In [59]:
import numpy
import pylab
#This module has the fit code
import SterileSearchPy as ssp
#And this will bring in code for cute plots
import SterilePlotting
# Hypotheses are managed by the HypTools module:
import HypTools
In [60]:
%matplotlib inline
In [61]:
#An object of type "DataPaths" is used to set where we find all the data.
# make one like this:
#For this notebook we will set these two:
In [62]:
# An object of type "SteeringParams" is used to configure the fitter.
#For this notebook, we set the binning, and not to read compact
In [63]:
# And an object of type "SterileNuParams" sets the hypothesis we will fit against.
# Here we set it to the null hypothesis
In [64]:
# Having picked our parameters, we build the Sterilizer object.
# This is configured with one MC set and loads the data automatically
# - but if we want to we can replace the data with something else later.
# (see spitting and swallowing below)
# It is also configured with one set of sterile neutrino parameters,
# and one set of data paths / steering parameters.
# See the section "Configurable parameters" below for more information on these.
# Note - it will take a while to build but you can watch progress on the command line.
sterilizer = ssp.Sterilizer(dp,sp,snp)
In [65]:
# We can probe various distributions of the MC at different values of the nuisance
# parameters. A set of nuisance parameters is supplied via a ssp.Nuisance object.
# tab complete one to see what its members are.
# This is the default set of nuisance params
DefaultNuisance = ssp.Nuisance()
# And here is another set, but we modified the pi/k ratio by 20%
ModifiedNuisance = ssp.Nuisance()
In [66]:
# The data and MC load automatically into histograms.
# For most of our plots we will need to know how they are binned.
# This is how we find out.
EbinsData = numpy.array(sterilizer.GetEnergyBinsData())
EbinsMC = numpy.array(sterilizer.GetEnergyBinsMC())
ZbinsData = numpy.array(sterilizer.GetZenithBinsData())
ZbinsMC = numpy.array(sterilizer.GetZenithBinsMC())
In [67]:
#This is how to get the data distribution. [0] means year 0, which
# is 2011. We only have this year for now.
In [68]:
#This is how to get the expectation of the MC, with two different
# sets of nuisance parameters
expecDefault = sterilizer.GetExpectation(DefaultNuisance)[0]
expecModPiK = sterilizer.GetExpectation(ModifiedNuisance)[0]
In [69]:
#This will give you one random realization of the MC (realization number 1 in this case):
randomseed = 1
realization = sterilizer.GetRealization(DefaultNuisance,randomseed)[0]
In [70]:
# The SterilePlotting module has some handy default plots in it.
# Refer to and modify code therein for more advanced plots.
In [71]:
# This makes the absolute counts plot (two examples)
SterilePlotting.Draw2DAbsHistogram(data,bins=(EbinsData,ZbinsData),title="Data Histogram")
SterilePlotting.Draw2DAbsHistogram(expecDefault,bins=(EbinsMC,ZbinsMC),title="MC Histogram")
In [72]:
# This makes a ratio plot ((d1-d2)/d1)
SterilePlotting.Draw2DRatioHistogram(expecDefault,expecModPiK,bins=(EbinsData,ZbinsData),title="Effect of 20% Pi/K shift")
In [73]:
# This makes a pulls plot ((data-mc) / sqrt(mc))
SterilePlotting.Draw2DPullPlot(realization,expecDefault,bins=(EbinsMC,ZbinsMC),title="Pulls in random realization")
In [74]:
# To speed up the MC loading process we can store a compact version of the data
# and suck it in later. Here is how we store it:
# This will fail. comment for now.
In [75]:
# And here is how to read it, into a new sterilizer object:
#EbinsNewMC = numpy.array(newsterilizer.GetEnergyBinsMC())
#ZbinsNewMC = numpy.array(newsterilizer.GetZenithBinsMC())
#SterilePlotting.Draw2DAbsHistogram(newdata,bins=(EbinsNewMC,ZbinsNewMC),title="New Data")
In [76]:
# We can get data, expectations and realizations out as actual event lists. Like this:
DataList = sterilizer.SpitData()
RealizationList = sterilizer.SpitRealization(DefaultNuisance,randomseed)
ModRealizationList = sterilizer.SpitRealization(ModifiedNuisance,randomseed)
ExpectationList = sterilizer.SpitExpectation(DefaultNuisance)
In [77]:
# The format of each entry is [energy, zenith, year, weight]. So we might plot energy like this, for example:
pylab.hist(RealizationList[:,0],weights=RealizationList[:,3],label="One Realization (default)",bins=bins,histtype='step',linewidth=2)
pylab.hist(ModRealizationList[:,0],weights=ModRealizationList[:,3],label="One realization (Pi/K +20%)",bins=bins,histtype='step',linewidth=2)
pylab.xlabel("Energy / GeV")
pylab.legend(loc='upper right')
In [78]:
#We can also pass an event list back into the fitter as it was data. We do that as follows:
In [ ]:
# Typically the hypothesis lists are contained in scan_values files. This is one we use by default:
# (extended means we go to dm2=100 and sin2=0.001, not 10 and 0.01 as in the original version)
# The HypDicts object contains the mapping between scan scalues and parameters. Dig into this if you want deets.
# HypDict[ParamsToHypothesisNumber] - lookup table [Log10(sin2), Log10(dm2)] -> Hypothesis number
# HypDict[HypothesisNumberToParams] - lookup table Hypothesis number -> [Log10(sin2), Log10(dm2)]
# HypDict[MaxHypID] - largest hypothesis number for this file
# HypDict[AllParamVals] - List of all Log10(sin2) and Log10(dm2) values
In [ ]:
# A more useful interface is given by the MakeSNP function
# This makes a SterileNuParams object to initialize the sterilizer
# based on a given hypothesis number.
# 0 is always the null hypothesis:
snpnull=HypTools.MakeSNP(ScanValsFile, 0)
print("Null point dm2, th234, ID:", snpnull.dm41sq, snpnull.th24, snpnull.modelId)
# N>0 is some other hypothesis:
snp6=HypTools.MakeSNP(ScanValsFile, 6)
print("Point 6 dm2, th234, ID:", snp6.dm41sq, snp6.th24, snp6.modelId)
In [ ]:
# This function makes the 2D scan files:
HypTools.Make2DScanFile("./TempScanFile.txt",FirstLogDM2=-2, LastLogDM2=2., LogDM2Step=0.05, FirstLogSin2=-3, LastLogSin2\
=0, LogSin2Step=0.05)
# Take a look at it:
In [ ]:
# To calculate an Asimov sensitivity, we have to set the data list equal to
# the expectation from the MC. We do that as follows:
In [ ]:
#We can check we succeeded by seeing the data and the expectation are now very similar
DataList = sterilizer.SpitData()
RealizationList = sterilizer.SpitRealization(DefaultNuisance,randomseed)
ModRealizationList = sterilizer.SpitRealization(ModifiedNuisance,randomseed)
ExpectationList = sterilizer.SpitExpectation(DefaultNuisance)
pylab.hist(RealizationList[:,0],weights=RealizationList[:,3],label="One Realization (default)",bins=bins,histtype='step',linewidth=2)
pylab.hist(ModRealizationList[:,0],weights=ModRealizationList[:,3],label="One realization (Pi/K +20%)",bins=bins,histtype='step',linewidth=2)
pylab.xlabel("Energy / GeV")
pylab.legend(loc='upper right')
In [84]:
# For example, to calculate the Asimov LLH at default nuisance params and null :
print("Asimov LLH at null:",sterilizer.EvalLLH(DefaultNuisance))
#To do it at other points, simply reset the local hypothesis of the sterilizer module and go again:
snp=HypTools.MakeSNP(ScanValsFile, 6)
# sterilizer.SetSterileNuParams(dp,sp,snp) - will fail because we need to make fluxes
print("Asimov LLH at point 6:", sterilizer.EvalLLH(DefaultNuisance))
In [ ]:
# In SteeringParams:
# Data / MC Configuration
sp.useBurnSample # Whether to load burnsample or full data
sp.ReadCompact # Read compact or full data and mc
sp.xs_model_name # Which cross section model to use
sp.modelName # Which flux model to use
sp.oversizeFunction # Which oversize function to use
sp.simToLoad # Which simulation set to load
sp.cosThbinEdge # Cos theta binning
sp.cosThbinWidth # --
sp.maxCosth # --
sp.minCosth # --
sp.logEbinEdge # Energy binning
sp.logEbinWidth # --
sp.maxFitEnergy # --
sp.minFitEnergy # --
sp.years # which years to load
sp.burnSampleLivetime # total livetime of burn sample
sp.fullLivetime # total livetime of full sample
#Technical stuff
sp.useFactorization # Whether to enable oscillation factorization
sp.evalThreads # How many threads to use for evaluating fits
sp.quiet # Control program verbosity
In [ ]:
#List of datapaths parameters:
dp.compact_file_path # Compact data processed and dumped to disk (.dat) is
dp.data_path # Full scale data file (.hdf5) is
dp.domeff_spline_path # Dom efficiency correction splines are (.dat)
dp.mc_path # Where the full scale MC files are after processEnergy (.hdf5)
dp.oversize_path # Oversize correction function for changing oversize MC to non-oversize MC (.dat)
dp.squids_files_path # Conventional atmospheric flux evolved by squids for various osc hypotheses are (.hdf5)
dp.prompt_squids_files_path # as above but the prompt flux (.hdf5)
dp.xs_spline_path # Cross section splines (.fits)
dp.flux_splines_path # Flux splines (.fits) are - for factorized mode only