Helper to generate configuration files

This script helps to generate a coil addressing for any size (height, width). It uses the reference configuration (config150.json) to dump a new one corresponding to the requested size and origin (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right). First adjust the tweakable parameters corresponding to the desired size and then run the rest of the script, the JSON file is saved under ../config.

Tweakable parameters

In [ ]:
height, width = 15, 20  # Size of the generated configuration

In [ ]:
origin = "top", "left" # Where is the 0, 0 coordinate? top/bottom, left/right

Configuration file generation

In [ ]:
import json

In [ ]:
mapping = [[0]*width for h in range(height)]

In [ ]:
address = 0
for w in range(width):
    coil = range(height) if w%2==0 and origin[0]=="top" or w%2==1 and origin[0]=="bottom" else range(height-1, -1, -1)
    for h in coil:
        mapping[h][w] = address
        address += 1
    if origin[1]=="right": raise NotImplementedError("left/right coil to be implemented")

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
with open("../arbalet/config/config150.json") as f:
    reference = json.load(f)

In [ ]:
reference["mapping"] = mapping

In [ ]:
with open("../arbalet/config/config{}.json".format(height*width), 'w') as f:
    json.dump(reference, f, indent=4)

And then?

The configuration file is saved under the config directory of your local git repo. You must install this new configuration file before being able to run apps with this configuration. Just save it under the proper location (example: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/arbalet-0.0.1-py2.7.egg/config/config150.json) or ask to do this for you.