The IBM Q provider

In Qiskit we have an interface for backends and jobs that will be useful for running circuits and extending to third-party backends. In this tutorial, we will review the core components of Qiskit’s base backend framework, using the IBM Q provider as an example.

The interface has three parts: the provider, the backend, and the job:

  • provider: accesses backends and provides backend objects
  • backend: runs the quantum circuit
  • job: keeps track of the submitted job

The Provider

The IBMQ Provider is an entity that provides access to a group of different backends (for example, backends available through IBM Q Experience or IBM Q Network).

The IBMQ provider inherits from BaseProvider and implements the methods:

  • backends(): returns all backend objects known to the provider.
  • get_backend(name): returns the named backend.

The IBM Q provider has some extra functions for handling administrative tasks. The credentials can be saved to disk or used in a session and never saved.

  • enable_account(token, url): enable an account in the current session
  • disable_accounts(**kwargs): disable one or more accounts from current session
  • save_account(token, url): save an account to disk
  • delete_accounts(**kwargs): delete the account or accounts from disk
  • load_accounts(**kwargs): load previously-saved account or accounts into session
  • active_accounts(): list all accounts active in this session
  • stored_accounts(): list all accounts saved to disk

In [1]:
from qiskit import IBMQ 



Here we see that there are no backends. This is because no accounts have been loaded.

Let's start fresh and delete any accounts on disk. If no accounts are on disk this will error

In [2]:

verify that there are no accounts stored now

In [3]:


To demonstrate that we can load multiple accounts using the IBMQ provider, here we use two files and, which are just containers of the APItoken and URL.

  • APItoken = 'MY_API_TOKEN'
  • URL = 'THE_URL'

For the IBM Q experience the URL is not needed and is loaded by default in enable_account and save_account. For the IBM Q Network the url is found on your q-console account page. We don't recommend saving and using files like this. We recommend just inputting the APItoken and URL directly into the methods enable_account and save_account.

In [4]:
import Qconfig_IBMQ_network
import Qconfig_IBMQ_experience

To enable an account (useful for one-off use, or if you don't want to save to disk)

In [5]:

To see that accounts which are enabled for use

In [6]:
# uncomment to print to screen (it will show your token and url)
# IBMQ.active_accounts()

and backends which are available

In [7]:

[<IBMQBackend('ibmqx4') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmqx5') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmqx2') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmq_16_melbourne') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmq_qasm_simulator') from IBMQ()>]

Disable that account (so we go back to no accounts active)

In [8]:

Now no backends are available

In [9]:


Save two accounts: a public (IBM Q experience) and a premium (IBM Q network)

In [10]:
IBMQ.save_account(Qconfig_IBMQ_network.APItoken, Qconfig_IBMQ_network.url)

Now they should show up as present on disk

In [11]:
# uncomment to print to screen (it will show your token and url)
# IBMQ.stored_accounts()

but no account active in current session yet

In [12]:


so IBMQ can't see any backends yet

In [13]:


now load up every account stored to disk

In [14]:

backends from two different accounts available for use

In [15]:

[<IBMQBackend('ibmqx4') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmqx5') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmqx2') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmq_16_melbourne') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmq_qasm_simulator') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmq_20_tokyo') from IBMQ(ibm-q-internal, qiskit, qiskit-terra)>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmq_qasm_simulator') from IBMQ(ibm-q-internal, qiskit, qiskit-terra)>]

now if you want to work with backends of a single account, you can do so via account filtering

In [16]:

[<IBMQBackend('ibmq_20_tokyo') from IBMQ(ibm-q-internal, qiskit, qiskit-terra)>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmq_qasm_simulator') from IBMQ(ibm-q-internal, qiskit, qiskit-terra)>]

but you can also just disable account in the current session

In [17]:

so now only one account is active

In [18]:
# uncomment to print to screen (it will show your token and url)
# IBMQ.active_accounts()

and only that account's backends are available

In [19]:

[<IBMQBackend('ibmqx4') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmqx5') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmqx2') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmq_16_melbourne') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmq_qasm_simulator') from IBMQ()>]

or from the start use the filtering to just load up that account you're interested in

In [20]:

[<IBMQBackend('ibmqx4') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmqx5') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmqx2') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmq_16_melbourne') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmq_qasm_simulator') from IBMQ()>]

Filtering the backends

You may also optionally filter the set of returned backends, by passing arguments that query the backend's configuration or status or properties. The filters are passed by conditions and for more general filters you can make advanced functions using the lambda function.

As a first example: only return currently operational devices

In [21]:
IBMQ.backends(operational=True, simulator=False)

[<IBMQBackend('ibmqx4') from IBMQ()>,
 <IBMQBackend('ibmq_16_melbourne') from IBMQ()>]

only return backends that are real devices, have more than 10 qubits and are operational

In [22]:
IBMQ.backends(filters=lambda x: x.configuration()['n_qubits'] <= 5 and 
              not x.configuration()['simulator'] and x.status()['operational']==True)

[<IBMQBackend('ibmqx4') from IBMQ()>]

Filter: show the least busy device (in terms of pending jobs in the queue)

In [23]:
from qiskit.backends.ibmq import least_busy

small_devices = IBMQ.backends(filters=lambda x: x.configuration()['n_qubits'] <= 5 and
                                                       not x.configuration()['simulator'])

<IBMQBackend('ibmqx4') from IBMQ()>

The above filters can be combined as desired.

If you just want to get an instance of a particular backend, you can use the get_backend() method.

In [24]:

<IBMQBackend('ibmq_16_melbourne') from IBMQ()>

The backend

Backends represent either a simulator or a real quantum computer, and are responsible for running quantum circuits and returning results. They have a run method which takes in a qobj as input, which is a quantum object and the result of the compilation process, and returns a BaseJob object. This object allows asynchronous running of jobs for retrieving results from a backend when the job is completed.

At a minimum, backends use the following methods, inherited from BaseBackend:

  • provider - returns the provider of the backend
  • name() - gets the name of the backend.
  • status() - gets the status of the backend.
  • configuration() - gets the configuration of the backend.
  • properties() - gets the properties of the backend.
  • run() - runs a qobj on the backend.

For remote backends they must support the additional

  • jobs() - returns a list of previous jobs executed by this user on this backend.
  • retrieve_job() - returns a job by a job_id.

In future updates they will introduce the following commands

  • defaults() - gives a data structure of typical default parameters.
  • schema() - gets a schema for the backend

There are some IBMQ only functions

  • hub - returns the IBMQ hub for this backend.
  • group - returns the IBMQ group for this backend.
  • project - returns the IBMQ project for this backend.

In [25]:
backend = least_busy(small_devices)

Let's start with the backend.provider, which returns a provider object

In [26]:

<qiskit.backends.ibmq.ibmqprovider.IBMQProvider at 0x10e62cfd0>

Next is the name(), which returns the name of the backend

In [27]:


Next let's look at the status():

operational lets you know that the backend is taking jobs
pending_jobs lets you know how many jobs are in the queue

In [28]:

{'pending_jobs': 6, 'name': 'ibmqx4', 'operational': True}

The next is configuration()

In [29]:

{'local': False,
 'name': 'ibmqx4',
 'version': '1.2.0',
 'description': '5 qubit transmon bowtie chip 3',
 'gate_set': 'SU2+CNOT',
 'basis_gates': 'u1,u2,u3,cx,id',
 'online_date': '2017-09-18T00:00:00.000Z',
 'chip_name': 'Raven',
 'deleted': False,
 'url': '',
 'internal_id': '5ae875670f020500393162b3',
 'simulator': False,
 'allow_q_object': False,
 'n_qubits': 5,
 'coupling_map': [[1, 0], [2, 0], [2, 1], [3, 2], [3, 4], [4, 2]]}

The next is properties() method

In [30]:

{'last_update_date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39.000Z',
 'qubits': [{'gateError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z',
    'value': 0.0011160854878761173},
   'name': 'Q0',
   'readoutError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 0.073},
   'buffer': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 10, 'unit': 'ns'},
   'gateTime': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 60, 'unit': 'ns'},
   'T2': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 32.8, 'unit': 'µs'},
   'T1': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 44.6, 'unit': 'µs'},
   'frequency': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z',
    'value': 5.24987,
    'unit': 'GHz'}},
  {'gateError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 0.00128782749692391},
   'name': 'Q1',
   'readoutError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 0.073},
   'buffer': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 10, 'unit': 'ns'},
   'gateTime': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 60, 'unit': 'ns'},
   'T2': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 20.1, 'unit': 'µs'},
   'T1': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 34.2, 'unit': 'µs'},
   'frequency': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z',
    'value': 5.29577,
    'unit': 'GHz'}},
  {'gateError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z',
    'value': 0.001631340796924452},
   'name': 'Q2',
   'readoutError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 0.033},
   'buffer': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 10, 'unit': 'ns'},
   'gateTime': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 60, 'unit': 'ns'},
   'T2': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 27.4, 'unit': 'µs'},
   'T1': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 38, 'unit': 'µs'},
   'frequency': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z',
    'value': 5.35326,
    'unit': 'GHz'}},
  {'gateError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z',
    'value': 0.002232583111384412},
   'name': 'Q3',
   'readoutError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 0.026},
   'buffer': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 10, 'unit': 'ns'},
   'gateTime': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 60, 'unit': 'ns'},
   'T2': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 12.4, 'unit': 'µs'},
   'T1': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 41.2, 'unit': 'µs'},
   'frequency': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z',
    'value': 5.43497,
    'unit': 'GHz'}},
  {'gateError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z',
    'value': 0.0013737021608475342},
   'name': 'Q4',
   'readoutError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 0.056},
   'buffer': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 10, 'unit': 'ns'},
   'gateTime': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 60, 'unit': 'ns'},
   'T2': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 12, 'unit': 'µs'},
   'T1': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 50.3, 'unit': 'µs'},
   'frequency': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z',
    'value': 5.17582,
    'unit': 'GHz'}}],
 'multi_qubit_gates': [{'qubits': [1, 0],
   'type': 'CX',
   'gateError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z',
    'value': 0.039730922592824625},
   'name': 'CX1_0'},
  {'qubits': [2, 0],
   'type': 'CX',
   'gateError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 0.0370616990430509},
   'name': 'CX2_0'},
  {'qubits': [2, 1],
   'type': 'CX',
   'gateError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z',
    'value': 0.039182981129817634},
   'name': 'CX2_1'},
  {'qubits': [3, 2],
   'type': 'CX',
   'gateError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 0.06468197586341454},
   'name': 'CX3_2'},
  {'qubits': [3, 4],
   'type': 'CX',
   'gateError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 0.0472178292725369},
   'name': 'CX3_4'},
  {'qubits': [4, 2],
   'type': 'CX',
   'gateError': {'date': '2018-11-12T02:56:39Z', 'value': 0.06971263047107376},
   'name': 'CX4_2'}],
 'backend': 'ibmqx4',
 'fridge_parameters': {'cooldownDate': '2017-09-07',
  'Temperature': {'date': '-', 'value': [], 'unit': '-'}}}

The next is hub, group, and project. For the IBM Q experience these will return None

In [31]:

In [32]:

In [33]:

To see your last 5 jobs ran on the backend use the jobs() method of that backend

In [34]:
for ran_job in
    print(str(ran_job.job_id()) + " " + str(ran_job.status()))

5be8f39c54dacb0059c2b0db JobStatus.DONE
5be8f394afd471005540d4d7 JobStatus.CANCELLED
5be8ae5e17436b0052751909 JobStatus.DONE
5be748a7e00f60005ad7f23d JobStatus.DONE
5be746e3d4d36f0054595d60 JobStatus.DONE

Then the job can be retreived using retrieve_job(job_id()) method

In [35]:
job = backend.retrieve_job(ran_job.job_id())

The Job object

Job instances can be thought of as the “ticket” for a submitted job. They find out the execution’s state at a given point in time (for example, if the job is queued, running, or has failed) and also allow control over the job. They have the following methods:

  • status() - returns the status of the job.
  • backend() - returns the backend the job was run on.
  • job_id() - gets the job_id.
  • cancel() - cancels the job.
  • result() - gets the results from the circuit run.

IBMQ only functions

  • creation_date() - gives the date at which the job was created.
  • queue_position() - gives the position of the job in the queue.
  • error_message() - gives the error message of failed jobs.

Let's start with the status(). This returns the job status and a message

In [36]:

<JobStatus.DONE: 'job has successfully run'>

To get a backend object from the job use the backend() method

In [37]:
backend_temp = job.backend()

<IBMQBackend('ibmqx4') from IBMQ()>

To get the job_id use the job_id() method

In [38]:


To get the result from the job use the result() method

In [39]:
result = job.result()
counts = result.get_counts()

{'000': 387, '001': 23, '010': 39, '011': 22, '100': 30, '101': 59, '110': 62, '111': 402}

If you want to check the creation date use creation_date()

In [40]:


Let's make an active example

In [41]:
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister
from qiskit import compile

In [42]:
qr = QuantumRegister(3)
cr = ClassicalRegister(3)
circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr)
circuit.ccx(qr[0], qr[1], qr[2])[0], qr[1])
circuit.measure(qr, cr)

<qiskit._instructionset.InstructionSet at 0x10ffb5240>

To compile this circuit for the backend use the compile function. It will make a qobj (quantum object) that can be run on the backend using the run(qobj) method.

In [43]:
qobj = compile(circuit, backend=backend, shots=1024)
job =

The status of this job can be checked with the status() method

In [44]:

<JobStatus.QUEUED: 'job is queued'>

If you made a mistake and need to cancel the job use the cancel() method.

In [45]:
import time



The status() will show that the job cancelled.

In [46]:

<JobStatus.CANCELLED: 'job has been cancelled'>

To rerun the job and set up a loop to check the status and queue position you can use the queue_position() method.

In [47]:
job =

In [48]:
lapse = 0
interval = 60
while job.status().name != 'DONE':
    print('Status @ {} seconds'.format(interval * lapse))
    lapse += 1
result = job.result()

Status @ 0 seconds

In [49]:
counts = result.get_counts()

{'000': 37, '001': 155, '010': 55, '011': 50, '100': 86, '101': 582, '110': 20, '111': 39}

In [ ]: