Modeling of Qubit Chain

Simulation of few steps of quantum walk


Alexander Yu. Vlasov

The initial part is similar with previous notebook, but only circuit for one step without measurements is implemented. Parameter n_step is used in next part of program discussed below.

In [1]:
from pprint import pprint
import math
import numpy as np

# importing the Qiskit
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister
from qiskit import Aer, execute
# import state tomography functions
from import plot_histogram, plot_state

# Definition of matchgate

def gate_mu3(qcirc,theta,phi,lam,a,b):,b)

n_nodes = 5 
n_step = 3

# Creating Registers
qr = QuantumRegister(n_nodes) 
cr = ClassicalRegister(n_nodes)

# Creating Circuits
qc = QuantumCircuit(qr,cr)

# Creating of two partitions with M1' and M2
for i in range(0,n_nodes-1,2):
    gate_mu3(qc,math.pi, math.pi, 0, qr[i], qr[i+1])
for i in range(1,n_nodes,2):
    gate_mu3(qc,math.pi/2, 0, 0, qr[i], qr[i+1])

The method used here may be applied only for simulator and similar with already used in a Qiskit tutorial about visualization of quantum state. The unitary_simulator backend is used to produce $2^n \times 2^n$ unitary matrix QWalk representing quantum circuit, where $n$ is n_nodes. The complex vector with $2^n$ is initialized as initial state, e.g., $|\psi_0\rangle = |00001\rangle$. Multiplication of QWalk on such a vector produces final state also with $2^n$ components $|\psi_1\rangle = Q_{\rm Walk} |\psi_0\rangle$. The density matrix $\rho_1 = |\psi_1\rangle\!\langle\psi_1|$ for such a state is calculated and used for Quantum Sphere. Unlike of real hardware the state is not destroyed due to measurement and may be again used as initial state $|\psi_{k+1}\rangle = Q_{\rm Walk} |\psi_k\rangle$. So, the Quantum Spheres are drawn for $\rho_k = |\psi_k\rangle\!\langle\psi_k|$ after each step of quantum walk without initialization.

In [2]:
# execute the quantum circuit 
backend = 'unitary_simulator' # the device to run on

job = execute(qc, Aer.get_backend(backend)) # Execute quantum walk 
result = job.result()

initial_state = np.zeros(2**n_nodes)
initial_state[1]=1.0 # state 0 = ....0000, state 1 = ...000001

QWalk = result.get_data(qc)['unitary']

#Applying QWalk n_step times
for i in range(0,n_step):
    if i > 0: initial_state = np.copy(state_QWalk) # Copy previous state
    state_QWalk =,initial_state)      # Multiply on QWalk matrix
    rho_QWalk=np.outer(state_QWalk, state_QWalk.conj()) # Calculate density matrix
    print('step = ',i+1)                           # print number
    plot_state(rho_QWalk,'qsphere')                # draw Quantum Sphere

step =  1
The 0th eigenvalue = 1.0000000000000004
step =  2
The 0th eigenvalue = 1.0000000000000009
step =  3
The 0th eigenvalue = 1.0000000000000013

The method used above is possible only for simulation. Real hardware should not use result of previous step altered due to measurement. So, for $n$ steps of walk it is necessary to make $n$ different experiments with n_step=$1,2,\dots,n$ and each such attempt could include additional series of runs to provide state tomography for whole process of quantum walk.