Quantum Process Tomography

The latest version of this notebook is available on https://github.com/QISKit/qiskit-tutorial.


Christopher J. Wood$^{1}$

  1. IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA


In this notebook we demonstrate how to design and run experiments to perform quantum process tomography using Qiskit, and demonstrate this using both simulators, and the IBM Q Experience. This is implemented similarly to the quantum state tomography example notebook.

The functions used in this notebook to implement state tomography may be imported from the qiskit.tools.qcvv.tomography module.

Reconstruction Methods

State reconstruction may be done using a variety of methods. In this notebook, we implement two simple cases:

Note that while the fast maximum likelihood method constrains the resulting channel to be positive, it does not enforce complete positivity of the final estimate.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import time

# importing Qiskit
from qiskit import Aer, IBMQ
from qiskit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit
from qiskit import register, execute

# import backend utilities
from qiskit.backends import JobStatus

# import tomography library
import qiskit.tools.qcvv.tomography as tomo

# useful additional packages 
from qiskit.tools.visualization import plot_state
from qiskit.tools.qi.qi import *
from qiskit.wrapper.jupyter import *
from qiskit.backends.ibmq import least_busy

In [2]:
# Load saved IBMQ accounts

Building process tomography measurement circuits

To perform quantum process tomography of an n-qubit quantum operation, we must construct a family of circuits that implements a tomographically complete set of preparations and measurements of each of those qubits. The tools.qcvv.tomography module contains functions to generate these measurement circuits for general n-qubit systems.

Specifying the qubits, preparation basis, and measurement basis

A process tomography experiment is specified by a process_tomography_set object:

tomo_set = tomo.process_tomography_set(qubits, meas_basis, prep_basis)


  • qubits is a list of the qubit indexes within a register (eg. [0, 1] for the first 2 qubits)
  • meas_basis is the basis to measure each qubit in. The default value is meas_basis='Pauli'.
  • prep_basis is the basis to measure each qubit in. The default value is prep_basis='SIC'.

This contains information about which qubits we are constructing the quantum operation for, and what bases to prepare and measure these qubits in. The default preparation basis corresponds to preparing each qubit in each of the projectors of a symmetric informationally complete positive operator valued measurement (SIC-POVM):

$$ \begin{aligned} \left|S_0\right\rangle & = \left|0\right\rangle \\ \left|S_1\right\rangle & = \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\left|0\right\rangle + \sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}\left|1\right\rangle \\ \left|S_2\right\rangle & = \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\left|0\right\rangle + e^{-2i \pi/3}\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}\left|1\right\rangle \\ \left|S_3\right\rangle & = \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\left|0\right\rangle + e^{2i \pi/3}\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}\left|1\right\rangle. \end{aligned} $$

The default measurement basis corresponds to performing quantum state tomography on each input state by measuring each qubit in the $X$, $Y$, and $Z$ Pauli bases.

For $n$-qubits this gives a total of $4^n3^{n}$ circuits that must be run. Hence it is not recommended to perform process tomography for more than 2 or 3 qubits.

Adding preparation and measurement circuits

Once a process tomography set has been defined, the function to append the tomography circuits is:

tomo_circuits = tomo.create_tomography_circuits(circuit, qr, cr, process_tomo_set)


  • 'circuit' is the preparation quantum circuit.
  • qr is the quantum register to be measured.
  • cr is the classical register to store the measurement results.
  • process_tomo_set is a process_tomography_set.

The function output, tomo_circuits, is a list of tomography circuits which is used to execute the tomography experiments. The prepared and measured qubits will be qr[j], with corresponding measurement outcomes stored in classical bits cr[j], where j corresponds to each qubit in the process tomography set.

Extracting process tomography measurement data

After building the process tomography circuits and executing them on an available backend we must process the output results. This is done by the function

tomo_data = tomo.tomography_data(results, 'name', process_tomo_set)


  • results is the Result object returned from execution of process_tomo_set circuits.
  • name is the name of the original circuit being measured via process tomography.
  • process_tomo_set is the tomography set used for generation of tomography data.

This returns a dictionary that stores the preparation basis, measurement basis, and measured counts, along with preparation and measurement basis configuration corresponding to each outcome.

Performing tomographic reconstruction

Finally, we may perform the fitting of the tomographic data to reconstruct a description of the process matrix. This is done by the function

tomo.fit_tomography_data(tomo_data, method)


  • tomo_data is the data returned from process_tomography_data.
  • method is the reconstruction method to use. The default value is method='wizard'.

The return process matrix is a Choi matrix in the column vectorization convention. For a quantum process $\mathcal E$ this is defined as the matrix $J(\mathcal E) = \sum_{i,j} |i\rangle\langle j | \otimes \mathcal{E}(|i\rangle\langle j |)$. By default, the trace of the returned Choi matrix will be 1, but this can be changed with optional arguments. We also note that the default reconstruction method constrains the process matrix to be a completely positive (CP) map (by fitting a positive-semidefinite Choi matrix); however, it does not constrain it to be a trace-preserving (TP) map.

Reconstruction Methods

Currently only two methods are available.

  • method='wizard' (default) uses the fast maximum likelihood reconstruction from [1] to return a positive semidefinite process matrix.
  • method='leastsq' does not constrain the returned matrix to be positive-semidefinite.

Both of these methods are the same as for performing state tomography, as process tomography is implemented as state tomographic reconstruction of the Choi matrix.

Process Tomography Examples

We now present two examples of 1- and 2-qubit quantum process tomography. We will consider reconstruction of a Hadamard gate and a CNOT gate.

Setting up the Quantum Program

First we construct a quantum program with two circuits, one containing a single Hadamard gate on qubit 0, and one containing a single CNOT gate between qubits 0 and 1.

In [3]:
# Creating registers
qr = QuantumRegister(2)
cr = ClassicalRegister(2)

# hadamard on qubit-1 only
had = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr, name='had')

# CNOT gate with qubit 1 control, qubit 0 target (target for ibmqx4)
cnot = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr, name='cnot')
cnot.cx(qr[1], qr[0])

<qiskit.extensions.standard.cx.CnotGate at 0x1a2705f4a8>

Process tomography of a Hadamard gate

We will first demonstrate a process tomography experiment for a single-qubit H gate.

Visualization of the ideal process

The plots below show the Choi matrix for the Hadamard gate

In [4]:
U_had = np.array([[1,1],[1,-1]])/np.sqrt(2)
# compute Choi-matrix from unitary
had_choi = outer(vectorize(U_had))

Simulation of process tomography experiment

Next, we build the process tomography circuits and execute them on the simulator backend

In [5]:
# process tomography set for a quantum operation on qubit 1
had_tomo_set =  tomo.process_tomography_set([1])

# Generate process tomography preparation and measurement circuits
had_tomo_circuits = tomo.create_tomography_circuits(had, qr, cr, had_tomo_set)
print('Tomography circuit names for "had" circuit:')
for circuit in had_tomo_circuits:

Tomography circuit names for "had" circuit:

In [6]:
backend = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
shots = 1000
had_tomo_job = execute(had_tomo_circuits, shots=shots, backend=backend)
had_tomo_results = had_tomo_job.result()

Next we fit the tomographic data

In [7]:
had_process_data = tomo.tomography_data(had_tomo_results, 'had', had_tomo_set)
had_choi_fit = tomo.fit_tomography_data(had_process_data, options={'trace':2})
print('Process Fidelity = ', state_fidelity(vectorize(U_had)/2, had_choi_fit))

Process Fidelity =  0.9959034602282215

Running process tomography on a real device

Now we run tomography on the IBM Quantum Experience device.

In [8]:

# Use the IBM Quantum Experience
backend = least_busy(IBMQ.backends(simulator=False))

# Take 500 shots for each measurement basis
# Note: reduce this number for larger number of qubits
shots = 500

# set max credits
max_credits = 8

# Run the experiment
had_tomo_job_device = execute(had_tomo_circuits, backend=backend, shots=shots, max_credits=max_credits)

You can monitor the status of your job, and ask for the result.

Note: a call to job.result() blocks until the job execution is done and result is available.

In [9]:
# get result when it is done
had_tomo_results = had_tomo_job_device.result()

As before, we can extract the tomography data and reconstruct the choi matrix.

In [10]:
had_process_data = tomo.tomography_data(had_tomo_results, had.name, had_tomo_set)
had_choi_fit = tomo.fit_tomography_data(had_process_data, options={'trace':2})
print('Process Fidelity = ', state_fidelity(vectorize(U_had)/2, had_choi_fit))

Process Fidelity =  0.8143917846876083

Process tomography of a CNOT gate

We will demonstrate a process tomography experiment for a CNOT gate.

Visualization of the ideal process

In [11]:
#unitary matrix for CNOT with qubit 1 as control and qubit 0 as target.
U_cnot = np.array([[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0]])
# compute Choi-matrix from unitary
cnot_choi = outer(vectorize(U_cnot))

Simulation of process tomography experiment

Our test circuit simply consists of a quantum program of two qubits with a single gate, the CNOT gate. Note that we must include a two-qubit register to record measurement outcomes.

In [12]:
# process tomography set for quantum operation on qubits 0 and 1
cnot_tomo_set = tomo.process_tomography_set([1, 0])

# Generate process tomography circuits
cnot_tomo_circuits = tomo.create_tomography_circuits(cnot, qr, cr, cnot_tomo_set)

In [13]:
backend = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
shots = 1000
cnot_tomo_job = execute(cnot_tomo_circuits, backend=backend, shots=shots)
cnot_tomo_results = cnot_tomo_job.result()
cnot_process_data = tomo.tomography_data(cnot_tomo_results, cnot.name, cnot_tomo_set)

Now we fit the data and plot the results

In [14]:
cnot_choi_fit = tomo.fit_tomography_data(cnot_process_data, options={'trace':4})
print('Process Fidelity = ', state_fidelity(vectorize(U_cnot)/2, cnot_choi_fit/4))

Process Fidelity =  0.9877070706254553

Running process tomography on a real device

We now demonstrate running tomography on a real device. Note that 2-qubit process tomography requires evaluation of 144 circuits, so circuits may need to be submitted to the device in batches, and will require many credits for evaluation on the IBM Q Experience.

We will break our submission up into 4 batches of 36 circuits for submission

In [15]:
# Use the IBM Quantum Experience
backend = least_busy(IBMQ.backends(simulator=False))

# Take 500 shots for each measurement basis
# Note: reduce this number for larger number of qubits
shots = 500

# set max credits
max_credits = 8

# Break circuits into batches, and submit all batches for execution
batch_size = 36
num_batches = 4
cnot_tomo_jobs = []
for j in range(num_batches):
    batch_circs = cnot_tomo_circuits[j*batch_size:(j+1)*batch_size]
    cnot_tomo_jobs.append(execute(batch_circs, backend=backend, shots=shots, max_credits=max_credits))

Get all results when completed

In [16]:
cnot_tomo_results = cnot_tomo_jobs[0].result()
for j in range(1,4):
    cnot_tomo_results += cnot_tomo_jobs[j].result()

Finally, we process and fit the process tomography data

In [17]:
cnot_process_data = tomo.tomography_data(cnot_tomo_results, 'cnot', cnot_tomo_set)
cnot_choi_fit = tomo.fit_tomography_data(cnot_process_data, options={'trace':4})
print('Process Fidelity = ', state_fidelity(vectorize(U_cnot)/2, cnot_choi_fit/4))

Process Fidelity =  0.6541870608324839

In [ ]: