Using Grover Search for 3SAT problems

This notebook demonstrates how to use the Qiskit Aqua library Grover algorithm and process the result.

Further information is available for the algorithms in the github repo qiskit_aqua/

In [ ]:
import pylab
from qiskit_aqua import run_algorithm
from qiskit_aqua.input import get_input_instance
from import circuit_drawer, plot_histogram

We have a SAT problem to which we want to find solutions using Grover and SAT oracle combination. The SAT problem is specified in the DIMACS CNF format. We read one of the sample cnf files to load the problem.

In [2]:
with open('3sat3-5.cnf', 'r') as f:
    sat_cnf =

c This is an example DIMACS 3-sat file with 3 satisfying solutions: 1 -2 3 0, -1 -2 -3 0, 1 2 -3 0
p cnf 3 5
-1 -2 -3 0
1 -2 3 0
1 2 -3 0
1 -2 -3 0
-1 2 3 0

In order to run an algorithm we need to create a configuration dictionary with the parameters for the algorithm and any other dependent objects it requires. So we first define a dictionary for the algorithm. We name GROVER as the algorithm and as it has no further parameters we are done. GROVER needs an oracle so we configure one. Here we use the SAT oracle which will allow us to solve an optimization SAT problem by searching solution space. We configure the oracle with the problem we loaded above. We then combine the dictionaries into the final single params dictionary that is passed to run_algorithm.

In [3]:
algorithm_cfg = {
    'name': 'Grover'

oracle_cfg = {
    'name': 'SAT',
    'cnf': sat_cnf

params = {
    'problem': {'name': 'search', 'random_seed': 50},
    'algorithm': algorithm_cfg,
    'oracle': oracle_cfg,
    'backend': {'name': 'qasm_simulator'}

result = run_algorithm(params)

[1, -2, 3]

As seen above, a satisfying solution to the specified sample SAT problem is obtained, with the absolute values indicating the variable indices, and the signs the True/False assignments, similar to the DIMACS format.

A measurements result is also returned where it can be seen, below in the plot, that result['result'] was the highest probability. But the other solutions were very close in probability too.

In [4]:
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8, 4)

In [5]:


The above figure shows the circuit that was run for Grover. This circuit was returned from the algorithm for the above visualization which was generated using functionality.