), stats.mannwhitneyu(bio[score], rnd[score])[1], proportion_passed
row = score.replace("_", " ").replace(" impact score", ""), np.nanmean(bio[score]), np.nanmean(rnd[score])
# stats.mannwhitneyu(bio[score], rnd[score])[1]
mean_pvalue_data = pd.DataFrame(mean_pvalue_data)
mean_pvalue_data.columns = ["impact variant", "real mean", "random mean"]
# "p-value (MWW test)"]
# "significant ratio (sorting test)"]
mean_pvalue_data = mean_pvalue_data.set_index(mean_pvalue_data.columns[0])
# mean_pvalue_data.to_csv("mean_pvalues.csv", float_format="%.3g")
In [8]:
mean_pvalue_data = []
for score in score_types:
bio = mean_data.loc[mean_data.is_random == False]
rnd = mean_data.loc[mean_data.is_random == True]
graph_names = mean_data['graph_name'].unique()
mean_pairs = []
pairs = []
ranks = []
samples_per_graph = None
for graph_name in graph_names:
graph_bio = bio.loc[bio.graph_name == graph_name][score].values[0]
graph_rnd = rnd.loc[rnd.graph_name == graph_name][score]
if samples_per_graph is None:
samples_per_graph = len(graph_rnd) + 1
mean_pairs.append((graph_bio, graph_rnd.mean()))
for rnd_point in graph_rnd:
pairs.append((graph_bio, rnd_point))
ranks.append(np.argsort(list(graph_rnd) + [graph_bio])[-1])
pair_pvalue = stats.wilcoxon(zip(*pairs)[0], zip(*pairs)[1])[1]
mean_pair_pvalue = stats.wilcoxon(zip(*mean_pairs)[0], zip(*mean_pairs)[1])[1]
rank_counts = [len([r for r in ranks if r == i]) for i in range(samples_per_graph)]
# print rank_counts
rank_pvalue = stats.chisquare(f_obs=rank_counts)[1]
row = score.replace("_", " ").replace(" impact score", ""), pair_pvalue, mean_pair_pvalue, rank_pvalue
mean_pvalue_data = pd.DataFrame(mean_pvalue_data)
mean_pvalue_data.columns = ["impact variant", "p-value (Wilcoxon mean test)", "p-value (Wilcoxon test)", "p-value (rank chisquared)"]
# "significant ratio (sorting test)"]
mean_pvalue_data = mean_pvalue_data.set_index(mean_pvalue_data.columns[0])
# mean_pvalue_data.to_csv("mean_pvalues.csv", float_format="%.3g")
In [9]:
# For vertex-based scores
mean_pvalue_data = []
for score in score_types[:2]:
bio = vertex_data.loc[vertex_data.is_random == False]
rnd = vertex_data.loc[vertex_data.is_random == True]
graph_names = vertex_data['graph_name'].unique()
mean_pairs = []
pairs = []
ranks = []
samples_per_graph = None
for graph_name in graph_names:
graph_bio = bio.loc[bio.graph_name == graph_name][score]
graph_rnd = rnd.loc[rnd.graph_name == graph_name][score]
mean_pairs.append((graph_bio.mean(), graph_rnd.mean()))
mean_pair_pvalue = stats.wilcoxon(zip(*mean_pairs)[0], zip(*mean_pairs)[1])[1]
row = score.replace("_", " ").replace(" impact score", ""), mean_pair_pvalue
mean_pvalue_data = pd.DataFrame(mean_pvalue_data)
mean_pvalue_data.columns = ["impact variant", "p-value (Wilcoxon test)"]
mean_pvalue_data = mean_pvalue_data.set_index(mean_pvalue_data.columns[0])
# mean_pvalue_data.to_csv("mean_pvalues.csv", float_format="%.3g")
In [49]:
# good cols = [col for col in data.columns if (col not in score_types) and (
# col not in timing_types) and (
# col not in ["is_random", "maximal_change_bits", "median_attractor_length", "max_attractor_length"]) and (
# "std" not in col)]
bio_rows = []
rnd_rows = []
property_columns = [col for col in data.columns if ("score" not in col) and ("time" not in col) and data[col].dtype in [, np.float, np.int64]]
for score, container in zip(score_types[:2] + score_types[1:], [vertex_data]*2 + [mean_data]*3):
print score
bio = container.loc[container.is_random == False]
rnd = container.loc[container.is_random == True]
rnd_rows.append([None] * (len(property_columns) + 1))
bio_rows.append([None] * (len(property_columns) + 1))
for i, field in enumerate(property_columns):
# bio_corr = np.corrcoef(bio[score], bio[field])[1,0]
# rnd_corr = np.corrcoef(rnd[score], rnd[field])[1,0]
bio_corr_pvalue = stats.pearsonr(bio[score], bio[field])
rnd_corr_pvalue = stats.pearsonr(rnd[score], rnd[field])
bio_rows[-1][0] = score
rnd_rows[-1][0] = score
bio_rows[-1][i + 1] = "{:.2f} (p={:.2E})".format(*bio_corr_pvalue)
rnd_rows[-1][i + 1] = "{:.2f} (p={:.2E})".format(*rnd_corr_pvalue)
if field == score:
if (bio_corr_pvalue[1] < 0.05) or (rnd_corr_pvalue[1] < 0.05):
print "{}\t biological corr={:.2f} (p={:.2E})\t random corr={:.2f} (p={:.2E})".format(
field, bio_corr_pvalue[0], bio_corr_pvalue[1], rnd_corr_pvalue[0], rnd_corr_pvalue[1])
print ""
bio_rows_df = pd.DataFrame(bio_rows)
bio_rows_df.columns = ["score"] + property_columns = "score variant"
bio_rows_df = bio_rows_df.set_index("score")
bio_rows_df.to_csv("bio_corr.csv", float_format="%.3g")
rnd_rows_df = pd.DataFrame(rnd_rows)
rnd_rows_df.columns = ["score"] + property_columns = "score variant"
rnd_rows_df = rnd_rows_df.set_index("score")
rnd_rows_df.to_csv("rnd_corr.csv", float_format="%.3g")
# print rnd_rows_df
In [15]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharey=False, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 18))
# fig.delaxes(ax[2,1]) #The indexing is zero-based here
i = 0
for score, container in zip(score_types[:2] + score_types[2:], [vertex_data]*2 + [mean_data]*2):
print score, np.nanmean(container[score])
bins = np.linspace(min(container[score]), max(container[score]), 25)
cur_ax = ax[i / 2, i % 2]
g = seaborn.boxplot(ax=cur_ax, data=container.loc[container.is_random == True],
x="graph_name", y=score, hue="graph_name", dodge=False)
bio = container.loc[container.is_random == False]
if i < 2: # vertex based
bio = bio.groupby("graph_name").mean().reset_index()
seaborn.swarmplot(ax=cur_ax, x="graph_name", y=score, data=bio,
size=5, color="red", marker="o", linewidth=1)
# cur_ax.set_title(score.replace("_", " ").replace(" score", ""))
cur_ax.set_title(['a', 'b', 'c','d', 'e'][i])
i += 1
ax[1, 1].xaxis.set_tick_params(which='both', labelbottom=True, labeltop=False)
# ax[1, 1].xaxis.set_tick_params(which='both', labelbottom=True, labeltop=False)
plt.savefig("mean_graph_score.png", dpi=300)
In [12]:
# smaller version of last plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, sharey=False, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 12))
fig.delaxes(ax[1,2]) #The indexing is zero-based here
fig.delaxes(ax[1,1]) #The indexing is zero-based here
i = 0
for score, container in zip(score_types[:2] + score_types[2:], [vertex_data]*2 + [mean_data]*2):
bins = np.linspace(min(container[score]), max(container[score]), 25)
cur_ax = ax[i / 3, i % 3]
g = seaborn.boxplot(ax=cur_ax, data=container.loc[container.is_random == True],
x="graph_name", y=score, hue="graph_name", dodge=False)
bio = container.loc[container.is_random == False]
if i < 2: # vertex based
bio = bio.groupby("graph_name").mean().reset_index()
seaborn.swarmplot(ax=cur_ax, x="graph_name", y=score, data=bio,
size=5, color="red", marker="o", linewidth=1)
# cur_ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(rotation=90)
# cur_ax.set_title(score.replace("_", " ").replace(" score", ""))
cur_ax.set_title(['a', 'b', 'c','d', 'e'][i])
i += 1
handles, labels = ax[i / 3, (i - 1) % 3].get_legend_handles_labels()
labels = [(l if len(l) <= 17 else l[:25] + "...") for l in labels]
leg = fig.legend(handles, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(0.180, 0.295, 0.37, 0.11), ncol=2)
# ax[1, 1].xaxis.set_tick_params(which='both', labelbottom=True, labeltop=False)
plt.savefig("mean_graph_score_compressed.png", bbox_extra_artists=(leg,), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
In [61]:
# Just one one stochastic and one ILP, no labels, less graphs
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, sharey=False, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 6))
# fig.delaxes(ax[1,2]) #The indexing is zero-based here
i = 0
for score, container in zip(score_types[2:4], [mean_data]*2):
bins = np.linspace(min(container[score]), max(container[score]), 25)
cur_ax = ax[i % 2]
g = seaborn.boxplot(ax=cur_ax, data=container.loc[container.is_random == True],
x="graph_name", y=score, hue="graph_name", dodge=False)
bio = container.loc[container.is_random == False]
if i < 1: # vertex based
bio = bio.groupby("graph_name").mean().reset_index()
seaborn.swarmplot(ax=cur_ax, x="graph_name", y=score, data=bio,
size=5, color="red", marker="o", linewidth=1)
cur_ax.set_title(score.replace("_", " ").replace(" score", ""))
cur_ax.set_title(['State ILP', 'State Stochastic'][i], fontsize=20)
i += 1
# handles, labels = ax[i / 2, (i - 1) % 2].get_legend_handles_labels()
# labels = [(l if len(l) <= 17 else l[:25] + "...") for l in labels]
# leg = fig.legend(handles, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(0.440, 0.313, 0.37, 0.11), ncol=2)
# leg.get_texts()[0].set_fontsize(6)
# ax[1, 1].xaxis.set_tick_params(which='both', labelbottom=True, labeltop=False)
plt.savefig("mean_graph_score_compressed.png", bbox_extra_artists=(leg,), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
In [10]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharey=False, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 13))
i = 0
for score in score_types[:2]:
for is_random in [False, True]:
bins = np.linspace(min(vertex_data[score]), max(vertex_data[score]), 25)
cur_ax = ax[i / 2, i % 2]
g = seaborn.boxplot(ax=cur_ax, data=vertex_data.loc[vertex_data.is_random == is_random],
x="graph_name", y=score, hue="graph_name", dodge=False)
# bio = vertex_data.loc[vertex_data.is_random == False]
# seaborn.swarmplot(ax=cur_ax, x="graph_name", y=score, data=bio,
# size=5, color="red", marker="o", linewidth=1)
# cur_ax.set_title(score.replace("_", " ").replace(" score", ""))
cur_ax.set_title(['a', 'b', 'c','d', 'e'][i])
i += 1
plt.savefig("vertex_graph_scores.png", dpi=300)
In [54]:
more_bits_data = treat_unequal_representation(load_data("results/graph_impact_multiple_bits"), min_threshold=0.20,
print "number of graphs: {}".format(len(more_bits_data.graph_name.unique()))
print "#bio={}, #rnd={}".format(len(more_bits_data.loc[more_bits_data.is_random == False]), len(more_bits_data.loc[more_bits_data.is_random == True]))
In [55]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(score_types), ncols=2, sharey=False, sharex=False, figsize=(15, 20))
i = 0
for score in score_types:
bins = np.linspace(min(mean_data[score]), max(mean_data[score]), 25)
for is_random in [False, True]:
cur_ax = ax[i / 2, i % 2]
for n_bits in more_bits_data.maximal_change_bits.unique():
bits = more_bits_data.loc[more_bits_data.maximal_change_bits == n_bits]
bar_data = bits.loc[bits.is_random == is_random][score].values
weights = np.ones_like(bar_data) / float(len(bar_data))
cur_ax.hist(bar_data, alpha=0.7, bins=bins, weights=weights)
# cur_ax.set_title(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'][i])
cur_ax.set_title("{}, random={}".format(score, is_random))
# cur_ax.set_title(score.replace("_", " "))
i += 1
plt.savefig("2_bit_score_histograms.png", dpi=300)
In [56]:
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(score_types), ncols=2, sharey=False, sharex=False, figsize=(15, 20))
# i = 0
for score in score_types:
# bins = np.linspace(min(mean_data[score]), max(mean_data[score]), 25)
for is_random in [False, True]:
# cur_ax = ax[i / 2, i % 2]
more_bits_data.loc[more_bits_data.is_random == is_random].groupby('maximal_change_bits')[score].mean().plot()
plt.legend(["real", "random"])
more_bits_data.loc[more_bits_data.is_random == is_random].groupby('maximal_change_bits')['graph_name'].count().plot()
# for n_bits in more_bits_data.maximal_change_bits.unique():
# bits = more_bits_data.loc[more_bits_data.maximal_change_bits == n_bits]
# bar_data = bits.loc[bits.is_random == is_random][score].values
# weights = np.ones_like(bar_data) / float(len(bar_data))
# cur_ax.hist(bar_data, alpha=0.7, bins=bins, weights=weights)
# cur_ax.legend(more_bits_data.maximal_change_bits.unique())
# # cur_ax.set_title(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'][i])
# cur_ax.set_title("{}, random={}".format(score, is_random))
# # cur_ax.set_title(score.replace("_", " "))
# i += 1
# plt.savefig("2_bit_score_histograms.png")
In [57]:
for k in range(more_bits_data.maximal_change_bits.min(), more_bits_data.maximal_change_bits.max()):
mean_pvalue_data = []
for score in score_types:
bio = more_bits_data.loc[more_bits_data.is_random == False & (more_bits_data.maximal_change_bits == k)]
rnd = more_bits_data.loc[more_bits_data.is_random == True & (more_bits_data.maximal_change_bits == k)]
graph_names = more_bits_data['graph_name'].unique()
mean_pairs = []
pairs = []
ranks = []
samples_per_graph = None
for graph_name in graph_names:
graph_bio = bio.loc[bio.graph_name == graph_name][score].values[0]
graph_rnd = rnd.loc[rnd.graph_name == graph_name][score]
if samples_per_graph is None:
samples_per_graph = len(graph_rnd) + 1
mean_pairs.append((graph_bio, graph_rnd.mean()))
for rnd_point in graph_rnd:
pairs.append((graph_bio, rnd_point))
ranks.append(np.argsort(list(graph_rnd) + [graph_bio])[-1])
pair_pvalue = stats.wilcoxon(zip(*pairs)[0], zip(*pairs)[1])[1]
mean_pair_pvalue = stats.wilcoxon(zip(*mean_pairs)[0], zip(*mean_pairs)[1])[1]
rank_counts = [len([r for r in ranks if r == i]) for i in range(samples_per_graph)]
# print rank_counts
rank_pvalue = stats.chisquare(f_obs=rank_counts)[1]
row = score.replace("_", " ").replace(" impact score", ""), pair_pvalue, mean_pair_pvalue, rank_pvalue
mean_pvalue_data = pd.DataFrame(mean_pvalue_data)
mean_pvalue_data.columns = ["impact variant", "p-value (Wilcoxon mean test)", "p-value (Wilcoxon test)", "p-value (rank chisquared)"]
# "significant ratio (sorting test)"]
mean_pvalue_data = mean_pvalue_data.set_index(mean_pvalue_data.columns[0])
# mean_pvalue_data.to_csv("mean_pvalues.csv", float_format="%.3g")
print "k={}".format(k)
print mean_pvalue_data
In [31]:
timing_types = [score.replace("impact_score", "time") for score in score_types]
timing_data = []
for timing_type in timing_types:
row = [np.nanmedian(mean_data[timing_type]), np.nanmean(mean_data[timing_type]),
timing_data.append([timing_type.replace("_", " ").replace(" time", "")] + row)
timing_data = pd.DataFrame(timing_data)
timing_data = timing_data.set_index(timing_data.columns[0])
timing_data.columns = ["median (seconds)", "mean (seconds)", "max (seconds)"] = "impact variant"
timing_data.to_csv("timings.csv", float_format="%.0f")
# bins = np.linspace(0, 1000, 100)
# for timing_type in timing_types:
# data[timing_type].hist(figsize=(20, 12), bins=bins, alpha=0.3)
# plt.legend(timing_types)
# for timing_type in timing_types:
# for graph_name in data.graph_name.unique():
# data.loc[data.graph_name == graph_name][timing_type].hist(figsize=(20, 12), bins=bins, alpha=0.3)
# plt.title(timing_type)
# plt.legend(data.graph_name.unique())
# for timing_type in timing_types:
# for field in [col for col in data.columns if ("score" not in col) and ("time" not in col) and data[col].dtype in [, np.float, np.int64]]:
# data.plot.scatter(field, timing_type)
In [32]:
bio_properties = mean_data.loc[mean_data.is_random==False][[col for col in data.columns if (col not in score_types) and (
col not in timing_types) and (
col not in ["is_random", "maximal_change_bits", "median_attractor_length", "max_attractor_length", "normalized_n_inputs"]) and (
"std" not in col)]]
rnd_properties = mean_data.loc[mean_data.is_random==True][[col for col in data.columns if (col not in score_types) and (
col not in timing_types) and (
col not in ["is_random", "maximal_change_bits", "median_attractor_length", "max_attractor_length", "normalized_n_inputs"]) and (
"std" not in col)]]
bio_properties.to_csv("bio_graph_properties.csv", float_format='%.3g')
# rnd_properties.to_csv("rnd_graph_properties.csv", float_format='%.3g')
In [33]:
attractor_properties = [p for p in bio_properties.columns if ("attractor" in p or "basin" in p)]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(attractor_properties)/2, ncols=2, sharey=False, sharex=False, figsize=(15, 10))
print attractor_properties
i = 0
for attractor_property in attractor_properties:
bins = np.linspace(min(rnd_properties[attractor_property]), max(rnd_properties[attractor_property]), 25)
cur_ax = ax[i / 2, i % 2]
for is_random, container in zip([False, True], [bio_properties, rnd_properties]):
bar_data = container[attractor_property].values
weights = np.ones_like(bar_data) / float(len(bar_data))
cur_ax.hist(bar_data, alpha=0.7, bins=bins, weights=weights)
cur_ax.legend(["biological", "random"])
cur_ax.set_title(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'][i])
# cur_ax.set_title(score.replace("_", " "))
i += 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(attractor_properties)/2, ncols=2, sharey=False, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 10))
i = 0
for attractor_property in attractor_properties:
cur_ax = ax[i / 2, i % 2]
g = seaborn.boxplot(ax=cur_ax, data=rnd_properties,
x="graph_name", y=attractor_property, hue="graph_name", dodge=False)
bio = bio_properties
seaborn.swarmplot(ax=cur_ax, x="graph_name", y=attractor_property, data=bio_properties,
size=5, color="red", marker="o", linewidth=1)
cur_ax.set_title(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'][i])
i += 1
mean_pvalue_data = []
for attractor_property in attractor_properties:
bio = bio_properties
rnd = rnd_properties
graph_names = mean_data['graph_name'].unique()
mean_pairs = []
pairs = []
for graph_name in graph_names:
graph_bio = bio.loc[bio.graph_name == graph_name][attractor_property].values[0]
graph_rnd = rnd.loc[rnd.graph_name == graph_name][attractor_property]
mean_pairs.append((graph_bio, graph_rnd.mean()))
for rnd_point in graph_rnd:
pairs.append((graph_bio, rnd_point))
bio_mean = np.nanmean(bio[attractor_property])
rnd_mean = np.nanmean(rnd[attractor_property])
pair_pvalue = stats.wilcoxon(zip(*pairs)[0], zip(*pairs)[1])[1]
mean_pair_pvalue = stats.wilcoxon(zip(*mean_pairs)[0], zip(*mean_pairs)[1])[1]
row = attractor_property.replace("_", " "), bio_mean, rnd_mean, pair_pvalue#, mean_pair_pvalue
mean_pvalue_data = pd.DataFrame(mean_pvalue_data)
mean_pvalue_data.columns = ["attractor property", "real mean", "random mean", "p-value (Wilcoxon mean test)"]
# "p-value (Wilcoxon test)"]
# "significant ratio (sorting test)"]
mean_pvalue_data = mean_pvalue_data.set_index(mean_pvalue_data.columns[0])
mean_pvalue_data.to_csv("properties_pvalues.csv", float_format="%.3g")
In [34]:
# graph_dirs = ["Trichostrongylus retortaeformis",
# "FA BRCA pathway",
# "Apoptosis Network",
# "Arabidopsis thaliana Cell Cycle",
# "Aurora Kinase A in Neuroblastoma",
# "B bronchiseptica and T retortaeformis coinfection",
# "B cell differentiation",
# "Body Segmentation in Drosophila 2013",
# "Bordetella bronchiseptica",
# "BT474 Breast Cell Line Short-term ErbB Network",
# "Budding Yeast Cell Cycle",
# "Budding Yeast Cell Cycle 2009",
# "Cardiac development",
# "Cell Cycle Transcription by Coupled CDK and Network Oscillators",
# "Cholesterol Regulatory Pathway",
# "Cortical Area Development",
# "Death Receptor Signaling",
# "Fanconi anemia and checkpoint recovery",
# "Toll Pathway of Drosophila Signaling Pathway",
# "Guard Cell Abscisic Acid Signaling",
# "HCC1954 Breast Cell Line Short-term ErbB Network",
# "Human Gonadal Sex Determination",
# "Iron acquisition and oxidative stress response in aspergillus fumigatus",
# "Lac Operon",
# "Lymphoid and myeloid cell specification and transdifferentiation",
# "Mammalian Cell Cycle",
# "Mammalian Cell Cycle 2006",
# "MAPK Cancer Cell Fate Network",
# "Metabolic Interactions in the Gut Microbiome",
# "Neurotransmitter Signaling Pathway",
# "Oxidative Stress Pathway",
# "Predicting Variabilities in Cardiac Gene",
# "Pro-inflammatory Tumor Microenvironment in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia",
# "Regulation of the L-arabinose operon of Escherichia coli",
# "T cell differentiation",
# "Senescence Associated Secretory Phenotype",
# "SKBR3 Breast Cell Line Long-term ErbB Network",
# "SKBR3 Breast Cell Line Short-term ErbB Network",
# "T-Cell Signaling 2006",
# "T-LGL Survival Network 2011 Reduced Network",
# "Tumour Cell Invasion and Migration",
# "Stomatal Opening Model",
# "T-LGL Survival Network 2011",
# "Processing of Spz Network from the Drosophila Signaling Pathway"]
biological_graphs = []
biological_graph_names = []
size_cutoff = 60
candidate_biological_graph_names = os.listdir("cellcollective_models")
# for graph_dir in candidate_biological_graph_names:
for graph_dir in graph_dirs:
G = graphs.Network.parse_boolean_tables(os.path.join("cellcollective_models", graph_dir))
if len(G.vertices) <= size_cutoff:
stochastic.estimate_path_len_to_attractor(G, n_iter=100)
except ValueError as e:
if e.message.startswith("Model export from cellcollective failed"):
print "warning - did not load graph {}".format(graph_dir)
graph_name_to_attributes = dict()
for i, graph, name in zip(range(len(biological_graphs)), biological_graphs, biological_graph_names):
n_inputs = len([v for v in graph.vertices if len(v.predecessors()) == 0])
max_degree = max([len(v.predecessors()) for v in graph.vertices])
size = len(graph.vertices)
mean_degree = sum([len(v.predecessors()) for v in graph.vertices]) / float(size)
normaliezd_n_inputs = n_inputs / float(size)
graph_name_to_attributes[name] = dict(n_inputs=n_inputs, max_degree=max_degree,
size=size, mean_degree=mean_degree,
normalized_n_inputs=normaliezd_n_inputs, G=graph)
print "#{}; {} input nodes for graph {} of size {} and max degree {}".format(i, n_inputs, name,
size, max_degree)
In [52]:
good_graphs = [name for name in graph_name_to_attributes.keys() if name in data["graph_name"].unique()]
bad_graphs = [name for name in graph_name_to_attributes.keys() if name not in good_graphs]
print len(good_graphs), len(bad_graphs)
good_sizes = [graph_name_to_attributes[name]['size'] for name in good_graphs]
bad_sizes = [graph_name_to_attributes[name]['size'] for name in bad_graphs]
bins = np.linspace(0, 100, 100)
plt.hist(good_sizes, alpha=0.5, bins=bins)
plt.hist(bad_sizes, alpha=0.5, bins=bins)
good_edges = [graph_name_to_attributes[name]['size'] * graph_name_to_attributes[name]['mean_degree'] for name in good_graphs]
bad_edges = [graph_name_to_attributes[name]['size'] * graph_name_to_attributes[name]['mean_degree'] for name in bad_graphs]
bins = np.linspace(0, 100, 100)
plt.hist(good_edges, alpha=0.5, bins=bins)
plt.hist(bad_edges, alpha=0.5, bins=bins)
good_edges = [graph_name_to_attributes[name]['max_degree'] for name in good_graphs]
bad_edges = [graph_name_to_attributes[name]['max_degree'] for name in bad_graphs]
bins = np.linspace(0, 15, 20)
plt.hist(good_edges, alpha=0.5, bins=bins)
plt.hist(bad_edges, alpha=0.5, bins=bins)
good_attractors = [len(stochastic.estimate_attractors(
G=graph_name_to_attributes[name]['G'], max_walk_len=50, n_walks=200, with_basins=False)) for name in good_graphs]
bad_attractors = [len(stochastic.estimate_attractors(
G=graph_name_to_attributes[name]['G'], max_walk_len=50, n_walks=200, with_basins=False)) for name in bad_graphs if graph_name_to_attributes[name]['size'] <= 10000]
bins = np.linspace(0, 100, 100)
plt.hist(good_attractors, alpha=0.5, bins=bins)
plt.hist(bad_attractors, alpha=0.5, bins=bins)
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