In [1]:
import os
import pandas as pd
import yaml
import cea
import cea.scripts

In [2]:
schemas_yml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cea.__file__), "schemas.yml")
schemas = yaml.load(open(schemas_yml))

In [45]:
glossary_csv = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cea.__file__), "glossary.csv")
glossary_df = pd.read_csv(glossary_csv)

       u'UNIT', u'VALUES', u'TYPE', u'COLOR', u'FILE_NAME'],

In [3]:
output_folder = r"c:\Users\darthoma\polybox\2637-single-point-of-reference-for-variables"

In [47]:
# first handle non-excel (worksheet) style schemas

for lm in schemas.keys():
    schema = schemas[lm]["schema"]
    if "columns" in schema:
        # not an excel-type file
        for col in schema["columns"].keys():
            g = glossary_df
            g = g[g.LOCATOR_METHOD == lm]
            g = g[g.VARIABLE == col]
                description = g.DESCRIPTION.values[0]
                unit = g.UNIT.values[0]
                values = g.VALUES.values[0]
                assert len(g.DESCRIPTION.values) <= 1
                print lm, col, description, unit, values
                schema["columns"][col]["description"] = description
                schema["columns"][col]["unit"] = unit
                schema["columns"][col]["values"] = values
            except IndexError:
                schema["columns"][col]["description"] = "TODO"
                schema["columns"][col]["unit"] = "TODO"
                schema["columns"][col]["values"] = "TODO"
yaml.dump(schemas, open(schemas_yml, 'w'), indent=2, default_flow_style=False)

get_building_typology 3RD_USE_R Ratio of gross floor area for Third Use Type [m2/m2] {0.0...1.0}
get_building_typology 3RD_USE Building Third Use Type [code] {MULTI_RES...OFFICE}
get_building_typology 1ST_USE Building Main Use Type [code] {MULTI_RES...OFFICE}
get_building_typology STANDARD Construction Standard [code] {T1...Tn}
get_building_typology 1ST_USE_R Ratio of gross floor area for Main Use Type [m2/m2] {0.0...1.0}
get_building_typology YEAR Construction year [-] {0...n}
get_building_typology 2ND_USE Building Second Use Type [code] {MULTI_RES...OFFICE}
get_building_typology 2ND_USE_R Ratio of gross floor area for Second Use Type [m2/m2] {0.0...1.0}
get_building_typology Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_geothermal_potential Ts_C TODO TODO TODO
get_geothermal_potential Area_avail_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_geothermal_potential QGHP_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_Storage_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern E_Furnace_wet_gen_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_HP_Lake_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_BaseBoiler_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_SC_ET_gen_storage_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_SC_ET_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_Furnace_wet_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_BackupBoiler_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern E_PVT_gen_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_SC_FP_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_HP_Server_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern DATE TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_HP_Sew_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_districtheating_sys_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_SC_FP_gen_storage_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_Furnace_dry_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern E_Furnace_dry_gen_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern E_CHP_gen_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_CHP_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_GHP_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_PVT_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_PeakBoiler_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_PVT_gen_storage_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern Q_HP_Server_storage_W TODO TODO TODO
SC_totals Date Date and time in hourly steps. [datetime] {yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss-Z}
SC_totals Eaux_SC_kWh TODO TODO TODO
SC_totals radiation_kWh Total radiatiative potential. [kWh] {0.0...n}
SC_totals Area_SC_m2 TODO TODO TODO
SC_totals Q_SC_gen_kWh TODO TODO TODO
SC_totals mcp_SC_kWperC TODO TODO TODO
get_network_layout_nodes_shapefile Building Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_network_layout_nodes_shapefile geometry Geometry [-] [-]
get_network_layout_nodes_shapefile Type Weather a Plant or A Customer [-] alphanumeric
get_network_layout_nodes_shapefile Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_total_demand GRID_ww_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand Qhs_sen_ahu_MWhyr AHU sensible heat demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand GRID_l0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand Ea_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand Qcs_sys_MWhyr End-use space cooling demand MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_sys_MWhyr End-use space heating demand MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand GRID_pro_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand GRID_cre_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand OIL_hs0_kW Nominal OIL requirement for space heating supply kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Epro_MWhyr Electricity supplied to industrial processes MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand QH_sys_MWhyr Total building heating demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_sen_ahu0_kW Nominal AHU sensible heat demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs0_kW Nominal Total cooling demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand WOOD_hs_MWhyr WOOD requirement for space heating supply MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_dis_ls0_kW Nominal Cool distribution losses. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand GRID0_kW Nominal Grid electricity consumption kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand GRID_cs_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand GRID_MWhyr Grid electricity consumption MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand GRID_data0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand GRID_hs_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand Qcdata_MWhyr Data centre cooling demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Edata_MWhyr Electricity consumption for data centers MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_em_ls_MWhyr Cool emission losses [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_lat_aru_MWhyr ARU latent heat demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand E_sys_MWhyr End-use electricity demand MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand E_cdata0_kW Nominal Data centre cooling specific electricity consumption. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand PV_MWhyr PV electricity consumption MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qww_sys_MWhyr End-use hotwater demand MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand QH_sys0_kW Nominal total building heating demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand E_cre0_kW Nominal Refrigeration system electricity consumption. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_lat_sys0_kW Nominal System latent cool demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand OIL_ww0_kW Nominal OIL requirement for hotwater supply kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Eal0_kW Nominal Total net electricity for all sources and sinks. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_sen_sys0_kW Nominal HVAC systems sensible heat demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand DH_hs_MWhyr Energy requirement by district heating (space heating supply) MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcre_sys_MWhyr End-use refrigeration demand MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand COAL_ww0_kW Nominal Coal requirement for hotwater supply kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand GRID_l_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand Qcs_sen_scu_MWhyr SCU system cool demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Af_m2 Conditioned floor area (heated/cooled) [m2] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand DH_ww_MWhyr Energy requirement by district heating (hotwater supply) MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_dis_ls0_kW Nominal Heating system distribution losses. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcdata0_kW Nominal Data centre cooling demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_lat_sys_MWhyr System latent heat demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_sen_aru0_kW Nominal ARU system cool demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_sys_aru0_kW Nominal ARU system cool demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_lat_aru0_kW Nominal ARU latent cool demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_sen_scu0_kW Nominal SCU system cool demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand GRID_aux_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand Qcs_lat_ahu0_kW Nominal AHU latent cool demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcre0_kW Nominal Refrigeration cooling demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_lat_sys0_kW Nominal System latent heat demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand GRID_cs0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand Aocc_m2 Occupied floor area (heated/cooled) [m2] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand SOLAR_hs_MWhyr Solar thermal energy requirement for space heating supply MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand GRID_pro0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand COAL_ww_MWhyr Coal requirement for hotwater supply MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_sys_ahu_MWhyr AHU system cool demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_sys0_kW Nominal end-use space heating demand kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_sys_scu0_kW Nominal SCU system cool demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Aroof_m2 Roof area [m2] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand E_cdata_MWhyr Electricity consumption due to data center cooling MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand DC_cdata_MWhyr District cooling for data center cooling demand MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_MWhyr Total cool demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_sys_ahu0_kW Nominal AHU system cool demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_sys_ahu_MWhyr AHU system heat demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcdata_sys_MWhyr End-use data center cooling demand MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand OIL_hs_MWhyr OIL requirement for space heating supply MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand OIL_ww_MWhyr OIL requirement for hotwater supply MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand E_cs_MWhyr Electricity consumption due to space cooling MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand NG_ww_MWhyr NG requirement for hotwater supply MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand El_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand GRID_cdata0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand GRID_a0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand Qhs_sen_aru0_kW ARU sensible heat demand [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_lat_ahu_MWhyr AHU latent heat demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand PV0_kW Nominal PV electricity consumption kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_sys0_kW Nominal end-use space cooling demand kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand GRID_cre0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand Qcs_lat_ahu_MWhyr AHU latent cool demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Eaux0_kW Nominal Auxiliary electricity consumption. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand DC_cre_MWhyr District cooling for refrigeration demand MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_sys_aru_MWhyr ARU sensible heat demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_em_ls0_kW Nominal Cool emission losses. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_dis_ls_MWhyr Cool distribution losses [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhpro_sys_MWhyr Yearly processes heat demand. [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Epro0_kW Nominal Industrial processes electricity consumption. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcre_sys0_kW  Nominal refrigeration cooling demand kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_sen_ahu_MWhyr AHU system cool demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand E_sys0_kW Nominal end-use electricity demand kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand SOLAR_ww_MWhyr Solar thermal energy requirement for hotwater supply MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Eaux_MWhyr Electricity consumption due to auxiliary equipment MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand SOLAR_hs0_kW Nominal solar thermal energy requirement for space heating supply kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_sen_sys_MWhyr Sensible system cool demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand SOLAR_ww0_kW Nominal solar thermal energy requirement for hotwater supply kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand COAL_hs_MWhyr Coal requirement for space heating supply MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand E_ww_MWhyr Electricity consumption due to hot water MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_lat_sys_MWhyr System latent cool demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_sen_ahu0_kW Nominal AHU system cool demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_lat_ahu0_kW Nominal AHU latent heat demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand QC_sys_MWhyr Total system cooling demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_sys_shu0_kW Nominal SHU sensible heat demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_sen_sys0_kW Nominal Sensible system cool demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand QC_sys0_kW Nominal Total system cooling demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_sen_sys_MWhyr SHU sensible heat demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcpro_sys_MWhyr Yearly processes cooling demand. [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand DH_ww0_kW Nominal Energy requirement by district heating (hotwater supply) kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand E_hs0_kW Nominal Heating system electricity consumption. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_sys_aru0_kW Nominal ARU sensible heat demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand WOOD_ww0_kW Nominal WOOD requirement for hotwater supply kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand E_ww0_kW Nominal Domestic hot water electricity consumption. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qww0_kW Nominal DHW heat demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_dis_ls_MWhyr Heating system distribution losses [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_lat_aru0_kW Nominal ARU latent heat demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_sen_aru_MWhyr ARU system cool demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_sys_ahu0_kW Nominal AHU sensible heat demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand GRID_aux0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand GRID_cdata_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand Qww_sys0_kW Nominal end-use hotwater demand kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand GRID_ww0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand NG_hs0_kW Nominal NG requirement for space heating supply kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand NG_hs_MWhyr NG requirement for space heating supply MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_sys_scu_MWhyr SCU system cool demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_sen_aru_MWhyr ARU sensible heat demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand El0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand WOOD_hs0_kW Nominal WOOD requirement for space heating supply kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand E_cre_MWhyr Electricity consumption due to refrigeration MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand NG_ww0_kW Nominal NG requirement for hotwater supply kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand E_cs0_kW Nominal Cooling system electricity consumption. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand DC_cre0_kW Nominal district cooling for refrigeration demand kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand GFA_m2 Gross floor area [m2] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_sen_shu_MWhyr SHU sensible heat demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_sys_shu_MWhyr SHU sensible heat demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand DC_cs_MWhyr District cooling for space cooling demand MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand DC_cs0_kW Nominal district cooling for space cooling demand kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcdata_sys0_kW Nominal end-use data center cooling demand kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_MWhyr Total heating demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand WOOD_ww_MWhyr WOOD requirement for hotwater supply MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhpro_sys0_kW Nominal process heat demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_sen_shu0_kW Nominal SHU sensible heat demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_total_demand GRID_hs0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand DH_hs0_kW Nominal energy requirement by district heating (space heating supply) kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Edata0_kW Nominal Data centre electricity consumption. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_lat_aru_MWhyr ARU latent cool demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand DC_cdata0_kW Nominal district cooling for final data center cooling demand kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcre_MWhyr Refrigeration cooling demand for the system [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Eal_MWhyr Electricity consumption due to appliances and lighting MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs_em_ls0_kW Nominal Heating emission losses. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand E_hs_MWhyr Electricity consumption due to space heating MWh/yr {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qww_MWhyr DHW heat demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcpro_sys0_kW Nominal process cooling demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qhs0_kW Nominal Total heating demand. [kW] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand COAL_hs0_kW Nominal Coal requirement for space heating supply kW {0.0...n}
get_total_demand Qcs_sys_aru_MWhyr ARU system cool demand [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_total_demand GRID_a_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand people0 Nominal occupancy [people] {0...n}
get_total_demand GRID_data_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand Ea0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_total_demand Qhs_em_ls_MWhyr Heating system emission losses [MWh/year] {0.0...n}
get_lca_mobility GHG_sys_mobility_kgCO2m2 Commuting kg CO2-eq/m2.yr {0.0...n}
get_lca_mobility GHG_sys_mobility_tonCO2 Commuting ton CO2-eq/yr {0.0...n}
get_lca_mobility GFA_m2 Gross floor area [m2] {0.0...n}
get_lca_mobility Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_network_temperature_supply_nodes_file NODE0 TODO TODO TODO
get_network_energy_pumping_requirements_file pressure_loss_supply_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_network_energy_pumping_requirements_file pressure_loss_return_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_network_energy_pumping_requirements_file pressure_loss_substations_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_network_energy_pumping_requirements_file pressure_loss_total_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_HP_Lake_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_Furnace_wet_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_SeasonalStorage_WS_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_BackupBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_BackupBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_PV_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_BaseBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_PV_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_SC_ET_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_SubstationsHeating_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_SubstationsHeating_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_HP_Sewage_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_var_WB_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_HP_Server_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_GRID_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_BaseBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_HP_Sewage_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_BaseBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_Furnace_wet_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_SC_ET_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_DHN_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance GHG_GRID_exports_district_scale_tonCO2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_PVT_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_PVT_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_GRID_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_var_GRID_imports_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_PV_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_PeakBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_PVT_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_GHP_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_DHN_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_SeasonalStorage_WS_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance GHG_WB_district_scale_tonCO2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance GHG_GRID_imports_district_scale_tonCO2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_HP_Lake_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_SC_FP_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_GHP_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_PeakBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_Furnace_wet_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_Furnace_dry_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_DHN_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_CHP_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_CHP_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_SubstationsHeating_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_PeakBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_CHP_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_SC_ET_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_GHP_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_HP_Lake_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_HP_Server_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_BackupBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_total_SeasonalStorage_WS_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_SC_FP_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_var_DB_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_Furnace_dry_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_Furnace_dry_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance GHG_DB_district_scale_tonCO2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_var_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_var_GRID_exports_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_HP_Server_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_SC_FP_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance GHG_NG_district_scale_tonCO2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Capex_a_GRID_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_HP_Sewage_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_building_air_conditioning heat_ends End of the heating season - use 00|00 when there is none [DD|MM] {00|00...31|12}
get_building_air_conditioning Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_building_air_conditioning type_cs Type of cooling supply system [code] {T0...Tn}
get_building_air_conditioning cool_starts Start of the cooling season - use 00|00 when there is none [DD|MM] {00|00...31|12}
get_building_air_conditioning type_hs Type of heating supply system [code] {T0...Tn}
get_building_air_conditioning heat_starts Start of the heating season - use 00|00 when there is none [DD|MM] {00|00...31|12}
get_building_air_conditioning type_vent Type of ventilation strategy (relates to values in Default Database HVAC Properties) [code] {T1...Tn}
get_building_air_conditioning cool_ends End of the cooling season - use 00|00 when there is none [DD|MM] {00|00...31|12}
get_building_air_conditioning type_dhw Type of hot water supply system [code] {T0...Tn}
get_building_air_conditioning type_ctrl Type of heating and cooling control systems (relates to values in Default Database HVAC Properties) [code] {T1...Tn}
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_HP_Lake_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_Furnace_wet_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_SeasonalStorage_WS_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_BackupBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_BackupBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_PV_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_BaseBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_PV_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_SC_ET_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_SubstationsHeating_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_SubstationsHeating_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_HP_Sewage_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_var_WB_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_HP_Server_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_GRID_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_BaseBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_HP_Sewage_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_BaseBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_Furnace_wet_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_SC_ET_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_DHN_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance GHG_GRID_exports_district_scale_tonCO2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_PVT_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_PVT_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_GRID_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_var_GRID_imports_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_PV_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_PeakBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance individual TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_PVT_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_GHP_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_DHN_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_SeasonalStorage_WS_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance generation TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance GHG_WB_district_scale_tonCO2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance GHG_GRID_imports_district_scale_tonCO2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance individual_name TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_HP_Lake_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_SC_FP_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_GHP_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_PeakBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_Furnace_wet_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_Furnace_dry_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_DHN_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_CHP_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_CHP_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_SubstationsHeating_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_PeakBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_CHP_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_SC_ET_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_GHP_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_HP_Lake_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_HP_Server_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_BackupBoiler_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_total_SeasonalStorage_WS_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Unnamed: 0 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_SC_FP_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_var_DB_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_Furnace_dry_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_Furnace_dry_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance GHG_DB_district_scale_tonCO2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_var_NG_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_var_GRID_exports_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_HP_Server_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_SC_FP_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance GHG_NG_district_scale_tonCO2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Capex_a_GRID_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance Opex_fixed_HP_Sewage_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_sewage_heat_potential T_out_HP_C TODO TODO TODO
get_sewage_heat_potential Ts_C TODO TODO TODO
get_sewage_heat_potential T_out_sw_C TODO TODO TODO
get_sewage_heat_potential T_in_sw_C TODO TODO TODO
get_sewage_heat_potential T_in_HP_C TODO TODO TODO
get_sewage_heat_potential mww_zone_kWperC TODO TODO TODO
get_sewage_heat_potential Qsw_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_activation_pattern E_Furnace_dry_gen_export_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_activation_pattern E_Furnace_dry_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_activation_pattern E_CHP_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_activation_pattern E_Furnace_wet_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_activation_pattern E_GRID_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_activation_pattern E_PV_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_activation_pattern E_PVT_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_activation_pattern E_Trigen_gen_export_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_activation_pattern E_Furnace_wet_gen_export_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_activation_pattern E_PV_gen_export_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_activation_pattern E_PVT_gen_export_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_activation_pattern DATE TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_activation_pattern E_CHP_gen_export_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_activation_pattern E_Trigen_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_thermal_network_layout_massflow_nodes_file NODE0 TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_metadata BUILDING Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_radiation_metadata orientation Orientation of the surface (north/east/south/west/top) [-] {north...}
get_radiation_metadata Ycoor Describes the position of the y vector. [-] {0.0...n}
get_radiation_metadata SURFACE Unique surface ID for each building exterior surface. [-] {srf0...srfn}
get_radiation_metadata Xdir Directional scalar of the x vector. [-] {-1...1}
get_radiation_metadata Zcoor Describes the position of the z vector. [-] {0.0...n}
get_radiation_metadata Zdir Directional scalar of the z vector. [-] {-1...1}
get_radiation_metadata AREA_m2 Surface area. [m2] {0.0...n}
get_radiation_metadata Xcoor Describes the position of the x vector. [-] {0.0...n}
get_radiation_metadata Ydir Directional scalar of the y vector. [-] {-1...1}
get_radiation_metadata intersection TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_metadata TYPE Surface typology. [-] {walls/windows/roofs}
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto generation TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto Capex_total_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto GHG_sys_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto Capex_total_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto TAC_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto Opex_a_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto individual_name TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto individual TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto TAC_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto GHG_sys_building_scale_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto Opex_a_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto GHG_sys_district_scale_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto Unnamed: 0 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto Capex_a_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto TAC_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto Capex_a_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto Capex_a_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto Capex_total_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto Opex_a_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
PV_totals PV_walls_west_m2 West facing wall collector surface area. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_totals PV_roofs_top_m2 Collector surface area on roof tops. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_totals PV_walls_north_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic panels on north facades kWh {0.0...n}
PV_totals Area_PV_m2 Total area of investigated collector. [m2] {0.0...n}
PV_totals E_PV_gen_kWh Total electricity generated by the collector. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_totals PV_walls_south_m2 Collector surface area on south facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_totals PV_walls_east_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic panels on east facades kWh {0.0...n}
PV_totals PV_walls_east_m2 Collector surface area on east facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_totals radiation_kWh Total radiatiative potential. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_totals Date Date and time in hourly steps. [datetime] {yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss-Z}
PV_totals PV_walls_south_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic panels on south facades kWh {0.0...n}
PV_totals PV_roofs_top_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic panels on roof tops kWh {0.0...n}
PV_totals PV_walls_west_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic panels on west facades kWh {0.0...n}
PV_totals PV_walls_north_m2 Collector surface area on north facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_optimization_generation_building_scale_performance Opex_var_cooling_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_building_scale_performance Capex_total_cooling_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_building_scale_performance Unnamed: 0 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_building_scale_performance Capex_a_cooling_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_building_scale_performance GHG_cooling_building_scale_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_building_scale_performance generation TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_building_scale_performance Capex_total_heating_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_building_scale_performance Capex_a_heating_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_building_scale_performance individual_name TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_building_scale_performance Opex_var_heating_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_building_scale_performance individual TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_building_scale_performance GHG_heating_building_scale_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_building_scale_performance Opex_fixed_heating_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_building_scale_performance Opex_fixed_cooling_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
SC_results Area_SC_m2 TODO TODO TODO
SC_results T_SC_sup_C TODO TODO TODO
SC_results Q_SC_l_kWh TODO TODO TODO
SC_results radiation_kWh Total radiatiative potential. [kWh] {0.0...n}
SC_results Q_SC_gen_kWh TODO TODO TODO
SC_results mcp_SC_kWperC TODO TODO TODO
SC_results Date Date and time in hourly steps. [datetime] {yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss-Z}
SC_results Eaux_SC_kWh TODO TODO TODO
get_building_weekly_schedules METADATA TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_building_scale_performance Opex_var_cooling_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_building_scale_performance Capex_total_cooling_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_building_scale_performance Capex_a_cooling_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_building_scale_performance GHG_cooling_building_scale_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_building_scale_performance Capex_total_heating_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_building_scale_performance Capex_a_heating_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_building_scale_performance Opex_var_heating_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_building_scale_performance GHG_heating_building_scale_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_building_scale_performance Opex_fixed_heating_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_building_scale_performance Opex_fixed_cooling_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_thermal_demand_csv_file B01 TODO TODO TODO
get_surroundings_geometry geometry Geometry [-] [-]
get_surroundings_geometry height_bg Height below ground (basement, etc) [m] {0.0...n}
get_surroundings_geometry Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_surroundings_geometry floors_bg Number of floors below ground (basement, etc) [-] {0...n}
get_surroundings_geometry height_ag Height above ground (incl. ground floor) [m] {0.0...n}
get_surroundings_geometry floors_ag Number of floors above ground (incl. ground floor) [-] {0...n}
get_network_total_thermal_loss_file thermal_loss_return_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_network_total_thermal_loss_file thermal_loss_supply_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_network_total_thermal_loss_file thermal_loss_total_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_checkpoint generation TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_checkpoint difference_generational_distances TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_checkpoint generational_distances TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_checkpoint selected_population TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_checkpoint tested_population TODO TODO TODO
get_building_comfort RH_max_pc Upper bound of relative humidity [%] {0.0...n}
get_building_comfort Tcs_set_C Setpoint temperature for cooling system [C] {0.0...n}
get_building_comfort Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_building_comfort Ths_setb_C Setback point of temperature for heating system [C] {0.0...n}
get_building_comfort Ths_set_C Setpoint temperature for heating system [C] {0.0...n}
get_building_comfort Tcs_setb_C Setback point of temperature for cooling system [C] {0.0...n}
get_building_comfort Ve_lpspax Indoor quality requirements of indoor ventilation per person [l/s] {0.0...n}
get_building_comfort RH_min_pc Lower_bound of relative humidity [%] {0.0...n}
get_lca_embodied GHG_sys_embodied_tonCO2 Building construction and decomissioning ton CO2-eq/yr {0.0...n}
get_lca_embodied GHG_sys_embodied_kgCO2m2 Building construction and decomissioning kg CO2-eq/m2.yr {0.0...n}
get_lca_embodied GFA_m2 Gross floor area [m2] {0.0...n}
get_lca_embodied Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation B09_DH TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation WS_HP TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation B06_DH TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation NG_PeakBoiler TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation NG_BaseBoiler TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation B03_DH TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation B05_DH TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation DB_Cogen TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation SS_HP TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation B02_DH TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation GS_HP TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation PV TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation NG_Cogen TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation B07_DH TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation Unnamed: 0 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation PVT TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation SC_FP TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation B08_DH TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation B01_DH TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation generation TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation individual TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation B04_DH TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation SC_ET TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation WB_Cogen TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_individuals_in_generation DS_HP TODO TODO TODO
get_water_body_potential Ts_C TODO TODO TODO
get_water_body_potential QLake_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_thermal_network_node_types_csv_file Building TODO TODO TODO
get_thermal_network_node_types_csv_file Type TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_building_scale_cooling_capacity Capacity_DX_AS_cool_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_building_scale_cooling_capacity Name TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_building_scale_cooling_capacity Capaticy_ACH_SC_ET_cool_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_building_scale_cooling_capacity Capacity_ACHHT_FP_cool_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_building_scale_cooling_capacity Capacity_VCCHT_AS_cool_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_building_scale_cooling_capacity Capacity_BaseVCC_AS_cool_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_building_scale_cooling_capacity Capacity_ACH_SC_FP_cool_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_cooling_capacity Capacity_DX_AS_cool_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_cooling_capacity Name TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_cooling_capacity Capaticy_ACH_SC_ET_cool_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_cooling_capacity Capacity_ACHHT_FP_cool_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_cooling_capacity Capacity_VCCHT_AS_cool_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_cooling_capacity Capacity_BaseVCC_AS_cool_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_cooling_capacity Capacity_ACH_SC_FP_cool_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
PVT_total_buildings Q_PVT_l_kWh Collector heat loss. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings Name TODO TODO TODO
PVT_total_buildings Q_PVT_gen_kWh Total heat generated by the collector. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings Eaux_PVT_kWh Auxiliary electricity consumed by the collector. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings PVT_walls_west_Q_kWh Heat production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on west facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings PVT_roofs_top_Q_kWh Heat production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on roof tops kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings PVT_walls_east_Q_kWh Heat production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on east facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings Area_PVT_m2 Total area of investigated collector. [m2] {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings radiation_kWh Total radiatiative potential. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings PVT_roofs_top_m2 Collector surface area on roof tops. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings PVT_roofs_top_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on roof tops kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings PVT_walls_west_m2 West facing wall collector surface area. [m2] {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings PVT_walls_north_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on north facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings E_PVT_gen_kWh Total electricity generated by the collector. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings PVT_walls_west_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on west facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings PVT_walls_east_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on east facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings PVT_walls_south_Q_kWh Heat production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on south facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings PVT_walls_east_m2 Collector surface area on east facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings PVT_walls_south_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on south facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings PVT_walls_north_Q_kWh Heat production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on north facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings PVT_walls_north_m2 Collector surface area on north facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_total_buildings PVT_walls_south_m2 Collector surface area on south facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_building_internal El_Wm2 Peak specific electrical load due to artificial lighting [W/m2] {0.0...n}
get_building_internal Qhpro_Wm2 Peak specific process heating load [W/m2] {0.0...n}
get_building_internal Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_building_internal Occ_m2pax Occupancy density [m2/pax] {0.0...n}
get_building_internal Ed_Wm2 Peak specific electrical load due to servers/data centres [W/m2] {0.0...n}
get_building_internal Ea_Wm2 Peak specific electrical load due to computers and devices [W/m2] {0.0...n}
get_building_internal Qcre_Wm2 Peak specific cooling load due to refrigeration (cooling rooms) [W/m2] {0.0...n}
get_building_internal Ev_kWveh Peak specific charging capacity per vehicle [kW/vehicle] {0.0...n}
get_building_internal Epro_Wm2 Peak specific electrical load due to industrial processes [W/m2] {0.0...n}
get_building_internal X_ghpax Moisture released by occupancy at peak conditions [gh/kg/p] {0.0...n}
get_building_internal Vww_lpdpax Peak specific daily hot water consumption [lpd] {0.0...n}
get_building_internal Vw_lpdpax Peak specific fresh water consumption (includes cold and hot water) [lpd] {0.0...n}
get_building_internal Qs_Wpax Peak sensible heat load of people [W/pax] {0.0...n}
get_building_internal Qcpro_Wm2 Peak specific process cooling load [W/m2] {0.0...n}
get_thermal_network_plant_heat_requirement_file NONE TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_building_connectivity DC_connectivity TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_building_connectivity DH_connectivity TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_building_connectivity Name TODO TODO TODO
PV_total_buildings PV_walls_west_m2 West facing wall collector surface area. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_total_buildings PV_roofs_top_m2 Collector surface area on roof tops. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_total_buildings PV_walls_north_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic panels on north facades kWh {0.0...n}
PV_total_buildings Area_PV_m2 Total area of investigated collector. [m2] {0.0...n}
PV_total_buildings E_PV_gen_kWh Total electricity generated by the collector. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_total_buildings PV_walls_south_m2 Collector surface area on south facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_total_buildings PV_walls_east_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic panels on east facades kWh {0.0...n}
PV_total_buildings PV_walls_east_m2 Collector surface area on east facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_total_buildings radiation_kWh Total radiatiative potential. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_total_buildings PV_walls_south_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic panels on south facades kWh {0.0...n}
PV_total_buildings PV_roofs_top_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic panels on roof tops kWh {0.0...n}
PV_total_buildings PV_walls_west_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic panels on west facades kWh {0.0...n}
PV_total_buildings PV_walls_north_m2 Collector surface area on north facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_weather snowdepth_cm (index = 30) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather windspd_ms (index = 21) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather atmos_Pa (index = 9) Atmospheric pressure TODO TODO
get_weather zenlum_lux (index = 19) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather Albedo (index = 32) Albedo TODO TODO
get_weather ceiling_hgt_m (index = 25) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather relhum_percent (index = 8) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather difhorrad_Whm2 (index = 15) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather difhorillum_lux (index = 18) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather presweathobs (index = 26) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather dirnorillum_lux (index = 17) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather days_last_snow (index = 31) Days since last snow TODO TODO
get_weather glohorrad_Whm2 (index = 13) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather precip_wtr_mm (index = 28) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather minute (index = 4) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather liq_precip_depth_mm (index = 33) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather dirnorrad_Whm2 (index = 14) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather exthorrad_Whm2 (index = 10) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather visibility_km (index = 24) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather aerosol_opt_thousandths (index = 29) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather opaqskycvr_tenths (index = 23) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather presweathcodes (index = 27) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather month (index = 1) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather day (index = 2) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather year (index = 0) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather datasource (index = 5) Source of data TODO TODO
get_weather winddir_deg (index = 20) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather glohorillum_lux (index = 16) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather drybulb_C (index = 6) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather dewpoint_C (index = 7) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather totskycvr_tenths (index = 22) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather liq_precip_rate_Hour (index = 34) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather horirsky_Whm2 (index = 12) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather hour (index = 3) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather extdirrad_Whm2 (index = 11) TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_cooling_activation_pattern DATE TODO TODO TODO
get_lca_operation COAL_ww_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditionend floor area of the coal powered domestic hot water system [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation COAL_hs_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditioned floor area of the coal powererd heating system [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation OIL_ww_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) for oil powered domestic hot water system [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation NG_ww_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the solar powered domestic hot water system [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation GHG_sys_tonCO2 Energy system operation ton CO2-eq/yr {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation COAL_hs_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the coal powered heating system [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DH_ww_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) for district heating powered domestic hot water system [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation COAL_ww_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) of the coal powered domestic hot water system [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DH_hs_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) of the district heating system [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DH_hs_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditioned floor area of the district heating system [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation NG_hs_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) for natural gas powered heating system [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation PV_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) for PV-System [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation WOOD_hs_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) of the wood powered heating system [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation GRID_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the electrictiy from the grid [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DC_cre_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) of the dstrict cooling for cooling and refrigeration [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DH_hs_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) for district heating system [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation NG_hs_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditioned floor area of the natural gas powered heating system [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation SOLAR_ww_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) for solar powered domestic hot water system [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation SOLAR_hs_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) of the solar powered heating system [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation GRID_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) from the grid [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation NG_ww_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) of the natural gas powered domestic hot water system [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation SOLAR_hs_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) of the solar powered heating system [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation WOOD_ww_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditioned floor area of the wood powered domestic hot water system [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation SOLAR_ww_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditioned floor area of the solar powered domestic hot water system [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DC_cdata_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the district cooling for the data center [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation SOLAR_ww_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the solar powered domestic hot water system [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation SOLAR_ww_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) of the solar poweed domestic hot water system [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DC_cs_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) for district cooling system [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation COAL_hs_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) of the coal powered heating system [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DC_cs_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the district cooling [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation OIL_ww_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) of the oil powered domestic hot water system [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation GRID_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) from grid electricity [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation WOOD_ww_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) of the wood powered domestic hot water system [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation OIL_ww_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the oil powered domestic hot water system [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation GRID_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditioned floor area from grid electricity [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation GHG_sys_kgCO2m2 Energy system operation kg CO2-eq/m2.yr {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation NG_hs_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the natural gas powered heating system [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DH_ww_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) of the district heating domestic hot water system [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation PV_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditioned floor area for PV-System [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DC_cdata_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) for district cooling system of the data center [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DC_cdata_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) of the dstrict cooling for the data center [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation OIL_hs_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) for oil powered heating system [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation OIL_ww_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditioned floor area of the oil powered domestic hot water system [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation WOOD_ww_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the wood powered domestic hot water system [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation NG_ww_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) for natural gas powered domestic hot water system [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DH_ww_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the district heating powered domestic hot water system [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DC_cs_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) of the district cooling [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation OIL_hs_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditioned floor area of the oil powered heating system [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation SOLAR_hs_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditioned floor area of the solar powered heating system [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_lca_operation GFA_m2 Gross floor area [m2] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation PV_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) for PV System [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation NG_ww_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditioned floor area of the gas powered domestic hot water system [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation OIL_hs_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) of the oil powered heating system [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DC_cs_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditioned floor area of the district cooling [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DH_ww_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditioned floor area of the district heating domestic hot water system [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation OIL_hs_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the oil powered heating system [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation WOOD_hs_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditioned floor area of the wood powered heating system [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation WOOD_hs_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the wood powered heating system [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation SOLAR_hs_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the solar powered heating system [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DC_cdata_ghg_kgm2 Emissions due to operational energy per unit of conditioned floor area of the district cooling for the data center [kg/m2 -yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation COAL_hs_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) for coal powered heating system [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation COAL_ww_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the coal powered domestic hot water system [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation NG_hs_nre_pen_MJm2 Operational primary energy demand per unit of conditioned floor area (non-renewable) of the natural gas powered heating system [MJ/m2-yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DH_hs_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the district heating system [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation WOOD_ww_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) for wood powered domestic hot water system [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation DC_cre_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) for district cooling system for cooling and refrigeration [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation COAL_ww_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) for coal powered domestic hot water system [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation PV_ghg_ton Emissions due to operational energy of the PV-System [ton/yr] {0.0...n}
get_lca_operation WOOD_hs_nre_pen_GJ Operational primary energy demand (non-renewable) for wood powered heating system [GJ/yr] {0.0...n}
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_HP_DS_heat_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_HP_GS_heat_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_CHP_DB_el_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_PeakBoiler_NG_heat_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_PVT_el_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_PVT_heat_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_BaseBoiler_NG_heat_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_HP_WS_heat_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_BackupBoiler_NG_heat_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_CHP_NG_heat_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_HP_SS_heat_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_CHP_WB_heat_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_CHP_DB_heat_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_SC_ET_heat_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_SeasonalStorage_WS_heat_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_CHP_NG_el_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_SC_FP_heat_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_CHP_WB_el_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_materials r_wall TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_materials Name TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_materials r_roof TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_materials type_win TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_materials type_roof TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_materials G_win TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_materials type_wall TODO TODO TODO
get_thermal_network_substation_ploss_file B01 TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file snowdepth_cm (index = 30) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file windspd_ms (index = 21) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file atmos_Pa (index = 9) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file zenlum_lux (index = 19) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file Albedo (index = 32) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file ceiling_hgt_m (index = 25) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file relhum_percent (index = 8) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file difhorrad_Whm2 (index = 15) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file difhorillum_lux (index = 18) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file presweathobs (index = 26) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file dirnorillum_lux (index = 17) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file days_last_snow (index = 31) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file glohorrad_Whm2 (index = 13) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file precip_wtr_mm (index = 28) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file minute (index = 4) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file liq_precip_depth_mm (index = 33) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file dirnorrad_Whm2 (index = 14) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file exthorrad_Whm2 (index = 10) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file visibility_km (index = 24) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file aerosol_opt_thousandths (index = 29) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file opaqskycvr_tenths (index = 23) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file presweathcodes (index = 27) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file month (index = 1) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file day (index = 2) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file year (index = 0) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file datasource (index = 5) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file winddir_deg (index = 20) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file glohorillum_lux (index = 16) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file drybulb_C (index = 6) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file dewpoint_C (index = 7) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file totskycvr_tenths (index = 22) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file liq_precip_rate_Hour (index = 34) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file horirsky_Whm2 (index = 12) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file hour (index = 3) TODO TODO TODO
get_weather_file extdirrad_Whm2 (index = 11) TODO TODO TODO
get_network_layout_edges_shapefile geometry Geometry [-] [-]
get_network_layout_edges_shapefile length_m TODO TODO TODO
get_network_layout_edges_shapefile Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_network_layout_edges_shapefile Pipe_DN Classifies nominal pipe diameters (DN) into typical bins. E.g. DN100 refers to pipes of approx. 100mm in diameter. [DN#] alphanumeric
get_network_layout_edges_shapefile Type_mat Material type [-] {T0...Tn}
get_costs_operation_file WOOD_ww_cost_m2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file OIL_ww_cost_m2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file COAL_ww_cost_yr Operation costs of coal due to hotwater $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file Capex_a_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file DH_hs_cost_m2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file Opex_a_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file DC_cre_cost_yr Operation costs due to hotwater $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file DC_cs_cost_yr Operation costs due to space cooling $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file Aocc_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file WOOD_hs_cost_yr Operation costs of wood due to space heating $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file COAL_hs_cost_m2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file DC_cdata_cost_yr Operation costs due to space heating $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file WOOD_ww_cost_yr Operation costs of wood due to hotwater $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file PV_cost_yr Electricity supply from PV $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file NG_hs_cost_m2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file DH_ww_cost_m2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file DH_ww_cost_yr Operation costs due to hotwater $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file COAL_ww_cost_m2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file Capex_a_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file SOLAR_ww_cost_m2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file PV_cost_m2yr Electricity supply from PV $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file DC_cdata_cost_m2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file GRID_cost_m2yr Electricity supply from the grid $USD(2015)/m2.yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file COAL_hs_cost_yr Operation costs of coal due to space heating $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file DC_cre_cost_m2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file OIL_hs_cost_m2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file OIL_ww_cost_yr Operation costs of oil due to hotwater $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file SOLAR_ww_cost_yr Operation costs due to solar collectors for space heating $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file Opex_a_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file NG_ww_cost_m2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file DH_hs_cost_yr Operation costs due to space heating $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file DC_cs_cost_m2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file NG_ww_cost_yr Operation costs of NG due to hotwater $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file SOLAR_hs_cost_yr Operation costs due to solar collectors for hotwater $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file SOLAR_hs_cost_m2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_costs_operation_file GRID_cost_yr Electricity supply from the grid $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file OIL_hs_cost_yr Operation costs of oil due to space heating $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file NG_hs_cost_yr Operation costs of NG due to space heating $USD(2015)/yr TODO
get_costs_operation_file Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_costs_operation_file WOOD_hs_cost_m2yr TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis TAC_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis generation TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis Capex_total_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis PEN_sys_building_scale_MJoil TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis GHG_rank TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis GHG_sys_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis TAC_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis Opex_a_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis individual_name TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis Capex_a_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis GHG_sys_building_scale_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis PEN_sys_MJoil TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis Unnamed: 0 TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis normalized_TAC TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis normalized_prim TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis Capex_total_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis TAC_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis Capex_a_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis TAC_rank TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis normalized_emissions TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis Capex_total_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis normalized_Capex_total TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis GHG_sys_district_scale_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis Unnamed: 0.1 TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis PEN_sys_district_scale_MJoil TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis user_MCDA_rank TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis PEN_rank TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis normalized_Opex TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis Opex_a_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis user_MCDA TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis Capex_a_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis individual TODO TODO TODO
get_multi_criteria_analysis Opex_a_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
PV_metadata_results surface_azimuth_deg Azimuth angle of the panel surface e.g. south facing = 180 deg [deg] {0.0...n}
PV_metadata_results orientation Orientation of the surface (north/east/south/west/top) [-] {north...}
PV_metadata_results Ycoor Describes the position of the y vector. [-] {0.0...n}
PV_metadata_results area_installed_module_m2 The area of the building suface covered by one solar panel [m2] {0.0...n}
PV_metadata_results tilt_deg Tilt angle of roof or walls [deg] {0.0...n}
PV_metadata_results surface Unique surface ID for each building exterior surface. [-] {srf0...srfn}
PV_metadata_results Xcoor Describes the position of the x vector. [-] {0.0...n}
PV_metadata_results total_rad_Whm2 Total radiatiative potential of a given surfaces area. [Wh/m2] {0.0...n}
PV_metadata_results CATteta_z Category according to the surface azimuth of the panel [-] {0...n}
PV_metadata_results AREA_m2 Surface area. [m2] {0.0...n}
PV_metadata_results SURFACE Unique surface ID for each building exterior surface. [-] {srf0...srfn}
PV_metadata_results Ydir Directional scalar of the y vector. [-] {-1...1}
PV_metadata_results intersection TODO TODO TODO
PV_metadata_results B_deg Tilt angle of the installed solar panels [deg] {0.0...n}
PV_metadata_results BUILDING Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
PV_metadata_results CATB Category according to the tilt angle of the panel [-] {0...n}
PV_metadata_results type_orientation Concatenated surface type and orientation. [-] {type_orientation}
PV_metadata_results CATGB Category according to the annual radiation on the panel surface [-] {0...n}
PV_metadata_results Xdir Directional scalar of the x vector. [-] {-1...1}
PV_metadata_results Zcoor Describes the position of the z vector. [-] {0.0...n}
PV_metadata_results Zdir Directional scalar of the z vector. [-] {-1...1}
PV_metadata_results array_spacing_m Spacing between solar arrays. [m] {0.0...n}
PV_metadata_results TYPE Surface typology. [-] {walls/windows/roofs}
get_thermal_network_pressure_losses_edges_file PIPE0 TODO TODO TODO
get_network_linear_thermal_loss_edges_file PIPE0 TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building windows_south_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building walls_south_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building windows_east_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building walls_north_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building walls_east_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building roofs_top_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building windows_west_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building walls_west_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building walls_north_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building roofs_top_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building windows_north_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building windows_east_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building walls_east_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building windows_south_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building windows_north_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building walls_south_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building Date TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building windows_west_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building walls_west_kW TODO TODO TODO
SC_metadata_results surface_azimuth_deg Azimuth angle of the panel surface e.g. south facing = 180 deg [deg] {0.0...n}
SC_metadata_results orientation Orientation of the surface (north/east/south/west/top) [-] {north...}
SC_metadata_results Ycoor Describes the position of the y vector. [-] {0.0...n}
SC_metadata_results area_installed_module_m2 The area of the building suface covered by one solar panel [m2] {0.0...n}
SC_metadata_results tilt_deg Tilt angle of roof or walls [deg] {0.0...n}
SC_metadata_results surface Unique surface ID for each building exterior surface. [-] {srf0...srfn}
SC_metadata_results Xcoor Describes the position of the x vector. [-] {0.0...n}
SC_metadata_results total_rad_Whm2 Total radiatiative potential of a given surfaces area. [Wh/m2] {0.0...n}
SC_metadata_results CATteta_z Category according to the surface azimuth of the panel [-] {0...n}
SC_metadata_results AREA_m2 Surface area. [m2] {0.0...n}
SC_metadata_results SURFACE Unique surface ID for each building exterior surface. [-] {srf0...srfn}
SC_metadata_results Ydir Directional scalar of the y vector. [-] {-1...1}
SC_metadata_results intersection TODO TODO TODO
SC_metadata_results B_deg Tilt angle of the installed solar panels [deg] {0.0...n}
SC_metadata_results BUILDING Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
SC_metadata_results CATB Category according to the tilt angle of the panel [-] {0...n}
SC_metadata_results type_orientation Concatenated surface type and orientation. [-] {type_orientation}
SC_metadata_results CATGB Category according to the annual radiation on the panel surface [-] {0...n}
SC_metadata_results Xdir Directional scalar of the x vector. [-] {-1...1}
SC_metadata_results Zcoor Describes the position of the z vector. [-] {0.0...n}
SC_metadata_results Zdir Directional scalar of the z vector. [-] {-1...1}
SC_metadata_results array_spacing_m Spacing between solar arrays. [m] {0.0...n}
SC_metadata_results TYPE Surface typology. [-] {walls/windows/roofs}
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating_activation BackupBoiler_Status TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating_activation Unnamed: 0 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating_activation Boiler_Status TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating_activation Q_BackupBoiler_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating_activation NG_BackupBoiler_req_Wh TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating_activation E_hs_ww_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating_activation NG_Boiler_req_Wh TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating_activation Q_GHP_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating_activation GHP_Status TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating_activation Q_Boiler_gen_directload_W TODO TODO TODO
get_database_standard_schedules_use METADATA metadata [-] TODO
PVT_results Q_PVT_l_kWh Collector heat loss. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_results Q_PVT_gen_kWh Total heat generated by the collector. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_results PVT_walls_south_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on south facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_results Eaux_PVT_kWh Auxiliary electricity consumed by the collector. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_results PVT_walls_west_Q_kWh Heat production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on west facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_results PVT_roofs_top_Q_kWh Heat production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on roof tops kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_results PVT_walls_east_Q_kWh Heat production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on east facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_results Area_PVT_m2 Total area of investigated collector. [m2] {0.0...n}
PVT_results radiation_kWh Total radiatiative potential. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_results PVT_roofs_top_m2 Collector surface area on roof tops. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_results PVT_roofs_top_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on roof tops kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_results PVT_walls_west_m2 West facing wall collector surface area. [m2] {0.0...n}
PVT_results T_PVT_sup_C Collector heating supply temperature. [C] {0.0...n}
PVT_results PVT_walls_north_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on north facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_results T_PVT_re_C Collector heating supply temperature. [C] {0.0...n}
PVT_results E_PVT_gen_kWh Total electricity generated by the collector. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_results PVT_walls_west_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on west facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_results PVT_walls_east_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on east facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_results PVT_walls_south_Q_kWh Heat production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on south facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_results mcp_PVT_kWperC Capacity flow rate (mass flow* specific heat capacity) of the hot water delivered by the collector. [kW/Cap] {0.0...n}
PVT_results PVT_walls_east_m2 Collector surface area on east facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_results Date Date and time in hourly steps. [datetime] {yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss-Z}
PVT_results PVT_walls_north_Q_kWh Heat production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on north facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_results PVT_walls_north_m2 Collector surface area on north facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_results PVT_walls_south_m2 Collector surface area on south facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating Unnamed: 0 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating Opex_var_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating Capacity_FC_NG_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating Capacity_BaseBoiler_NG_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating Best configuration TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating Capex_total_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating Capacity_GS_HP_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating Opex_fixed_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating Nominal heating load TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating TAC_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating Capex_a_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating GHG_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating PEN_MJoil TODO TODO TODO
get_network_temperature_plant temperature_return_K TODO TODO TODO
get_network_temperature_plant temperature_supply_K TODO TODO TODO
get_network_pressure_at_nodes NODE0 TODO TODO TODO
PVT_metadata_results surface_azimuth_deg Azimuth angle of the panel surface e.g. south facing = 180 deg [deg] {0.0...n}
PVT_metadata_results orientation Orientation of the surface (north/east/south/west/top) [-] {north...}
PVT_metadata_results Ycoor Describes the position of the y vector. [-] {0.0...n}
PVT_metadata_results area_installed_module_m2 The area of the building suface covered by one solar panel [m2] {0.0...n}
PVT_metadata_results tilt_deg Tilt angle of roof or walls [deg] {0.0...n}
PVT_metadata_results surface Unique surface ID for each building exterior surface. [-] {srf0...srfn}
PVT_metadata_results Xcoor Describes the position of the x vector. [-] {0.0...n}
PVT_metadata_results total_rad_Whm2 Total radiatiative potential of a given surfaces area. [Wh/m2] {0.0...n}
PVT_metadata_results CATteta_z Category according to the surface azimuth of the panel [-] {0...n}
PVT_metadata_results AREA_m2 Surface area. [m2] {0.0...n}
PVT_metadata_results SURFACE Unique surface ID for each building exterior surface. [-] {srf0...srfn}
PVT_metadata_results Ydir Directional scalar of the y vector. [-] {-1...1}
PVT_metadata_results intersection TODO TODO TODO
PVT_metadata_results B_deg Tilt angle of the installed solar panels [deg] {0.0...n}
PVT_metadata_results BUILDING Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
PVT_metadata_results CATB Category according to the tilt angle of the panel [-] {0...n}
PVT_metadata_results type_orientation Concatenated surface type and orientation. [-] {type_orientation}
PVT_metadata_results CATGB Category according to the annual radiation on the panel surface [-] {0...n}
PVT_metadata_results Xdir Directional scalar of the x vector. [-] {-1...1}
PVT_metadata_results Zcoor Describes the position of the z vector. [-] {0.0...n}
PVT_metadata_results Zdir Directional scalar of the z vector. [-] {-1...1}
PVT_metadata_results array_spacing_m Spacing between solar arrays. [m] {0.0...n}
PVT_metadata_results TYPE Surface typology. [-] {walls/windows/roofs}
get_network_linear_pressure_drop_edges PIPE0 TODO TODO TODO
get_thermal_network_layout_massflow_edges_file PIPE0 TODO TODO TODO
get_demand_results_file Qcs_sys_scu_kWh SCU system cool demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file COAL_ww_kWh Coal requirement for hotwater supply kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qhs_lat_aru_kWh ARU latent heat demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file SOLAR_hs_kWh Solar thermal energy requirement for space heating supply kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcdata_sys_kWh End-use data center cooling demand kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qhpro_sys_kWh Process heat demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file GRID_data_kWh kWh Grid electricity requirements for servers {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file GRID_pro_kWh kWh Grid electricity requirements for industrial processes {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qhs_sys_kWh End-use space heating demand kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcre_sys_kWh End-use refrigeration demand kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Tww_sys_sup_C Supply temperature hotwater system C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file E_ww_kWh Hot water system electricity consumption. [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file mcphs_sys_ahu_kWperC Capacity flow rate (mass flow* specific heat Capacity) of the warm water delivered to air handling units (space heating). [kW/Cap] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qhs_sen_aru_kWh ARU sensible heat demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file SOLAR_ww_kWh Solar thermal energy requirement for hotwater supply kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file mcpcs_sys_kWperC Capacity flow rate (mass flow* specific heat Capacity) of the chilled water delivered to space cooling. [kW/Cap] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qhs_sys_aru_kWh ARU system heat demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file E_cre_kWh Refrigeration system electricity consumption. [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Ths_sys_sup_ahu_C Supply temperature heating system C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Q_gain_sen_app_kWh Sensible heat gain from appliances kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Ths_sys_sup_aru_C Supply temperature heating system C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file GRID_ww_kWh kWh Grid electricity requirements for hot water supply {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Eal_kWh End-use electricity consumption of appliances and lights [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qhs_em_ls_kWh Heating system emission losses [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file DC_cdata_kWh District cooling for data center cooling demand kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file GRID_l_kWh kWh Grid electricity requirements for lights {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file T_int_C Indoor temperature C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Tcs_sys_sup_scu_C Supply temperature cooling system C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Q_gain_sen_base_kWh Sensible heat gain from transmission through the base kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Ea_kWh TODO TODO TODO
get_demand_results_file Qcs_sen_aru_kWh ARU sensible cool demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Tcs_sys_re_scu_C Return temperature cooling system C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcs_sen_scu_kWh SHU sensible cool demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file mcphs_sys_aru_kWperC Capacity flow rate (mass flow* specific heat Capacity) of the warm water delivered to air recirculation units (space heating). [kW/Cap] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file mcpcs_sys_scu_kWperC Capacity flow rate (mass flow* specific heat Capacity) of the chilled water delivered to sensible cooling units (space cooling). [kW/Cap] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcre_kWh Refrigeration space cooling demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file people Predicted occupancy: number of people in building [people] {0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcs_sys_ahu_kWh AHU system cool demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file mcptw_kWperC Capacity flow rate (mass flow* specific heat capaicty) of the fresh water [kW/Cap] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Tcs_sys_re_aru_C Return temperature cooling system C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_demand_results_file Qhs_kWh Sensible heating system demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file mcpww_sys_kWperC Capacity flow rate (mass flow* specific heat capaicty) of domestic hot water [kW/Cap] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Ths_sys_sup_C Heating system supply temperature. [C] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Tww_sys_re_C Return temperature hotwater system C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file GRID_cdata_kWh kWh Grid electricity requirements for servers cooling {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Q_gain_sen_wall_kWh Sensible heat gain from transmission through the walls kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file QC_sys_kWh Total cool consumption [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Ths_sys_sup_shu_C Supply temperature heating system C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Tcdata_sys_re_C Cooling supply temperature of the data centre [C] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file DH_ww_kWh Energy requirement by district heating (hotwater supply) kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file E_cdata_kWh Data centre cooling specific electricity consumption. [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file mcpcs_sys_aru_kWperC Capacity flow rate (mass flow* specific heat Capacity) of the chilled water delivered to air recirculation units (space cooling). [kW/Cap] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file PV_kWh PV electricity consumption kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file WOOD_ww_kWh WOOD requirement for hotwater supply kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qhs_sys_ahu_kWh AHU system heat demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Q_gain_sen_vent_kWh Sensible heat gain from ventilation and infiltration kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcs_em_ls_kWh Cooling system emission losses [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file I_rad_kWh Radiative heat loss kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcdata_kWh Data centre space cooling demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file DC_cre_kWh District cooling for refrigeration demand kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Q_gain_lat_peop_kWh Latent heat gain from people kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Ths_sys_re_ahu_C Return temperature heating system C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qhs_lat_sys_kWh Total latent heat demand for all systems [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file GRID_cs_kWh kWh Grid electricity requirements for space cooling {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcs_sys_kWh End-use space cooling demand kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcs_lat_aru_kWh ARU latent cool demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qhs_lat_ahu_kWh AHU latent heat demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file E_sys_kWh End-use total electricity system consumption = Ea + El + Edata + Epro + Eaux  kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcs_sys_aru_kWh ARU system cool demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qhs_sen_shu_kWh SHU sensible heat demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file COAL_hs_kWh Coal requirement for space heating supply kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qhs_sys_shu_kWh SHU system heat demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Tcs_sys_re_C System cooling return temperature. [C] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Tcs_sys_sup_ahu_C Supply temperature cooling system C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qhs_dis_ls_kWh Heating system distribution losses [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file mcpcre_sys_kWperC Capacity flow rate (mass flow* specific heat Capacity) of the chilled water delivered to refrigeration. [kW/Cap] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file OIL_ww_kWh OIL requirement for hotwater supply kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file x_int Internal mass fraction of humidity (water/dry air) [kg/kg] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qhs_sen_ahu_kWh AHU sensible heat demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Q_gain_sen_data_kWh Sensible heat gain from data centres kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file GRID_hs_kWh kWh Grid electricity requirements for space heating {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file T_ext_C Outdoor temperature C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file DC_cs_kWh District cooling for space cooling demand kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Tcre_sys_re_C Cooling return temperature of the refrigeration system. [C] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcs_sen_sys_kWh Total sensible cool demand for all systems [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file GRID_kWh Grid total requirements of electricity = GRID_a + GRID_l + GRID_v +GRID_data + GRID_pro + GRID_aux + GRID_cdata + GRID_cre + GRID_hs + GRID_ww + GRID_cs kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qhs_sen_sys_kWh Total sensible heat demand for all systems [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file I_sol_and_I_rad_kWh Net radiative heat gain [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Q_gain_sen_pro_kWh Sensible heat gain from industrial processes. [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcpro_sys_kWh Process cooling demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file NG_ww_kWh NG requirement for hotwater supply kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file E_cs_kWh Cooling system electricity consumption. [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Eaux_kWh End-use auxiliary electricity consumption. [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file NG_hs_kWh NG requirement for space heating supply kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Tcs_sys_sup_aru_C Supply temperature cooling system C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file WOOD_hs_kWh WOOD requirement for space heating supply kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Tcdata_sys_sup_C Cooling return temperature of the data centre [C] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Q_loss_sen_ref_kWh Sensible heat loss from refrigeration systems kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file El_kWh TODO TODO TODO
get_demand_results_file Qcs_lat_ahu_kWh AHU latent cool demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file mcpcdata_sys_kWperC Capacity flow rate (mass flow* specific heat capacity) of the chilled water delivered to data centre. [kW/Cap] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Ths_sys_re_shu_C Return temperature heating system C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file DATE Time stamp for each day of the year ascending in hour intervals. [smalldatetime] YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
get_demand_results_file mcphs_sys_shu_kWperC Capacity flow rate (mass flow* specific heat Capacity) of the warm water delivered to sensible heating units (space heating). [kW/Cap] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcs_dis_ls_kWh Cooling system distribution losses [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Q_gain_sen_light_kWh Sensible heat gain from lighting kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file mcphs_sys_kWperC Capacity flow rate (mass flow* specific heat Capacity) of the warm water delivered to space heating. [kW/Cap] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qww_sys_kWh End-use hotwater demand kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file GRID_aux_kWh kWh Grid electricity requirements for auxiliary loads {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcs_kWh Specific cool demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcs_sen_ahu_kWh AHU sensible cool demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file mcpcs_sys_ahu_kWperC Capacity flow rate (mass flow* specific heat Capacity) of the chilled water delivered to air handling units (space cooling). [kW/Cap] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file QH_sys_kWh Total heat consumption [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qcs_lat_sys_kWh Total latent cool demand for all systems [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file theta_o_C Operative temperature in building (RC-model) used for comfort plotting [C] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file I_sol_kWh Solar heat gain kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file DH_hs_kWh Energy requirement by district heating (space heating supply) kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Tcre_sys_sup_C Cooling supply temperature of the refrigeration system. [C] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Epro_kWh End-use electricity consumption for industrial processes. [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file GRID_a_kWh kWh Grid electricity requirements for appliances {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Tcs_sys_sup_C System cooling supply temperature. [C] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Edata_kWh End-use data centre electricity consumption. [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Tcs_sys_re_ahu_C Return temperature cooling system C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Q_gain_sen_wind_kWh Sensible heat gain from transmission through the windows kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file OIL_hs_kWh OIL requirement for space heating supply kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Ths_sys_re_C Heating system return temperature. [C] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Qww_kWh DHW specific heat demand [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file GRID_cre_kWh kWh Grid electricity requirements for refrigeration {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Ths_sys_re_aru_C Return temperature heating system C {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Q_gain_sen_roof_kWh Sensible heat gain from transmission through the roof kWh {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file E_hs_kWh Heating system electricity consumption. [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_demand_results_file Q_gain_sen_peop_kWh Sensible heat gain from people kWh {0.0...n}
get_network_temperature_return_nodes_file NODE0 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_results_file mdot_DH_result_kgpers TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_results_file Q_heating_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_results_file A_hex_heating_design_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_results_file Q_dhw_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_results_file A_hex_dhw_design_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_results_file T_supply_DH_result_K TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_results_file T_return_DH_result_K TODO TODO TODO
PVT_totals Q_PVT_l_kWh Collector heat loss. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_totals Q_PVT_gen_kWh Total heat generated by the collector. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_totals PVT_walls_south_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on south facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_totals Eaux_PVT_kWh Auxiliary electricity consumed by the collector. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_totals PVT_walls_west_Q_kWh Heat production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on west facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_totals PVT_roofs_top_Q_kWh Heat production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on roof tops kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_totals PVT_walls_east_Q_kWh Heat production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on east facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_totals Area_PVT_m2 Total area of investigated collector. [m2] {0.0...n}
PVT_totals radiation_kWh Total radiatiative potential. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_totals PVT_roofs_top_m2 Collector surface area on roof tops. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_totals PVT_roofs_top_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on roof tops kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_totals PVT_walls_west_m2 West facing wall collector surface area. [m2] {0.0...n}
PVT_totals T_PVT_sup_C Collector heating supply temperature. [C] {0.0...n}
PVT_totals PVT_walls_north_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on north facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_totals T_PVT_re_C Collector heating supply temperature. [C] {0.0...n}
PVT_totals E_PVT_gen_kWh Total electricity generated by the collector. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_totals PVT_walls_west_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on west facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_totals PVT_walls_east_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on east facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_totals PVT_walls_south_Q_kWh Heat production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on south facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_totals mcp_PVT_kWperC Capacity flow rate (mass flow* specific heat capacity) of the hot water delivered by the collector. [kW/Cap] {0.0...n}
PVT_totals PVT_walls_east_m2 Collector surface area on east facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_totals Date Date and time in hourly steps. [datetime] {yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss-Z}
PVT_totals PVT_walls_north_Q_kWh Heat production from photovoltaic-thermal panels on north facades kWh {0.0...n}
PVT_totals PVT_walls_north_m2 Collector surface area on north facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PVT_totals PVT_walls_south_m2 Collector surface area on south facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_thermal_network_velocity_edges_file PIPE0 TODO TODO TODO
get_building_architecture type_shade Shading system type (relates to values in Default Database Construction Properties) [m2/m2] {T1...Tn}
get_building_architecture Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_building_architecture Hs_bg Fraction of below ground gross floor area air-conditioned. [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_building_architecture wwr_north Window to wall ratio in in facades facing north [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_building_architecture Hs_ag Fraction of above ground gross floor area air-conditioned. [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_building_architecture Ns Fraction of net gross floor area. [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_building_architecture type_roof Roof construction type (relates to values in Default Database Construction Properties) [-] {T1...Tn}
get_building_architecture type_wall External wall construction type (relates to values in Default Database Construction Properties) [m2/m2] {T1...Tn}
get_building_architecture type_base Basement floor construction type (relates to values in Default Database Construction Properties) [m2/m2] {T1...Tn}
get_building_architecture wwr_west Window to wall ratio in in facades facing west [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_building_architecture type_cons Type of construction. It relates to the contents of the default database of Envelope Properties: construction [code] {T1...Tn}
get_building_architecture type_leak Tightness level. It relates to the contents of the default database of Envelope Properties: tightness [code] {T1...Tn}
get_building_architecture type_floor Internal floor construction type (relates to values in Default Database Construction Properties) [m2/m2] {T1...Tn}
get_building_architecture wwr_south Window to wall ratio in in facades facing south [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_building_architecture wwr_east Window to wall ratio in in facades facing east [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_building_architecture type_win Window type (relates to values in Default Database Construction Properties) [m2/m2] {T1...Tn}
get_building_architecture Es Fraction of gross floor area with electrical demands. [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_building_architecture void_deck Number of floors (from the ground up) with an open envelope (default = 0) [-] {0...n}
get_network_total_pressure_drop_file pressure_loss_substations_Pa TODO TODO TODO
get_network_total_pressure_drop_file pressure_loss_return_Pa TODO TODO TODO
get_network_total_pressure_drop_file pressure_loss_supply_Pa TODO TODO TODO
get_network_total_pressure_drop_file pressure_loss_total_Pa TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_network_results_summary Q_DHNf_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_network_results_summary T_DHNf_sup_K TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_network_results_summary T_DHNf_re_K TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_network_results_summary mdot_DH_netw_total_kgpers TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_network_results_summary mcpdata_netw_total_kWperC TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_network_results_summary Q_DH_losses_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_network_results_summary DATE TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_network_results_summary Qcdata_netw_total_kWh TODO TODO TODO
PV_results PV_walls_west_m2 West facing wall collector surface area. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_results PV_roofs_top_m2 Collector surface area on roof tops. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_results PV_walls_north_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic panels on north facades kWh {0.0...n}
PV_results Area_PV_m2 Total area of investigated collector. [m2] {0.0...n}
PV_results E_PV_gen_kWh Total electricity generated by the collector. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_results PV_walls_south_m2 Collector surface area on south facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_results PV_walls_east_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic panels on east facades kWh {0.0...n}
PV_results PV_walls_east_m2 Collector surface area on east facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_results radiation_kWh Total radiatiative potential. [kWh] {0.0...n}
PV_results Date Date and time in hourly steps. [datetime] {yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss-Z}
PV_results PV_walls_south_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic panels on south facades kWh {0.0...n}
PV_results PV_roofs_top_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic panels on roof tops kWh {0.0...n}
PV_results PV_walls_west_E_kWh Electricity production from photovoltaic panels on west facades kWh {0.0...n}
PV_results PV_walls_north_m2 Collector surface area on north facades. [kWh] {0.0...n}
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_cs_cre_cdata_req_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_BaseVCC_AS_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_Storage_discharging_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_hs_ww_req_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_DHN_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_HP_SC_FP_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_Storage_charging_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_cs_cre_cdata_req_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_HP_Server_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data DATE TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_BackupBoiler_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_HP_Sew_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_hs_ww_req_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_GHP_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data Eaux_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_BaseVCC_WS_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_PeakVCC_WS_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data Edata_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_PeakVCC_AS_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_BaseBoiler_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_HP_Lake_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_electricalnetwork_sys_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_DCN_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data Eal_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data Epro_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_HP_PVT_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_PeakBoiler_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_HP_SC_ET_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data E_BackupVCC_AS_req_W TODO TODO TODO
get_zone_geometry geometry Geometry [-] [-]
get_zone_geometry height_bg Height below ground (basement, etc) [m] {0.0...n}
get_zone_geometry Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_zone_geometry floors_bg Number of floors below ground (basement, etc) [-] {0...n}
get_zone_geometry height_ag  Height above ground (incl. ground floor) [m] {0.0...n}
get_zone_geometry floors_ag Number of floors above ground (incl. ground floor) [-] {0...n}
get_thermal_network_edge_list_file length_m TODO TODO TODO
get_thermal_network_edge_list_file D_int_m TODO TODO TODO
get_thermal_network_edge_list_file Pipe_DN TODO TODO TODO
get_thermal_network_edge_list_file Type_mat TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_total_performance GHG_sys_district_scale_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_total_performance Opex_a_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_total_performance Capex_total_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_total_performance Capex_total_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_total_performance Capex_a_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_total_performance GHG_sys_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_total_performance Capex_total_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_total_performance TAC_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_total_performance TAC_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_total_performance Capex_a_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_total_performance Capex_a_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_total_performance TAC_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_total_performance GHG_sys_building_scale_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_total_performance Opex_a_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_slave_total_performance Opex_a_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance generation TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance Capex_total_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance GHG_sys_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance Capex_total_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance TAC_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance Opex_a_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance individual_name TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance individual TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance TAC_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance GHG_sys_building_scale_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance Opex_a_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance GHG_sys_district_scale_tonCO2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance Unnamed: 0 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance Capex_a_sys_district_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance TAC_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance Capex_a_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance Capex_a_sys_building_scale_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance Capex_total_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_generation_total_performance Opex_a_sys_USD TODO TODO TODO
get_radiation_building_sensors srf0 TODO TODO TODO
get_terrain raster_value TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_ww_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sen_ahu_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_l0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Ea_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sys_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sys_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_pro_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_cre_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file OIL_hs0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Epro_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file QH_sys_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Unnamed: 0 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sen_ahu0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file WOOD_hs_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_dis_ls0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_cs_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_data0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_hs_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcdata_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Edata_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_em_ls_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_lat_aru_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file E_sys_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file E_cdata0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file PV_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qww_sys_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file QH_sys0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file E_cre0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_lat_sys0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file OIL_ww0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Eal0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sen_sys0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file DH_hs_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcre_sys_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file COAL_ww0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_l_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sen_scu_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Af_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file DH_ww_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_dis_ls0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcdata0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_lat_sys_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sen_aru0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sys_aru0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_lat_aru0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sen_scu0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_aux_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_lat_ahu0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcre0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_lat_sys0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_cs0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Aocc_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file SOLAR_hs_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_pro0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file COAL_ww_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sys_ahu_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sys0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sys_scu0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Aroof_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file E_cdata_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file DC_cdata_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sys_ahu0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sys_ahu_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcdata_sys_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file OIL_hs_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file OIL_ww_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file E_cs_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file NG_ww_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file El_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_cdata0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_a0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sen_aru0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_lat_ahu_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file PV0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sys0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_cre0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_lat_ahu_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Eaux0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file DC_cre_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sys_aru_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_em_ls0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_dis_ls_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhpro_sys_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Epro0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcre_sys0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sen_ahu_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file E_sys0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file SOLAR_ww_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Eaux_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file SOLAR_hs0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sen_sys_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file SOLAR_ww0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file COAL_hs_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file E_ww_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_lat_sys_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sen_ahu0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_lat_ahu0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file QC_sys_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sys_shu0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sen_sys0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file QC_sys0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sen_sys_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcpro_sys_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file DH_ww0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file E_hs0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sys_aru0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file WOOD_ww0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file E_ww0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qww0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_dis_ls_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_lat_aru0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sen_aru_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sys_ahu0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_aux0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_cdata_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qww_sys0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_ww0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file NG_hs0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file NG_hs_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sys_scu_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sen_aru_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file El0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file WOOD_hs0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file E_cre_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file NG_ww0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file E_cs0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file DC_cre0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GFA_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sen_shu_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sys_shu_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file DC_cs_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file DC_cs0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcdata_sys0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file WOOD_ww_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhpro_sys0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_sen_shu0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Name TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_hs0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file DH_hs0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Edata0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_lat_aru_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file DC_cdata0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcre_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Eal_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_em_ls0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file E_hs_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qww_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcpro_sys0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file COAL_hs0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qcs_sys_aru_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_a_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file people0 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file GRID_data_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Ea0_kW TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_substations_total_file Qhs_em_ls_MWhyr TODO TODO TODO
SC_total_buildings Q_SC_l_kWh TODO TODO TODO
SC_total_buildings radiation_kWh Total radiatiative potential. [kWh] {0.0...n}
SC_total_buildings Unnamed: 0 TODO TODO TODO
SC_total_buildings Q_SC_gen_kWh TODO TODO TODO
SC_total_buildings Area_SC_m2 TODO TODO TODO
SC_total_buildings Eaux_SC_kWh TODO TODO TODO
get_building_supply type_hs Type of heating supply system [code] {T0...Tn}
get_building_supply type_el Type of electrical supply system [code] {T0...Tn}
get_building_supply Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_building_supply type_dhw Type of hot water supply system [code] {T0...Tn}
get_building_supply type_cs Type of cooling supply system [code] {T0...Tn}
get_network_thermal_loss_edges_file PIPE0 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_building_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_FC_NG_heat_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_building_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_BaseBoiler_NG_heat_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_building_scale_heating_capacity Name TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_building_scale_heating_capacity Capacity_GS_HP_heat_building_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_street_network geometry Geometry [-] [-]
get_street_network Id Unique building ID. It must start with a letter. [-] alphanumeric
get_optimization_district_scale_electricity_capacity Capacity_GRID_el_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_electricity_capacity Capacity_PV_el_district_scale_m2 TODO TODO TODO
get_optimization_district_scale_electricity_capacity Capacity_PV_el_district_scale_W TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file Ed_W TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file X_gh TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file Qcpro_W TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file Qs_W TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file people_pax TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file DATE TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file Epro_W TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file Vww_lph TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file Tcs_set_C TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file Ve_lps TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file Ths_set_C TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file Ea_W TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file El_W TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file Vw_lph TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file Qcre_W TODO TODO TODO
get_schedule_model_file Qhpro_W TODO TODO TODO

In [48]:
# next handle excel (worksheet) style schemas

for lm in schemas.keys():
    schema = schemas[lm]["schema"]
    if not "columns" in schema:
        # yay! an excel-type file!
        for worksheet in schema.keys():
            ws_schema = schema[worksheet]
            for col in ws_schema["columns"].keys():
                g = glossary_df
                g = g[g.LOCATOR_METHOD == lm]
                g = g[g.VARIABLE == col]
                g = g[g.WORKSHEET == worksheet]
                    description = g.DESCRIPTION.values[0]
                    unit = g.UNIT.values[0]
                    values = g.VALUES.values[0]
                    assert len(g.DESCRIPTION.values) <= 1
                    print lm, col, description, unit, values
                    ws_schema["columns"][col]["description"] = description
                    ws_schema["columns"][col]["unit"] = unit
                    ws_schema["columns"][col]["values"] = values
                except IndexError:
                    ws_schema["columns"][col]["description"] = "TODO"
                    ws_schema["columns"][col]["unit"] = "TODO"
                    ws_schema["columns"][col]["values"] = "TODO"
yaml.dump(schemas, open(schemas_yml, 'w'), indent=2, default_flow_style=False)

get_database_distribution_systems Code no such column? TODO TODO
get_database_distribution_systems Inv_USD2015perm Typical cost of investment for a given pipe diameter. [$/m] {0.0....n}
get_database_distribution_systems D_ins_m maximum pipe diameter tolerance for the nominal diameter (DN) [m] depends on the source
get_database_distribution_systems D_ext_m external pipe diameter tolerance for the nominal diameter (DN) [m] depends on the source
get_database_distribution_systems Pipe_DN Nominal pipe diameter [-] depends on the source
get_database_distribution_systems D_int_m internal pipe diameter tolerance for the nominal diameter (DN) [m] depends on the source
get_database_distribution_systems Vdot_max_m3s maximum volumetric flow rate for the nominal diameter (DN) [m3/s] depends on the source
get_database_distribution_systems Vdot_min_m3s minimum volumetric flow rate for the nominal diameter (DN) [m3/s] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems a investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems c investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems cap_max maximum capacity  [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems Description Describes the type of combined-cycle gas turbine [-] [-]
get_database_conversion_systems O&M_% operation and maintanence cost factor (fraction of the investment cost) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems cap_min minimum capacity [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems LT_yr lifetime of this technology year depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems IR_% interest rate charged on the loan for the capital cost [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems currency currency-year information of the investment cost function [currency-year] should be unified to the same currency-year, e.g., USD-2015
get_database_conversion_systems code identifier of each unique equipment [-] an unique code for each equipment in this worksheet
get_database_conversion_systems assumption items made by assumptions in this technology [-] depends on the data availability
get_database_conversion_systems e investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems unit unit of the min/max capacity TODO depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems d investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems code identifier of each unique equipment [-] an unique code for each equipment in this worksheet
get_database_conversion_systems cap_max maximum capacity  [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems PV_a2 parameters for air mass modifier, f(x) = a0 + a1*x + a2*x**2  + a3*x**3 + a4*x**4, x is the relative air mass TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems PV_a1 parameters for air mass modifier, f(x) = a0 + a1*x + a2*x**2  + a3*x**3 + a4*x**4, x is the relative air mass TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems PV_a0 parameters for air mass modifier, f(x) = a0 + a1*x + a2*x**2  + a3*x**3 + a4*x**4, x is the relative air mass [-] TODO
get_database_conversion_systems cap_min minimum capacity [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems LT_yr lifetime of this technology year depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems module_length_m lengh of the PV module [m] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems IR_% interest rate charged on the loan for the capital cost [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems currency currency-year information of the investment cost function [currency-year] should be unified to the same currency-year, e.g., USD-2015
get_database_conversion_systems PV_a4 parameters for air mass modifier, f(x) = a0 + a1*x + a2*x**2  + a3*x**3 + a4*x**4, x is the relative air mass TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems misc_losses losses from cabling, resistances etc... [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems PV_Bref cell maximum power temperature coefficient [1/C] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems PV_a3 parameters for air mass modifier, f(x) = a0 + a1*x + a2*x**2  + a3*x**3 + a4*x**4, x is the relative air mass TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems unit unit of the min/max capacity TODO depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems d investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems a investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems c investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems e investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems Description Describes the source of the benchmark standards. [-] [-]
get_database_conversion_systems PV_n nominal efficiency [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems PV_noct nominal operating cell temperature [C] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems O&M_% operation and maintanence cost factor (fraction of the investment cost) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems assumption items made by assumptions in this technology [-] depends on the data availability
get_database_conversion_systems PV_th glazing thickness [m] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems type redundant TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems a investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems c investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems cap_max maximum capacity  [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems Description Describes the type of photovoltaic thermal technology [-] [-]
get_database_conversion_systems O&M_% operation and maintanence cost factor (fraction of the investment cost) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems cap_min minimum capacity [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems LT_yr lifetime of this technology year depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems IR_% interest rate charged on the loan for the capital cost [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems currency currency-year information of the investment cost function [currency-year] should be unified to the same currency-year, e.g., USD-2015
get_database_conversion_systems code identifier of each unique equipment [-] an unique code for each equipment in this worksheet
get_database_conversion_systems assumption items made by assumptions in this technology [-] depends on the data availability
get_database_conversion_systems e investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems unit unit of the min/max capacity TODO depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems d investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems code identifier of each unique equipment [-] an unique code for each equipment in this worksheet
get_database_conversion_systems cap_max maximum capacity  [W] or [m2] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems a_p pressure loss function, f(x) = a_p + b_p*x^c_p + d_p*ln(x) + e_p*x*ln*(x), where x is the capacity mass flow rate [W/K]    [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems cap_min minimum capacity [W] or [m2] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems LT_yr lifetime of this technology year depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems c_p pressure loss function, f(x) = a_p + b_p*x^c_p + d_p*ln(x) + e_p*x*ln*(x), where x is the capacity mass flow rate [W/K]    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems e_p pressure loss function, f(x) = a_p + b_p*x^c_p + d_p*ln(x) + e_p*x*ln*(x), where x is the capacity mass flow rate [W/K]    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b_p pressure loss function, f(x) = a_p + b_p*x^c_p + d_p*ln(x) + e_p*x*ln*(x), where x is the capacity mass flow rate [W/K]    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems unit unit of the min/max capacity TODO depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems d investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems a investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems c investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems e investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems Description Describes the type of heat exchanger [-] [-]
get_database_conversion_systems currency currency-year information of the investment cost function [currency-year] should be unified to the same currency-year, e.g., USD-2015
get_database_conversion_systems d_p pressure loss function, f(x) = a_p + b_p*x^c_p + d_p*ln(x) + e_p*x*ln*(x), where x is the capacity mass flow rate [W/K]    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems IR_% interest rate charged on the loan for the capital cost [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems O&M_% operation and maintanence cost factor (fraction of the investment cost) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems assumption items made by assumptions in this technology [-] depends on the data availability
get_database_conversion_systems a investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems c investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems cap_max maximum capacity  [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems Description Describes the source of the heat pump [-] [-]
get_database_conversion_systems O&M_% operation and maintanence cost factor (fraction of the investment cost) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems cap_min minimum capacity [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems LT_yr lifetime of this technology year depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems IR_% interest rate charged on the loan for the capital cost [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems currency currency-year information of the investment cost function [currency-year] should be unified to the same currency-year, e.g., USD-2015
get_database_conversion_systems code identifier of each unique equipment [-] an unique code for each equipment in this worksheet
get_database_conversion_systems assumption items made by assumptions in this technology [-] depends on the data availability
get_database_conversion_systems e investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems unit unit of the min/max capacity TODO depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems d investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems a investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems c investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems cap_max maximum capacity  [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems Description Describes the type of borehole heat exchanger [-] [-]
get_database_conversion_systems O&M_% operation and maintanence cost factor (fraction of the investment cost) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems cap_min minimum capacity [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems LT_yr lifetime of this technology year depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems IR_% interest rate charged on the loan for the capital cost [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems currency currency-year information of the investment cost function [currency-year] should be unified to the same currency-year, e.g., USD-2015
get_database_conversion_systems code identifier of each unique equipment [-] an unique code for each equipment in this worksheet
get_database_conversion_systems assumption items made by assumptions in this technology [-] depends on the data availability
get_database_conversion_systems e investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems unit unit of the min/max capacity TODO depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems d investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems a investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems c investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems cap_max maximum capacity  [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems Description Describes the type of cooling tower [-] [-]
get_database_conversion_systems O&M_% operation and maintanence cost factor (fraction of the investment cost) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems cap_min minimum capacity [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems LT_yr lifetime of this technology year depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems IR_% interest rate charged on the loan for the capital cost [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems currency currency-year information of the investment cost function [currency-year] should be unified to the same currency-year, e.g., USD-2015
get_database_conversion_systems code identifier of each unique equipment [-] an unique code for each equipment in this worksheet
get_database_conversion_systems assumption items made by assumptions in this technology [-] depends on the data availability
get_database_conversion_systems e investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems unit unit of the min/max capacity TODO depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems d investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems a investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems c investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems cap_max maximum capacity  [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems Description Describes the source of the benchmark standards. [-] [-]
get_database_conversion_systems O&M_% operation and maintanence cost factor (fraction of the investment cost) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems cap_min minimum capacity [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems LT_yr lifetime of this technology year depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems IR_% interest rate charged on the loan for the capital cost [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems currency currency-year information of the investment cost function [currency-year] should be unified to the same currency-year, e.g., USD-2015
get_database_conversion_systems code identifier of each unique equipment [-] an unique code for each equipment in this worksheet
get_database_conversion_systems assumption items made by assumptions in this technology [-] depends on the data availability
get_database_conversion_systems e investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems unit unit of the min/max capacity TODO depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems d investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems a investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems c investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems cap_max maximum capacity  [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems Description Describes the type of fuel cell [-] [-]
get_database_conversion_systems O&M_% operation and maintanence cost factor (fraction of the investment cost) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems cap_min minimum capacity [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems LT_yr lifetime of this technology year depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems IR_% interest rate charged on the loan for the capital cost [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems currency currency-year information of the investment cost function [currency-year] should be unified to the same currency-year, e.g., USD-2015
get_database_conversion_systems code identifier of each unique equipment [-] an unique code for each equipment in this worksheet
get_database_conversion_systems e investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems unit unit of the min/max capacity TODO depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems d investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems a investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems c investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems cap_max maximum capacity  [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems Description Describes the source of the benchmark standards. [-] [-]
get_database_conversion_systems O&M_% operation and maintanence cost factor (fraction of the investment cost) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems cap_min minimum capacity [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems LT_yr lifetime of this technology year depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems IR_% interest rate charged on the loan for the capital cost [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems currency currency-year information of the investment cost function [currency-year] should be unified to the same currency-year, e.g., USD-2015
get_database_conversion_systems code identifier of each unique equipment [-] an unique code for each equipment in this worksheet
get_database_conversion_systems assumption items made by assumptions in this technology [-] depends on the data availability
get_database_conversion_systems e investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems unit unit of the min/max capacity TODO depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems d investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems a investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems c investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems cap_max maximum capacity  [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems Description Describes the type of boiler [-] [-]
get_database_conversion_systems O&M_% operation and maintanence cost factor (fraction of the investment cost) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems cap_min minimum capacity [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems LT_yr lifetime of this technology year depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems IR_% interest rate charged on the loan for the capital cost [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems currency currency-year information of the investment cost function [currency-year] should be unified to the same currency-year, e.g., USD-2015
get_database_conversion_systems code identifier of each unique equipment [-] an unique code for each equipment in this worksheet
get_database_conversion_systems assumption items made by assumptions in this technology [-] depends on the data availability
get_database_conversion_systems e investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems unit unit of the min/max capacity TODO depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems d investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems code identifier of each unique equipment [-] an unique code for each equipment in this worksheet
get_database_conversion_systems mB_max_r maximum flow rate per aperture area [kg/m2/hr] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems LT_yr lifetime of this technology year depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems module_length_m lengh of a solar collector module [m] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems currency currency-year information of the investment cost function [currency-year] should be unified to the same currency-year, e.g., USD-2015
get_database_conversion_systems mB_min_r minimum flow rate per aperture area [kg/m2/hr] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems cap_max maximum capacity  [m2] TODO
get_database_conversion_systems C_eff thermal capacity of module  [J/M2k] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems t_max maximum operating temperature [C] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems unit unit of the min/max capacity TODO depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems Description Describes the type of solar collector [-] [-]
get_database_conversion_systems assumption items made by assumptions in this technology [-] depends on the data availability
get_database_conversion_systems type type of the solar collector (FP: flate-plate or ET: evacuated-tube) TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems dP4 pressure drop at minimum flow rate (mB_min) [Pa/m2] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems dP3 pressure drop at maximum flow rate (mB_max) [Pa/m2] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems dP2 pressure drop at nominal flow rate (mB0) [Pa/m2] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems dP1 pressure drop at zero flow rate [Pa/m2] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems module_area_m2 module area of a solar collector [m2] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems cap_min minimum capacity [m2] TODO
get_database_conversion_systems IAM_d incident angle modifier for diffuse radiation [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems c2 ctemperature difference dependency of the heat loss coefficient [W/m2K2] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems c1 collector heat loss coefficient at zero temperature difference and wind speed [W/M2k] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems a investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems c investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems e investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems d investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems mB0_r nominal flow rate per aperture area [kg/m2/hr] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems IR_% interest rate charged on the loan for the capital cost [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems O&M_% operation and maintanence cost factor (fraction of the investment cost) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems aperture_area_ratio ratio of aperture area to panel area [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems n0 zero loss efficiency at normal incidence [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems Cp_fluid heat capacity of the heat transfer fluid [J/kgK] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems a investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems c investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems cap_max maximum capacity  [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems Description Describes the type of furnace [-] [-]
get_database_conversion_systems O&M_% operation and maintanence cost factor (fraction of the investment cost) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems cap_min minimum capacity [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems LT_yr lifetime of this technology year depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems IR_% interest rate charged on the loan for the capital cost [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems currency currency-year information of the investment cost function [currency-year] should be unified to the same currency-year, e.g., USD-2015
get_database_conversion_systems code identifier of each unique equipment [-] an unique code for each equipment in this worksheet
get_database_conversion_systems assumption items made by assumptions in this technology [-] depends on the data availability
get_database_conversion_systems e investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems unit unit of the min/max capacity TODO depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems d investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems a investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems c investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems cap_max maximum capacity  [m3] TODO
get_database_conversion_systems Description Describes the source of the benchmark standards. [-] [-]
get_database_conversion_systems O&M_% operation and maintanence cost factor (fraction of the investment cost) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems cap_min minimum capacity [m3] TODO
get_database_conversion_systems LT_yr lifetime of this technology year depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems IR_% interest rate charged on the loan for the capital cost [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems currency currency-year information of the investment cost function [currency-year] should be unified to the same currency-year, e.g., USD-2015
get_database_conversion_systems code identifier of each unique equipment [-] an unique code for each equipment in this worksheet
get_database_conversion_systems assumption TODO TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems e investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems unit unit of the min/max capacity TODO depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems d investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems code identifier of each unique equipment [-] an unique code for each equipment in this worksheet
get_database_conversion_systems cap_max maximum capacity  [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems e_e parameter in the characteristic equations to calculate the evaporator side  TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems cap_min minimum capacity [W] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems LT_yr lifetime of this technology year depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems a_g parameter in the characteristic equations to calculate the generator side [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems currency currency-year information of the investment cost function [currency-year] should be unified to the same currency-year, e.g., USD-2015
get_database_conversion_systems a_e parameter in the characteristic equations to calculate the evaporator side  [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems m_hw external flow rate of hot water at the generator TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems unit unit of the min/max capacity TODO depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems d investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems a investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems c investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems b investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems e investment cost function, f(x) = a + b*x^c + d*ln(x) + e*x*ln*(x)    TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems Description Describes the Type of Absorption Chiller [-] [-]
get_database_conversion_systems IR_% interest rate charged on the loan for the capital cost [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems O&M_% operation and maintanence cost factor (fraction of the investment cost) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems m_cw external flow rate of cooling water at the condenser and absorber TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems assumption items made by assumptions in this technology [-] depends on the data availability
get_database_conversion_systems s_e parameter in the characteristic equations to calculate the evaporator side  [kW/K] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems s_g parameter in the characteristic equations to calculate the generator side [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems e_g parameter in the characteristic equations to calculate the generator side TODO TODO
get_database_conversion_systems type type of absorption chiller (single, double, or triple) [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems r_e parameter in the characteristic equations to calculate the evaporator side  [-] depends on the source
get_database_conversion_systems r_g parameter in the characteristic equations to calculate the generator side [-] depends on the source
get_database_construction_standards heat_ends End of the heating season - use 00|00 when there is none [DD|MM] {00|00...31|12}
get_database_construction_standards type_ctrl Type of heating and cooling control systems (relates to values in Default Database HVAC Properties) [code] {T1...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards type_cs Type of cooling supply system [code] {T0...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards cool_starts Start of the cooling season - use 00|00 when there is none [DD|MM] {00|00...31|12}
get_database_construction_standards STANDARD  Unique ID of Construction Standard [-] {code}
get_database_construction_standards type_hs Type of heating supply system [code] {T0...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards heat_starts Start of the heating season - use 00|00 when there is none [DD|MM] {00|00...31|12}
get_database_construction_standards type_vent Type of ventilation strategy (relates to values in Default Database HVAC Properties) [code] {T1...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards cool_ends End of the cooling season - use 00|00 when there is none [DD|MM] {00|00...31|12}
get_database_construction_standards type_dhw Type of hot water supply system [code] {T0...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards type_shade Shading system type (relates to values in Default Database Construction Properties) [m2/m2] {T1...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards type_part Internal partitions construction type (relates to values in Default Database Construction Properties) [m2/m2] {T1...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards Hs_bg Fraction of below ground gross floor area air-conditioned  [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_database_construction_standards STANDARD  Unique ID of Construction Standard [-] {code}
get_database_construction_standards wwr_north Window to wall ratio in in facades facing north [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_database_construction_standards Hs_ag Fraction of above ground gross floor area air-conditioned. [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_database_construction_standards Ns Fraction of net gross floor area. [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_database_construction_standards type_roof Roof construction type (relates to values in Default Database Construction Properties) [-] {T1...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards type_wall External wall construction type (relates to values in Default Database Construction Properties) [m2/m2] {T1...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards type_base Basement floor construction type (relates to values in Default Database Construction Properties) [m2/m2] {T1...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards wwr_west Window to wall ratio in in facades facing west [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_database_construction_standards type_cons Type of construction. It relates to the contents of the default database of Envelope Properties: construction [code] {T1...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards type_leak Tightness level. It relates to the contents of the default database of Envelope Properties: tightness [code] {T1...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards type_floor Internal floor construction type (relates to values in Default Database Construction Properties) [m2/m2] {T1...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards wwr_south Window to wall ratio in in facades facing south [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_database_construction_standards wwr_east Window to wall ratio in in facades facing east [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_database_construction_standards type_win Window type (relates to values in Default Database Construction Properties) [m2/m2] {T1...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards Es Fraction of gross floor area with electrical demands. [m2/m2] {0.0...1}
get_database_construction_standards void_deck Number of floors (from the ground up) with an open envelope (default = 0) [-] {0...n}
get_database_construction_standards type_el Type of electrical supply system [code] {T0...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards type_hs Type of heating supply system [code] {T0...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards type_cs Type of cooling supply system [code] {T0...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards type_dhw Type of hot water supply system [code] {T0...Tn}
get_database_construction_standards STANDARD  Unique ID of Construction Standard [-] {code}
get_database_construction_standards STANDARD  Unique ID of Construction Standard [-] {code}
get_database_construction_standards YEAR_START Lower limit of year interval where the building properties apply [yr] {0...n}
get_database_construction_standards Description Description of the construction standard [-] alphanumeric
get_database_construction_standards YEAR_END Upper limit of year interval where the building properties apply [yr] {0...n}
get_database_envelope_systems F_F Window frame fraction coefficient. Defined according to ISO 13790. [m2-frame/m2-window] {0.0...1}
get_database_envelope_systems code Building use. It relates to the uses stored in the input database of Zone_occupancy [-] Those stored in Zone_occupancy
get_database_envelope_systems Description Describes the source of the benchmark standards. [-] [-]
get_database_envelope_systems e_win Emissivity of external surface. Defined according to ISO 13790. [-] {0.0...1}
get_database_envelope_systems G_win Solar heat gain coefficient. Defined according to ISO 13790. [-] {0.0...1}
get_database_envelope_systems GHG_WIN_kgCO2m2 Embodied emissions per m2 of windows.(entire building life cycle) [kg CO2-eq/m2] {0.0...n}
get_database_envelope_systems U_win Thermal transmittance of windows including linear losses (+10%). Defined according to ISO 13790. [-] {0.1...n}
get_database_envelope_systems code Type of construction [-] [-]
get_database_envelope_systems Description Describes the Type of construction [-] [-]
get_database_envelope_systems Cm_Af Internal heat capacity per unit of air conditioned area. Defined according to ISO 13790. [J/Km2] {0.0...1}
get_database_envelope_systems code Type of tightness [-] [-]
get_database_envelope_systems Description Describes the Type of tightness [-] [-]
get_database_envelope_systems n50 Air exchanges per hour at a pressure of 50 Pa. [1/h] {0.0...10}
get_database_envelope_systems U_base Thermal transmittance of floor including linear losses (+10%). Defined according to ISO 13790. [-] {0.1...n}
get_database_envelope_systems code Type of roof [-] [-]
get_database_envelope_systems GHG_FLOOR_kgCO2m2 Embodied emissions per m2 of roof.(entire building life cycle) [kg CO2-eq/m2] {0.0...n}
get_database_envelope_systems Description Describes the Type of roof [-] [-]
get_database_envelope_systems r_wall Reflectance in the Red spectrum. Defined according Radiance. (long-wave) [-] {0.0...1}
get_database_envelope_systems code Type of wall [-] [-]
get_database_envelope_systems Description Describes the Type of wall [-] [-]
get_database_envelope_systems a_wall Solar absorption coefficient. Defined according to ISO 13790. [-] {0.0...1}
get_database_envelope_systems U_wall Thermal transmittance of windows including linear losses (+10%). Defined according to ISO 13790. [-] {0.1...n}
get_database_envelope_systems e_wall Emissivity of external surface. Defined according to ISO 13790. [-] {0.0...1}
get_database_envelope_systems GHG_WALL_kgCO2m2 Embodied emissions per m2 of walls (entire building life cycle) [kg CO2-eq/m2] {0.0...n}
get_database_envelope_systems code Type of shading [-] [-]
get_database_envelope_systems Description Describes the source of the benchmark standards. [-] [-]
get_database_envelope_systems rf_sh Shading coefficient when shading device is active. Defined according to ISO 13790. [-] {0.0...1}
get_database_envelope_systems e_roof Emissivity of external surface. Defined according to ISO 13790. [-] {0.0...1}
get_database_envelope_systems code Type of roof [-] [-]
get_database_envelope_systems Description Describes the Type of roof [-] [-]
get_database_envelope_systems GHG_ROOF_kgCO2m2 Embodied emissions per m2 of roof.(entire building life cycle) [kg CO2-eq/m2] {0.0...n}
get_database_envelope_systems a_roof Solar absorption coefficient. Defined according to ISO 13790. [-] {0.0...1}
get_database_envelope_systems r_roof Reflectance in the Red spectrum. Defined according Radiance. (long-wave) [-] {0.0...1}
get_database_envelope_systems U_roof Thermal transmittance of windows including linear losses (+10%). Defined according to ISO 13790. [-] {0.1...n}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_buy_USD2015kWh buying price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_sell_USD2015kWh selling price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks GHG_kgCO2MJ Non-renewable Green House Gas Emissions factor [kg CO2-eq/MJ-oil eq] {0.0...n}
get_database_feedstocks reference reference [-] [-]
get_database_feedstocks hour hour of a 24 hour day [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_buy_USD2015kWh buying price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_sell_USD2015kWh selling price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks GHG_kgCO2MJ Non-renewable Green House Gas Emissions factor [kg CO2-eq/MJ-oil eq] {0.0...n}
get_database_feedstocks reference reference [-] [-]
get_database_feedstocks hour hour of a 24 hour day [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_buy_USD2015kWh buying price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_sell_USD2015kWh selling price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks GHG_kgCO2MJ Non-renewable Green House Gas Emissions factor [kg CO2-eq/MJ-oil eq] {0.0...n}
get_database_feedstocks reference reference [-] [-]
get_database_feedstocks hour hour of a 24 hour day [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_buy_USD2015kWh buying price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_sell_USD2015kWh selling price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks GHG_kgCO2MJ Non-renewable Green House Gas Emissions factor [kg CO2-eq/MJ-oil eq] {0.0...n}
get_database_feedstocks reference reference [-] [-]
get_database_feedstocks hour hour of a 24 hour day [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_buy_USD2015kWh buying price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_sell_USD2015kWh selling price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks GHG_kgCO2MJ Non-renewable Green House Gas Emissions factor [kg CO2-eq/MJ-oil eq] {0.0...n}
get_database_feedstocks reference reference [-] [-]
get_database_feedstocks hour hour of a 24 hour day [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_buy_USD2015kWh buying price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_sell_USD2015kWh selling price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks GHG_kgCO2MJ Non-renewable Green House Gas Emissions factor [kg CO2-eq/MJ-oil eq] {0.0...n}
get_database_feedstocks reference reference [-] [-]
get_database_feedstocks hour hour of a 24 hour day [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_buy_USD2015kWh buying price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_sell_USD2015kWh selling price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks GHG_kgCO2MJ Non-renewable Green House Gas Emissions factor [kg CO2-eq/MJ-oil eq] {0.0...n}
get_database_feedstocks reference reference [-] [-]
get_database_feedstocks hour hour of a 24 hour day [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_buy_USD2015kWh buying price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_sell_USD2015kWh selling price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks GHG_kgCO2MJ Non-renewable Green House Gas Emissions factor [kg CO2-eq/MJ-oil eq] {0.0...n}
get_database_feedstocks reference reference [-] [-]
get_database_feedstocks hour hour of a 24 hour day [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_buy_USD2015kWh buying price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks Opex_var_sell_USD2015kWh selling price [-] {0...23}
get_database_feedstocks GHG_kgCO2MJ Non-renewable Green House Gas Emissions factor [kg CO2-eq/MJ-oil eq] {0.0...n}
get_database_feedstocks reference reference [-] [-]
get_database_feedstocks hour hour of a 24 hour day [-] {0...23}

In [49]:
# write out a hints file for the variables
variables = {}  # map str -> set(str)
for lm in schemas:
    file_type = schemas[lm]["file_type"]
    if file_type in {"xls", "xlsx"}:
        for ws in schemas[lm]["schema"]:
            for variable in schemas[lm]["schema"][ws]["columns"]:
                hints = variables.get(variable, set())
                variables[variable] = hints
        for variable in schemas[lm]["schema"]["columns"]:
            hints = variables.get(variable, set())
            variables[variable] = hints

with open(os.path.join(output_folder, "__hints__.csv"), "w") as f:
    for variable in sorted(variables.keys()):
        hints = variables[variable]
        if not "TODO" in hints:
            # no need to hint this variable - it's always defined
        if not hints:
            # no hints found
        f.write("{variable}, {hints}\n".format(variable=variable, hints=",".join(sorted(hints))))

In [50]:
# next, create a file so that we can document all the stuff
for lm in schemas:
    if schemas[lm]["file_type"].startswith("xls"):
        for worksheet in schemas[lm]["schema"]:
            ws_schema = schemas[lm]["schema"][worksheet]["columns"]
            fname = os.path.join(output_folder, "{lm}_{ws}.csv".format(lm=lm, ws=worksheet))
            with open(fname, "w") as f:
                for col in ws_schema:
                    variable = col
                    description = ws_schema[col]["description"]
                    if description == "TODO" and variables[variable]:
                        # add a hint
                        description = "TODO (hint: {hints})".format(hints=", ".join(variables[variable]))
                    unit = ws_schema[col]["unit"]
                    values = ws_schema[col]["values"]
                        variable=variable, description=description, unit=unit, values=values))
    elif schemas[lm]["file_type"] in {"csv", "shp", "dbf"}:
        print lm
        schema = schemas[lm]["schema"]["columns"]
        fname = os.path.join(output_folder, "{lm}.csv".format(lm=lm))
        with open(fname, "w") as f:
            for col in schema:
                variable = col
                description = schema[col]["description"]
                if description == "TODO" and variables[variable]:
                    # add a hint
                    description = "TODO (hint: {hints})".format(hints=", ".join(variables[variable]))
                unit = schema[col]["unit"]
                values = schema[col]["values"]
                    variable=variable, description=description, unit=unit, values=values))


In [51]:
# write out am overview file for coordination
with open(os.path.join(output_folder, "__coordination__.csv"), "w") as f:
    for lm in schemas:
        fn = schemas[lm]["file_path"]
        if schemas[lm]["file_type"] in {"csv", "dbf", "shp", "xls", "xlsx"}:            
            f.write("{lm},{fn},TBD,n,-\n".format(lm=lm, fn=fn))

Read in the edited csv files to schemas.yml

In [4]:
# we'll need to skip some files for the moment
skip_lms = {

# we'll need to check these (maybe send emails to the authors?)
check_lms = {

In [5]:
def fix_tripple_dots(fname):
    """read in fname and fix all occurrences of the excel tripple dots thing to three periods."""
    with open(fname, "r") as fp:
        contents =
    patterns = ["\x85", "\xc9"]
    for pattern in patterns:
        if pattern in contents:
            print("Found in {fname}".format(fname=fname))
            contents = contents.replace(pattern, "...")
    with open(fname, "w") as fp:

In [7]:
# NOTE: make sure we don't have columns in the schemas.yml that are not present in the csv files...
schemas = cea.scripts.schemas()
for lm in schemas:
    if lm in skip_lms:
        # skip this one for now...
    print("Processing {lm}".format(lm=lm))
    if schemas[lm]["file_type"].startswith("xls"):
        for worksheet in schemas[lm]["schema"]:
            ws_schema = schemas[lm]["schema"][worksheet]["columns"]
            fname = os.path.join(output_folder, "{lm}_{ws}.csv".format(lm=lm, ws=worksheet))
            schema_df = pd.read_csv(fname)
            schema_df_cols = set(schema_df["variable"].values)
            difference = schema_df_cols ^ set(ws_schema.keys())
            for col in difference:
                if col in ws_schema.keys():
                    del ws_schema[col]
            difference = schema_df_cols ^ set(ws_schema.keys())
            assert not difference, "Found difference {difference} for {lm}, {ws}".format(
                difference=difference, lm=lm, ws=worksheet)
            for _, row in schema_df.iterrows():
                ws_schema[row.variable]["description"] = row.description
                ws_schema[row.variable]["unit"] = row.unit
                ws_schema[row.variable]["values"] = row["values"]
    elif schemas[lm]["file_type"] in {"csv", "shp", "dbf"}:
        schema = schemas[lm]["schema"]["columns"]
        fname = os.path.join(output_folder, "{lm}.csv".format(lm=lm))
        schema_df = pd.read_csv(fname)
        schema_df_cols = set(schema_df["variable"].values)
        difference = schema_df_cols ^ set(schema.keys())
        for col in difference:
            if col in schema.keys():
                del schema[col]
            elif col in schema_df_cols:
                row = schema_df[schema_df.variable == col].iloc[0]
                schema[col] = {
                    "description": row.description,
                    "unit": row.unit,
                    "values": row["values"]
        difference = schema_df_cols ^ set(schema.keys())
        assert not difference, "Found difference {difference} for {lm}".format(
            difference=difference, lm=lm)
        for _, row in schema_df.iterrows():
            schema[row.variable]["description"] = row.description
            schema[row.variable]["unit"] = row.unit
            schema[row.variable]["values"] = row["values"]
# write out the new schemas file
yaml.dump(schemas, open(schemas_yml, 'w'), indent=2, default_flow_style=False)

Processing get_building_typology
Processing get_geothermal_potential
Processing get_optimization_slave_heating_activation_pattern
Processing SC_totals
Processing get_database_distribution_systems
Processing get_database_conversion_systems
Processing get_network_layout_nodes_shapefile
Processing get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_cooling
Processing get_total_demand
Processing get_lca_mobility
Processing get_network_temperature_supply_nodes_file
Processing get_network_energy_pumping_requirements_file
Processing get_optimization_slave_district_scale_performance
Processing get_building_air_conditioning
Processing get_optimization_generation_district_scale_performance
Processing get_sewage_heat_potential
Processing get_optimization_slave_electricity_activation_pattern
Processing get_thermal_network_layout_massflow_nodes_file
Processing get_radiation_metadata
Processing get_optimization_generation_total_performance_pareto
Processing PV_totals
Processing get_optimization_generation_building_scale_performance
Processing SC_results
Processing get_optimization_slave_building_scale_performance
Processing get_thermal_demand_csv_file
Processing get_surroundings_geometry
Processing get_network_total_thermal_loss_file
Processing get_optimization_checkpoint
Processing get_database_construction_standards
Processing get_building_comfort
Processing get_lca_embodied
Processing get_water_body_potential
Processing get_thermal_network_node_types_csv_file
Processing get_optimization_building_scale_cooling_capacity
Processing get_optimization_district_scale_cooling_capacity
Processing PVT_total_buildings
Processing get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_cooling_activation
Processing get_database_supply_assemblies
Processing get_building_internal
Processing get_nominal_edge_mass_flow_csv_file
Processing get_database_use_types_properties
Processing get_thermal_network_plant_heat_requirement_file
Processing get_optimization_slave_building_connectivity
Processing PV_total_buildings
Processing get_database_envelope_systems
Processing get_weather
Processing get_database_air_conditioning_systems
Processing get_lca_operation
Processing get_optimization_district_scale_heating_capacity
Processing get_radiation_materials
Processing get_thermal_network_substation_ploss_file
Processing get_weather_file
Processing get_network_layout_edges_shapefile
Processing get_costs_operation_file
Processing get_multi_criteria_analysis
Processing PV_metadata_results
Processing get_thermal_network_pressure_losses_edges_file
Processing get_network_linear_thermal_loss_edges_file
Processing get_radiation_building
Processing SC_metadata_results
Processing get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating_activation
Processing get_database_standard_schedules_use
Processing PVT_results
Processing get_optimization_decentralized_folder_building_result_heating
Processing get_network_temperature_plant
Processing get_network_pressure_at_nodes
Processing get_database_feedstocks
Processing PVT_metadata_results
Processing get_network_linear_pressure_drop_edges
Processing get_thermal_network_layout_massflow_edges_file
Processing get_demand_results_file
Processing get_network_temperature_return_nodes_file
Processing get_optimization_substations_results_file
Processing PVT_totals
Processing get_thermal_network_velocity_edges_file
Processing get_building_architecture
Processing get_network_total_pressure_drop_file
Processing get_optimization_network_results_summary
Processing PV_results
Processing get_optimization_slave_electricity_requirements_data
Processing get_zone_geometry
Processing get_thermal_network_edge_list_file
Processing get_optimization_slave_total_performance
Processing get_optimization_generation_total_performance
Processing get_radiation_building_sensors
Processing get_nominal_node_mass_flow_csv_file
Processing get_terrain
Processing get_optimization_substations_total_file
Processing SC_total_buildings
Processing get_building_supply
Processing get_thermal_network_edge_node_matrix_file
Processing get_network_thermal_loss_edges_file
Processing get_optimization_building_scale_heating_capacity
Processing get_street_network
Processing get_optimization_district_scale_electricity_capacity
Processing get_schedule_model_file
Processing get_site_polygon

In [ ]:

In [ ]: